nwtj Court. Tbe Southern Telegrli oui-- College of IMtynieians and Sur-- I I ARAL N D WE S E SALES. - NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW ADVERTISEIVj'TS EVjA RTJ MTS AUCTION eMerd"ny morning at the paiiy. geoni (he nrftiDg Last Xiglit. i jr: A charter was granted by tbe l.oghda- - Matin rev Monrm", The college of physicians and surgeons N'e. citizens of the Eastern district. UY V. V. hPtK'KH. r' Atrt-e- vDemocrat.:; Kentucky and Tennessee incor Budding Lots y -- - resof gain met nt the hall , Tu o Owitnut OU-v- W!U ap1iU'J administra of the board of health ... , V 1. c ,Z, . tLv roiiH vroRt, Vm. Watts, porating "Tbe Southern Telegraph Com- last night, for the purpose spe'etor As the weather indicates the ap- AT AtCTlO. tor of i:nu.i C. Watts; of a thorough tor our district. We do so on 5iaf AITERxOOV. MARCH Jwr. BY Tbe incorporators opened book - U PRINTED AND PUBLIstlKD pany." ot the college. The same "ount of his good character and his abili- proach of Spring, our gentlemen friends WM. W. M0BR1S& CO. t f al n'cl... will peremptorily .ld. on stock premise, by of a l. L the oflice of f subscription to the capital and will overhaul wardrobes and give or.lr OS) HUGHES & CO. IiArtling to order by Dr. Konald being their feet front mrh ISI deep to aa ailey. siinate4 11AENEY, charlta roW company. The par allied 'Vi'W'V.--. r tv,. r lw tbe Fourth dixtnct. fully organized the called to - ' their orders to Green A Grekn for their tne norm si.le ..f Chevlaul siiet. eommeacin! -- countable in the chair and D. W Yandell ap- feet Wes from Eighteeois street. office- .UUtit as-- engaged in this enterprise are active, i u K b J. Rurkel, sworn an 's pointed secretary. The last meeting ofi Curares' Dlptherla Shirts and Underwear early, so as to be srsx-is- aiteadon called this ssl. fTb " . business men, find sorueof them lore. lots are on bigs ground, well located, sd or. SontU side Gw iv.urtb district. energetic the old organization 21st! The following letters, from two of our in before the rush of Spring trade com- to n sold. was held on the TkZexlxx ' Intef-- I t low McGough pom- - radical telegraph builders, and we have 103 stroot, 0. 109 AND 111 FOURTH STRUT, Terir cssh; balance is six months, with ntoml'. The estate ot Michael of January, 1S61. lown citizens, strongly indorse the value mences. est and lien. confidence in the success of the enter- - fr.T C. C. SPENCER. Auctioneer. iued to the puWi administrator. On motion of Dr. Smith, the second sta-- of Dr. Graves' diptheria remedy: As Messrs. Green A Green are" Louis- to bis rise. Such a company as is proposed THIRD HOCBB BELOW fOCHTH. Tt KSniV, FEB. 7. 1;ulT8. Henry Miloher, ted meeting in March was fixed as the Louisville, Ky., Feb. 22, 18"i. ville Shirt manufacturers, will sell a BY C. C. NPEXCER. : !.." , . a desideratum to the South and South- - - tooount. as guardian ol JOsern oui.g ght for the election of officers. Mf.sxra. Oraic. ik Son: better Shirt for the same money than can SjeeuU Sale of Clothing, Boots and Shoe. est, and will establish competition at- Drpartnre of Trains. children. and A number of doctors were My little daughter was suddenly be bought in New York. Gentlemen who Lemons, Oranges and Groeerxe, jrlra. end Mc- - proposed as tacked with sore ' I Wales eelecitd James result in favor of the public and facilitate throat. She came to me to promote Louisville inter- AT J,ethine new members to the college, under the repeatedly through and complain are disposed ACCTI!f. A.VISVILLE.KFWA1-AKTC"ICA0- bo cave bond ; commercial enterprise and business. thedav same LOUISVILLE, KY. 1 WEDTEsrY VORNINO. FER TH. AT "- r ' provisions 1 ests will save money at the time. 3Totions, rl.- - , - norirj of the constitution. el oi her throat, which lound to be very O luo S. wni be so.d, at an io a H. of Sue t OvercoatA, corning F.ipress "' St. We wish the Southern Telegraph Com- read and inflamed. In the evening I ob- Messrs. A Green cut their voice .Just received loih ar " r. Dr. Goldsmith, who was requested at Green D.ew oaLs. and Oversta.ru: a general ssasirt-- I .a,ui fcaprew 01 pany success. tained a lottle of your and t jr..RAlLRO Id the matter of the administration The following persona the last meeting, cureof diptheria Shirts from measurement, and warrant ment of men's, women s ar.l children s aoe sod JEFFFRHONVILLK ,r made an essay upon the and used as directed through the night. FURNISHING GOODS, Hoots; also s