CAROL SWEEZEY (LAFRANCE) Agente D’imm / Sales Rep inside 360-8123 pager BI-MONTHLY SEPTEMBER 2011 Your Neighbourhood Realtor REALTY LTD. 264-5364 Brokerage business www.crworks.com/carolsweezey A TIMMINS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION Timmins Chamber welcomes Ontario Northland contract loss sparks new board, president Northern outcry With the last ballots being ablY represented bY coUnted, the membership some of the most pas - With a $122-million contract to refUrbish GO Transit of the Timmins Chamber sionate, enthUsiastic, and coaches aWarded to a QUebec firm, Voices across the of Commerce has official - dedicated bUsiness minds North haVe United to ask the proVince to instead con - lY elected to retUrn foUr in the region.” sider aWarding the contract to Ontario Northland. people to serVe alongside The neW additions to From the Federation of Northern Ontario tWo neW indiVidUals on the Board inclUde Jason MUnicipalities to the CitY of Timmins and the cham - its 2011-12 Board of LaneVille, general/sales bers of commerce of Timmins, SUdbUrY and North BaY, Directors. manager, CTV TeleVision; the call has been Uniform for Premier Dalton McGUintY DUe to be sWorn in and DaVid Foster, a to take a second look at the decision bY MetrolinX, a dUring the Chamber’s laWYer With Riopelle proVincial agencY. AnnUal General Meeting Griener Professional “GiVen MetrolinX’ statUs as an arm of the proVince, on Sept. 28, these indi - Corporation. and the relatiVelY loW disparitY betWeen the tWo loWest VidUals Will fill siX open Electronic and print bidders, the decision-making process shoUld also con - slots on the 21-member ballots Were sent oUt to sider Which WoUld proVide a greater retUrn to proVincial board, and Will help each of the Chamber’s coffers, not to mention the economic prosperitY of gUide the direction of the 1,222 eligible Voting Northern Ontario commUnities,” said 2010-11 organiZation’s adVocacY members, Who had near - Chamber President GarY Marriott. and serVice efforts lY a month to place their In earlY JUlY, it Was annoUnced MetrolinX Was giVing throUgh the coming Christine Leclair, incoming Chamber president for the 2011- Vote for their board rep - 2012 year, accepts the gavel from past president Gary Marriott. the fiVe-Year contract to Montreal-based Canadian chamber Year. resentation. Allied Diesel RailWaY IndUstries on the basis of the loW - “This Year’s board of Each board member est bidding price. and I look forWard to 2011-12 Chamber Year. directors is made Up of serVes a tWo-Year term, The bid from Ontario Northland, Which is cUrrentlY Working With them,” said “The general member - members Whose UniqUe after Which theY can completing a similar project for MetrolinX at its North Christine Leclair, incom - ship shoUld be confident miX of talents Will strong - applY for re-election, for a BaY facilities, Was ing president for the in knoWing theY are lY benefit the Chamber, maXimUm of three terms. $2.5 million higher, a difference of 1.68 per cent. The decision sparked an immediate response from North BaY citY coUncil, Which argUed MetrolinX failed Meet the 2011–12 Board of Directors to take into accoUnt the impact sUch a decision WoUld haVe on proVincial finances. The moVe Will mean a loss Position Company Position Company of $6.2 million to the Ontario treasUrY, argUed MaYor Al McDonald. PRESIDENT Terry DiTullio** Norfab Metal & Machine What’s more, handing the contract to an oUt-of- Christine Leclair Leclair Planning Consultancy David Foster* Riopelle Griener Professional Corp. proVince companY WoUld “lead to the destrUction” of 109 direct jobs at the North BaY facilitY, he added. PAST PRESIDENT Claude J. Gagnon** Claude J. Gagnon Professional Photography Gary Marriott Marriott Management Group When the loss of an additional 220 indirect jobs is fac - John Labine Lake Shore Gold Corp. tored in, the total economic loss comes Up to an esti - TREASURER mated $260 million. Jason Laneville* CTV Televison Inc. Rick Briand BDC AlthoUgh he has Yet to directlY address the issUe, Tony Leggett Xstrata Copper McGUintY sent a letter to the CitY of North BaY, indi - BOARD MEMBERS cating that coUncil’s VieWs Will be taken into considera - Bill McMillan Pocupine Gold Mines – Goldcorp Canada Ltd. Phil Barton Lucid Networks Corporation tion. Shannin Metatawabin De Beers Canada – Victor Mine Bill Belanger J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd. HoWeVer, Nipissing MPP MoniqUe Smith has said in Peter Murray** Ontario Power Generation media reports that the decision coUld not be oVertUrned Kurt Bigeau Sun Life Financial WithoUt eXposing the proVince to mUltimillion-dollar Josh Bond Riopelle Griener Professional Corp. Mike O’Blenis Eacom Timber Corp. laWsUits from Canadian Allied Diesel. Art Pultz Rogers Communications (Q92/EZ Rock) In response, the proVince has proVided $10 million in Wayne Bozzer Timmins Family YMCA fUnding to Ontario Northland to refUrbish