1938 MAT TRADES DIRECTORY. [SLATER'S MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS. MEOHANIOAL ENGINEERS. Hodgkinson James (Salford) Ltd. Broad !!t. P See Engineers tt M achintsts. IMeldrum Brothers Limited. Canal 8tt Bed, Bedding, Bed8tead, and MattTtBl Works. Timperley,nr. Manchester Manufacturers, and aL80 Spring Mftft7'e88 -T A "Meldrum, Manohester ' .V"akers. MECHANIOAL STOKER MAKERS. ! Underfeed Stoker Co. Limited, 196 Deansgate .~~= Babcock &; Wilcox,Limited; London.. I Oriel House, Farringdon street,: E C; Manchester, 30 Cross st. (T N ===================­ MATTRESS, CHAm, &c. SPRING MAKERS. 3,112 City>; Glasgow, 29 St. Vincent MEDICAL BOTANISTS. place; TA" Ba.bcock" for a.ll, Bee Spring Make,.•• addresses; works, Renfrew,·N.B. ' Su Herbalists, MED ICA J.J LIST M.D. Doctor of Medicine. I. M.B. Bachelor of Medicine. DEGREES CONFERRED BY M.C. or a.M. Master of Surgery. TilE UNIVERSITIES. Ch.B. Dachelor of Srrrgery. L.M. Licentiate in Midwifery. D.P.H. Diploma of Public Health. rF.R.C.P. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. M.R.C.P. MeInber of the Royal College of Physicians. L.R.C.P. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians. F.R.C.P.I. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (IrelllDd). n. L.R.C.P.1. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians (Ireland). _DIPLOMAS CONFERRED BY -j F.F.P.S. Fellow of the Faculty of Physicians & Surgeons (Glasgow). CHARTERED COLLEGES. L.F.P.S. Licentiate of the Faculty of Physicians & Surgeons (GlaIlgow). L.M. Licentiate in Midwifery. F.R.C.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. M.R.C.S. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. L.R.C.S. Licentiate of the Royal College of SurgOOllB. Ill. L.M. and Licentiate In Medicine & Surgery of the Society of Apothecaries Lond. 'LICENSES GRANTED BY 8.S.A.Lond.1 CHARTERED SOCIETIES L.A.H. Licentiate of Apothecariet!' Hall (Ireland). AND INSTITUTIONS. t . M'dwif {Rotunda Lying-in Hospital, Dnblin. L.M. I"lcentla e ill 1 ery Coombe Lying-in Hospital & Dispensary, Dublin AJbreoht John Adolph, 341 Low.Bronghton rd. L B-L.R.C.P. & S.Edin Boyd James Wood, 19 Ladybarn la. F-M.B., C.M.Glas. AJlanson Herbert Evelyn, Resident Physician Ancoats Hospital, Mill st. Boyd Joseph DOllglas, 334 Oxford rd. C on M-M. 8., RCh. R.U. Irel. Ancoats-M.B., Oh.B. Vict. Boyrl Robert, 322 Great Western st. M B--M.D., C.M. Glasgow Anderton William BurY,15 Stanton avenue,W D-M.D.Lond.,M.R.O.S. Bradburne Arthur Alison, 30 St. Ann st: res. 61 Hoghton st. South- Eng., L.R.O.P. Lond. port-T N 760 Y Southport-F.