To All Advertisers . The 3eachcomber is pub­ lished each Wednesday 3322 for advertising rep­ resentative VOL. XXXVI), NO. 1 Incorporating the Hampton Boach Advocote WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1965 Summei ogram ineri pr igram of is another fun-filled day begin- be awaiting the ning with the always’ popular ors tj Hampton sand castle contest at 11 a.m. t ic : t chamber of The children’s parade will be held at 1 p.m. with prizes to be awarded for the best dec­ mgniigntmg tne entire sum­ orations anrl the best rolling mer program w ill be the Au­ toys. The coronation of the gust Festival climax. The ever Junior King and Queen will popular ha by contest will be also be held. Free ice cream held from the Sea Sheii stage on August 23 from 2 to 3 p.m. The second consecutive fire­ men’s muster day will be held on August 28. This event proved to be very oopular last year and will again include a full' days activities. At, 10:30 a.m. a parade o f participating fire apparatus w ill be held fol- gust 20th. A t this time a lowed by Hand Tub Playout Hampton Beach girl, Miss competition. Sheila Scott, reigning Miss A few days earlier >n Au- Hampton Beach will relinquish gust 21. the gigantic combined her crown and title to the new Hotel Association and Hamp- winner, ton Beach Chamber of Com- OTHER EVENTS merce Parade of Floats, Horri- The entire summer will be bles. Bands and Antique Cars filled with daily events includ- will be held at 1 p.m. ing band concerts daily thru The always fun-fiiled bath- Labor Day beginning June 2d ing suit day will be observed and excepting Mondays and from 2 to 3 p.m. on August Festival Week. Concerts will 30th. be held at 4, 7 and 8:30 p.m. During the entire week of Stan Bednarz will again Ji- August 24 through 28 three rect. Sunday concerts will be times daily an old fashioned held also at the 3ame hours vaundeville show will be held, and at 2:30 p.m. This will he sponsored by the Miss Coca Cola will lead ail- Precinct and Hotel Association, isthenics on the sanS in front B E A U T Y CO NTESTS o f the Sea Shell week days Highlighting the events lead- from July 5 through August ing up to August Festival days 27. These will be held at 10:30 will be the two beauty contests a.m. which have become famous over Beginning on Wednesday, the years at Hampton Beach. July 7 and carrying through The Miss Hampton Beach con- each Wednesday through Au- test will be held on July 20 Organ concerts will be held at 8:30 p.m. at the Casino Ball- from the Sea Shell stage be- room and the Miss New Eng- ginning June 26 through La- land contest will be seen on bor Day at 2 pun. There will August 3rd also at the Casino be special concerts on Mon- Ballroom. days at 3 and 8:30. There will C H ILD R E N ’S D A Y be no concerts on Sundays. The day that the children Talent shows which have For 37 years the staff of the Beachcomber have look forward to all year, Chil- proved to be popular over the special events been combing the sands, streets and hostleries of dren’s Dav, will be observed past several seasons will again ?d at the Cham- Hampton Beach for news to bring to our readers. on Wednesday, August 18. This be held from the Sea Shell :e Office. This is our 38th consecutive year of publication and with it comes a hearty welcome to all vacationists and local residents. - It hardly seems possible that our all-too-shorfc -rail summer vacation and recreation season is upon us once again. We are looking forward to renewing ac­ quaintances with all of our old friends and to meeting as many newcomers as the summer wears on. The upcoming 1965 season at Hampton Beach already shows promise of being one of the best in recent years. Much has happened since Hampton Beach ' businesses closed their doors last fall. Work continues year after year at the beach as more and more stores, ~hotels and motels are renovated and constructed. Once again local townspeople, state officials and local legis- lators have had a busy winter as they have endeavored to provide the best for the many vacationers at Hamp- *£ . ton Beach. We, here at the BEACHCOMBER, are looking <. ' | ^ forward to serving you once again with our weekly ^ ^ J coverage of beach events through pictures and news ?ach and River T o rie s . ent sand from Happy vacationing at HAPPY HAMPTON from Randall Photo all of us here at the BEACHCOMBER. VITAMIN