E486 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks March 18, 1999 This procedure made a bad budgetary proc- local legislation and the need to pass emer- cluding the Modesto Symphony Guild's Holi- ess much worse causing me to write a con- gency and temporary legislation to keep the day Overture, the American Diabetes Associa- sensus budget provision in the President's Re- District functioning. tion of Stanislaus County's The Great Caper; vitalization Act that allows the parties to sit at Since the adoption of the Home Rule Act in the Opening Night Gala for the Central Cali- the same table and write one budget. Even 1973, over 2000 acts have been passed by fornia Art League's Spring Show, the Bishop so, instead of that budget becoming law then, the council and signed into law by the Mayor. of Stockton's Celebration of Charity; An the District remains without a budget for Only thirty-nine acts have been challenged by Evening Starring Loretta Young for the benefit months, often after the beginning of the fiscal a congressional disapproval resolution. Only of the Sisters of the Cross Convent; the year. three of those resolutions have ever passed YMCA of Stanislaus County's An Autumn Af- Under the legislation I introduce today, the the Congress and two involved a distinct fed- fair; and the Fashion Show for the benefit of District of Columbia still remains subject to the eral interest. Two bills to correct for any fed- St. Stanislaus School. full appropriations process in the House and eral interest, rather than a hold on 2000 bills, A native of Modesto, in my district in Califor- Senate for any federal funds. Nothing in this would have served the purpose and saved nia's great Central Valley, Marie attended Lin- bill diminishes the power of the Congress to considerable time and money for the District coln Elementary, Roosevelt Junior High, and ``exercise exclusive legislation in all cases and the Congress. Modesto High School. She is a graduate of whatsoever'' over the District of Columbia I ask my colleagues who are urging the Dis- the College of Notre Dame and taught in the under Article I, section 8, clause 17 of the trict government to pursue greater efficiency San Francisco school system before her mar- U.S. Constitution should it choose to revise and savings to do your part in giving the city riage to Bob. Marie is an accomplished pianist what the District has done concerning locally the tools to cut through the bureaucratic maze and studied under Bernhard Abramowitsch at raised revenue. Nothing in this legislation pre- the Congress itself has imposed upon the Dis- the University of California/Berkeley. vents any Member of Congress from intro- trict. Congress has been clear that it wants to Mr. Speaker, Marie Gallo exemplifies the ducing a bill that addresses her specific con- see the D.C. government taken apart and put finest spirit of voluntarism and selfless dedica- cerns regarding the District. The Congress back together again in an effort to eliminate tion. I am proud to represent her in the Con- should grant the District the power to propose redundancy and inefficiency. Congress should gress and ask that my colleagues rise and join and enact its own budget containing its own therefore eliminate the bureaucracy in D.C. me in honoring her. revenue free from Congressional control now that Congress is solely responsible for by f during the period when the Authority is still the granting the city budgetary and legislative au- monitoring mechanism providing an important tonomy. TRIBUTE TO JACOB H. ``BUD'' incentive to help the District reach budget Only through true budgetary and legislative BLITZER balance and meaningful Home Rule. autonomy can the District realize meaningful The second bill I introduce today, the Dis- self-government and Home Rule. The Presi- HON. BRAD SHERMAN trict of Columbia Legislative Autonomy Act of dent and the Congress took the first step in OF CALIFORNIA 1999, eliminates the congressional review pe- relieving the District of costly escalating state IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES riod of 30 days and 60 days respectively, for functions in the Revitalization Act. This bill Thursday, March 18, 1999 civil and criminal acts passed by the D.C. City takes the next logical step by granting the Dis- Council. Under the current system, all acts of trict control over its own budgetary and legisla- Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the Council are subjected to this Congres- tive affairs. I urge my colleagues to pass this pay tribute to the memory of Jacob H. ``Bud'' sional layover period. This unnecessary and important measure. Blitzer. Bud was a man of integrity and tre- undemocratic step adds yet another unneces- f mendous resilience, who used his creativity, sary layer of bureaucracy to an already over- intelligence, humor, and a sense of fairness to burdened city