lot of and I.em.Kis, wits a ' ' Kennedy, the constitute tbe board of officers: give them a careful Ofius orntns f ,prr. " " Ki. at. the estate of John iartiw. influence of hospital air on wounds, tbe In the morning her throat was entirely them to fit. The ssna.1 stock of Or'jceries. ." sosi'iva and one week. President Boyle, on the buttons UUafs.Vi I.H, agreed to a continuance J..T. Louisville. leading points were free from pain and required no further superintendence. They tew feJ7 oi which as follows: I i.rdert-- aamsi Jinit Directors Sain'l L. Geiger, Louisville; 1. treatment. think this a most excellent firmly, and correct all errors, if any are L1 Attachment Nature and extent of cunshot lisions. remedy for throat diseases. UY J. UKIGIIT. "nrum Kiores h a P. jouu F. M. Siieed. Louisville: . vets, and we 1. N .. r Lavelle, II C Shivell. considered as exquisite examples of py made. Itfll- r pre zz.. r aduiitiitrat.roi Mrs. A. Palaoio. STATIONERY, shall oit.-- goods cneauer than ever. Fine Damatk rnraln. a choice assonnieul of sew . a. for failure to rule. Louisille; W. M. DeGrove, Louisville; aemia, producing injuries. A great ex- All the work on the goods made by the and second-hn- Ve.vet aod larpeta, ,arl"WO HI"' :' R. VV. tent of compared Mrtow Cases, flne Parlor hairs, Be.Nlerts. rewng R. Jot-ep- lision as with ,KD rKANSTORT h Tarran, ad It. Cornelius. Nashville? A. It Uua.i. iuterual Louisville, Kv., Feb. 22, lSOtl. A the cut -- , The netlieuient of U san- - Messrs. Green Green, from Ma h.ne one l is. ogle Harne-n- Cigars, ntuvrs iahii'li-- a. to, a the external wound; extent of d- aud Uueenaware, !"- 7 !S. New (Jravex Son: in the Jor 1 r r ininintratoro. ibn I'miian, and Win. hg. Orleans. rinoiis innltraiion; ('local shock. ting table to the laundry, is done A.t .. .4 M. a. Dear Sirs: I have lieen subject to a di AT r Vernon, guardian of Vernon and Frank Secretary Wui. M. DeGrove. Z. the changes which take place in the house, thus furnishing employment to a Wliolosalo. Tha balance of our Stock must be ACCTI!. xtravasaled wound contents. A com- - "y laaiug ai un- - iN wr.rNK-DA- MOR.XINf. FKB. 3rif. AT IF.rARTT RKOF MaII Noad; and continued thirty days loi Treasurer K. A. Watu. periods for tne large number of our jeople. Kiftn street, uear AKRA AL AM tied meiicmg putreluction; B complete pa ferent last lourteen years, Closed JefTernoi I will sea asaouv supperati-Mi- . out. VVe pul.liKh the time of the arrival exceptions. trefactioii and liouetaction; C inlbimma- - which mostly terminates in Manufactory and Salesroom at Main FENIANISM. i.s caatu Wood's Theater. There was a large I w w will vs. Jowph Farran; 1) was lately attacked ith this disease of Ky. and departure of the niaila, hich The attachment lou; mixed fluid wound contents very suddenly, and Fourth streets, Louisville, THERE WILL BEAORVND DRMONsTP. one k. and fashionable audience last night at their general nature. the tonsils and used your fe24 1 turn of the Fenians and their . at tna ot to our readers: continued h cure for diptheria, City Arrriji prove inierest vVood's Theater to welcome great 3. The effects of resulting fluids and found it a most Hall thi evening atso cjotk. We shall o!!f still GREATER BARGAINS la sfcitic Kule vs. liurke, executor of the these valuable remedy for the BY OSHOUXE JleATEER. A in B seplii disease. I was SFT L IS M. American actor, Mr. Jos. Proctor, who their local influences; l scon, DAVISON & CO., W,LL AT ACTION, ON ATI Fir F.l" Thompson, to settle bis account, relieve sooner with this remedy than by RALLY! RALLY!! WFid..y. Mar. 0 I .. P Sarah uality; C necrosis thrombus; D iu RALLY!!! M.at o. ... ihe premises. in nas of i r H. Joj-e- j h IiiMinp, aj jointed guardian of pjeared the great play of "Never too absorption, E differ- -' auyoinor treatment mat been three ..i: a their sepiiccarmia; To cause un i .... r. ... lor nie. My aervant woman was the of Llbertv and Irish Natlonslitv. The l. cel. p. ?' a. C'leuit ut Sciiildt, Ijile to Meud." This play was put upon ent constitutional etlects produced by dif f ill. .wing distinguished gentlemen will address AND DRESS GOODS. Lie of t ev. nib bet v; .. p Thomas Iieiner; suiety complaining very much sore I the SILKS I l lre.. j r. a. fering of throat; ietiog: rt to r "a.e per-- yury. renewal bio tbe stage in excellent style, no pains or products ol putreluction. a ....Usui P.M. liwr.n.
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