\ -’S3 q r ? ^ ECONOMIC SURVEY OF MAHARASHTRA 1992-93 .5?, 5T #mFRT^,iT^rnes DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS & STATISTICS, ‘ GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA, BOMBAY ECONOMIC SURVEY OF MAHARASHTRA 1992-93 N IEPA DC D0788/' UBRARY DOCUMENTATiON CEPiiHfc ‘si 'tion i! t.iscitute of Educatiou.»f Pla nO)w,5i and Administraticru I7-B, Sri Aurobindo Marg, N<^w Oelhi-110016 r o c . No ........... ...................c ^ -— m ^ STTfqqr” I 5r^7r?T m i T ^rr 5ET^ qW r5r|sR ?R H ^r t t stt% st^ | t ^ s i ^ 3tt| . s m 'O 3TTW 3TT|. I 5T^W?r ^>T WFTW 3T^ q% ^ TT^3TT=EJfT ^ 355^ tfw '# 3!r^ 3TT|^ ^ WFTRT f^nf^RTSSm 3TT^^ ^i^TT 3TT|^. srcfTVT?^T=5qT TTSTf^^TS# 3TT^=^T ^HTTt^r %^T 3 n | TT^ 'TT^ft^^T ^ 6 5ITT ^Tret ( ^ ^ ^ ^ TTTf^^l' ^lo5T 3?T|. ^155T ^ ^ 2|T T{Tf|^=siiT snmr ^ iT^rm% f?rsw st^-jtt^t ” ^tt stt^ sTT|G-. | f?rw^ sr^^mt ^^T T % ^n%r>5^rT 3Tifq^- ^mr jrmT sit^ . ^ 3tt% ^ smnfT^ ?TfT^T% 3TT ^^^OTTTTS^ t^q-RT 3TT^ 3 fr|^ . Y. qr SRTT^Rm STRii^Rt ^T^FTT fs^T^ ST^qT^ft SIT^t^ft ^TTrrf^c 3TT|. ^ Trrf|cfV %5T^^rm arwr 3tt| . Rc 4280— Ifl PREFACE The Directorate of Economics and Statistics brings out a publication titled “ Econorciic Survey of Maharashtra ” every year. The present publication for the year 1992-93 is the 32md issue in the series and is published both in Marathi and English (combined). 2. The publication is divided in two parts. The salient features of the State economy are given in Part-I, while statistical tables on various subjects are presented in Part-II. Graphs amd Charts are given in respective chapters wherever necessary. 3. In the 48th round (January-December 1992) of the National Sample Survey, the data on ‘Land and Livestock Holdings’ and ‘Debt and Investment’ of the Households was collected. Some important results based on the data collected in this survey are presented in Chapter-15 as “ Special Studies These results are provisional and are subject to change after detailied tabulation. As a part of the countrywide programme, Economic Census was carried out in the State during 1990. Some important findings based on the data collected in this census are also presented in the Chapter. 4. In attempting to give up-to-date information in this publication, provisional figures have been included at a number of places and they are likely to be revised after full data become available. A. K. Kagalkar Bombay, dated 9th March, 1993. Director of Economics & Statistics Bombay. Rc 4280 CONTENIS iTSS^JTT^ 1 Q. Subject Page No. ix Maharashtra at a Glance srrpir m ^n%ft xii Maharashtra’s comparison with India ^<fi <\'mr ■a^^TidV. ^ snf^r^ ffr?fw xiv Selected socio-economic indicators for different States in India. m»T PART I—SURVEY 1. f 5q;« STT^W 1 General appraisal 2. <?it+'^'wr 7 Population 3. TT'jil 10 State Income 4. fft- G 5ET<>JJ?T 5i^'sr<HTir 13 AGriculture and allied activities 5. 25 Industries 41 Electricity 7. 43 1 Employment 8. fspTTcfKr f^^rfef^scsr .. /, Price situation ! 9. ^TT^Rt 5T5TST 58 Civil supplies 10. GWrfsRT G f^ T 64 Social services 11. 