CtNRICHM VITAMIN L in c o ln SPECIAL FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! BONELESS BONELESS SHOULDER fELLOW CLING BUY 3 POUNDS OF GROUND CHUCK AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET THE 4»h POUND FREE. FREEZER FREEZER LINCOLN LINCOLN Good June 23 to June 27 BIG BIG '/a GALLON JUICE Cans With Purchase of $5.00 or More j V 3 LBS. ALL BEEF Excluding Beer & Cigarettes Coupon only at Prescott Farms, Seabrook, N. H ___ PEACHES FIRESIDE FIRESIDE Large la rg e 2 (Bone In) DELMONICO FINEST ASSORTED achine Sliced SUPER SCOn FAMILY STA-FLO SPRAY LIBBY’S FROZEN MARKET PRESCOTT STEW LEAN - RED SUGAR CHUCK ROASTS Juicy, Tender SEEDLESS SEEDLESS GRAPES LONDON MRS. FILBERT’S Save 26c EXTRA FANCY BROIL | SNAPPIN' FRESH FANCY STEAKS PINE PINE CONE Slate 'O Maine .Tune 26. 2 to 6 p m. -^^TH nW anke Audu­ h V ... fee): 3 p.m., PAGE 5 PAGE 4 _ _ ------------ ---------- -------------- Recistration (n* 11 \ \ the New Hampshire- Audubon VIH ANJ5I bon meeting " ’dl tske P . f m..i Kjrd and flower trij Jne can nelp but doing on the beach? We have Informal nr Movie Society, invites members to wonder what the networks are tried to find out many time3 Franconia__ PnllrireCo ikm . wnicn coni/ to Littleton: *■ P™” The Collins mands a mogn.ficent view of come and bring friends. All So- thinkmg of. We have Shindig but it seems to lie a BIG ae- Annual Audubon Meeting ••W lHlife Heritage. ^Saturday, June 25: 8M a.nu ciety field trips and activities J 1 us out Hullabulool cret. I sure wish someone BOAT TRIPS The president of S 'J » S the White Mountains. Four field trips in, the ana as wcJI as annual meetings are !)®s V‘k,en a breather while its would let me know before I To Thq Field trip to Cannon •• View CAM tours lor barnstorms) have grey hair and am “65** Audubon Sonetj CnH B«c t Mr. Buehhe.ster will are planned including an all Movie “Natures Choice , open to anyone interested jn the country to prepare for the or over. Z T e r 'at the 51st ^annual lecture and show a move Sat- day Sunday trip to the So­ 2^o’ p.m. Business meeting; w ildlife and conservation. For Isles Of Shoal s further information write the Fly DICK COLLINS September 13th debut. So lots ,, , S f i of the New Hampshire urday evenm* «t 8.15. ciety's Pondicherry Wildlife K 4 pm Illustrated lecture by Of luck to you all if that’s J l £ * * * to face in .Jefferson. Two import­ „ T c„,ort. 4-45 p.m. Field New Hampshire Audubon So- on the n e w your type of MUSIC. -oe the College Inn standing VIKING ant wildlife movies will bt H p in area'; 8:16 p.m. Lecture ciety. 18 Sebool Street, Con- at the foot of C street as it Ceres Wharf (og Market Street) Portsmouth, N H. shown. -Nature’s Choice and Ind movie by Carl Buchhe.s- cord, N.H. As a public service I will toll you how where Jackie's did for many years. Many Tel. 436-7927 -Wildlife Heritage. AI s o ter! President of National Au- happy tourists stayed there, scheduled is an illustrated talk Travel Agency is now located. Fare $3.50 Round Trip, Children $2.50 dubon Society. You will find them on the cor- your reporter among them, bv a New Hampshire Audubon Leave Portsmouth 11:00 a.m., 5:10 p.m. Sunday. June 27, Red Cross but that's progress and this member, Bob Smart, who has nor of C Street here at Hamp­ Saturday 11:00 a.m,, 2:40 p.m., 5:40 p.m CASINO Field trip to N. H. Audubon ton Beach, no longer in the is the New Hampton Beach. recently returned from Africa. Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge .n Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Question: What happened to The complete tprogrnm ot Swim Program Jefferson. Alternate shorter Yours truly has been told the Troll Bridge on C street? BALLROOM events for the wee-end is as Last, but not least, our trip to Easton led by John Me The Exeter District Chapter. that James Franciscus is in follows: American Red Cross, announ­ the area doing some vacation thought for the day: If we T. V. COMING EVENTS ces the opening of its summer ing. Mr. Franciscus is the late IZlyZtwere to picki the bestTu dressedl swimming program at Kingston ” Mr. Novak”. But Mr. Novak” merchant here at Hampton SALISBURY DRIVE - IN THEATRE State Park. alias Franciscus is not taking ’^ ° “ a‘Ways dapper Rentals it tsvrv k.......... U______ _ * and debonair, ourour opinion FRIDAY THE 25th SALISBURY.
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