INDEX Abott, William, 329 American Art, 229-301, 483; history of Abraham, Enoch, 459 American sculpture, 483. See also Rush, Account of Province of Carolina . , by William; Stuart, Gilbert; West, Benjamin. Samuel Wilson, 111 American Commission in Paris, 62,6^, 66,70, Adams, Abigail (Mrs. John), arrival in 72, 74, 76; protest number of drafts made Europe, 290; associations with and com- upon them, 73; refusal to honor draft of ments on the Binghams, 290-293, 307, William Bingham, 76; sending of supplies 308, 316; death of, 161; letters, 293; men- to U. S. by, 59, 60 tioned in correspondence of John Adams American Commonwealth, by Viscount Bryce, and Richard Rush, 29-30, 139, 143, 145, 2,14,483; appearance greeted with acclaim 152, * 53,} 59, 160 14; number of editions, 17; reproduction of Adams, Abigail (1765-1813), comments on title page, 16 the Binghams, 290-293, 387; extracts from American Constitutional Crisis, by Brogan, 20 journal of, 290-291, 292; interest in Wil- American democracy, dangers of, pointed liam Jackson, 291; letters of, 491 out by Tocqueville, 12; European inter- Adams, Henry, 483 preters of, 1-25 Adams, James Truslow, Epic of America, 24 as influenced by: Adams, John, 6^, 394; appointment of capitalization of industry, 25; immigra- "midnight judges," 194; attitude toward tion, 22-24; passing of the frontier, 24; certain Republicans, 30; correspondence relative birth rates of native born and with Richard Rush, 26-53, 137-164; death immigrant stock, 23 of wife, 161; disagreement with Hamilton, American Democracy and the Work of Tocque- 395; in England, 290, 291; prayer for New ville, by Gottfried Duden, 13 England, 47; sad state of country mourned by, 53; War of 1812 discussed by Richard American Experiment, by Hugh-Jones and Rush and, 28-31, 34-36, 42, 45, 46, 53 Radice, 20 Adams, John Quincy, 5, 13; correspondence, American history, history of, 482-483 43,44,139; discussed by Richard Rush, ^3, American journalism, dynamics of, 435, 445. 46, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142; Minister to See also Newspapers England, 141; Minister to Russia, 38, 41- American Letters, by Alexander von Hum- 42 boldt, 3 Addison, Judge Alexander, impeached, 114, American literature. See under literature 118 American Revolution. See Revolution, Ameri- Address and Petition to King Jesus, by can Samuel Keimer, 358, 361 Ames, Fisher, 86 Adlum, John, surveyor, 412 Andrew Doria, ship, 59 Agriculture, in Colonial America, 351 Andrews, Charles M., The Colonial Period of Alexander, Emperor of Russia, discussed by American History . , reviewed, 331-335 John Adams and Richard Rush, 42, 49, 50, Andrews, J. Cutler, Pittsburgh's Post-Ga- X37,138> J39J British agents hostile to, 147, zette . , reviewed, 344-345 148 Annals of Congress, 394 Allen, Ann Penn, 305 Anthony, Joseph, 423 Allen, Frederick Lewis, 483 Archivists, problems of American, 233 Allen, Chief Justice William, manuscripts of, Argout, Count d', transferred to St. Domingo, 356 67; his value to the American cause, 68, 69 Allman, Isaac, defendant in suit brought by Armes, Ethel, Nancy Shippen . , edited the Penns, 194 by, reviewed, 481-482 Allston family, 491 Armesto, Andr6s L6pez de, Spanish official Almanack, Leeds, 378, 379, 379«, 384«; Tay- in New Orleans, 249, 252 lor, 378, 379 Armstrong, General John, mentioned by America, agriculture in Colonial, 351; barber- John Adams, 30 surgeons in Colonial, 106; books on, in, Army, U. S., in