INDEX I Absolution, 136, 141 Causa sui, 187 Accusation, 222 Certainty, 118-19 Alethia, 101 n. 34 Charity, 112 n. 62 Alterity, 97 Child. See Son HAlways already," 33, 51 Civilization, 130 Anachronism, 218 Cognition, 97, 112 n. 63, 113. Anachrony, 219 See also Knowledge Anamnesis, 95-96, 146. See also Comprehension (Verstehen), 50, Remembrance 138 Anarchy, 53, 182,213, 217, 221 Conatus essendi, 138, 216 Anonymity, 103-4, 138, 205-6 Conscience, 68-72, 115-19 Apeiron, 156, 163 Consciousness, 119, 199, 216, Apology, 136, 191, 193, 206, 222 222 Arche, 32, 182 Contradiction, 227 Architectonic, 220 Conversation, 190-91 Aristotle, 128 Corporeality, 25-26, 152, 223 Asymmetry, 26-28, 135, 166, Creation, 70, 147, 204-5 171, 173-74, 182 Creature, 147 Atheism, 48-51, 96, 143, 204-6, Critique, 119, 159 212; of the will, 144 Autarchy, 96 Autonomy, 44-46, 133, 136; vs. Death, 134, 187-89, 192, 196, heteronomy, 39-49, 88-93, 200 117, 204. See also Freedom Descartes, 51-52, 56-61, 113, 141 Desire, 22, 65-68, 119, 132, Being, 12-19, 40, 100-101, 124, 134-35; of eternity, 200; vs. 138-40, 148, 151, 153, 160-61, need, 113 n. 66, 114, 133, 196 184-85, 203-8; analogy of, Destiny, 196, 200 140, 207-8; and beings, 16-17, Diachrony, 37, 218-22, 228 131, 216; beyond, 212-13; as Dialectic, 137-38, 143, 219 essence, 213, 229; and Dialogue, 230 nothingness, 188; thought of, Discourse, 106, 144, 190-91 46-47; universe of, 148. See Disinterestedness (desin- also Il y a teressement), 217 Being-for-the-Other(s), 189 Donation, 146, 165, 223, 224 n. Being-in-the-world, 23, 147-49 23 Being-with. See Miteinandersein; Mitsein Dostoyevski, 171 Doxa,47 Bergson, Henri, 10 Dualism, 223 Beyond, 128, 227 Body, 152, 156, 223 Brunschvicg, Leon, 197 Economy, 24, 120-21, 136 Ego: transcendental, 34, 72, 136. Caring. See Filrsorge See also I I 243 244 I IN DE X Egoism, 136-37 Friendship, 176 Egology, 15-16,46, 97, 139 Filrsorge, 170, 174 Election, 198, 226 Future, 189-90, 194, 199 Elements, 155-56 Emphasis, 232 n. 48, 233 Enigma, 21-22, 35 Given, 146 Enjoyment, 24, 150-56 Giving. See Donation Enthusiasm, 48, 104 n. 40, 165 Glory, 225 Epiphany, 109 n. 54, 142, 160- God, 35-36, 51, 56-57, 119, 134, 61 141, 143, 183, 204, 224-27; Equality, 30-32, 168, 170, 173­ death of, 211, 225 74, 229 Gods, 143, 156, 158 Equipment. See Zuhandenes Good, The, 106, 128, 147, 191- Eros, 39, 67, 113 n. 66, 132. See 92 also Love, erotic Goodness, 189, 226 Eroticism, 193-94 Greece, 8-9, 128 Eschatology, 128, 175, 190 Guilt, 116 n. 71, 117 n. 74, 146, Essence. See Being: as essence 192, 222 Eternity, 200-201 Gyges, 159 Ethics, 63, 65, 123-24, 223; and history, 179; and politics, 179, 186 Hand, 158, 163, 224 Evil genius, 146 Happiness, 150 Exception, 223 n. 21, 224 He, 226. See also Illeity Exodus, 68, 133 Hedonism, 36-37, 150-56 Experience, 39-40, 88-90, 107, Hegel, 11-12, 14, 45, 91 n. 13, 108 n. 53, 118, 132; sensible, 128, 137-38, 180, 191 