http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society GENERAL INDEX Abergavenny, Henry, Lord, 184. Boom, T., 10. Adams, ,L, 111. Borough, W., 150. R., 150. Borstal, 92. Albermarle, Duke of, 155. Boys, Dean, 173. Alcock, R., 165. Boys, J., 101, 185 if. Allhallows, 163. Bourgchier, Archbishop, 2 if. Allington, 100. Boxley, 97, 209. Anglo-Saxon, Bead, 59 if., 80. Boynton, L., 149. Bell-beaker, 59 IT. Bradbourne, 5. Belt-rivet, 71, 78-9. Breda, Peace of, 155. Bottle, 65, 67. Brimpston, J., S. Brooch, 53 if., 80-4. Bristol, Diocese of, 183. Buckle, 63, 69, 71, 78-9. Bromley, 118. Burial, 53 if., 85-9, 220. Brown, Capability, 39 if. Cemetery, 49-89, 61, 95. Brookland Belfry, by K. W. E. Glass, 72-3. Gravett, M.Sc.(Eng.), F.S.A., 43-8. Knife, 63, 67, 71, 76-8. Bruton, Family, 2 if. Pottery, 61, 68, 73-6. Buhric, Bishop of Rochester, 135. Shield-boss, 67-9, 76-8. Durham, 91 if. Stud, 68, 71. Burleigh, Lord, 151. Sword, 53 if., 76-8. Burston, W., 143, 147. Tweezers, 71, 79. Brydde, 3., 8. Arlington, Lord, 155. Armestead, R., 154. Ash, 217. Cade, Jack, 6. Ashburnham, 6. Caiger, John E. L., Notes on the Kiln Ashford, 13. Construction, 26-32. Aylesford, 92. Two Kent Pigeon Houses, 33 -41. Priory, 134. Calcraft, J., 39 if. Aylesham, 49. Caldecot, 169. Canterbury, The ecclesiastical Commis- sion at, 1572-1603, by Peter Clark, Back, Dr., 12 if. 183-97. Baldwyns, Manor of, 25. 102, 106, 118, 175. Bancroft, R., 197. Christchurch, 46, 169. Bargrave, Dean, 173, 177. Cogan House, 45. Barham, N., 185. Diocese of, 183. Blaming, 212. St. Augustine's, 45 if. Banning (West), 102. St. Peter's, 193. Barton (Boteler), T., 7. See of, 1. Bath, Abbey, 46. Cartwright, T., 191. Beaufort, Cardinal, 171. Charles II, 154-5. Beaurepaire, Manor of, 169. Chartham, "The Deanery", by M. J. Beekenham, 117. Sparks and E. W. Parkin, 169-82. Becon, T., 184. Chatham, 93-4, 163. Bedwell, T., 151. Chevening, 111. Bexley, A post-medieval Kiln at, by Cheyney, Sir T., 184. L. C. Dale, 25-32. Chichester Cathedral, 46. Damon Park, 39. Chiddingstone, 3. Biclmor, 108. Chilham, 194. Birchington, Quex Park Museum, Chillenden, Prior, 170. 49-50. Chipstead, 3. Blamire, W., 108. Chislehurst, 117. 239 GENERAL INDEX Christian, Dr. 12. Eccles, Excavations at, 1973, by A. P. Claybrooke, W., 191 Detsicas, M.A., F.S.A., 119-34. Clerk, J., 8. Interim Report on the Excavations at Cliff, Dr. J., 11 if. the Eccles Site, by A. P. Detsicas, Family, 12 if. M.A., F.S.A., 216-7. Coast, W. S., 174, 177. Romano-British Villa, 97, 100. Cobham, Capt. Sir E., 147. Edmet, Dr., 12. Lord, 148. Edmund, King, 135 if. Lord George, 184. Edward I, 170. Lord William, 185. Edyall, H., 10. Cockharn Wood, 155. Egerton, 186. Coldrurn, 92 if. Elizabeth I, 184. Comfort, J., 9. Ellis, Family, 208-9. Compton (Sy.), 91. Elvin, J., 193. Cooling, 141 if., 210. Erith, 213-4. Covert, W., 39. Ernle, Lord, 101. Cranbrook, 13, 110. Evans, J. H., cited, 92. Cranmer, Archbishop, 8, 172. obit., 235-6. Cromwell, 172. Exeter, Earl of, 171. Cruden, R. P., cited, 154. Culpeper, Sir A., 