COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, JANUARY 5,1993 SESSION OF 1993 17TTH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES troublesome times, finding in the examples hmow Nation's past steadfastness of spirit and strength of will not only to ANNOUNCEMENT behold the right but to meet its challenge. Remember, too, that this building has seen the mortal illness At 11:30 a.m., the HONORABLE MA.1-TIIEW J. RYAN, and death of many elected officials, one of the most recent of a member-elect from llelaware County, made the following which that of James Manderino, the rock of Monessen, ought announcement in the hall of the House: to serve to remind all who labor in this legislative vineyard that the Sun's majesty does not shine only on this building to In accordance with the provision5 of Article 11, section 4, of the exclusion of the rest of the that those who the Conslitut~on of Pennsylvania, the members-elect of the work here - to maintain a reservoir of Rood humor House of Representatives will meet thls day at 12 o'clock noon emotional detachment, trusting their own to in the hall of the House of Representatives for the purpose of . I same to opponent; remembering, too, that organlzatlon. I des~ite evidence to the contrary, one's own intellectual judgment on a bill or issue may possibly be in error and that, CALL TO ORDER believe it or not, the other fellow may possibly be right. I Neither side has a monopoly on the good and the true and The hour of 12 o'clock having amvcd, the IfONOKhSLE the beautiful. JOHN J. ZUBECK, Chief Clcrk of the House of We strive for the light. Our great quarrel is not over the Rcpresenlatives, called the members-elect to order and announced: ends of government but always over the means, all seeking to uphold the duties of office. 'lhis being the day and the hour appointed by Article 4 In this past century, another time of great dissension and section 4, of the Constitution of I'ennsylvania for the meeting upheaval, that German sage, Goethe, wrote, "Little children, if of the Gencral Assembly, the IIouse of Representatives will you cannot learn to love one another, at least leam to put up now come to order. with one another." Go, therefore, and treat your friend as you 'lhe Scrgeant at Arms will close the doors. would wish to be treated. He patient, giving always the benefit I'rayer will be offered by the Reverend John Corhctt, of doubt. Chaplain of the Marian Manor Nursing Home in Pittsburgh. May the fullness of God's love and abundant care be with Members and guests will please rise and remain standng you always, and may Iie sustain you in good times and in bad. for the presentation of the colors by the United States Marine Godspeed to one and all. Corps Color Guard from New Cumbcrland, I'ennsylvania, and the singing of the national anthem by Cleo Pherribo. PRESENTATION OF COLORS PRAYER (Ihe colors were presented by the United States Marine I Corps Color Guard.) REV. JOIIN 13. CORI3lCIT, Chaplain of the Marian Mdnor Nursing IIome, I'ittsburgh, Pennsylva~a,offercd thc following NATIONAL ANTHEM prayer: rlhe Star-Spangled Banner" was presented by Cleo We pray: Pherribo.) God our Father, grant unto all of us assembled here - elccted officials, caucus officers, distinguished guests, families, The CHIEF CLERK. The Sergeant at Arms will open the friends - that we will all strive to find the patience and doors of the Ilouse. Members and guests may be seated. goodness of heart and mutual tolennce which we will all need Ille Chair thanks the lady, Cleo Phenibo, for the beautiful to ti~lfill the function placed upon thesc new government rendition of the natlonal anthem. officials during these coming ycars. In a setting which in ycars past has bcheld far too much rancor and discord and unpleasantness of purpose, may lhc luminous vision of our Founding Fathers be invoked in 2 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - HOU David J. Mayemik Twenty-ninth ELECTION RETURNS PRESENTED Richard 1. Cessar Thirtieth David J. Steil Thuty-first The CHIEF CLERK. The Chair recognizes the Sergeant at ~~th~~~M, D~L~~~Thuty-second Arms of the House. Frank Dmody Ihimi-third The SERGEANT AT ARMS. Mr. Chief Clerk, the Deputy Ronald R. Cowell TI,"&-fourth Secretary of the Commonwealth, Mr. Vincent G. Guest. Tom Michlovic Thirty-fifth The CHIEF CLERK. The Chair recognizes Mr. Guest. Chris McNally Ihuty-sixth Katie Tme Thirty-seventh Mr. GUEST. Thank you. Richard D. Olasz Thuty-eighth Mr. Chief Clerk, on behalf of the Secretary of the David Levchsky ?buty-ninth Commonwealth, Dr. Brenda Mitchell, I have the honor to Albert W. Penif Fortieth present the official returns of the general election held Forty-first z~~~y~Forty-second November 3, 1992, and the certificate of campaign expense Jere W, Schuler Forty-third reporting compliance for the duly elected members of the Ron Gamble Forty-fourth House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the