ft)U K TEE N SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,1940^ A v e n e . Daily CircuUtiori Hbuirlirstnr Sontfata ISmDi The WeBther For the Month ol August, 1946 roreeast ef U. h. Weather Bureau Stanley C. Deller of 128 Center ing Ir to be added J o the grand About Town street U attending Lawrence In­ Spencer Case Engaged to Wed Plans Further lUt of the Eighth School and Util- 6,331 Fair teulghtJ Tuesday oleudy; stitute of Technology, Detroit. lUea District. In the matter of Member of the Audit sheseers Wednesday... Slewly risiag Mich, where he la taking a course sanitary requirements the new DANCING TONIGHT teiufetaturea Taeaday. in aeronautical engineering. He Is Is Up Again Home Building sewage plant completed last year at Bnreuu ef Otrontetious H i* r*KUlar. Monday nlgbt the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley can toke care of this addition. Manchenter^A City of Village Charm, ' 9rldg* for Maaon* and their Deller and was graduated from ffrfend* win atart September 28d Manchester High school In the Zoning Board of Ap­ Greenway Padk to Be DANTE'S RESTAURANT St 8 o clock. It win be played with June class of 1939, and was also a to East Ceater Street Odd Fellasvs Building VOL. LIX., NO. 302 Advertlateg *a Pagt IS) "MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, SEPtEMBER 2 ^ 1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ^ tba same partners for one series cooperative student at the local peals to Dispose o f It F urther Expanded; ' c t five weeks. Featuring Freeh Clams and Oysters On the llalfebell State Trada school. On Thursday Evening. May Erect 98 Houses. Clam or Oyster Friee Orilh Meat Cocktail Oreheetm Etery Thnre. and Sat. Night*. Song* At Ynnr Requeet Group No. 4 of the Memorial Mlaiitonomob Tribe NO. 58, Im­ Mesplta! atmlliary, Mrs. William proved Order of Red Men, will At attempt will be made next LLawrrence A. Converse, direct­ WINES — UqUORS ANU BEERS Knofakle, leader, will meet at the hold Its regular meeting' in the Thuraday night to settle the long ing operations at Greenway Park Food At Its Best, Such As Ravlail, Spsgbettl, Chicken and Steaka'' Ordera Made Up To Take Out. ' dln lc building on Haynes street, Sports Center on WeUs street standingir-queation as to the final where 25 houses are now under Monday afternoon at two o'clock. Monday night at 7:30 sharp. At disposition of the property at 418 construction, announced today Mr«MS« N«s Ml the Close of the meeting there will North Main street formerly used that plans are now nearly com- T5S Main Btr^t ^Monster’ Bomber P^es Nazi Raiders; be mr.tion pictures shown and re­ by the Second Congregational ■tntr Tli««ter Mrs. George H. Nutter of leted to carry on a much greater Rulldtav Spruce street and Mrs. Felix Tan- freshments will be" served. church as Its parsonage. The Zon­ §uilding proJect than was at first Roomai 3 and 3 ing Board of Appeals Is scheduled gerone, gave a shower at Mrs. Tan- cohtempllited. Mr. Converse Tel. Mao gerone’s home on Hartford Road, Miss Mary E. Smith, of 41 Fos­ to hold a public hearing on this stated that it has been decided to L / for Miss Eleanor Bldwell of Chest­ ter street, was given a surprise and other questiona Thursday at 8 build 98 houses in the tract. It MILK THAT BUILDS / nut ftreet who Is to be married party last evening at her home by p. m. in the municipal building. Is In a section,, already provided H e r e you get theee two fourteen of her office associates. The property, a part of the with water, gas, electricity, sani­ axttm features with loons of .,.Oct 5 to John H. Morton of 539 $2S to $300: 1, S horter STRONG BODIES! Sast Center street, son of Mr. and The occasion was the 2Ist anni­ estate of the late Mrs. Lucy- G.> tary sewers and fire protection, Spencer, was left with certhin pro­ Apptiemtion Form —euti Sinking of Refugee Stuns Britons versary of her birth. Among the Mrs. John Morton of Nitro, West which gives It a rating of 90 per questions in half; saves time! Virginia. Twenty-live of her gifts Miss Smith received was a visions to the church for parsonage cent in FHA classification. VITAMIN-D: When intro­ purposes. In the event of its dis­ Z^uCaeh-'HfOUR W A Y "— friends from this and other towns radio set. The color scheme In The property is bounded on money loaned preferably on duced into milk, it makes the decorations was pink and posal, the will provides that the three accepted roads and the work attended and showered her with Mhwi Marguerite Peabody Just your