REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS PAMAHALAANG LUNGSOD NG MUNTINLUPA KALAKHANG MAYNILA ,Pltl Sangguniang Panlungsod oRDTNANCE NO.17-124 AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING THE NEW IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS (tRRi cr oRDINANCE NO. 02-045) ENTITLED, "AN ORB|i{ANCE ESTABLISHING THE MUNTINLUPA CITY ALTERNATIVE ROUTE ENTRY AND EXIT SYSTEM (CARES) BY INTERCONNECTING SUBDIVISIONS FROM VICTORIA HOMES SUBDIVISION TO FILINVEST CORPORATE CITY CREATING A TASK TO IMPLEMENT THE SAME OR OTHER PURPOSES." Sponsored by: Hon. Coun. Ringo A. Teves Hon. Coun. Atty. Patricio L, Boncayao, Jr. Han. Coun. Bai Niefes Hon. Coun. Stephanie G. feYes Hon. Coun. Allatr Rey A. Camilon Hon. Coun. Ringo A. Teves fion. Coun. Louisito A. Arciaga Hon. Coun. Aiexander Diaz Hon. Coun. lvee Rhia Arciaga'Tadefa Hon. Coun. Ma. Dhesiree G. Arevalc Hon. Coun. Christine MaY A. Abas Hon. Coun. Marissa Cole'Rongavilia Hon. Coun. Mark Lester ltt. Baes Hon. Coun. Lucio B. Constantino Hon. Coun. Rafae! T. Scvilla Hon. Coun. Vtctor L. UlanciaY Hon. Coun. Grace B. Gonzaqa Hon. Coun. Watter A. Arcilla - ABC Wf-IEREAS, on May 16, 2002, the Sarlgguniang PanlungsoC ot untinlupa the approved Ordinance Nlo. 02-045, otherwise krlown as "An Crdinance es lishing fiiuntinlupa Cily Alternative Rottte Entry and Exit System (CARES) by interconitecting subdivisions front Victoria Homas Subdivision to Filinvest Coiporate Cit/ creating a Task Force to implement !!;e same and for the other purposes,"; wHERAs, on May 22,20i3, the City lvlayor Hon. Aldrin L. San Pedro endorseci Panlungsod the lmplementing Rules and Regulations (lRR) of to tne 6id 5"nggl.i."g a urdrnenco lrlo. 13-123 for its approvai; (MOA) of even date WHEREAS, Lrn June 2,2A14, a Memorandunr of Agieement and Filinvest' was execr.rted by arrd between ihe City Government cf t''4untiniupa road network withiit Fininvest A.labang, lnc ior the use of the Road t-ot 1 Z, P art of the vlsron, I owners of Pleasanlville Subdi C ity, as an access road for the residents and ot and Soldier's Hill lh Greenireights Subdivision, Camella 1 & 2 SLrbCi visrcrrs, e; Telefax No.:861-0181 People Center Bldg., CitY of Muntinlupa National Road, Putatan, ntinlupa City, PhiliPPines Website: ww\^,.muntinlupacity. gov. ph REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS 2 PAMAHALAANG LUNGSOD NG MUNTINLUPA -t KALAKHANG MAYNILA I,PIII Sangguniang Panlungsod Page 2 Ordinance No. 17-124 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, AS IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED, bY h 8th Sanggunrang Panlungsod of tl4untinlupa, in Session assembled that the foilowing lmpiementing Rules and Reg ulations (/RR) shall be approved: RULE I TITLE These Rules shall be referred to as the lmplementing Rules and Reg ulations (rRP.) of OrCinance No. 02-045, otheuise knov/n as "An Ordinance establishing e Muntinlupa City Alternative Route Entry and Exit System (CARES) by interconnecting subdivisions from Victoria Homes Subdivision to Fili vest Corporale Ciry Creating a Task Force to implemen'. the same and fcr other purposes, " RULE II \ COVERAGE SECTION 1. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 02-045 a City Alternative Rou Entry arrd Exit System (CARES) is being established t,ly interconnecting the fo OW rno subdivision fr'o, n Victoiia Homes Subdivision up to Filinvest Corporate City, as foll s .1 . Victoria Homes subdivision shall be irrte ruoirnected to Susana Fieights ubdiv ision, the i.lew Bilibid Priscns (NBP) Reservatit,rn through its existing road networks, connecting the same to Katarungarr Villagd to south Green Heights Subdivision, to Camilla 1 Subdivision, to Soldiers'Hills Sirbdivision, to Camella 2,2D and/or 2E io pleasant Village up to and ending Fllivi6vest Corporate City arrd vtce- versa. sEcTloN 2. Coverage - Any owneri deveiopei, homeowners association, receive/consei"ver, or Derson in charge of a subdivision, vi;:age 6;',irpouird is directed tcr open and to foilorv the resrdents of participating villages arid neighboring sub'divisions, routes t,o use free of charge, their r-oads ruhich ai'e identifieJ hereunr'ler, as aiternative ease or decongest traffic along the National Road and the Regulai Barangay Roads; pnovrogo, th;t the said roais or streets shall be made accessible only to,private u"noi"i; piovtogo FURTHER, that the repair and maintenance thereof, inciuding the the lrghtings vrhich shali be provided whei.e non-existent, or improved as .5i""prr"piirt" in.V oel seJurity and traffic management, shall le tcr tne account of the City Governrnent of MuntinluPa by the SECT|ON 3. Without Prejudice to additional areas to be covereo the following road dev o ment of the CltP. S. the Phase 1 cf the CARES snell ccvei' and th streets, to \ /it: SOUTH GREENHE!GHTS \iiLLAGS: 1) Soliven riiven jie/Avenue Fleur cie r-iz lffi .