RESTRICTED GENERAL AGREEMENT ON L/4782 19 February1979 TARIFFS AND TRADE Limited Distribution CHANGES TO GATT SCHEDULES Fourth Certification of Changes to Schedules under the Decision of 19 November 1968 Note by the. Director-General At the twenty-fifth session the CONTRACTING PARTIES adopted a Decision (BISD, 16th Supplement, page 16) by which they established a procedure for certifying changes in the authentic texts of Schedules which record rectifi- cations of a purely formal character or modifications resulting from action taken under various provisions of the General Agreement. In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Decision, there is circulated herewith the text of a draft of the Fourth Certification. It is proposed that this Fourth Certification under the Decision of 19 November 1968 should record the rectifications end modifications which were drawn up and circulated to contracting parties for approval as set out in the following documents: (i) Modification to a Schedule annexed to the Ninth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications: Norway L/4556 (ii) Modification to a Schedule annexed to the Protocol for the Accession of Israel: Norway L/4556 (iii) Modifications to a Schedule annexed to the Geneva (1967) Protocol: Norway L/4556 (iv) Rectifications to a Schedule annexed to the Protocol for the Accession of Hungary: Hungary L/4337 and Add.l and 2 L/4782 Page 2 (v) Modifications to a Schedule annexed to the Second Certification of Changes to Schedules: South Africa L/4592 (vi) Rectifications and Modifications to Schedules annexed to the Third Certification of Changes to Schedules: Finland L/4528 and Corr.1 Sweden L/4580 and L/4620 (vii) Consolidation of Schedules: Schedule IX - Cuba L/4677 Schedule XXXIII - Janan L/4684 and Corr.1 Schedule XLIV- Portugal L/4704 (viii) Schedule established under Article XXVI:5(c): Schedule LXXIV - Suriname L/4674 Although the contents of the documents listed above have already been approved, two copies of the complete set of submissions are being sent separately to each contracting party. Subject to no objection being raised by a contracting party within sixty days, that is before 20 April 1979, on the ground that the draft does not correctly reflect modifications which have entered into force in accordance with the relevant provisions of the General Agreementor that the rectifications are not off a purely formal character, the attached draft (to which will be annexed the Schedules circulated separately) will become on that day the Fourth Certification under paragraph 3 off the Decision of 19 November 1968. Submissions containing rectifications, modifications or draft consoli- dated schedules, wnich have been circulated under the heading 'Fourth Certification of Changes to Schedules' but which have not yet been finally approved, will be included in the Fifth Certification of Changes to Schedules. L/14782 Page 3 DRAFT FOURTH CERTIFICATION OF CHANES TO SCHEDULES TO THE GENERAL AGREMEMENT ON TARIFFS AJND TRADE *WEREAS the CONTRACTING PARTIES adopted, on 19 November 1968, a Decision on Procedures for Modification and Rectification of Schedules (hereinafter referred to as 'the Decision:); WEHEAREASt is desired: (i) to rectify errors in and record modifications to the authentic texts of certain Schedules annexed to the General Agreement; and (ii) to establish consolidated Schedules of Cuba (Part i only), Japan and Portugal in conformity with paragraph 5 of the Decision; and (iii) to establish a Schedule for Suriname pursuant to its succession in respect of the General Agreement in accordance with Article XXVI:5(c); and ,WHEARES the procedure of paragraph 3 of the Decision has been complied with in respect of the changes set out in the Annexes hereto; IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: (i) that the authentic texts of Schedules to the General Agreement are changed to reflect the rectifications of a purely formal character or the modifications resulting from action taken under paragraph 6 of Article II, Article XVIII, Article XXIV, Article XXVII or Article XXVIII of the General Agreement as set out in Annex A; (ii ) that Schedule IX - Cuba (Part I only), Schedule XMXXVII- Jaopn and Schedule MXL - Portugal, in Annex B, are established in conformity with paragraph 5 of the Decision and that, in each case in which Article II of the General Agreement refers to the date of the