* * With the Armed Forces Two former Sooner athletes, Lt. Dene (Pug) Harp, awarded an Air Medal for meritorious service in '37-'42, Fairview, and Lt . Richard Reich, '40-'43, aerial combat against Germany . He is pilot of an Oklahoma City, fought with the Marine Corps on A-20 with a Bombardment group which helped Iwo Jima . In a letter to Dale Arbuckle, O. U. ath- defeat the Germans in the "battle of the bulge." letic director, Lieutenant Harp said he was on the 00- Lt. James M. Philpott, '38-'39, Oklahoma City, front lines as a forward observer for 13 days out of has been awarded an Air Medal for his work as pilot the 17 he was on Iwo. Lieutenant Reich wrote of a Flying Fortress pilot with the Eighth Air Force. Bruce Drake, basketball coach, that he hoped they He is a 1943 graduate of West Point. don't get any hotter than Iwo Jima . "I ended up the only officer left in our company and the only t The third Oak Leaf Cluster has been added to platoon leader left in the battalion . I was company the Air Medal held by Lt . Earl E. Levally, '426a, commander four times and ended up with the en- Maysville, pilot of a Liberator bomber with the tire company in one platoon. Our division is really 15th Air Force. shot," he said . 0- Kenneth F. Patterson, '41-'42, Lawton, tech- nician fifth grade in the Quartermaster Corps, has been awarded a Bronze Star medal for participation Governs German Town in the Normandy campaign with a Quartermaster Maj . John O. Hall, '366a, former city manager of Base Depot. All the men attached to the Depot were El Reno and Nowata, is the U. S. military governor awarded a Bronze Star. of the town of Haltern, in Westphalia, Germany. Major Hall and his staff of five officers and ten en- b-- Lt . James L. Dorland, Jr., '41, Norman, naviga- listed men are re-establishing the town government tor of a Liberator bomber with the Eighth Air Force, of Haltern, one of the few cities in the path of Allied has been awarded an Air Medal with an Oak Leaf conquest which had a working water system by Cluster for meritorious achievement during aerial early April. One of his worst problems, Major Hall operations over enemy-occupied Europe. 0- Lt . William C. McClure, '36med, Oklahoma said, was setting up a civilian governing body in a RECORDS WITH CAMERA town composed almost entirely of Nazi Germans . City, Navy physician with the Marine Corps, has A combat cameraman with the Tenth Air been awarded a Bronze Star for his work in saving Force, Lt . Ned Hockman, '42, has been in the lives on Saipan and Tinian between June 15 and Navy Correspondent India-Burma theater two years, covered the August 10, 1944 . He served as head of an aid sta- Sam G. Harris, '27-'29, former Mississippi and opening of the Ledo Road . tion during both island campaigns . The citation Arkansas newspaperman, has been detached from accompanying his medal stated, "By his cool and duty at the Norman Navy Hospital, where he was steep spiral which made it impossible for Major capable handling of evacuation facilities and by his a hospital apprentice first class, for transfer overseas Word to bail out . He crawled back to the cockpit, experience in the care of the wounded, he was as a Navy combat correspondent. Mr. Harris was killed the engine, and started to bail out the second largely instrumental in saving the lives of many one of two hospital corpsmen from all over the time . This time the bomb bays jammed, and he badly wounded Marines who might otherwise have country selected to join the newly organized group finally had to kick his way out. The citation accom- died ." Before entering the service Lieutenant Mc- of Navy newspapermen. They will report news of panying Major Word's D.F.C. commended him Clure practiced medicine in Oklahoma City. Pacific action. for "determination and devotion to duty, a high 0- Lt . Pren G. Hollingsworth, '42, Norman, has degree of professional skill and excellent judgment been awarded an Air Medal for meritorious achieve- To Help Hungary Rebuild under difficult circumstances." He also holds an Air ment in aerial action as a Fighter pilot with the Attached to the Allied Control Commission for Medal with a bronze Oak Leaf Cluster . 15th Air Force in Italy. Hungary, which is commanded by Maj. Gen. 0- Copt. Ralph L. Steen, '37-'40, Oklahoma City, t Lt . Alfred Houser, '38-'39, Apache, has been William S. Key, Oklahoma City, are Maj. Lawrence has been awarded an air Medal with a bronze Oak decorated with the Distinguished Flying Cross with R. Hagy, '236a, Amarillo, Texas, Cpl . William S. Leaf Cluster for outstanding and meritorious a bronze Oak Leaf Cluster for extraordinary Key, Jr., '36ba, Oklahoma City, and Lt. Col . Ken- achievement while participating in B-29 operations achievement as pilot of a B-24 bomber with the neth K. Dunham, '25ph.c, '306s, Lawton. against Japan as a pilot. 