War of 1812, discussed by 11I,353> democracy in, European views of, John Adams and Richard Rush, 28-31, 1-25; French aid to, 54; life in, as seen by 34-35, 45, 53 Europeans, 3, 6, 14, 177-178 Arnold, Benedict, 417 America Comes of Age, by Andre Siegfried, Art, American. See American Art 20, 22, 23 Articles of Confederation, convention to re- American Anti-Slavery Society, 227 vise, 389 493 494 INDEX Articles and publications, notes on, 103-110, Bathurst, Lawrence, 446 227-234, 349"355> 484-490 Baton Rouge, 250 Asia, snip, 401 Bayard, James A., lawyer for State of Dela- Auge, Moses, biographer of Jonathan ware in suits brought by Penns, 194, 195, Roberts, 451 198, 202 Aurora, French frigate, 78 Bayard, Miss Mabel, gift to Society, 112 Aurora, newspaper, joins in the attack on the Bayard Taylor: Laureate of the Gilded Age, judiciary, 125, 127, 129, 131; champions by Richmond Croom Beatty, reviewed, shoemaker's strike, 134 339-342 Austin, Moses, 239 Bayard, Hon. Thomas F., 201 Autobiography, Franklin's, new text of, 349; Bayard and Pettit, Philadelphia under- Samuel Keimer discussed in, 370 writers, 119 Beale, Henry, 329 Babylon to Bethel, by Stephen Crisp, 374 Beale, Joshua, 230 Backhouse, Jonas, dry goods merchant, 177 Beale, William, 130 Bailey, Margaret L., reviews by, ICO-IOI; Bear, George, 329 222-223; 481-482 Beard, Charles A. 262 Baird, Henry C, no Beatty, Richmond Croom, Bayard Taylor Baker, William Spohn, Bibliotheca Washing- . ., reviewed, 339~342 toniana, 476 Beaujolais, Duke de, 311 Ball, description of one given by Mrs. Wil- Beaumetz, French e*migre", 311 liam Bingham, 317 Beaumont, Gustave de, 10; report on Ameri- Ball, Joseph, Philadelphia capitalist, 247, can prisons, 4, 7, 489 254, 256 Beauvois, Baron Palisot de, botanical collec- Ball, Thomas, 329 tions of, 351-352 Baltimores, the, 334 Bedford, Judge Gunning, 195, 198 Bancker, Gerard, Treasurer of State of New Beere, George, 330 York, 282 Beers, Henry Putney, review by, 224-225 Bancroft, George, 221, 483 Belknap, Jeremy, 482 Bank of North America, 404, 405; incorpo- Bell, Nicholas, 328 rated (1780,403 Bell, Robert, stationer, 171 Bank of the United States: first, (1791-1811), "Bellevue," summer home of William Bing- 258, 263, 405, 408; branches, 277-278; ham at Black Point, New Jersey, 307 charter, 264, 273, 279-280; connection Bellows, John, 330 with government, 264, 270-272; loans to Benezet, Anthony, Quaker philanthropist, Thomas Jefferson, 281; statements and re- life of, 338-339 ports of, 264-265, 267, 268, 270, 283, 284; Benezet, Hannah Bingham (Mrs. John), 288 stockholders, 269, 274, 279, 404; second, Benezet, John, agent of William Bingham in 263, 278 Philadelphia, 79; lost at sea, 288 Banks, control over press, 443; rise of private, Benjamin Miller and Company, tobacconists 218 and snuff makers, 173 Baptismon Didaches, by William Dell, 374 Berckel, Mme. van. See Leval, Mme. de Barbados, Samuel Keimer in, 385-386; Berkeley, Lord, 88 political institutions of, 332, 334 Bermuda and the American Revolution: 1760- Barbados Gazette, first newspaper in Barbados I783> by Wilfred Brenton Kerr, reviewed, 3*5, 386 477-479 Barber-surgeons, in Colonial America, 106 Berthold, Arthur B., review by, 480-481 Barclay, Gilbert, flees Philadelphia during Betsy, ship, 65, 255 British occupation, 167 Betsy and Hannah, ship, 255 Barclet, Benjamin, 328 Bezanson, Anne, review by, 217-219 Baring, Alexander, 275, 323; at home of Wil- Bezanson, Anne, Robert