Ai^iAflR nm T dmeilrLAnoN TRB for Md Maott e f ta s , Ifififi ef O, ■Ortfori 6.114 fivv; Ir SoaIgM I e f O t e a l a t U a s efeiage la MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VITXAGE CHARM VOL. LVBU NO. 240 (a amtflefi AdvertMag an Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE Ci CHINESE RENEW MA^NOT NAME Huffhes at Pai^s^irport After Re^rd Flight ^ mclf JUSTICE UNRL -:7. .7, •. AT ‘1939 CONGRESS! Burn AD Water- F. D. R. May Dehy Seledmgl front ihroperty Useful To Cardozo Successor Dor- TO CONTINUE Japs But Prepare For Dok ioR Recess; Would Avoid I perate Defense Of Gty. Rejection Of Acting Jurist Two Honrs At Ml Kbanghal, July 12— (A P ) — Jap- Washington, July 12. — (A P ) — New York, anese bombers raided Chinese posi- The poaaiblUty that President Roose- July 13.— (A P ) —. 1:40 a. m.—Richard Stoddart, tions on the qutakirts of Kluk|ang velt might delay selection of a new Cbronologleal record o f Hughes radio engineer, reported plane be- After A Fast Tri^ Fi flight: today while Chinese defenders, pre- Supreme Court Justice! unUI Con- tween 200 and 300 miles from Mos- cow. paring to fight to a finish and in- (Tim e Is Eastern StaniSarU) .. Palis h &ven Honrs gress meets In January was consid- Sunday: 3:13 a. m.—Landed at Moscow nding to leave nothing vMuable ered today by Capital politicians.- 6:20 p. m.—Took off, Floyd Ben- Airdrome, covering 1,641-mile flight nett Field, New York. in 7 hours, 40 minues. Distance 49 Minutes; Appear Ti American poBseasiona. Jap- M " A u gw that m appolntn^t to Monday... ... ,,, ••• from New York: 61,181 miles elaps- ed time: 32 hours and 83 minutes. .uieae troops attempted to land on could be made whether 10:88 a. m.— Landed at L e Bour- the weet bank of the channel lead- J?. Average speed (Including time on BULLETIN! get Field, Paris, after 10 hours and ground) 100.80., tng Into Poyang lake, ten miles due ^ % *£ President de- 38 minutes In air, less than half the east of Klukiang, which Is 136 miles * s u c c o r to -6:38 a. m.—Took off for Omsk, time taken by Ool diaries Lind- down the Tsngtw river from Han- ^ i? The scene at the Le B oum t Airdrome, Paris, France, on July 11th, aa Howard Hughes, million- Siberia, after remaining In Moscow New Ywk, July ,- kow, present Chinese capital. and *** court aire oil man and apeed filer, aUgbted from hla great Lockheed plane, the "New Fork Worlde Fair 1080", bergh 11 years before Distance, 8 only 3 hours and 13 minutes. (A P ) > Albert Lodfirlcfc;(V( ‘ Japanme goaL Japanese warriUps “ 2 ? . after he ahd his daring crew of four had flown non-stop from the Floyd Bennett Field, New Yoik cltyi 610 miles. flight representfithre hisrtrf ‘ In 10 hours, 88 minutes, less than half the time taken by <3ol. Charles A., Lindbergh on his hiatorio 7;£fi a. m.—RCA, which said It but down a barrage to cover the I Senate, hmvever, eventually 7:34 p. m.— Took o fL fo r Moscow was In constant communication witn for Howard troops’ advance. Inside Klukiang ™uat on all recess Mpolnt- flight 11 years ago. A great crowd of admiring Frenchmen wail on the field to give Hughes and )iia after 8-hour delay foir radio re- crew a great ovation. Stopping only long enough for a short rest and repairs to the plane, Hughes Hughes plans, reported sighted oved nofineed at 1:55 p. rl, ^ ft .: the Sinese rushed barbedwJi “ - pairs. Kasan, appoxlmately 400 miles due tanglhments. sandbag barricades took, off again for Moscow on his dash around the world. Thla picture waa rushed to London mfrom 0:33 p. m.—Radioed "everybody paat o f Moscow. tn today that the aviatftr and trenches In the streets. nomin«* Paris and radioed from London to New Torki had landed at Opsk. an right" Flying 16,000 feet, 188 7:80 a. m.—Hughes passed over Most clvUlans had fled with to e ^ o ,2 h ^ ? miles an hour, (p ^ tlc o not given). S' ? - Volga river about 480 miles due beria. at 1 p. bl . e. ftk t. 11:18 p. m.