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. & B.Edin., L.M., Andrewl!J Archibald George (Coates, Andrews & Dabbs),Car1ton House, L.F.P.S. Glas. 287 M0f!81a. East-F. R.O.S. Elng., L.R.C.P. Lond. BradLJury Charles Henry, 1 Gre90t George st. S; surgerY,61 and Annacke:r Rrnest,842 Oxford rd. C on M-L.R.O. P. Lond., M.R.C.S. Eng. 62 Ashton Old rd. O-M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.e.p. Lond., Diet. Snrg. :A.pthomas Griftlth, 30 St. Ann st-M.B., C.M. ElLlin. Sal!. Roy. Hosp. Amold MilBIJ Bracewell, Town Hall, Albert sq--M.D., D.P.H.; Bradley Joseph (Bradley & Main), 196 Ohapel st. S-L.R.C.P. Irel. Assi-tant to the Medical Officer of Health Bradley & Main, 196 Chapel st. S Ashby Hugh Tuke, 13 St. John st. Deansgate and Newholme, Lans- Bradley William, 104 Bradford st. Ancoats M.B., Ch.B. Vict. downe I'd. Didsbury-M.B., B.O. Camb., M.R.O.P. Lond., M.R.O.S. Braham Gcorge Noel, Resident Surgeon. Ancoats Hospital, Mill st. Eng., : Junior Resident Medical Officer Children's Hospital Ancoats-L.R.C.P. & S. Edin.• L. R. F.P.S. GIllS. .Ashcroft Edward Mayn:u-d, 91 and 248 Stockport nI. Lev-M.B., Oh.B., Drentnall Frederick, 85 Palatine rd. W-M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. lrel. D.P.H. Viet. Brierley James Brassey. 522 Stretford rd. 0 T-M.D., C.M. Emn., Ashworth Jsph. flarold, 385 Choothllom HI. rd-M.B.,Ch.B.,D.P.H. Vict. M.R.C.S. Eng. : Medicalofficer, Old Trafford district Bu.rton Union £,1.1;:0 Alfred Benjamin,69 Medlock st.H & 14 Wilmslow rd.R-L.R.O.P.I. and certifying factory surgeon for Stretford, Urmston, Flixton and Ball Arthur Wellesley,2 ClUlopman st. Oldham rd-L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., Chorlton-cum-Hllordy L.F.P.S. Glas. Brightmore Harry Sterndale.lU Broughton 1110. L B-M.B.,Ch.B. Viet. Ballantyne John, 161 and 163 Hyde rd. Gorton-M.B., C.M. Edin. Medical Offioor, No. 6 District & Pub. Vacc. Bronghton District, Dalmfot"d John TholDllS, 241> Oldtieltl r<1. S-M.B., C. \:1. Edin. Sa1£ord Union Barber George Carlisle McLeavy, 51 Princess rd. :M S; surgery, 286 Broadbent George Hu.rry, SA Ardwick green Sonth-M.R.C.S.Eng., Great Western st. MS M.B., Ch.B.Edin. L.R.C.P. & L.M.I• . ,Barclay Alfred Ernest, M.A. 40 Brazennose st-M.B. Oamb., M.R.C.S. Broadbent John, 150 Alexandra rd.MS-M.R.C.S.Eng., L.M. & S.S.A.L; Eng., L.ll.O. r. Lond. ; lIon. Medical Officer in charge of Electrical Consultinll Surgeon to IIulme Dispensary Dept. Ancoats Hospital Broa.dbent J oseph, 265 Ashton Old rd.A-M.R.C.S.Eng.•L.R.C.P. Lond. Barr James, Gleniyan, Hyde rd. Gorton-M.B. & C.M. Glas. Brockbank Edward Mansfield, Northern Assurance buildings, Albert Ba.rr::r'V George Augustus, 391 Waterloo nl. C-J\1.R.o.S. Eng.,L.R.C.P. sq; res. 51 Palatine rd. W -M.D. & Ch. B. Vlet., M.R.O.P. Lond.; Land.: Hon. Anresthetist. Manchester Northern Hospital for Hon. Assistant Phys. Royal Infirmary; Demonstrator and Assist- 'Women and Ohildren, Eye and Ear Hospital and Jewish Hospital ant Lec.turer on Materia Medica & Therapeutics, Vict. Gniv. :Battiscombe Eric Gilorge, 169 Cheethllom Hill rd-M.R.O.S. Eng., Brooke Dasil Gilorge, Moorfield, Wilmslow rd. and 8 Barlow Moor rd. D L.R.O.P. Lond. -RCh. Dub. Becker Harry Loni.s, 104. Cheetha.m Hill rd. and surgery, 351 Great Brooke Henry Ambrose Grundy, 45 & 46 BlLrton arcade, Deansgate Oheetharn st.East,H B-L.RO.P.