E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1995 No. 1 Senate (Legislative day of Wednesday, January 4, 1995) By Mr. DOMENICI (for himself, There are two statutory line-item ap- ator MCCAIN's enhanced rescission pro- Mr. EXON, Mr. CRAIG, Mr. BRAD- proaches that the Congress will con- posal. But I do think there is a need to LEY, Mr. COHEN, and Mr. DOLE): sider. The first, Senator MCCAIN's en- recalibrate the scales, balance them, S. 14. A bill to amend the Congres- hanced rescission bill would provide and guarantee the President a vote on sional Budget and Impoundment Con- the President with unilateral authority his or her rescission proposals. trol Act of 1974 to provide for the expe- to delete any item funded in an appro- Finally, Mr. President, I would like dited consideration of certain proposed priations bill. In order to overturn the to take a moment to commend the sen- cancellations of budget items; to the President's action, each House of the ior Senator from Idaho, Senator CRAIG, Committee on the Budget and the Com- Congress would have to pass a bill of for his leadership on this legislation. mittee on Governmental Affairs, joint- disapproval, send it to the President, The legislation I introduce today, in ly, pursuant to the order of August 4, and then override the President's veto many respects, represents the work 1977, with instructions that if one com- of this bill of disapproval. This pro- product of the distinguished Senator mittee reports, the other committees vides an extraordinary shift of power from Idaho. In addition, the legislation have 30 days to report or be discharged. from the legislative branch to the exec- borrows heavily from previous legisla- utive branch. tion written by the senior Senator LEGISLATIVE LINE ITEM VETO ACT The second approach, embodied in from Maine, Senator COHEN, and the ef- Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I in- · the legislation that I introduce today, forts of the senior Senator from New troduce legislation to give the Presi- is frequently referred to as expedited Jersey to fight tax breaks in our laws. dent a legislative line-item veto. I am rescission authority. Under this ap- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- particularly pleased to be joined by the proach, the President proposes a rescis- sent that a brief description and the distinguished ranking minority mem- sion and is guaranteed a vote up or text of this legislation be printed in ber of the Senate Budget Committee, down by Congress on these proposed re- the RECORD. Senator EXON, and Senators CRAIG, scissions. There being no objection, the bill was BRADLEY, and DOLE in introducing this Our legislation is stronger than the ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as legislation. We have a bipartisan bill enhanced rescission bill in many re- follows: that I think will enjoy strong support spects, but I will just mention two pro- in the Senate and has the best chance visions. Our bill provides a ``lock box'' S. 14 of becoming law. to guarantee that any savings go to Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- The American people are demanding deficit reduction. It also extends this resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, greater accountability for the deci- rescission authority to direct spending, sions that Congress makes. If Congress the real culprit behind the growth in SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. includes provisions in legislation that Federal spending, and targeted tax ben- This Act may be cited as the ``Legislative Line Item Veto Act''. provide new spending that cannot efits. stand on its merits, then there should There is no question that discre- SEC. 2. EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN PROPOSED RESCISSIONS AND RE- be a procedure to extract this funding. tionary spending can contribute to def- PEALS OF TAX EXPENDITURES AND The legislation we introduce today pro- icit reduction, but discretionary spend- DIRECT SPENDING. vides such a procedure. ing is a shrinking as a portion of the (a) IN GENERAL.ÐTitle X of the Congres- Mr. President, there is a great deal of budget. Direct spending, spending out- sional Budget and Impoundment Control Act support for an item veto. All but two side the control of the appropriations of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 621 et seq.) is amended by Presidents in the 20th century have ex- process, will grow from 54 percent to 62 adding after section 1012 the following new pressed their support for an item veto percent of the budget over the next 10 section: authority. President Clinton cam- years. ``EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN PRO- paigned on a promise that he could cut Mr. President, the Constitution POSED RESCISSIONS AND REPEALS OF TAX EX- spending by $10 billion from the enact- grants the President the power of the PENDITURES AND DIRECT SPENDING ment of a line-item veto. Forty-three sword and the Congress the power of ``SEC. 1012A. (a) PROPOSED CANCELLATION of our 50 State Governors have some purse. The President has a great deal of OF BUDGET ITEM.ÐThe President may pro- form of item veto authority. Finally, power as Commander-in-Chief as we pose, at the time and in the manner provided in subsection (b), the cancellation of any the House, even under Democratic con- have most recently seen in Haiti. I am budget item provided in any Act. trol, has sent the Senate two separate not ready today to turn as much of ``(b) TRANSMITTAL OF SPECIAL MESSAGE.Ð rescission bills during the 103d Con- Congress' power over the purse over to ``(1)(A) Subject to the time limitations gress. the President as provided for in Sen- provided in subparagraph (B), the President · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S 173 S 174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE January 4, 1995 may transmit to Congress a special message companying that special message. If the bill between, and controlled by, the mover and proposing to cancel budget items and include is not introduced as provided in the preced- the manager of the bill, except that in the with that special message a draft bill that, if ing sentence in either House, then, on the event the manager of the bill is in favor of enacted, would only cancel those budget third day of session of that House after the any such motion or appeal, the time in oppo- items as provided in this section. The bill date of receipt of that special message, any sition thereto, shall be controlled by the mi- shall clearly identify each budget item that Member of that House may introduce the nority leader or his designee. Such leaders, is proposed to be canceled including, where bill. or either of them, may, from time under applicable, each program, project, or activ- ``(B) The bill shall be referred to the appro- their control on the passage of a bill, allot ity to which the budget item relates. The bill priate committee or (in the House of Rep- additional time to any Senator during the shall specify the amount, if any, of each resentatives) committees. The committee consideration of any debatable motion or ap- budget item that the President designates shall report the bill without substantive re- peal. for deficit reduction as provided in para- vision and with or without recommendation. ``(E) A motion in the Senate to further graph (4). The committee shall report the bill not later limit debate on a bill under this subsection ``(B) A special message may be transmitted than the seventh day of session of that House is not debatable. A motion to recommit a under this sectionÐ after the date of receipt of that special mes- bill under this subsection is not in order. ``(i) during the 20-calendar-day period (ex- sage. If the committee fails to report the bill ``(F) If the Senate proceeds to consider a cluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holi- within that period, the committee shall be bill introduced in the House of Representa- days) commencing on the day after the date automatically discharged from consideration tives under paragraph (1)(A), then any Sen- of enactment of the provision proposed to be of the bill, and the bill shall be placed on the ator may offer as an amendment the text of rescinded or repealed; or appropriate calendar. the companion bill introduced in the Senate ``(ii) at the same time as the President's ``(C) A vote on final passage of the bill under paragraph (1)(A) as amended if amend- budget. shall be taken in the Senate and the House ed (under subparagraph (A)). Debate in the ``(2) In the case of an Act that includes of Representatives on or before the close of budget items within the jurisdiction of more the 10th day of session that House after the Senate on such bill introduced in the House than one committee of a House, the Presi- date of the introduction of the bill in that of Representatives, and all debatable mo- dent in proposing to cancel such budget item House. If the bill is passed, the Clerk of the tions and appeals in connection therewith under this section shall send a separate spe- Senate or the House of Representatives, as (including debate pursuant to subparagraph cial message and accompanying draft bill for the case may be, shall cause the bill to be en- (D)), and any amendment offered under this each such committee.
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