15th Air Force in Italy. The D.F.C. was awarded to Virgil Lieutenant Houser for his superior airmanship and Gets Medal But Late b-- Lt. Hill, Jr., '41-'43, Canute, has been devotion to duty on a mission over Austria last Oc- awarded an Air Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, tober, when an oil leak caused all his engines to die Twenty-six years after he served with U. S. a Presidential Citation and the Order of the Purple except one. He was forced to drop out of his own army troops on the Mexican border in 1916, Staff Heart for his work as a P-47 pilot in the European formation, but joined another, and after bombing Sgt. Frank 1. McPherson, '26ba, Dallas, Texas, has theater . Lieutenant Hill recently returned to this the target he made an emergency landing without received the medal and ribbon for participating in country to receive treatment of his wounds at Wil- injury to any of his crew . The Cluster was added to the Mexican border campaign. Sergeant McPher- liam Beaumont Hospital in El Paso, Texas. Lieutenant Houser's D.F.C. for meritorious achieve- son, now stationed at Robins Field, Georgia, The seventh and eighth Oak Leaf Clusters have ment during 33 combat missions against the enemy. handled medical supplies for the 314th Cavalry, been added to the Air Medal held by Lt . George L. Lt . Warren J. Bale, '43eng, Lodge Pole, Ne- which patrolled a 60-mile stretch of the border . Coffey, '39-'42, Tulsa, photographic reconnaissance braska, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Between wars, he obtained a degree at O. U., pilot with the Ninth Air Force in Belgium . extraordinary achievement in aerial ac- studied at Harvard, and worked for insurance Cross for 10- Lt. William C. Parker, '26, Purcell, has been tion during a mission over Austria last December companies, entering the service for the second time awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service as 25. Lieutenant Bale also holds the Air Medal with in October, 1942 . a member of the Signal Corps at Hollandia and the a bronze Oak Leaf Cluster for participating in sus- Distinguished Unit Badge for action at Buna. Re- tained operational flights against the enemy. Decorations cently promoted from second to first lieutenant, he 0- An Air Medal has been awarded to Lt. Marcus Maj. Marshall D. Word, '401aw, Butler, has been has also been in action at Biak and Luzon. Lieuten- Immerman, '39-'43, Tulsa, co-pilot of a Liberator awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross for "extraor- ant Parker has been in the Army since 1928, and bomber in the Mediterranean theater of operations . dinary achievement in aerial flight" as pilot of a received a commission in the field last September. He is with a group which has gone on more than Liberator bomber with the 15th Air Force. The Staff Sgt. Grady L. Wilson, '40-'42, Altus, waist 195 missions in that theater . specific feat for which he was decorated occurred gunner on a B-17 of the Eighth Air Force, has been 0- Lt. Col . James D. Fellers, '361aw, Oklahoma on a recent mission to Oswiecim, Poland, when his awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster to add to his Air City, has been awarded the Bronze Star medal for plane was badly damaged by flak before it reached Medal . meritorious services in connection with military the target. t Pvt. William N. Kinney, '43, Tulsa, has been operations against the enemy while serving on the Two of the engines were barely functioning, but awarded the Order of the Purple Heart for wounds staff of Maj. Gen . E. R. Quesada, of the Ninth Major Word made the bombing run . As he tried received in action with the 84th Airborne Infantry Tactical air Command, fighter-bomber component to rejoin formation, flak knocked out his ship's Division during its advance from Belgium into Ger- of the Ninth Air Force. electrical and hydraulic systems and all the instru- many. He was in a hospital in England . 00- Copt. Louis K. Sharpe, '42bus, Checotah, has ments. Major Word started back over friendly ter- Lt. Robert M. Stemm, '42, Oklahoma City, has been awarded a Bronze Star medal for heroic service ritory as he was rapidly losing fuel and knew he been awarded an Air Medal for meritorious service in connection with military operations as a Field would not be able to get back to his home base. The as a pilot with a Troop Carrier squadron in the Artillery battalion commander in France last Sep- crew bailed out as Major Word held the ship on a China-Burma theater.
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