
'OMCAITI ON A2 Serving Newport 1.. c~ . Cotta Mtsa, Huntington INch, lrYIM, LllUN IHch, FCMH\teift Vlley lftd louttt Orenge County C A LIF O RNIA TUESDAY MAY 14, 1985 -;~Cf NTS tudents walk out to support teachers .\t Edison H igh School 1n H unt­ womed ahout graduatio n " he \aid. ~cm9 nstrat1on'> or other protl''> I'> JI ha'>tl' 11 tht' ' "'dnted." ~1d teachers B . FV educators say they'll appear inato n Beach. students walked o ut of Thebo" I area wa., ' 1nu<tll\ dl'ared the d1 stnl't''> fi,c other campuS\.'' "''" pl.rn 10 apJ)t'ar at tht• ..chool their 9 a.m . second period classes to of studcnh b~ about I 0 a m : acrnrd- Gerald T olman. a math tealha at J1\tnl.'t mn·ting ton1gh1 ,cn mas~ to night 'en masse' at bOard m~eung congregate in the o utdoor bowl area. 1ng to Virl' Princ ipal ( hm Rice fountain Valle} H igh School "'hu protnt tht· lark of an agrl'emt· nt. " There's nothing goin~ on all over She estimated. huweH·r that about '>Oon "''II becomt president uf thl' 1 ru\tl'l' '> are \t· heduk-d to meet at 7 Sf ROB ERT BARKER teachers ~m broiled in a bitter eon­ thl' entire campus.'' said Paul Dc­ 500 student!> left rnmpu., aft er the teachers· unio n. said an earl' -hour pm al d1 .. 1nc 1 head~uam·~ . I0.:!5 1 De11, "llol ...., •ttte tract dispute with the school district Maio. an editor of the.- studc.-m o pening bell 'pot check showed o nl> ahout Ii' l' or "\ o r ~ I u..-. n .\ \t' .\bout halfofFo untain Valle)' H igh yearbook " Wt:'re not ~o in$ back Leaders for thl' h.'3l hl' r'> - about " ' studc.-nts in classroom ., nom1Jlh T hl' " (NJ ll' Jl'ht>r., 111 thl' d1stnct. 0 High '>l hl)ol \lu1kn1., '>I Jgl·d Sc-hoot's 3.600 students sta)'ed ho me until "'l' re rl'ad) ·· D1Ma10 said latc.-r 2 15 o f"hom .,tagl·d a Sil ko ut f- ru.Ja\ ouup1ed b} about 30 hd'l' turnt"d d o " n " J la't Jnd lxst" protl'''' on r arnpu'c' tn r ounta1n from school. accord1n$ to ea rl ~ e<.11 - that adm1n1s1ra1ors used "scare tac­ - den1l•d pla} 1ng J rok 111 tuda ~ ··., To lman. "ho said that H untington 11 tk r thJI 1ndudt:d J J percent pa) Val Ir} and H unttngto n Hcac·h toda} . matcs -'made b~ Pnnc1pal Da' c lln" h~ 1hrl'atc.; n1ng suspension. " I student protest\ Thl·re al'>o "'l'rl· no lkach l ' n1on H igh School Dl\tnl l n.111,1rl'troactl\t:10 Juh 14~4 and a 5 IPP3re ntl\ tu sho" sohdant' \\Ith Hagen. "'l'n t hat·k to das' becauSt' I "as rcpon" toda' o f 11.':s eha' 101 n1ng thl' urlic1als could ~Ilk thl· d1spu tl· .. J')t,.,I (Pleaee eee STUDENTS/ A.2) a California Sheriff, A Californla poll shows most In state are un­ : >! I '7ate ' coroner concerned about delays .. IA)vrr -la Jo bs in beginning lottery./A4 office State employees laud high court's decision al­ 8w-~"-t lowing public workers to strike./A4 to stay Nation But DA to handle Bomb dropped by police jail deaths. killing~ helicopter on Philadel­ by county deputies phia rowhouse ends siege, but 60 homes are destroyed./ A4 B~ JEFF ADLER ' • Ol t ... Deily P'llOt Itel! A plot to overthrow I hl' <Ir J ngl· l 11u n1 ~ Bo ard u t India's Gandhi is foiled by .... uf')l'r\l:>OI" \Oll'd H>da~ Ill n:ta1n It .. a former Vietnam war u in\o hJated \henn:c oroner·., Of. hero./A4 till· hut dlfl:l·tl' d the D 1.,1m·1 .\t­ t ll rnl·~ llh·nnduu Jll fut urt• '°' l.''>t1ga­ l1<' n" tn' ol\ · ~ rml--ornth> or fatal World '>hooting' h ~ 'hl·n ff, dl·putlt:s \uPl'n " or' d 1'>l. u"'""d thl· l'>'>Ul' for Shultz. Gromyko meeting aho ut 15 m1nuh.'\ lxtore ' 0 1ang +u tu together to discuss mJ1n1a1n lht' J1 11 n1 '>hl·nff-corona t1 f>l'rJl1on "hilt: Jdnpung '>llmt' o pcr­ peace./A4 .11111nal rn 11dllil':i1 111 n' rl·lommcndl·d Soviets kill about 1,000 h\ till' ( u unt\ .l,d man1 ,1 rJll\l' Otlill' IJll' l,1\t m11nth - Delly.._ ,..... "'llicftMd ll- Afghan men, women and '> Ul'X'n l\11r Ha ml'll \\ 1~: da d id not children./ A4 Plaeard-earrytn1 teachen marched before clueee today in Foantaln Valley High School'• parkin& lot. (PleaK .ee SHERIFF I A2) Ann Landers Possessive moms: You Super stuffer s·ets might win a few battles, Aluminum siding but in the end you'll lose the war./ Al out to market skill spill halts cars Sports in the 'sack race' Tom Lewis' freshman on two freeways year at Capistrano Valley rrd1m1n.1r~ Ill lhl· " Sui:wr H1ml 111 High School was a stormy Mesa grocery .clerk 1.iuPl·rmarkl·t'> ... p1111ng thl· \.\ e'il ' ,,Q., I ~., 111.•rrrnl.' 1 ,\-:i-, .: '"lt1.al one./81 ( l>:J\I vo1nnt•r aga•n'> I Ol' \\I) l'ro"'nl'd 8 ~ STE \' ~ M ARBLE seeks West Coast fat'>t ( o~l\t champio n "-are n <. ·osl·n- Ol tl\9 Delly l'llol II•" p,t! I... '1L 11 I ,tnJ 111.t' ' 'll"l"fl'I' 1r 11"1 1 lnll. 1.. ' '' .ttl\ Ith· n-,.,, h• 1 .1k 1n~ , t'. Area prep baseball team -\ 1rud. , arn 1ng -1' '""' p11111h1' " ,, ... ,, draw rugged.foes in open­ bag-packing title Thi· dak and loGJ11on for thl· first :11um111um \IJ 1 n~ rnlkJ ,,,, r .1111i h1 n1a,1al conte~t . complete \llth llh ,111'"' .al ti\, lltil l. 'lllh-1,·d ing round of playoffs./81 Jumf)l.·d 1h , :.1rgo J I tht· 1nl\"r, h. 1 n~1 •I " hag-h}·hag" commentar: . ha' no t 'll••d\!Jll tll11lfll'' ll1 th, \tllg.k By TONY SAAVEDRA tht' ( 11 ,1,1 \k,a .ind ,,,nt.1 \ 11,1 hn·n '>l't .-~ althoug h ~1 1 ]S e :\Pl'cted to '.