Fred A. Trello Forty-fifth Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Victor John Lescovitz Forty-sixth Leo Congratulations to all the members-elect. J. Trich, Jr. Forty-seventh Anthony L. Colaivo Forty-eighth The CHIEF CLERK. The Chair extends the thanks of the Peter Daley Forty-ninth House to Mr. Guest. BIII DeWeese Fiftieth The clerk will proceed with the reading of the returns of the W Robetts Filly-first members-elect. Richard A. Kasunic Fifty-second Robert W. Godshall Fifty-third The following election returns were read: Teny E. Van Home Fifty-fourth I Joseph A. PetraM Fifty-fifth COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ~lleiG. Kukovich Filly-sixth Thomas A. Tangretti Filly-seventh Herman Mihalich Fifty-eighth ~ ~ -~ Jess Stairs Fifty-ninth TlVES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMON- Timothy L. Pesci Sixtieth WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETINGS: Joseph M. Gladeck Jr. Sixty-fmt I have the honor to present the returns of the General Election Sara G. Steelman Stxty-second held November 3, 1992. The following, having received the highest David R. Wright Sixty-third number of votes in their respective districts, were duly elected , Scott E. Hutchson Sixty-fourth Members of the Ilouse of Representatives in the GedAssembly: James C. Lynch Sixty-fifth Sam Smith Sixty-sixth Kenneth M. Jadlowiec Sixty-seventh Name District Matthew E. Baker Skty-eighth ~ William R. Lloyd, Jr. Sixty-ninth Linda Bebko Jones First John W. Fichter ltalo S. Cappabianca Second Seventieth John N. Karl Boyes Third Womiak Seventy-fmt Tom Yewcic Tom Scrimenti Fourth Seventy-second ! Edward 1. Haluska Jim Meny Fifth Seventy-third Teresa E. Brow Sixth Camille George Seventy-fourth Dan A. Surra Seventy-fifth Mike GNitza Seventh Howard L. Fargo Eighth Mike Hanna Seventy-sixth Thomas J. Fee Ninth Lynn B. Herman Seventy-seventh Dick L. Hess Seventy-eighth Frank LaGmtta Tenth Joseph A. Steighner Eleventh Richard Geist Seventy-ninth Jeny Stem Pat Carone Twelfth Eightieth Arthw D. Hershey Thirteenth Larry 0. Sather Eighly-fmt Mike Veon Fourteenth Daniel F. Clark Eighty-second Nick Colafella Fifteenth Thomas W. Dempsey Eighty-third Susan Laughh Sixteenth Alvin C. Bush Eighty-fourth David 0. King Seventeenth Russ Fairchld Eighty-fifth Robert Tommy Tomlinson Eighteenth C. man Egolf Eighty-sixth Bill Robinson Nineteenth Patricia H. Vance Eighty-seventh Tom J. Murphy Twentieth Jeny L. Nailor Eighty-eighth Frank 1. Pistella Twenty-fmt Jeffrey W. Coy Eighty-ninth Frank J. Giglioni Twenty-second Patrick E. Fleagle Ninetieth Ivan ltkin Twenty-third Stephen R. Maitland Ninety-fust Joseph Preston, Jr. Twenty-fourth Bmce Smith Ninety-second Joseph F. Markosek Twenty-fifth Michael L. Waugh Ninety-third Timothy F. Hemessey Twenty-sixth Stan Saylor Ninety-fourth Thomas C. Petrone Twenty-seventh Stephen H. Stetler Ninety-fifth Elaine F. Fanner Twenty-eighth Mike Sturla Ninety-sixth LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - HOUSE Jere I,. Strimnaner Ninety-seventh William F. A~OI~~~JI. One hundred sixty-fifth Thomas E. Armstrong Ninety-eighth Greg Vitali One hundred sixty-suttb Teny Scheetz Nmety-ninth Bob Flick One hundred six&-seventh John E. Barley One hundredth Manhew 1. Ryan One hundred suty-eighth Edward H. Krebs One hundred fmt Dennis M. O'Brien One hundred six&-ninth Peter J. Zug One hundred second Geotge T. Kenney, Jr. One hundred seventieth Ron Buxton One hundred third Ruth C. Rudy One hundred seventv-fust Jeffrey E. Piccola One hundred fourth John M. Peml One hundred seven&-mud Ron Mmico One hundred fifth Michael P. McGeehan One hundred seventy-third Frank Tulli, Jr. One hundred sixth Alan Butkovitz One hundred seventy-foluth Robert E. Belfanti, Jr. One hundred seventh Marie A. Lederer One hundred seventy-fifth Merle Phllips One hundred eighth Chns Wogan One hundred seventy-sixth John R. Gordner One hundred ninth John I. Taylor One hundred seventy-seventh J. Scot Chadwick One hundred tenth Roy Reinard One hundred seventyeighth Kenneth E. Lee One hundred eleventh Wibam W. Rieger One hundred seventy-ninth Fred Belardi One hundred twelfth Ralph Acosta One hundred eiehtieth Gaynor Cawley One hundred thirteenth W. Curtis Thomas One hundred ei&ty-fmt Frank A. Serafiri One hundred fourteenth Babene Josephs One hundred eiahcv-second Edward G. Staback One hundred fifteenth Fmnk W. Yandrisevits One hundred eighty-third Thomas B. Stish One hundred sixteenth William F. Keller One heed eighty-fowth George C. Hawy One hundred seventeenth Robert C. Danatucci One hundred eighty-fifth Thomas M. Tigue One hundred eighteenth Harold James One hundred eighty-sixth Stanley J. Jamlin One hundred nineteenth Paul W. Semmel One hundred eighty-seventh Phyllis Mundy One hundred twentieth James R. Roebuck One hundred eightyeighth Kevin Blaum Onc hundred twenty-fmt Joseph W.
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