161; religious, 225 Heidegger, 11-14, 23, 26, 45-46, Exposure, 22 51, 53-55, 71-72, 100-105, Expression, 142, 160, 164, 178 128, 138-40, 147-48, 154, 186, Exteriority, 89 n. 7, 110, 161, 197; master of Levinas, 3-6; 203-5; vs. interiority, 120-21 and Nazism, 10-12; and phenomenology, 16-18; on time, 33-34, 117 n. 75 Face, 64, 116, 142, 164-65 Height (hauteur), 42-43 Family, 195-201 Heraclitus, 128, 152 Father. See Paternity Here I am. See Me voici Fecundity, 192-93, 195-201 Hermeneutics,· 132 Femininity, 158; vs. masculinity, Heterology, 32 194-95 Heteronomy, 90 n. 8, 119. See Filiality. See Son also Autonomy Finite, 57-59; and the infinite, Hinterwelt, 44, 211 141, 204-6 History, 91 n. 13, 122, 125, 128, First philosophy, 46, 65, 123-24, 130, 143, 178-79, 182, 186, 207 188, 191-93; of morality, 199 Fraternity, 174, 184, 197-201, Home, 157-58 230 Hospitality, 208 Freedom, 44-47, 52-53, 68-71, Human rights, 184 90 n. 10, 97-98, 117-18, 207, Husserl, 3, 14-16 216, 222; created, 198; finite, Hyperbole, 233 187, 190 Hypocrisy, 128 245 I IN DEX I, 22-30, 92, 217; and the Other, European culture, 9, 11; 143; as me. See Me Judaism of, 2, 7-9, 11; life of, «I can," 62-64, 110 n. 56, 139, 1-7; masters of, 2-4, 9-11; and 153, 196 Nazism, 4; works of, 1,4-7 Idea, 141 Levy-Bruhl, Lucien, 6, 47-48, 93 Idealism, 186 n. 20 Illeity, 35-36 Life, 148, 150-51, 176; love of, Il y a (there is), 18, 24, 146 n. 157 19, 157, 163, 230 Light, 162-63 Immortality, 189 Logk, 131,174,203,228 Incarnation, 222 Logos, 95 n. 24, 207, 228 Individuality, 51-52, 127, 128 n. Love, 113-14, 119, 167, 176; 10, 153-54 erotic, 193-96 Inequality, 229 Infinite, 130, 142, 165-66, 224­ 26; history of the, 192; idea of Magic, 47-49, 143 the, 21, 55-72, 105-19, 141­ Malebranche, Nicolas, 65-66, 42, 147, 183 112-13 Infinition, 200 Marx, Karl, 128 Inspiration, 223, 226 Materialism, 206 Institution: political, 126, 191 Maternity, 199 Instruction. See Teaching Me (moi), 25-26, 28-29 Intentional analysis, 231-32 Mediation, 52, 97-98, 138 Intentionality, 14-16, 21, 58-59, Memory, 200, 216-17. See also 134, 213-14, 221 Remembrance Interest, 18, 217 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 125, Interiority, 120-21, 148, 206 188, 194 Intersubjectivity, 30-32, 71 Messiah, 201 Investiture, 70-71, 117, 146 Messianism, 201 Invisible, 22, 63, 143 Metaphysics, 13, 41-42, 44, 123­ Ipseity, 152 24, 131-32, 208; and ethics, Iteration, 233 22, 124; and ontology, 44, 138-39 Method, 36-37, 106 n. 47, 142­ Jerusalem, 128 n. 10 45, 210-12, 220, 231-34; Judaism, 2, 6-9, 210 transcendental, 231-32 Judgment, 179, 188-92, 200 Methodology, 2:n-34 Justice, 168-84, 191-92, 228-30 Me voici (here I am), 25, 226 Miteinandersein (being with one another), 166, 170 Kant, 173-74, 185 Mitsein (being-with), 71, 170 Knowledge, 145, 222 Morality, 126-28, 179, 207. See KojEwe, Alexandre, 11 also Ethics Mortality, 188-89 Most-High, 134 Labor, 158 Myth, 93 n. 20 