tignature. gifts and the delicious refresh­ white which was carried even to return shall go to mission and of cutting through such additional easily usable by tbe body the T' the four tiered birthday cake which other church activities. The church Charges are 3% 6n uApaid ments Included a wedding cake Mr. and Mrs. Wyville H. Pea­ roads as will be ncce.ssary for fur­ monthly balances up to $100, valuable calcium and phos­ Legion Hears Willkie TalkH to Huge Throng in Uos Angeles with miniature bride and bride­ was made by Miss Smith's mother. has not used the 10-room structure ther developments, can easily be 2'~e monthly on as a parsonage for some time and. body of 113 Hollister street an­ phorus in milk so essential U groom. nounce the engagement of their done and provide a good grade. balancei at»ve. Some Attack London; seeks to sell it. The house is a large Mrs. Rebecca Wright, of HoU daughter. Miss Marguerite Char­ It was necessary. In the prelim­ sound bones and strong teeth!l Nation Must street, i.s spending the week-end one, and a prospective purchaser inary arrangements, to remove ONI has been found, but this party will lotte Peabody, to Joseph Francis 40,000 square yards of dirt from Dari’s Homogenized Vitamin- and next week in Mount Vernon, McCooe, son of Mr. and ifrs, John N. Y„ and vicinity and Is plan­ buy only on the condition the the ■ hill in the .southeast section D Milk is most nourishing! McCooe of 113 Bissell street. The FINANCE C a , Keep Ideals ning to be at the World’s Fair on house can be altered from a single wedding will take place later in of the tract to bring the land to Salvation Army Day, Sept. 25. to a three-family house. The place street grades. All of this build­ Gunners Clear Skies; the fall. SCHALLER’S is located in a B residence zone, which is limited to not more than Roosevelt Metmage De- double houses. Hence an exception elareH ‘American Way More Records to the zoning rules now la sought. ODER M IU Has Been Settled WE CONSIDER OUR O f U fe’ Must Be Pro­ Woodland Street 83 Children on Vessel Previously the petition for a change'' has come up, and at that Piano Instruction tected Against Peril. OPENS SAT., SEPT. 21 Smashed Here ESSO RANGE Sb FUEL OIL time action was balked when a Heaflliiips of Roar Over Coasts to Cider Made Tuesday, member of the Spencer family Boston, Sept. 23 — —Amid Sept. Builfling Permits claimed certain rights of way over EQUAL TO ANY! patriotic fanfare, tbe 22nd annual Printc'fl ill George Sees Send Millions Under­ Thursday and Saturday the property which might have Thora E. Stoehr PKim£C430 convention of the American Legion .Mornings. Three Times Amount affected its zonage on a lot area RANGE OIL FURNACE OIL Ivondon; News of Trag­ ground After Dawn; GEORGE DART today heard a declaration by Presi­ Issued in 19.39. basis. Apparently this question ha.s WILL TEACH AT HOME In Lots of In I.a)ts of 100 ^ 1 _ edy Witlihelfl .\lmost Much to Aid Spatter Western been privately ironed out and the 100 Gals, or .More ' C Gal. dais, or More O * 1C Gal. dent Roosevelt that this nation Part Sweet Cider On Sale property is ready for sale. There OF PUPILS OR AT ' must protect "our American way With a record of more than one has been no further rumor of op­ Week to Give Welfare Fiu u l VlCtOW Capital with Bomb* .\t the Mill of life” against "any form of ag­ new dwelling per day authorized position. STU D IO: 31 GREEN H ILL Workers Opportunityortiinitv —Most of Invaders Be­ La X. WOOD CO. Tel. 4496 gression which may endsngsr It." Every Day. for September, Manchester still The Board is being asked to act In a meaeage read by National To Notify Parents; lieved Turned Back by looks forward to a busy construc­ on the case of Everett Keith prop­ STREET — TEL. 6086 erty at 33-35 Main street, a resi­ Commander Raymond J. Kelly to Ship's Name Secret. King Declares England F I gli t e r Squadrons. PHONE 6432 tion week before the month ends, dence B zone. At the last Board , a colorful, uniformed throng In the Stands ‘in Front Line and there is a likelihood that at session, permission was granted The First House flng-draped , Boston arena, the lea.st ten more new homes will be to use this location for businc,s.s. preaident oaid: London, Sept. 23.—(TP)— To Champion Liberties Bulletin! projected in that week. Already The building inspector has held up FOR BETTER A1 "We now find abroad serlotia The sinking of a British refu­ That Are Heritage.* l,ondon.
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