government. HONORING MARIE THERESE navigate through a life of great challenges. My bill would eliminate the need for the Dis- DAMRELL GALLO A victim of polio at age 27, BudÐnever one trict to engage in the byzantine process of en- for self-pityÐbecame a successful business- acting emergency and temporary legislation HON. GARY A. CONDIT man, consultant, educator, mentor, and all concurrently with permanent legislation. The OF CALIFORNIA around mensch. Most important to him were Home Rule charter contemplates that if the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the relationships he cultivated with family, District needs to pass legislation while Con- friends, the I Have a Dream Foundation, and Thursday, March 18, 1999 gress in out of session, it may do so if two- the many people fortunate enough to know thirds of the Council determines that an emer- Mr. CONDIT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to him. gency exists, a majority of the Council ap- honor Marie Therese Damrell Gallo in recogni- But, with his brother-in-law Len Milner, proves the law and the Mayor signs it. Emer- tion of her being awarded the Anti-Defamation founded Integrated Ceilings, Inc., specializing gency legislation, however, lasts for only 90 League's Torch of Liberty Award for the Cen- in innovative architectural custom ceiling de- days, which would (in theory) force the Coun- tral Pacific Region. Marie has established signs. He held many patents for designs which cil to the pass permanent legislation by under- standards for charity and voluntarism which have enhanced numerous office buildings, re- going the usual congressional review process are remarkableÐall the while, gaining the ad- tail stores, and homes. These innovations in- when Congress returns. Similarly, the Home miration and love of the many people who spired an entire industry of ceiling design. He Rule Charter contemplates that the Council have had the pleasure and enjoyment of work- ran his company with the highest standards of may pass temporary legislation lasting 120 ing with her. honesty, quality, and excellence. This commit- days without being subjected to the congres- I'm proud to report that first and foremost in ment was reflected by the employees of the sional review process, but must endure the Marie's life is an incredibly strong commitment company who were loyal and proud of their congressional layover period for that legisla- to her family. Marie married Bob Gallo in 1958 product and most of whom remained with the tion to become law. and together they have raised 8 children, and company throughout the entire time that Bud In actual practice, however, most legislation have 10 grandchildren. was its president and CEO. approved by the City Council is passed con- Yet while raising her family, Marie never for- But did not limit himself to his company. He currently on an emergency, temporary and got her commitment to her friends of her com- also served as a mentor for many young en- permanent basis to ensure that the large, rap- munity. In tribute to her many accomplish- trepreneurs as they began their businesses as idly changing city remains running. This proc- ments, Marie has also received the Liberty well as many people who were struggling with ess is cumbersome and inefficient and would Bell award from the Stanislaus County Bar As- the challenges of life. One notable example be eliminated by my bill. sociation, the Standing Ovation Award from was Tom Greene of the T.A. Greene Co., of It is important to emphasize that my bill the Modesto Symphony Guild, the Outstanding whom Bud was known to have said, ``I started does not prevent review of District laws by Women of the Year award from the Stanislaus out helping Tom, but in the end, it was he who Congress. The D.C. Subcommittee would con- County Commission for Women, and The helped me.'' tinue to scrutinize every piece of legislation Cross for the Church and the Pontiff Papal Bud was a jazz drummer in his youth, passed by the City Council if it wishes and to award from His Holiness, John Paul II. served as an officer in the Army Air Corps, change or strike that legislation under the ple- The diversity and breadth of her interests and was founder and president of the nary authority over the District that the Con- and concerns are amazing. She has been the Lightrend Co., prior to founding Integrated stitution affords to the Congress. My bill mere- founder and chairwoman of innumerable fund- Ceilings, Inc. An avid sailor and a jazz enthu- ly eliminates the automatic hold placed on raising events for charitable organizations, in- siast, a conversationalist par excellence, Bud's CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E487 greatest gift was to make each person he the formal study of music and the develop- I have some real concerns in these situa- spoke with feel special.
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