-111, k J<, ,J,·111 .111J ' ' .l' IJl.,·n h\ ()1 .... ..., ......... frl't'"a~~ lh" murn1n~ l jU\ 111~ JO take placMhe week orJune 10. I \ ( t',' h'ff1 \kd11 :ti . 1·nllfmou' t r.1 tli, ,nJrl fl,lf,f!lll'dt~~ -· .\'i1Jc fro m the " l nkno"n l J'>I ~l'a r'' inaugural par k-off "3' 1, nil r 1• ' .1rt.1 \ n.1 lt•r rL1i11wn1 Entertainment \lo rn1ng ,11mmu1a' " l'fl' h.h 1. .. 11 ( o m1c. " 1herrarcf('..-. Jk'OPk"h1Han hdJ on thl· East Coast n nl' It "'a" .1u ,.rd111~ I• I lr 1n~, I .. Jn'' I r, fOL. -Illllc.:..:.... lln _bot h U CL. FGbuat p1oduetlon or " - tllr-'i ~...papcr~hl'mrrtran part~:ned as a-"'})T~llmat:-: Dcp.:1nmrnt.mottc!l1w11 1':!! '\nmm: 10!Tol.\i ng tlw ' m .1 m l,, 1J \'.'111 <. osta M c.-sa 's Tro> l\pt.·nll· g1mm1do, for paper -.a r k manufar­ ti, I ,111 1 ,, II\ ,1 , ' t'h' " Man of La Mancha" is .\ '>c-:J1t t"r1n ~ 1• tht'r min .., ,,,_ I •h, nhke the JOkl''>ter "'ho \\ l'3r\ J turn' "'hn Jrl' fanng a l·hallcngl' •• I l 1:,p.1'\ 'h.tl •'"''' '!h. \'lh \\L:'". on stage at Golden West 'al'k o'er h1\ head " h1k rat1h{l~1 t1 Imm maka' of the plast1l gron·~ " ' llln\ '"' luJang "nl· "n lhl' , ,1111.1 \ nJ Frt•,.,, J, .11 1h,· 1 "·' ......1 College./ Al \(.' hmaltl) o nl··hner'i. Spt"nte J1 m' 111 hag ktlr,., !{,,,,,• ' ' I I •• ,, It L. \\_,. t•.J! J 1 he uken seno ush "rx·nu· ha' \Uf\ l\l'd local Jnd in In 1nr .1d,kd h• th, ru' h h.•111 '*'.. ""'' H ' I · ' "' I'I 1 ,f. · I The 2 1-} ear-old SUJX'rmJrkl·1 t krk J"tm t d1mrnat10n'>. "'hae 3.2tl0 l rU\h ~ ,t .1" ,,. ,• II ,, .111 '"t .1 unt num 'hl1·1~ Busineu '"'a linahst toda\ rn " Thl' (ireat \.\ 1''' haggl' r'> from m orl· than I ~O \\est fhe tru. ~ .1"1.ll nt tpr,nt , '"'l < o ast Park-Otr."· "'herl' hl' "'111 fat't' l 1K\\I \upt•rmarkl'I'> '-'l'rl' "h1ttlrd to n t i,n,· " 1uthl'l\111nJ l.11w "' 1lw \ ... 1.1 Hhll,I ,I' '•"I ; n •null'' .11 ' II ~ \It·'·' I r1•,•\\ J\ JnJ hi., 1. , ..1 1h. ·ri1 l",J\l.' The UCI College of Medi­ 1hl· I J best grocc~ hagger' from •1 ridd ol 14. \.\1th thl· rnrnpt"t1t1 o n • '\ '\ '' '' u1""' 1n .. ' ,, ' I , •• \ h,,1 I \\,I\ cine has honored Toshiba 'v un ·s Market ~ througho ut l.io uthl•rn gl'll1ng \tronga. l.irx·nl'e admit., tx·1ng ••nr.1m p 1r .. m 1h, '>.1nt.1 \ n..if 1, "·' \ .t' ,., ' ',,, •, ~... \ r f"'\.''1,·\.t h, America Inc. for the firm's t Jhforn1a and Ne,ada. ,I Ii II k Ol'r\ OU\ . Dellr "llot plloto llf llOCl\etd """.,.' l ndn n1•r111.1l Jr' 111 ~ , 1•11.!1' 1"'' 1 '' I\ , , ' \.: ', J'· ._. \.' 'l,, r f , t ~ ~ l\tl'eped 1n h ~ pcrbok . lht• l'\l'nt I\ \lkr all. look "'hat'.,at ~take · a sho t thl lnll'rl hJ ngl· .tlr,·.1,h '' .
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