Language, 64, 111, 160, 165 Mythology, 143, 156 Lavelle, Louis, 48 Law, 176, 230 Levinas, Emmanuel: and Narcissism, 49-52, 94-105, 137 Christianity, 8-9; and Nature, 89 n. 4 246 I IN DE X Nazism, 10-11 Pluralism, 196, 208 Need, 22, 133. See also Desire Politics, 122, 125, 127-28, 130, Neuter, 97, 205 182-83, 186, 191, 217, 230; Nietzsche, 125, 211 and ethics, 123, 125, 128; and Nostalgia, 114 morality, 190 Noun, 216 Powe~ 97-98, 110, 116, 177 Presence, 33-36, 155; bodily, 214; living, 214 Objectification, 146, 159, 165-66, Present, 189-90 180 Procreation. See Fecundity Obsession, 223 Prophet, 105 n. 43, 127-28 Odyssey, 67-68, 91 n. 11 Prophetism, 175, 219 One-for-the-Other, 222 Proust, Marcel, 6 Onto-theo-Iogy, 44 Proximity, 180, 182, 221, 230 Ontology, 12-14, 36-37, 140, Psychism, 223 145-46, 160, 182, 185, 202-8, 214-18, 228, 230; categories of, 32-33; language of, 40, 224 Ready-at-hand. See Zuhandenes Origin, 182 Reason, 126-27, 180, 186, 193, Other, 61-65, 111 n. 62, 112, 121, 217,229 134-37, 143,159, 161; as Reciprocity, 172, 174, 183, 229-30 Autrui, 22-30, 144; as God. See Rectitude (droiture), 70, 110 n. 55 God; and the Others, 166-84 Reduction, 219 Otherness, 19-22 Relation, metaphysical, 129, 136 Religion, 144, 199, 226 Remembrance, 34, 216, 226 Paganism, 103 n. 37, 104, 156 Representation, 155, 159, 214 Pantheism, 196 Respect, 174 Pardon, 200 Responsibility, 164, 220-21, 223 Participation, 48-49 Revelation, 109 n. 54, 142, 160 Pascal, 103 Rhetoric, 144 Passivity, 189-90, 221-22 Past, immemorial, 34-36 Paternity, 195-99 Sacred, 143 Patience, 190, 221 Said (Dit), 122, 215-16, 230 Peace, 175, 184; eschatological, Same (le Meme), 94-105, 120, 127-28, 200; messianic, 127, 136, 149, 152; vs. The Other, 200 91 n. 12, 99 n. 33, 131, 137 Persecution, 222 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 125, 173 Phenomenology, 14-19, 40-42, Saying (Dire), 36-37, 226; again 132, 155, 160-61, 185, 210, (redire), 122, 219, 228; vs. 215, 230, 233 Said, 29-30, 136, 160-61, 180, Phenomenon, 21-22, 41, 62-63, 217-22, 227-28; vs. Unsaying 160-61, 184, 230 (dedire), 122, 218-19, 228 Philosophy, 129, 182, 196, 230; Seinlassen, 139 first, 46, 65, 123-24, 207; of Self (le soi), 25, 217, 222 history, 190; and theology, 210 Self-consciousness, 190 Physis, 13, 41-42, 131, 139 Self-identification, 136-37, 147, 196 Plato, 11,43,49-50,67,99, 128, Self-realization, 134, 176 131-32,147,160,175, 186, 199 Senescence, 196, 198 Platonism, 13, 39 Sensation, 162, 215 247 I IN D EX Sensibility, 162, 215, 223 Totality,·120, 127, 129, 176-77, Sensualism, 162 187, 204; temporal, 200 Separation, 93 Totalization, 128, 182 Shame, 116, 119, 146, 176 Touch, 162 Signification, 221 Trace, 219, 226, 234 Singularity, 153 Transascendence, 43, 133 Sinngebung, 204 Transcendence, 12, 14,43-44,90 Skepticism, 227-28 n.9, 128-29, 136, 196,212,228 Slavery, 223 n.
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