— F lying a t 17,800 fee t east of Moscow end about one- Lodwick, who ia prii i M ^ a‘ " » 2 S S to avoid Ice-formlng cloud*. Speed third of the distance to Omsk. The 220. Eetamated poeiUon: 008 milea report came from M. Oemtchsnko, dent of Stinson Atreraft '' 18 rnlles _ The Rntledge Case MOTHER K H I^ PRESIDENT EASES DOWN from Paris, 100 miles east of Russian govemmeit llaaon officer of Corpwatioii, said ke k d l: . Jap w p e B om M John Rutledge of South Carolina, Deutseb-Krone, Germany. the flight to flight headquarters at been advised by ’^govera- CaUnese plues^m bed Jm>wcx« who had resigned aa associate jus- Tneedayt the World Fair. meni cable” of the fllsf^ wmrshlM off Pengtseh Md H ^ow. tlce of the Supreme Court to be- CHILD, TRIES They claimed sweml hlU. C ain ^ come chief Justice of his sUte’s ON n s SPEECHMAKING arrival at OiRUl whera %• : forces occupied British property highest court, was appointed chief 000 gaflons of fnel were on along the Klukiang river &ont, jusUce of the United Stotes by Pres- mountlng guns and cutting loop- hdeht Washington In 1703. It waai • P n A f 0 * L . TOKHISELF hand. Lodwick announced tkai ui holM In warehotwea, and wharf U recess appointment dated August A m n C M F o r D ST O f S u llt’ CHARGE DUPONT, RASKOB huMdln^ 13. RuUedge hald his new effleel ^ DEAIV CONSIDERED Hughes after loading t* Reports from British companlee during th* August term. ThOn he Indicated.the Chinese were deter- left PW lndeli^, where fW com Bridgeport Woman F on ^ capacity with* gssslhis^. seeraf in Colonulo Moon- mixed to utilise every means to re-{sat; to go on oirouit duty. **».. would continno to Ya« m- pulse a Japanese landing at Klu-| He never returned to the Buprenie I AS AN OLD FRIEND WITH U. S. TAX EVASION kut^ Siberia, wkich la l*i> klang. The dispatches also said (Court. .Aa aoon aa the Senate. con- turn; Spoke In Heavy Unconscioiis h Gas Filled Cblnese decidedd to destroy river- vened December 16, the appointment 277 milea from Omsk. frout property of the Standard Oil I waa rejected by vote of 10 to 14. He added H woirid tah» Company because Suppoi Shore Cottagr, Dangkter Fedenl Board FomIs Tkat isa of "mlUtaty neo-1 Supportera of Waahlngton had i«-re- Rain In Teiaa Y^terday. Doctor Defends His Act aboni an hour and a haV- •salty.’' I sented Rutledge’s criticism of the I to reflU the plane’fi taiika..i A-Japanese naval officer announc-1 treaty nemtlarotlatod byt John' Jay with Mon Than A Mffion LATE NEWS ed- that Japanese planes completely ! Great Britain,; Aboard Prerident Rooeevettli long Statement Before Moscow, JUIy l»-^ (A ^ destroyed the Tuantan b ri^ e on Two other Juatioes took their the Canton railway, and badly'dam-1 ____seats________ wblls Congress __ _______ wa* In recess, Train Enroute 'to San Vtanolsoo, ard ^ugbaa, Ameelcaa mUUeasIn MUford, July 12.—(A P )—Hlevein- Dollars W en Involvad k aged another brid^ at Ylnirtek. and“ " 'four ' week^liitef were eemfirm^ I July 12 .— ( A P ) - V ^ X 6ld*qt Itoose- He Drinks Poison hH ote FLASHES! flier,'sped screck the vskt edtyiN<0 ' Levi I veil, none the yew old Estelle fi^wjKtx srakfiBund of fkndet Rnsfto tctalght tuwati. drenohlMh .gushed on -today 3iead todfiy to a g ^ tU Io d su^uner hi|ir Traaiactioa. Omsk to weeteiu ftflwrlSk W MOstiB' Cur- I ColornbVi Rooky Mount ' San RafM, Califs Juty xl3.— NAZn CONVUTTED cottage at Sliver Beach, the vlettoi, Etvarftead, W. Y * M y 1ft,—(A P ), hoped________________________ to land on the third_ log df ese blew up two huge steel pon- The President arranged^, for _ (AP)r--A small town dootor,-'mlastog toons owned by the Standard Oil (Ooaaatied on l-ags Two.) pleasant day of.slf^tae^qg hnd Ut- DetooUve fierfit. Henry J. Galbrcn- dMihmring Isos than two | hla round the world speed try. from his Southern California home Waabtofiton; July 12.— (A P )— niInntM, a Safifolfc eeanty Jaty teday I Hughes' big monoplane reacliM Company of-New Toric. American I tie work. Easing down on spapeb- ner «Ud, of her mother’s attempt I U W tod''sU tor workers sank a third pontoim to making he traveled westward on for more thnn a wertr, told today to commit suicide. 1 m e unuea HiateS Board of Tkx ^vlctod.aU^defie^to ine tii U potot beyoS Sverdb^ o v ^ ■aye it from total loss. to a'S,000-word Journal of how he The mother, Mrs. Florence Appeals found today that Pierre 8 . Oennan-AoMitato SeMIcnieat Lfim- OOO miles from Moscow, at 7 n. Uh transcontinental tour, the (Jblef turned from .life, wltl) Its hitter en- .. — Within Three Miles Ehcecutlve scheduled oidy one train Schwarts', 30, of 488 Hawley avenue, J DuPont and John J. Raskob bad at- 5 5 .”* '’*•'•**■***•■*•*• < 11 »• “ • •-•■L). svcfdknrak Uea ba- The Japanese were reported with- BIG WHEAT CROP platform speech, that at Pueblo, durances, to death, which he hailed onll iiigma Jaw. (yond the Ural mountatos, qn tha as *’M old friend.” -Bridfipeport, whose unconscious form I tempted to evade more th«n |i,!> Judge L , 9em m H ill Iniaiedlately | European ride-od tbs bordav ba> in three miles o f Klukiang.
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