186. Cumberland, Earl of, 151-2. Falstoff, Sir J., 8. Cuxton, 92, 94. Farnborough, 7. Faversham, 111. Fiennes, J., Lord Say and Sele, 6-7. Darrell, W., 186. Dale, L. C., A post-medieval Kiln at Flint Implements, 217, 222. Bexley, 25-32. Folkestone, 102, 107. Darent, River, 2. Fordwich, 185. Fotherby, C., 188. Dartford, Hawley Manor, 33 if. Finglesham, Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, 51 Heath, 25. Finn, A., 175. Dawson, Lt. R. K., cited, 109. Deal, 142-3. Freebody, T., 154. Denston, C. B., Report on the Skeletons, Frindsbury, 111. 85-9. Detsicas, A. P., M.A., F.S.A., Excava- Gaynesford, N., 8. tions at Eccles, 1973, 119-34. Giles, N. and F., cited, 111. Interim Report on the Excavations at Gillingham, 155. the Eccles Site, 216-7. Gloucester, Diocese of, 183. Reviews, 228-9, 231-4. Godwin, Dean T., 172, 186. Dittmar, B. R., cited, 115. Goldstone II, Prior, 171, 181. Ditton, 136. Goldwell, T., 172. Dorking, 91. Gomme, Sir B. de, 155, 164. Doull, A., 111. Gonson, W., 144. Dover, Castle, 102. Goodnestone, 111. Bishop Suffragan, 184. Gordon, C., 164. Port, 142. Goud.hurst, 101. Drayson, F. and H., cited, 111. Grain, Isle of, 93-4. Du Boulay, F. R. H., M.A., F.R.Hist.S., Gravesend, The Artillery Defences at, The Assembling of an Estate: Knole by Victor T. C. Smith, 141-68. in Sevenoales, c. 1275 to c. 1525, 1-10. Gravett, K. W. E., M.Sc. (Eng.), F.S.A., Dunkirk, 102. Brookland Belfry, 43-8. Dunlop, Sir J., obit., 235. Green, R. D., cited, 45. Durant, Family, 4. Greenhithe, Ingress Abbey, 40. Duraunt, W., 8. Griffith, Sir J., 154-5. Durham, Diocese of, 183. Grindal, Archbishop, 187. Groombridge, Dr. J., 12. East Mailing, 135 if. Grove, L. R. A., Archaeological Notes Eastry, Manor of, 169. from Maidstone Museum, 208-12. Prior Henry of, 170, 175. Grovehurst, Family, 2 if. Eaton, J., 194. Guildford, 91. 240 GENERAL INDEX Hall, H., 196. Kiln, Medieval, 25 if. Hailing, 100. Kit's Coty, 93, 97. Upper, 92, 94. Lower, 97. Halstow, High, 219. Kirby, R., cited, 92 if. Lower, 210. Kirkham, R., 8. Hampton Court, 200. Knob, 1 if., 199. Harrison, I., 158. Family, 2 if. Hartley, 217. F. D., cited, 109. Harty, Isle of, 102. Lakes, Dr. S., 186 if. Hasted, E., cited, 175. Lamberhurst, 6. Hastings, 134. Lambeth, 183 if. Hathbrand, Prior, 170. Palace Library, 1. Hawkes, Sonia Chadwick, M.A., F.S.A., La Neyte in Chelsea, 169. and Hogarth, A. C., M.A., The Anglo- Langdon, West, 105. Saxon Cemetery at Monkton, Thanet, Langley, H., 6. 49-89. T., Bishop of Durham, 6-7. Review, 227-8. Leake, Sir F., 156. Hayes, P., Trial Excavation at Deanery Leeds Priory, Interim Report on the Gate, Rochester, 205-6. Society's Excavations at, by P. J. Henry VIII, 2, 8, 142, 172. Tester, F.S.A., 215-6. Higham, 142, 144 if. Abbey, 36 if. Hobsbavvn, E. J., cited, 101. Church, 48. Hogben, T., cited, 111. Leicester, Earl of, 149. Hogarth, A. C., M.A., and Hawkes, Leigh, Sir F., 33. Sonia Chadwick, M.A., F.S.A., The Legh, R., 6. Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Monkton, Leonard, W., 154. Thanet, 49-89. Lesnes Abbey, 25. Holborough Hill (Knob), 95, 100. Leybourne, 136. Hone, Medieval, 209. Lidsing, 102. Romano-British, 210. Lloyd, Sir G., 155. Horsmonden, 5. London, 7, 102, 183. Hewett, C. A., cited, 45. St. Sepulchre's, 48. Hodson, J., 48. Tower of, 148, 152. Hull, F., B.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S., Longford, 9. Memento Mori or Dr. Cliff's Diary: An unusual demographic Document, Maidstone, 13, 100, 108, 183, 219-20. 11-23. Manwood, Sir R., 186 if. Margary, I. D., cited, 91, 95. Investigations and Excavations during Martin, A. A. R., obit., 235-6. the Year, 215-23. Mary, Queen of Scots, 184 if. Iron Age, Ditches, 217. Mayo, Family, 33. Occupation, 120-1, 218-9, 222. Medhurst, Dr., 12, 23. Pottery, 206-7, 222. Medieval, Brass, 203, 212. Isaac, E., 185. Bronze, 212. Glass, 203, 205. James I, 212. Hone, 209. Jenkinson, R., 193. Iron, 203. Joce, J., 7. Kiln, 131. Jongh, C. de, 144. Leather, 203. Jordan, H., 48. Lead, 203. Pewter, 203. Pottery, 131, 203, 205. Kain, Roger 3. P., B.A., Ph.D., The Purse-mount, 211-2. Tithe Commutation Surveys, 101-18. Seal, 210-11. Kelly, D. B., Archaeological Notes from Site, 132-3, 199-203, 217. Maidstone Museum, 213-4. Tile, 203. Kent Bibliography, 225. Tilery, 130-31. Kent, J., 173. Medway River, 91 if., 136, 154 if. Kidbrooke, 102. Towns, 13. 241 GENERAL INDEX Memento Mori or Dr. Cliff's Diary: Paston, J., 8. An unusual demographic Document, Pecham, Archbishop, 170. by F. Hull, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S., Peecham, R., 7. 11-23. Pegwell Bay, 53. Merden, W., 8. Pembridge (Herefords.), 46. Meredith, Family, 39. Penshurst, 110. Midley, 107. Pett, P., 149, 151. Milford Haven, 142. Pettifer, N., 193. Milton, 143 if. Pigeon Houses, Two Kent, by John E. Minster-in-Thanet, 51, 53, 169. L. Caiger, 33-41. Monks Horton, Church, 46. Pilgrims' Way, The Medway Crossings Monkton, Thanet, The Anglo-Saxon of the, by Patrick Thornhill, B.A., Cemetery at, by Sonia Chadwick 91-100. Hawkes, M.A., F.S.A., and A. C. Pittington, Manor of, 169. Hogarth, M.A., 49-89. Pocock, R., 150. Manor of, 169. Potkyris, 10. Moraunt, W., 7. Pottery, Anglo-Saxon, 61, 68, 73-6. Morice, C., 143. Iron Age, 206-7, 213, 222. Morton, Archbishop, 6, 10. Medieval, 131. Cardinal, 172. Romano-British, 128 If., 218. Mottingh am, 102. Poulton, 102. Price, F. D., cited, 183. Purfleet, 162. Nash, J., 171. Puttenham (Sy.), 91. Nedham, J., 143. Neville, T., 188. New Hythe, 100. Queenborough, 102. Newman, G., 188. Quyntyn, W., 8. Nicholls, J., 187, 193. Norfolk, Duke of, 185. Norris, Sir J., 149. Ramsgate, 49. North Downs, 91 if. Redburne (Herts.), 169. Northfleet, 143. Redman, W., 188. Norwich, 188. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, Cathedral, 46. 205-14. St. Peter 1VIancroft, 48. Reviews, 227-34. Nottingham, Lord, 151. Richard II, 184. Rigold, S. E., Review, 230-31. Riverhead, 3, 9-10. Obituaries, 235-6. Rochester, Trial Excavation at Deanery Ocock, M. A., Late-Belgic Pottery from Gate, by P.
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