5 ir^R snfor 70 BankinG and commerce 12. '^r^'=i^H srrfw 'ao6'j|c<o6'J! 72 Transport and Communications 13. =^0$^ \ ..1 77 Co-operative movement 14. FirrfJT^ 84 Finances of Lx)cal bodies 15. r=i^|tj 3TRJW 90 Special studies mn ?>5T-3TT^ra^ ^ PART II—STATISTICAL TABLES I. ^r^nr^ T m ^ w m ?ir^ ^>f^«^-^T 101 Population of Maharashtra and India 2. ^TfRT^Ti^^rRVor^nf^ .. 101 Rural and Urban population in the State 3. 102 Districtwise population by sex 4. TTiRr-? TT^2n% ?T5^T q;G'cfl^ 105 Birth, death and Infant mortality rates by Sample ReGistiation System^ Maharashtra State. 5. qrpT^'CuiMi ^'t^xO 3rrf%^ 106 Economic classification of workers, 1991 6. sffertf^ w r^TR^ §n5r^ cv r^'Kcf^i=i^f<<0 tt^ 107 Net State domestic product by industrial origin at current prices. VI CONTENTS—Gontd. 'T’^ ^SlTT^i Subject PaGe No.j I 7. sftmte iT2t^x =^qr f%ir^- 108 Net State domestic product by industrial oriGin at ^m x T m ^vT . 1980-81 prices. 8. sA inf^ ?rr%^ ^ f k n r ^ ^ T tu^ 109 National income by industrial origin at current prices. 9. sftlftfw §TT%^ ) f % ^ “ 110 National income by industrial origin at constant (1980-81) prices. 10. T r^iss TRjfrdV^ 111 Revenue receipts from taxes on aGricultural sector iji w . Maharashtra State. 11. TT^Rt^ w r WRTszn 3T5toV^% snf^ ^ 112 Economic and purpose classification of Maha­ rashtra State Government budget. 12. ^% r m vn 3 rf^ , c2Tt% ^ 114 Number, area and average size of operational holdinGs in Maharashtra (AGricultural census). 13. TT^RT^ pq- f t r G w ^ 115 Area under principal crops production and yield snfT ^rr y?rr^. per hectare in Maharashtra State. 14. JTfRT^ TTWT^ f¥'q^ ^fSFfRmT 117 Area irrigated by sources in Maharashtra State. 15. TTfRT^ TTSJfT^ 5rp- fq^frhaTT fjfw ^3cnT5Srf% 118 Index numbers of aGricultural production of principal fW h?. crops is MahaTashtia State. 16. qwFT, srrfw .. 120 Livestock ard poultry in Maharashtra State. 17. 121 Index numbers of industrial production in India. 18. ^3'?ft’T ^rdldlw +1 <.<fii'^i-<i‘ ■^d^PTT'^ 122 PercentaGe distribution of factories by size class of snrnif employment for selected industry groups. 19. 5 1 ^ ^ > r ^T^i'cft^ ^ T R w rH t m ^rrTf^ft^ Tf^^rFTr 123 PercentaGe distribution of factories by size class of sTT^nTTTRTsnrm investnient in plant and nKichinery for selected industry Groups. 20. ?r?'4tfrr tt^ r i^ T m \^ ^ 124 Financial assistance sanctioned and disbursed by 3T%fRir. financial institutions in Maharashtra State. 21. vicHTc[irf 125 Major mineral production in Maharashtra State. 22. 126 Electricity supply in Maharashtra State. 23. 128 WorkinG factories and factory employment in Maharashtra State. 24. tt^RT^ 130 Employment in different industries in Maharashtra State. 132 Industrial disputes in Maharashtra State. 133 Employment exchange statistics in Maharashtra State. 27. ThnrR ^ tromr 134 Categorywise number of works and expenditure 3n%^ sRTRnrmx ^ incurred thereon under the Employment Guarantee Scheme in Maharashtra State. Vll 3T»TSSRfyiVt—— CONTENTS—contd. Subject Page No. 28. THwidt^ %5TnT9t^ 135 Consumer price index numbers for industrial workers ^TH’TRhFfxcrr ?TT^ f^rf^rN). at selected centres in Maharashtra State. 