{- t-- No.: 861-0181 People C€nter B ity Hall ol Muntinlupa National Road. P , Muntinlupa City, Philippines Website: www.muntinlupacity. gov-ph REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS PAMAHALAANG LUNGSOD NG MUNTINLUPA KALAKHANG MAYNILA Sangguniang Panlungsod Page 3 I Ordinance No. 17-124 CAMELLA HOMES ALABANG 1: 1) Camelia Drive 2) lris 3) Jastnine ++ SOLDIERS HILLS VILLAGE 1) Block 35 2) Block 32 3) Block 1 4) Block 22 CAMELLA HOMES ALABANG 2: 1) tMain Drive to Camella 2 2) Right to Eagle Street L, 3) Road leacling to Can:ella 2-E PLEASANT VILLAGE: 1) Mandarin Avenue FILINVEST CORPCR,ATE C.ITY: 1) Sotrth Corporate Averrtte Extension, subject to and in accordance with the rights and obligations of Filinvest under the Memorandum of Agreement (!\/lOA)' Additional areas/streets to be covered CARES shall be determin and this included by the Task Force, in a Section 2, Rule lV of lmplementing Rules and Regulations (rRR) RULE III USES sEcTloN 4. The use of CARES shall Ce iimited to private vehicles owned by residents of the participating villages and neighboring subdivisicns' use, the CARES: sEcTlcN 5. The following shall not be allowed entry to, andior A. Pubtic Transport vehicles, such as btrt not limited to a. Pubtic tJtilitY Bg'ses (PUBs) b. Pubtic lJtilitY ieePneYs (PUJs) c. TricYc:les p d. Taxis B. Deiivery Vehicles and Trtrcks: above 4,800 kg capacity to 10:00 pm everl',cay SECTlOi,l 6 . Tiie CARES shall be open frcrn 5'00 anl People Bldg., City Hall of MuntinluPa Telefax No.: 861-0181 National Road, Putatan, Muntinlupa City, Philippines Website: www.muntinlupacity. gov.ph REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS PAMAHALAANG LUNGSOD NG MUNTINLUPA KALAKHANG MAYNILA Sangguniang Panlungsod PaEe 4 Ordinance lr/o. 17-124 SECTION 7. All emergencies response vehicles including but not limited Police Vehicles, Ambulartces, Fire Trricks as well as vehicles owned by Government, wltetlrer Natlonal or City, sharll be allowed access and/or passage to CARES. Similarly, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1, 2, and 3 above, vehicles attending to emergencies shail also be allowed access and/or passage to CARES. RULE IV THE TASK FORCE CARES SECTION 8. The Task Force ci'eated to inrplement Ordinance No. 02-045 and/or the CARES pr'ojects shall be composed of the following: A. Ex-Officio Members: 1) Chief of the Community affai:"s Development Office as Chairman; 2) Chairman of the Committee on Transportarion as 3) Chief of the Muntinlupa fraffic Managernent Bureau as Vice-Chairman: 4) City Engineer or representative; 5) City Planning and Development Office or representative; 6) City Zoning ACninistrator or representative; 7) City Attorne.v or representative; 8) Chief of Police, PNP or representative, 9) A representative frcm rhe Bureau rti Correction; B. A representative from the Homeowrrers' Association of the Subdivisions directly affected as rnemberis The Chief of CADO, witir the City Plannlng and City Zoning wrll categorize and certify a subCivision to be considered, with respect to CARES, as "subdivision dlrectly affected" tnat riili entaii mernbership urith the Task Force. SECTIOFI ir The Task Force shall have tire foliovuing po',veis and functicns 1. ldentity for the approval of the City Mayor and the City Council the proposed alignment and interconnecfions of the subdivr'sions and other areas or places within fhe CARES; 2. Recommend measures for the immediate implementation of the CARES system, inciuding the use of the expropriation power of the City; 3. Coordinate with iilomeowners' Associafion and resrdenfs ta support fhe CARES; 4. Recommend budgetary allocation for the implernentation of the C4RES; 5. Come' up witti a common sficke;" sysfenr for the use of aiternative route; 6. Recommend security measure tc matntain peace and order in division, part of the S sysfe.lr; and People Center Bldg., City Hall of Telefax No.: 861-0181 National Road, Putatan, City, Philippines Website: www. muntinlupacity. gov.ph REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS PAMAHALAANG LUNGSOD NG MUNTINLUPA KALAKHANG MAYNILA Sangguniang Panlungsod Page 5 Ordinance l'/o. 17-124 7. Ather functions in fuftherance of the purpose of fhe CARES. SECTION 10. The Secretariat - Representatives from Community A rS Development Office. City Planning and Zoning Office of the City Go,rernment s ++ serve as the Secretariat of the Task Force. SECTION 11. The Task Force shall meet regularly every quarter, or as the majority of the members may deem necessary RULE V STICKERS SECTION 12. Only vehicles with official CARES stickers shall be all passage of CARES roads and streets SECTION 13. Without prejudice to each subdivision sticker system, herei define the stickers and its CARES applicability: a) CARES Stickers - is having sticker issued by Filinvest and the roved unif!ed Sticker; b) Unified Sticker - is that issued th:"ough the Homeowners' icn to approved applicants who intends Io only use the CARES; c) Filinvest Stickers - is tnat issued by Filin,rest Corporatlcn for nce arrd exit to anC frorn its property; SECTION 14. Subject tc the dccumentary requirennents, applicatton anO approval thei"eof shail be nrade per !-'iomeowners' Association of the participating villages/subd ivision. SECTION 15.
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