its oWn Polar * Denotes election to the 2011-2012 board of directors ** Denotes re-election to the 2011-2012 board of directors Alan Thorne Tembec Bear EXpress rail cars. ROSS, POPE & COMPANY LLP “Your End-to-End Computer Solutions Provider” 101 Cedar St. South Chartered Accountants Timmins ON P4N 2G7 Tel: (705) 264-9484 Fax: (705) 264-0788 101 Cedar St. South E-mail: [email protected] Timmins ON P4N 2G7 Tel: (705) 264-9484 Fax: (705) 264-0788 E-mail: [email protected] ROSS POPE INC. “Helping You Achieve Your Goals In Your Business Is Our Goal In Our Business” Consultants 2 - SEPTEMBER 2011 inside business Detour gold breaks ground on regional HQ EXcitement Was in the air as processing plant began in April. shoVels hit the groUnd in Once in fUll sWing, the plant’s Cochrane to mark constrUction throUghpUt Will reach betWeen of the regional headqUarters for 55,000 tonnes and 61,000 DetoUr Gold’s neW open-pit tonnes per daY, With aVerage gold mine, Which Will be the annUal gold prodUction of largest gold project in Canada. 649,000 oUnces. More than 300 people assem - The scope of the project Was bled not lost on Cochrane MaYor JUlY 12 to celebrate the official Peter Politis, Who spoke aboUt beginnings of the regional the “eXciting” impact the proj - office, Which Will serVe as a hUb ect Will haVe on Northern for the DetoUr Lake mine, Ontario commUnities, manY of emploYing Up to 40 people. Which haVe alreadY begUn to With Up to 10,000-sqUare-feet benefit. of space, the site Will be Used “This daY marks a tUrning for administratiVe, finance, and point for Cochrane, and We are logistics pUrposes, and Will also eXcited to be an important part proVide parking for mine Work - of this VentUre,” said Politis. ers. “DetoUr Gold is a driVing force The office stands as a sYmbol behind northeastern Ontario of the $1.2 billion DetoUr Gold becoming a leader in the is spending on pre-prodUction proVince.” capital eXpenditUres in the Politis and Panneton Were region as reqUired for the con - joined bY representatiVes from strUction of the mine. Provincial, municipal and Aboriginal representatives gathered in Cochrane in July to celebrate the official ground - local First Nations commUnities, On hand for the eVent Was breaking for the construction of Detour Gold’s regional headquarters. inclUding the Moose Cree First Gerald Panneton, president and Nation and Wahgoshig First CEO of DetoUr Gold, Who DetoUr Gold took possession of Panneton, bUt for the region as oUt the site’s Nation, as Well as the TaYkWa remarked that the occasion Was the past-prodUcing propertY a Whole. 21-Year life. TagamoU First Nation, Which also a sYmbol of his Vision of from Pelangio Mines, and hoW More than 1,000 Workers With an eYe on eXtending blessed the land as part of the the open pit project becoming a mUch the team has accom - haVe been emploYed in the that life and looking for fUtUre ceremonY. realitY. plished in sUch a short time. mine’s constrUction phase, potential, the companY recentlY Also on hand for the ceremo - “We are looking forWard to Since 2007, DetoUr Gold has Which is slated to finish at the increased its 2011 eXploration nY Were Minister of Northern the deVelopment and sUccesses completed more than 500,000 end of 2012. Once prodUction bUdget from $14 million to DeVelopment Mines and of this project Which Will help metres of drilling and alreadY begins bY the first qUarter of $20 million, Which Will be ForestrY Michael GraVelle and define the fUtUre for northeast - has nearlY 15 million oUnces of 2013, the mine Will be Canada’s largelY be spent on actiVities in AttorneY General Chris BentleY, ern Ontario,” said Panneton. gold in reserVes — something largest gold-mining operation, and aroUnd its DetoUr Lake Who shared their congratUlatorY He also reflected on the fiVe that bodes Well not onlY for the and is eXpected to proVide at propertY. remarks to the DetoUr Gold Years that haVe passed since fUtUre of the mine, said least 500 fUll-time jobs throUgh - ConstrUction on the mine’s team and the toWn of Cochrane. New fund open Northern leaders urge more to Ontario exporters inclusion in regional planning Input from Think North II summits released Money provided for assessments, managerial hires The proVince shoUld focUs on continU - ing to Work With Northern Ontario stake - A neW pilot program is noW aVailable ® Clean TechnologY (inclUding reneW - holders as Well as the priVate sector as it for SMEs seeking to better Understand able energY and enVironmental technolo - deVelops tWo regional economic plan - and bUild their capacitY to Undertake gies) ning areas, according to attendees of a eXport-focUsed actiVities and therebY ® EXportable Professional SerVices (e.g. pair of mid-sUmmer conferences. improVe their abilitY to access foreign architectUre, engineering, Urban plan - The proVince recentlY released the them With “eXisting and emerging priori - markets.
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