October 2012 Community Policing to Prevent Violent Extremism Community Policing to Prevent Violent Extremism By DAN SILK, Ph.D. © shutterstock.com n August 2011, the White Extremism Working Group its purpose as outlining “how House released the impor- and the joint U.S. Department the federal government will Itant new document “Em- of Justice–U.S. Department of support and help empower powering Local Partners to Pre- Homeland Security Building American communities and vent Violent Extremism in the Communities of Trust Initiative, their local partners in their United States.” This document supports this document.2 grassroots efforts to prevent vio- outlines a broad, outreach-based The White House docu- lent extremism,” which includes strategy for reducing the threat ment recognizes outreach and “strengthening cooperation of violent extremism.1 Previous community-government rela- with local law enforcement who work, including the U.S. Na- tionships as key to successfully work with these communities tional Strategy for Counterter- protecting the United States every day.”3 Supported by rorism and efforts by the U.S. from an al Qaeda-inspired tactics that closely follow the Homeland Security Advisory threat. The president’s introduc- philosophy of community polic- Council’s Preventing Violent tion to the strategy emphasizes ing, government-community October 2012 / 1 partnerships represent a vital the United Kingdom to remain Because of their long his- facet of countering violent on the cutting edge of counter- tory of dealing with terrorism, extremism. terrorism tactics. This strate- United Kingdom law enforce- gy strives to harness the poten- ment agencies’ work with coun- Prevention tial of community policing and terterrorism offers a valuable Law enforcement agencies is the source of many success- lesson for U.S. law enforcement in the United Kingdom recog- ful programs across the United personnel. British researchers nize this feature of counterter- Kingdom. In the past, agencies have expended considerable ef- rorism because it closely mir- have used community policing fort reviewing the application of rors the Prevent portion of their to tackle other criminal chal- Prevent and similar strategies.6 national counterterrorism strate- lenges. Police in the United Even though Prevent has been gy. Representing an integral part Kingdom have employed this applied, debated, and modified of the overall mission to fight philosophy for years to affect for several years, the application violent extremism, Prevent, in the danger posed by terrorism. of it does not necessarily re- existence since 2007, is the as- The core goal of the new veal a perfect fit for the United pect that uses government, po- U.S. strategy is “to prevent States. Recent reviews of the lice, and community resources violent extremists and their sup- tactic have identified needed to keep people from becoming porters from inspiring, radical- improvements.7 However, the terrorists or supporting terror- izing, financing, or recruiting British criminal justice system ism.4 It incorporates a com- individuals or groups in the and policing culture closely par- munity-centered approach that United States to commit acts allel and in some ways birthed heavily emphasizes local action of violence.”5 This initiative, at the U.S. system. This provides and, while not without contro- least in its core focus, closely an important opportunity for versy, spurs law enforcement in emulates the goal of Prevent. police in the United States to consider the British experience while moving forward with similar initiatives. Through Prevent and other When seeking law enforcement initiatives, to build or sustain United Kingdom counterterror- “ ism police emphasize the value effective relationships, of police-community relation- outreach to Muslim ships and the importance of communities cannot learning.8 These valuable les- constitute exclusively sons are stressed because of the a counterterrorism vital role they play in building issue. community-based counterterror- ism capabilities. Dr. Silk, a former U.S. State Department special agent and municipal Relationships law enforcement officer, serves as the communications coordinator for the University of Georgia Police Department in Athens and an instructor in the ” Experienced American university’s Criminal Justice Studies Program. law enforcement leaders have tried to harness the potential 2 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin of community policing and periodically may emphasize Similar to the experience of recognize that police-com- counterterrorism. They must many American law enforce- munity relationships are key. stress effective government ment officers, British police The Prevent experience in the and law enforcement prac- have experienced the challenge United Kingdom does not differ tices, neighborhood safety, and that a one-dimensional police- from other police operations. community participation in a community relationship poses. The importance of lasting and healthy democracy. The value No police officer would feel genuine personal relationships of developing and maintaining comfortable with someone between police and Muslim strong police-community rela- suggesting that corruption or communities needs emphasis tionships transcends definition brutality serves as the lense just like those between of- by specific criminal concerns. through which communities ficers and other segments of should view law enforcement, society. While a wide-ranging just as no Muslim wants al series of factors can affect the Qaeda to affect how police ability of communities and regard Islamic communities. police to build productive and During a research interview, trusting relationships, Muslim The emphasis on a Muslim community member communities worldwide are preventing in the United Kingdom noted, affected and targeted most by “al Qaeda-inspired “I think, you know, when al Qaeda-inspired violence and violence causes a you [the police] just knock can be vital to preventing future quandary. on somebody’s door and say events. Police must establish ‘Hey, what do you know about solid relationships with com- terrorism and extremism?’ munities affected most and best they [Muslims] think, what positioned to help. the heck?” He went on to say, The emphasis on preventing “I do not know, it is just this al Qaeda-inspired violence When seeking to build or spontaneous questioning they causes a quandary. The question sustain effective relationships, just, they [police] just come out arises as to how officers and outreach to Muslim communi-” with at times. I think one thing Muslim communities should ties cannot constitute exclu- I have to say that they [British frame their relationships sively a counterterrorism issue. counterterrorism police] have without exclusively defining Law enforcement agencies and learned from generally is… their mutual interests in national policy makers must recognize building up relationships, and, security terms. This represents a the impracticality and potential as a result of relationships, then key consideration for U.S. law offensiveness of such a stance. we can move forward and… enforcement agencies as they Conversations should take talk about these issues.”9 An seek to build genuine partner- place between police and these important characteristic of rela- ships with these neighborhoods. neighborhoods without the need tionship building is that it takes Close, productive relationships to mention terrorism. The par- time, and with time comes the between police and the ties must refuse to allow their ability to discuss sensitive is- community defy artificially relationship to be framed by a sues when those conversations imposed boundaries, yet they single topic. become necessary. October 2012 / 3 One of the key ways to cor- community to have answers to address violent extremism, rect misconceptions between when faced with the inevitable everyone involved has a great law enforcement and com- questions that follow such an deal to learn. Many in American munities is to spend time with operation. It enables commu- law enforcement lack a personal one another. As in any other nity leaders to take ownership perspective with respect to the relationship, patrol officers of potential problems requiring Muslim community. Police and Muslim business own- solutions and empowers com- agencies and Islamic commu- ers, imams and precinct com- munities with information that nities often do not know each manders, and two dads—one a enables them to work with law other well, and both recognize Muslim physician and the other enforcement. The FBI often they have much to understand. a law enforcement officer— relies on relationships to edu- Police officers need to learn whose children attend the same cate key community members about Muslims and Islam from school need time to get to about an operation so that they, reputable sources, and Muslims know one another. Establishing in turn, can educate others.11 need to know more about law rapport can be uncomfortable; enforcement personnel, their however, in the midst of a crisis agencies, and their missions. after an emergency occurs and This mutual knowledge and a contact is needed, officers and understanding directly supports community members find it too effective public safety. late to begin the process. In essence, police- The communication flow community outreach is an that develops through relation- educational endeavor. When ships proves vital. Officers mustt law enforcement leaders address recognize that their associations public gatherings,
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