&S.&L.M.lrel.; Hon.Physicillon to (2 to 4), and Addison House, Daisy Bank rd. Victoria park, R-- Victoria Memorial Jewish Hospital M.B. Lend., M.R.C.S. Eng. Phys. to Manchstr. & Salford Hospital Beesley George Williarn, 226 & 2<!8 Lower Bronghton rd. L B-L.R.C.P. for Skin D,sea.,es; Lecturer on Skin DisellBes. Vict. Univ. & S. Edin. an·l L.F.p.e. Gla.sg. Broomhellod Charles Herbert, 14 Langworthy rd. Seedley-M.B., B.S. Dell Wm. Drnee, Drae Lassie, 1 Upper CaInp st. and 231 Great Land., M.B., Oh.B. Vict. Clowes st. H B-M.B., C.M. Edin., F.R.O.S. Edin. Brown Alfred, M.A. Sandycroft, 462 Bury New rd. H B. and 67 Barton Benington Philip, 166 Eccles New rd. & 60 Derby rd. Weaste-M.B., arcade, Deamgate-M.D., C.M. Aberd., Hon. Physician,Greengate Ch.B. Vict. Dispensary, Salford :Bennett William,335 Waterloo rd. C-M.D. Durh., L.R.C.P. & S. Edin. Brown Oharles Richardson, 79 Hyde rd. W G; surgery, 172 Olowes st. Bemstein Meyer Joseph, 17 St. Ann's square-M.B., C.M. Edin.; W G-M.B., Ch.B. Vict Physician, Hospital for Skin Diseases Brown Charles Wm. 7 & 9 Chorlton rd. H-M.B., C.M. Edin.,Hon.Phys. Biden W. M. Chapel st. S-M.B., 0h.B. Edin.; House Physician, Sal- M'Alpine Matern. Hosp. ford Royal Hm'pital Brown Edward Vipont. Surrey Lodge. 2 Birch la.. L-M.D. Lond., Birley 8ugh Kennedy, Penrhyn, Claremont rd. Irlams-o'-th··Height, M.R.O.S. Eng., L. M. & S.S.A. Lond. -M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond. Brown G-corge Burrows, 47 Churnet st-M B., B.S. Durh BishoV Edward St!lllmore, 14 St. Peter's sq; res. 189 High st. 0 on M- Buck Howard, Stott la. P-M.B., Oh.E. Vict.; Medical Officer 8a1£ord L.R.a.p. Edin., F.R.C.S.Eng. hon. surgeon Ancoats Hospital; Union Infirmary Operating Surgeon for Diseases of Women, Jewish Memorial Buck -WaIter, Beswick Houss, Hillkirk st. Beswick-L.R.C.P. & S. Hospital Edin., L.F.P. & S. Gll1.8.; District Obstetric Physician Manchester Boddy Hugh Walter, Crumpsall ter. Bury Old rd. Oheetham Hill-M.D. Southern Hospital I,ond., M.R.C.B. Eng., Medical Officer to Prestwich Union Work- Buckley Oharles Heroort, 30 St. Ann st---TN 7,611 Central-M.R.O.S. house and Medical Officer and Public Vaocinator Crumpsall District Eng., L.R.O.P. Lond., L.D.S. Eng. Prestwich Union Burditt Ralph Austin, 46 Great Western st. MS- M.R.C.S. Bng., Booth & Henshaw, BD Swan st L.RC.P. Lond. Booth Lawrence Twemlow (Hudson & Booth), 96 Birch la.L-M.R.C.S. Burgess Arthur Henry, 23 St. John st. Deansgate; res. Milverton .Rng., L. R.O.P. Lond. Lodge, Anson rd. Victoria park-M.B., Oh. B. Vict., F.R. C.S. llooth Wm.
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