D. Gray and Miriam liam Bingham, 310, 313; investment in Hussey, Wholesale prices in Philadelphia, American lands, 310, 421-426; marriage to 1784-1861, reviewed, 214-217 Ann Louisa Bingham, 318; settlement of Biddle, Ann. See Wilkinson, Ann Biddle Maine boundary dispute, 319; trustee un- Biddle, Clement, 239; failure of in 1785, 245 der will of William Bingham, 323,434. Biddle, John, tavern keeper, 180 Baring, Sir Francis, 323, 419, 421 Biddle, Nicholas, 5, 276, 338 Baring, Henry, 313; trustee under will of Wil- Bidwell, Barnabas, referred to by John liam Bingham, 323, 434 Adams, 30 Bartlet, Benjamin, 329, 330 Billmeyer, Michael, 356 Bass, Robert, offers reward for return of lost Bingham, Ann Louisa, daughter of William colored boy, 178 Bingham, 288; marriage to Alexander Bate, William, 328 Baring, 318; mentioned in father's will, 434 INDEX 495 Bingham, Ann Willing, (Mrs. William): an- Birth rate, comparative, of native stock and cestry, 287; appearance, 287, 293, 307, immigrants as influencing American 308, 316; ball given by, 317; costume, 294; democracy, 23 death of, 321, 395; letter to Thomas Jef- Bissing, Friederich, The Constitution of the ferson comparing French and American United States According to James Kent, 13 women, 295-296; marriage, 286; reproduc- Black, Colonel, 432 tion of portraits of, 288, 314 (inserts); Blackwells, the, 298 use of cosmetics, 316 Blaine, Thomas, preemption of deserted shop Bingham, Hannah. See Benezet, Hannah by during British occupation of Phila- Bingham delphia, 167 Bingham, James (1st), 286 Blockade, British, of American Colonies, 72, Bingham, James (2nd), 286 73, 241; Continental, of Philadelphia, 170 Bingham, John, 286 Boileau, Nathaniel B., 116, 117; favors im- Bingham, Maria Matilda, marriages of, 319- peachment proceedings against judiciary, 320; share in father's estate, 434 126 Bingham, Mary Stamper (Mrs. William 1st), Boker, George H., autograph letters of, 491 286 Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon Bingham, William (—1769), 286, 287 Bond, Phineas, Consul General of England Bingham, William (1752-1804) Agent of to Philadelphia, 193, 199, 244 Continental Congress in Martinique, 55, Bond, Dr. Thomas, Jr., advertises for $6, 388; ambition for office, 291, 387, 388; "humane industrious women" as nurses, ancestry, 286; appearance, 55, 293, 315, 180-181 387, children, 288, 289, 314, 321; death, Book reviews, 93-102, 214-226, 332-348, 475-483 323; death of wife and removal to England, Books, on America, 3^3; eighteenth century 321, 322, 395; debt owed to, by Congress, autobiographical, 361; history of printing 61-62, 72, 74, 82-83; delegate to Continen- and publishing in the United States, 480- tal Congress, 389; Description of Land in 481; published in Colonial Pennsylvania, Maine and Massachusetts, pamphlet, 417; 370-386 Director of Bank of U. S., 276-277, dispute Booksellers, London, eighteenth century, with the Willinks, 407-409; efforts to 36277 provoke break between France and Eng- Booth, James, 186 land, 68, 69, 70; Federalist sympathies, Boreham, W., printer and bookseller, 361 392; homes, 296-297, 301-304, 306, 308, Borrenstein, David A., printer and publisher, 309, 425; land speculations of, 395-396, 108-109 409-434; lawsuit over seizure of ship Hope Botanical Journal of North America, by 83-87; letters, 62, 70, 72, 74, 81, 312; love Andr6 Michaud, 3 of money criticized by Mrs.
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