Agreement, the applicable date in respect of any concession contained in these Schedules shall be the date of the instrument by which the concession was first incorporated in the relevant Schedule to the General Agreement; and (iii) that Schedule LXXIV - Suriname, in Annex C, is established in conformity with paragraph 5 of the Decision. L/4782 Page 4 This Certification shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. It shall be deposited with the Director-General to the CONTRACTING PARTIES, who shall promptly furnish a certified true copy to each contracting party to the General Agreement. Done at Geneva this twentieth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and seventy nine, in a single copy in the English and French languages, both texts being authentic except as otherwise specified with respect to the Schedules annexed. A N N E X A RECTIFICATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS TO SCHEDULES ANNEXED TO THE GENERAL AGREEMENT A N N E X E A RECTIFICATIONS ET MODIFICATIONS AUX LISTES ANNEXEES A L'ACCORD GENERAL. 2 N I N T H P R O T O C O L O F R E C T I F I C A T I O N S A N D M O D I F I C A T I O N S SCHEDULE CONTAINED IN THE NINTH PROTOCOL OF RECTIFICATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE TEXTS OF THE SCHEDULES TO THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE, bATED 17 AUGUST 1959 N E U V I E M E P R O T O C O L E D E R E C T I F I C A T I O N E T D E M O D I F I C A T I O N LISTE CONTENUE DANS LE NEUVIEME PROTOCOLE DE RECTIFICATION ET DE MODIFICATION AU TEXTE DES LISTES ANNEXEES A L'ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COMMERCE, PORTANT LA DATE DU 17 AOUT 1959 NINTH PROTOCOL OF RECTIFICATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS SCHEDULE XIV - NORWAY This schedule is authentic only in the English language PART I Most-favoured-nation Tariff Item ex 10.06 B This item shall read: "ex 10.06 B Husked and polished rice for human consumption ......................... kr. 0.60/kg P R O T O C O L F O R T H E A C C E S S I O N O F I S R A E L SCHEDULE CONTAINED IN THE PROTOCOL FOR THE ACCESSION OF ISRAEL TO THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE, DATED 6 APRIL 1962 P R O T O C O L E D ' A C C E S S I O N D' I S R A E L LISTE CONTENUE DANS LE PROTOCOLE D'ACCESSION D'ISRAEL A L 'ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COMMERCE, PORTANT LA DATE DU 6 AVRIL 1962 PROTOCOL FOR THE ACCESSION OF ISRAEL SCHEDULE XIV - NORWAY This schedule is authentic only in the English language PART I Most-favoured-nation Tariff Item ex 20.07 B 2 This item shall read: "ex 20.07 B 1 b 2 Orange and grapefruit juice not containing added sugar, in con- tainers weighing, with contents, less than 3 kg ...................... kr. 0.25/kg" 6 G E N E V A 1 9 6 7 S C H E D U L E S SCHEDULE ANNEXED TO THE GENEVA (1967) PROTOCOL TO THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE, DATED 30 JUNE 1967 L I S T E S D E G E N E V E 1 9 6 7 LISTE CONTENUE AU PROTOCOLE DE GENEVE (1967) ANNEXE A L'ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COMMERCE, PORTANT LA DATE DU 30 JUIN 1967 GENEVA (1967) PROTOCOL SCHEDULE XIV - NORWAY This schedule is authentic only in the English language PART I Most-favoured-nation Tariff Item 20.07 ex B 2 This item shall read: "20.07 B 1 b 1 Concentrated orange juice, frozen, not containing added sugar, in containers weighing, with contents, less than 3 kg ....... .................. kr. 0.12/kg" Item 21.02 A The rate of duty shall read: "kr. 0.20/kg" Item 21.06 A 3 The rate of duty shall read: "30%" 8 P R O T O C O L F O R T H E A C C E S S I O N O F H U N G A R Y SCHEDULE CONTAINED IN THE PROTOCOL FOR THE ACCESSION OF HUNGARY TO THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND "TRADE, DATED 8 AUGUST 1973 P R O T C C O L E D ' A C C E S S I O N D E LA H O N G R I E LISTE CONTENUE DANS LE PROTOCOLE D'ACCESSION DE LA HONGRIE A L'ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIIERS ET LE COMMERCE, PORTANT LA DATE DU 8 AOUT 1973 - 1 - PROTOCOL FOR THE ACCESSION OF HUNGARY SCHEDULE LXXI - HUNGARY This schedule is authentic only in the English language PART I Most-favoured-nation Tariff Tariff Item.No. Description of Products Former New 02.91 A/ 02.91-01 Unchanged 92.01 B/ 02.01-32 unchanged 02.01 C/ 02.01-03 unchanged 02.01 D/ 02.01-34 unchanged 92. 01 E/ 02.91-05 unchanged 03.01 B/ I.
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