29. sRWFTNTforr tadlr^ 137 Consumer price index numbers for urban non- f»f?vrr+-. manual employees. 137 Consumer price index numbers for aGricultural labourers in Maharashtra and All-India. 138 All-India wholesale price index numbers 32. ^rrwTNrfxm arfw ?rT^ 138 All-India consumer price index numbers for industrial f=h‘H^’^ fn<i!^ri+'. workers. 33. HfRF^Tcft^ xmr vrr^TSEfT i ^trrt s r r ^ 139 Quantity of rice and wheat issued to fair price shops 3t|o5 W »1^. in Maharashtra. 34. JifTcr^ -u^^m mr^ ^nypn srrftir 139 Actual receipts of foodGrains from Government of sTczr^T t e r ^ 3T^gr?^. India and other States to Maharashtra State. 35. y r^T T ^ ^rWTT^ 140 Procurement of food Grains in Maharashtra by Go­ vernment, 36. H^TT«3^q ijtijTfW 5TT%55t ^ 141 Growth of education in Maharashtra 37. iTfTTT^ "^nw r^ t ? r ^ ff^sir 142 Medical facilities available in Maharashtra State 38. fjRfTRTBSm TTrf^ 143 Per capita monthly expenditure on different items of consumption. 39. TOtf m f e ^^ntVsTTrpir 146 PercentaGe distribution of population accordinG to monthly per capita expenditure classes. 40. «i't)‘'(:i'<54-oiii ^RTT^^nr 147 Distribution of deposits and outstandinG advances oziTTrCt 9'^n^qT ^ +’'ji!^i =)^iT+‘^^i. of scheduled commercial banks accordinG to popu­ lation Groups in Maharashtra State. 41. KfiTpe T r m ^ frd^rrios^ wnr^^ 148 Road lenGth accordinG to different classes in Maha­ ?n^. rashtra State. 42. TTfTTT^ TT^JZTT^ ^TTTRr 3^% ^ ^TtSTT . 149 Number of motor vehicles in operation in Maha­ rashtra State. 43. JT^nr^ =^55^ (? f^ , 150 Co-operative movement in Maharashtra State anfir ^io5^ ^Tti^). (Societies, Members and WorkinG Capital). 44. TT^^TTcft^ ^ 151 Co-operative movement in Maharashtra State +"'Jl ^ >i<rt'l5l«'). (Advances, OutstandinG Loans and Turnover). 45. 3]iTfq-^ TTTRT-<i^^o 3TTf^ 152 Economic census-1980 and 1990 at a Glance 46. ^>T2TR?Tm ^ > r K t 3iTK ^PT'TRrfr ?f^T 153 Major activitywise number of enterprises and persons usually workinG. 154 47. ^ ^TTWxNt ^TW (iTTJftw) District wise number of enterprises and number of persons usually workinG (Rural). 155 48 f5fe|Tmx ^ > jtN t ^ ^TTw^cr^ {^nw^) Districtwise number of enterprises and number of persons usually workinG (Urban). 49 iw^rm'x ^ sfn’wrNf)" 156 Districtwise number of enterprises and number persons usually workinG (Rural 4 -Urban). VIU CONTENTS— concld. qG5 3 n w After Page No. Graphs 1 1. 8 1 Population of Maharashtra 2. TF5IT WcM'vi . j 12 State Income 3. ?7:grt^?T?r 12 Per capita income 4. vdcMl<i5T 18 FoodGrains production 5. nfC^ri^ .. i 1' 18 Index numbers of aGricultural production 6. ^ d i o t e . ' 28 Index numbers of industrial production in India 7. 42 Electricity consumption 8. 3TI fu|' cAfi'd^ W K 48 Factories and factory employment 9. 54 Index numbers of wholesale prices in India 10. ?TT^^ f?r?9lt^ 56 Consumer price index numbers for workinG class i 11. ST’Tij): i 80 1 Growth of Co-operation.
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