Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol XLVI No. 2 January 21, 2015 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial Dismantle and end privatization! he Filipino people suffer from ever heavier burdens due to the el playing field" to attract in- series of hikes in fees and expenses. The huge MRT and LRT vestments, promote competi- Tfare hikes, the water rate hike and the impending power rate tion and reduce prices for the hike are but the latest burdens to be heaped anew by the US-Aquino people. Through the "build-op- regime on the Filipino people's shoulders. They come on top of the al- erate-transfer," "public-private ready spiralling costs of education, medical care, communications, partnership" and various other housing and other social services and infrastructure. schemes, privatization and de- regulation were enforced in al- The higher fees and costs International Monetary Fund most all fields of social and eco- now confronting the people are (IMF) and other imperialist nomic life. the result of close to three dec- agencies imposed on the Philip- Water distribution, power ades of the privatization and pines at the close of the 1980s generation and distribution, deregulation of key social infra- the policies of privatization and roads, hospitals and universi- structure. Enterprises that used deregulation—meaning the re- ties or parts thereof were priv- to be state-owned and run by moval of state controls on servi- atized, as were vast public the government, funded by pub- ces and utilities to give way to landholdings, telecommunica- lic funds and declared to be big foreign capitalist and bour- tions and postal services, and serving the "social interest" are geois comprador investment and the companies Petron, Philip- now run by a handful of big com- management. They took advan- pine National Bank, Philippine prador bourgeoisie and their tage of the Filipino people's an- Airlines and other enterprises foreign big capitalist partners in ger at the bureaucrat capitalist established, owned or run by the name of profit without any Marcos dictatorship and its min- the state. The biggest enter- obligation whatsoever to pro- ions who enriched themselves by prises fell into the hands of the tect the people's interests. running state enterprises in or- biggest bourgeois compradors In exchange for credit, the der to make privatization palat- in the Philippines, among them able to the public. Lucio Tan, the Ayalas, Lopezes, The lofty Cojuangcos, Sys and eventually promise of the Pangilinan group and their privatiza- foreign big capitalist partners. tion's apolo- The privatization process in gists was to the Philippines is fraught with create a corruption. High-ranking gov- "lev- ernment officials always line their pockets full whenever state properties are put on the auction block and government enters into private investment contracts. Sometimes, such corruption is exposed when the rival political party takes pow- er—not to get rid of corruption but to forge new contracts, fa- vor other businessmen and tionalized" and controlled by with the "public interest" as- pocket their own share of the Marcos and his cronies using pect. Because they are funded loot. public funds. To conceal the by private capital (although No less than the Filipino corruption, they were hailed as mainly through state-guaran- people's close to 30 years' expe- enterprises run "in the public teed loans), there is a demand rience with unbridled privatiza- interest." On the other hand, to run privatized entities "effi- tion puts to the lie the claims because they were run "in the ciently and profitably." The so- and promises of privatization. public interest" and with the called "user-pay" principle has Wherever privatization reigned, use of public monies, they were been forced into the picture to social services and public infra- obliged by the people to operate justify all-out commercial oper- structure became commercial and provide services affordable ations and wanton hikes in fees ventures whose main goal was to ordinary folk. and expenditures. to rake in profits for big capital- Within the framework of na- It is right and just for the ists. Services that used to be af- tionalizing public enterprises, Filipino people to demand the fordable are now practically be- infrastructure and services, the renewed nationalization or yond the reach of the Filipino democratic forces are fighting state conrol of infrastructure toiling masses who comprise the for the allocation of bigger pub- and services being utilized by, majority. lic funds to enable these entities and of benefit to, the people Many of such public infra- to provide quality and afforda- and that facilitate the flow of structure were built and funded ble services to the people. They commerce and production. It is by the ruling state in order to resist commercialization, or right for the people to demand facilitate the flow of commerce running these entities in order an end to contracts with private and production for the local rul- for the state to earn profits, and companies that have been ing classes and foreign big capi- regard operating at a loss as granted concessions for water talists. necessary investment for the and power distribution, tele- Because they were funded greater social good. They like- communications, hospitals and by public monies, these formerly wise expose and resist bureau- universities or granted con- state-owned enterprises were crat capitalist management and tracts to use public land or ex- categorized as "publicly owned" fight for more democratic tract mineral or oil resources. and their operations deemed as means of managing enterprises, The people can fight for the "public service." During the US- infrastructure and public servi- renationalization of transport, Marcos dictatorship, a number ces. energy and petroleum compa- of private enterprises were "na- Privatization has done away nies and others that play a sig- nificant role in economic affairs ANG Contents and people's livelihoods. They must likewise resist Editorial: Dismantle and end privatization 1 policies that call for national Vol XLVI No. 2 January 21, 2015 "User-pay” is contrary to public service 3 budgetary cuts in much-needed social services such as health Cancel the water privatization contracts 4 Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, and education. Year after year, Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and English editions. Suppressing the truth 5 the reactionary government has It is available for downloading at been allotting woefully inade- the Philippine Revolution Web Central Filipino people welcome Pope’s support 6 located at: quate funds for public universi- NDF-NEMR cancels release of 3 POWs 6 ties and hospitals. In accord- www.philippinerevolution.org. Advances in Mindoro in 2014 6 ance with the principle that the Ang Bayan welcomes contributions bulk of public funds must be al- NDFP consultant illegally arrested 7 in the form of articles and news. located to the majority, the Readers are likewise enjoined to send The US war of aggression in Mindanao 7 in their comments and suggestions for people must thoroughly resist the betterment of our publication. You .45 caliber pistol: Anti-Moro weapon 8 the allotment of more than a can reach us by email at: third of the government's annu- Contractualization at Franklin Baker 8 [email protected] al budget to service debts to Racist and religious repression in Europe 9 foreign banks. In the particular case of the Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee LRT, MRT and other public of the Communist Party of the Philippines transport systems, the people 2 ANG BAYAN January 21, 2015 would do right by demanding "User-pay" scheme contrary that these be placed under full state control. It is to the Filipi- to public service no people's interest to cancel the contracts with the Ayalas n order issued by the Department of Transportation and Commu- and Pangilinans that grant them Anications (DOTC) on January 4 invoked the "user-pay" scheme to the right to control the opera- justify the LRT-1, LRT-2 and MRT fare hikes. The "user-pay" scheme tions of the metrotrains for 50 which involves direct payment by consumers for social services availed years—and this includes the of, instead of the people collectively paying through the state, is con- right to hike fares on an annual trary to the principle of the state providing services to the people. The basis. They must also demand "user-pay principle" lies at the core of privatization and is now being an end to contracts privatizing enforced in other services that have been privatized, like water, pow- water distribution in various er and highways (through toll fees). parts of the country. In the case of the MRT/LRT and other infrastructure under the The nationalization of public Aquino regime's Public-Private Partnership program, "user-pay" bra- services and utilities must be zenly enjoys guarantees under the lopsided contracts entered into by demanded by the Filipino people the regime with favored local and foreign capitalists. in the face of the ever worsen- The Aquino regime does not conceal the fact that it is this scheme ing social and economic crisis. that is behind the removal of "subsidies" to the LRT/MRT that used to It is just for the people to fight cover the shortfalls in the incomes of private concessionaires and man- for the nationalization of these agers under the Build-Operate-Transfer and Build-Lease-Transfer entities to ensure decent stand- schemes of previous regimes. The Aquino government's aim is to com- ards of living for everyone. Un- pletely pass on to consumers the burden of defraying the cost of run- der the present ruling semicolo- ning the trains and the private companies managing them, with the nial and semifeudal system, bulk going to debt service.
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