Periodic Report - Second Cycle Section II-City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto 1. World Heritage Property Data Villa Forni Cerato, 45.653 / 11.561 2.23 0 2.23 1996 Montecchio Precalcino , 1.1 - Name of World Heritage Property Province of Vicenza , Veneto City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto Region , Italy Comment Villa Godi 45.746 / 11.529 4.66 0 4.66 1996 Committee Decision 20COM VIIC: The name of the property Malinverni, Lonedo di Lugo was changed to “The City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas Vicentino , of the Veneto” . (Note: "The") Province of Vicenza , Veneto Region , Italy 1.2 - World Heritage Property Details Villa Pisani Ferri, 45.359 / 11.369 1.6 0 1.6 1996 State(s) Party(ies) Bagnolo di Lonigo , Province Italy of Vicenza , Veneto Region , Type of Property Italy cultural Villa Pojana, 45.282 / 11.501 6.14 0 6.14 1996 Identification Number Poiana Maggiore , 712bis Province of Vicenza , Veneto Year of inscription on the World Heritage List Region , Italy 1994, 1996 Villa Saraceno, 45.311 / 11.587 0.59 0 0.59 1996 Agugliaro , Province of 1.3 - Geographic Information Table Vicenza , Veneto Name Coordinates Property Buffer Total Inscription Region , Italy (latitude/longitude) (ha) zone (ha) year Villa Thiene, 45.573 / 11.63 0.38 0 0.38 1996 (ha) Quinto Vicentino , 0 / 0 ? ? ? Province of Vicenza , Veneto 0 / 0 ? ? ? Region , Italy City of Vicenza 45.549 / 11.549 218 0 218 1994 Villa Trissino, 45.428 / 11.414 3.78 0 3.78 1996 (including 23 Sarego , Province buildings of Vicenza , constructed by Veneto Region , Palladio), Italy Vicenza , Villa Valmarana 45.584 / 11.611 4.34 0 4.34 1996 Province of Zen, Bolzano Vicenza , Veneto Vicentino , Region , Italy Province of Villa Trissino, 45.565 / 11.547 13 0 13 1994 Vicenza , Veneto now Trettenero, Region , Italy Cricoli, Cricoli , Villa Valmarana 45.583 / 11.594 3.29 0 3.29 1996 Province of Bressan, Vicenza , Veneto Monticello Conte Region , Italy Otto , Province of Villa Gazzotti 45.554 / 11.575 0.9 0 0.9 1994 Vicenza , Veneto Grimani, Region , Italy Bertesina Villa Badoer 45.03 / 11.646 1.41 0 1.41 1996 (Vicenza) , called , Fratta Province of Polesine , Vicenza , Veneto Province of Region , Italy Rovigo , Veneto Villa Almerico 45.532 / 11.56 9 0 9 1994 Region , Italy Capra, called , Villa Barbaro, 45.806 / 11.98 6.57 0 6.57 1996 Vicenza , Maser , Province Province of of Treviso , Vicenza , Veneto Veneto Region , Region , Italy Italy Villa Angarano, 45.781 / 11.724 3.58 0 3.58 1996 Villa Emo, 45.712 / 11.99 14.54 0 14.54 1996 Bassano , Vedelago , Province of Province of Vicenza , Veneto Treviso , Veneto Region , Italy Region , Italy Villa Caldogno, 45.607 / 11.507 2.77 0 2.77 1996 Villa Zeno, 45.703 / 12.639 7.71 0 7.71 1996 Caldogno , Cessalto , Province of Province of Vicenza , Veneto Treviso , Veneto Region , Italy Region , Italy Villa Chiericati, 45.504 / 11.653 11.75 0 11.75 1996 Villa Foscari, 45.435 / 12.201 5.87 0 5.87 1996 Grumolo delle called , Mira , Abbadesse , Province of Province of Venice , Veneto Vicenza , Veneto Region , Italy Region , Italy Page 1 Monday, October 13, 2014 (6:24:49 PM CEST) Periodic Report - Section II-City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto World Heritage Centre Periodic Report - Second Cycle Section II-City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto Villa Pisani, 45.227 / 11.469 0.21 0 0.21 1996 Villa Serego, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 Montagnana , Province of Villa Piovene, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 Padua , Veneto Region , Italy Comment Villa Cornaro, 45.604 / 11.999 7.44 0 7.44 1996 A more complete version of the maps that do not imply any Piombino Dese , Province of modification of boundaries or other data about the property is Padua , Veneto available. Region , Italy Villa Serego, San 45.499 / 10.926 2.78 0 2.78 1996 1.5 - Governmental Institution Responsible for the Pietro in Cariano , Province of Property Verona , Veneto Adele Cesi Region , Italy Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali Villa Piovene, 45.747 / 11.527 1.33 0 1.33 1996 Lugo Vicentino , Funzionario Province of Ufficio Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO, Segretariato Vicenza , Veneto Generale - Servizio 1 Region , Italy Comment Total (ha) 333.87 0 333.87 Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo Comment Francesca Riccio Funzionario Ufficio Patrimonio Mondiale - First two records are null/empty; - Record "City of UNESCO, Segretariato Generale - Servizio 1 Via del Collegio Vicenza ..." does not have buffer zone data: it is (has) 100,80 Romano, 27 00186 Roma Italy Telephone: +39 06 67232140 whereas the total is (has) 318,80. - Record "Total (has)" Fax: +39 06 67232105 Email: [email protected] should be revised on buffer zone column: the data is (has) 100,80 and consequently the Total is (has) 434,67. - Record 1.6 - Property Manager / Coordinator, Local Institution / "Villa Trissino" should be revised on location information as Agency follow: Villa Trissino, now Trettenero, Cricoli (Vicenza), Province of Vicenza , Veneto Region, Italy. Danilo Guarti Municipality of Vicenza Direttore 1.4 - Map(s) Dipartimento Territorio - Settore Urbanistica Title Date Link to Ufficio Unesco source Comment Villa Trissino ora Trettenero, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 Correct address is: Palazzo degli Uffici Piazza Biade, 26 Villa Gazzotti Grimani ora Curti, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 (Instead of: Piazza Biade - Palazzo degli Uffici 26) Villa Almerico Capra detta La Rotonda, scale 03/12/2007 1:5000 1.7 - Web Address of the Property (if existing) Centro storico di Vicenza, scale 1:5000 12/01/1994 1. Un itinerario tra ville vicentine e committenti Villa Angarano, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 2. Comune di Vicenza (only in Italian) 3. Palladio''s Italian Villas Villa Caldogno, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 4. Andrea Palladio Villa Chiericati, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 5. Palladio''s Buildings Villa Forni Cerato, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 Comment Villa Godi Malinverni, scale 1:10000 03/12/2007 www.unesco.beniculturali.it/mbac/ www.comune.vicenza.it/vicenza/attrattiveturistiche/cittaunesco Villa Pisani Ferri, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 .php www.palladiomuseum.org/it/ www.villalarotonda.it/ Villa Poiana, 1:5000 03/12/2007 www.lamalcontenta.com www.villadimaser.it www.villagodi.com www.villevenete.org/ Villa Saraceno, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 www.comune.frattapolesine.ro.it/ville-e-palazzi/villa- Villa Thiene, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 badoer.html www.villaemo.org/ www.villapisani.net/ www.comune.caldogno.vi.it/pagina156_villa-caldogno.html Villa Trissino, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 www.villapoiana.it/ www.comune di agugliaro.vi.it www.civitatrevenezie www.turismopadova.it/it/ Villa Valmarana Zen, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 Villa Valmarana Bressan, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 1.8 - Other designations / Conventions under which the Villa Badoer, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 property is protected (if applicable) Villa Barbaro, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 2. Statement of Outstanding Universal Value Villa Emo, scale 1:10000 03/12/2007 Villa Zeno, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 2.1 - Statement of Outstanding Universal Value / Villa Foscari, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 Statement of Significance Comment Villa Pisani, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 The Statement of Outstanding Universal Value has been Villa Cornaro, scale 1:5000 03/12/2007 revised in compliance with the new format, based on the Decision 34 COM 10B.3 of the World Heritage Committee in Page 2 Monday, October 13, 2014 (6:24:49 PM CEST) Periodic Report - Section II-City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto World Heritage Centre Periodic Report - Second Cycle Section II-City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto 2007. It is currently subject to the evaluation of Advisory Bodies 2.2 - The criteria (2005 revised version) under which the property was inscribed (i)(ii) 2.3 - Attributes expressing the Outstanding Universal Value per criterion 2.4 - If needed, please provide details of why the Statement of Outstanding Universal Value should be revised The Statement of Outstanding Universal Value has been revised in compliance with the new format, based on the Decision 34 COM 10B.3 of the World Heritage Committee in 2007. It is currently subject to the evaluation of Advisory Bodies 2.5 - Comments, conclusions and / or recommendations related to Statement of Outstanding Universal Value 3. Factors Affecting the Property 3.14. Other factor(s) 3.14.1 - Other factor(s) Page 3 Monday, October 13, 2014 (6:24:49 PM CEST) Periodic Report - Section II-City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto World Heritage Centre Periodic Report - Second Cycle Section II-City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto 3.15. Factors Summary Table 3.15.1 - Factors summary table Name Impact Origin 3.1 Buildings and Development 3.1.1 Housing 3.1.2 Commercial development 3.1.3 Industrial areas 3.1.4 Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure 3.1.5 Interpretative and visitation facilities 3.2 Transportation Infrastructure 3.2.1 Ground transport infrastructure 3.2.4 Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure 3.4 Pollution 3.4.4 Air pollution 3.8 Social/cultural uses of heritage 3.8.6 Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation 3.9 Other human activities 3.9.3 Military training 3.10 Climate change and severe weather events 3.10.2 Flooding 3.11 Sudden ecological or geological events 3.11.2 Earthquake Legend Current Potential Negative Positive Inside Outside 3.16.
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