E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2012 No. 10 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ‘‘CBS News correspondent Clarissa ghanistan, and the little girl, as you called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Ward found one reason in the Pech Val- can see, Mr. Speaker, is looking at the pore (Mr. PAULSEN). ley. Americans lost their lives there flag. She has no idea that her daddy is f building a base called Nangalam. When dead. She will know one day that her they tried to hand over their gains to father died to prop up a corrupt leader DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO the Afghan Army, the base went to named Karzai and a corrupt govern- TEMPORE ruin. ment, and then she will learn from the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ‘‘Army Major Guillermo Guillen, history books as she gets into high fore the House the following commu- from southern California, is frustrated. school that no nation has ever con- nication from the Speaker: ‘You’re relying on us to do all of your quered Afghanistan and no nation will WASHINGTON, DC, security for you. You need to be par- ever conquer Afghanistan. January 24, 2012. ticipating,’ Guillen told an Afghan As we listen to the President tonight I hereby appoint the Honorable ERIK PAUL- counterpart. and he talks about the state of affairs, SEN to act as Speaker pro tempore on this ‘‘On a recent patrol, some Afghan I hope he will mention that he intends day. soldiers were not wearing helmets. One to bring our troops home now, not in JOHN A. BOEHNER, chatted on his cell phone. 2014. In 2014, I do not know how many Speaker of the House of Representatives. ‘‘The United States military left young men and women have to lose f Nangalam base last February, handing their legs, their arms, and die. So I MORNING-HOUR DEBATE over to Afghan forces. But within hope both parties will come together weeks, things went badly wrong.’’ this spring and talk about bringing our The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Remember, Mr. Speaker, this is a troops home now, not 2014. ant to the order of the House of Janu- CBS national report. With that, Mr. Speaker, I will ask ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- ‘‘Enemy forces returned to roam free- God to please bless our men and women nize Members from lists submitted by ly through the valley. The Afghan com- in uniform and their families, to bless the majority and minority leaders for mander deserted. Hundreds of his sol- the families who have given a child morning-hour debate. diers followed. dying for freedom in Afghanistan and The Chair will alternate recognition ‘‘The Afghan forces that remained Iraq, and ask God to please continue to between the parties, with each party ransacked their own base. All the elec- bless America. limited to 1 hour and each Member tric wires have been pulled out. Any- [From cbsnews.com, Jan. 12, 2012] other than the majority and minority thing of any value was taken. You can NANGALAM: A SYMBOL OF THE AFGHAN WAR’S leaders and the minority whip limited see the wire hanging out of the light.’’ TROUBLES to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall Mr. Speaker, ‘‘A new Afghan Army (By Clarissa Ward) debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. unit has been brought in with a new Most Americans in Afghanistan are doing f commander, Colonel Turab. U.S. offi- their best in a war that’s now in its 11th cers have nicknamed him ‘Honest Abe.’ year. Why has it taken this long? AFGHANISTAN SITUATION And he was honest to a fault about the CBS News correspondent Clarissa Ward The SPEAKER pro tempore. The prospects of the Afghan Army.’’ found one reason in the Pech Valley. Ameri- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, listen very carefully: cans lost their lives there building a base North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- ‘‘ ‘It will take about 30 years’ for the called Nangalam. When they tried to hand utes. over their gains to the Afghan army, the Afghan Army to be ready, Turab said base went to ruin. Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, on January through a translator. ‘And if they are This is one part of Afghanistan that Amer- 12, CBS Evening News did a segment on reformed and the corruption is re- ica thought it could finally leave. But U.S. just how impossible is the situation in moved,’ ’’ it will take about 10 years. troops are back, trying once again to train Afghanistan. This is something I have How many $10 billion a month do we their Afghan allies. been speaking out on for months and have to spend? How many young men Army Major Guillermo Guillen, from months and months, and I think CBS and women have to die for a failed pol- Southern California, is frustrated. illustrated beautifully just how dire of icy? History has proven you will never, ‘‘You’re relying on us to do all your secu- rity for you. You need to be participating,’’ a situation it is in Afghanistan. I will never change Afghanistan no matter Guillen told an Afghan counterpart. read excerpts from the report con- what you do. On a recent patrol, some Afghan soldiers taining examples of just how inept the This poster beside me is a wife in were not wearing helmets. One chatted on Afghan Army is. tears whose husband was killed in Af- his cell phone. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H117 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Jan 25, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA7.000 H24JAPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 24, 2012 ‘‘We’re not going to be here forever, you tribute has been organized and led by She currently represents southern Ari- need to take care of yourself,’’ Guillen said. the conscience of the Congress, a man zona, the Tucson area, which has the The U.S. military left Nangalam base last of extraordinary leadership and char- Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and February, handing over to Afghan forces. But within weeks, things went badly wrong. acter and a fellow representative from Fort Huachuca in Sierra Vista. She is Enemy forces returned to roam freely the State of Georgia, Congressman the leading champion on border secu- through the valley. The Afghan commander JOHN LEWIS. rity, energy independence, and the deserted. Hundreds of his soldiers followed. Congressman Jenkins will long be re- needs of military families and vet- ‘‘I believe there was some of (feeling of membered as a leader willing to work erans, which she knows so well because abandonment) amongst the (Afghan) sol- across the aisle, negotiate and build she is married to an active military diers. It’s probably what led to some of their coalitions on behalf of the greater veteran, Mark Kelly, who not only flew leadership leaving,’’ Guillen said. good. He will be remembered in textile umpteen missions as a naval pilot but The Afghan forces that remained ran- sacked their own base. mills across the South as a champion also flew into space as a NASA astro- All the electric wires have been pulled out. of the industry, a defender of good-pay- naut. Anything of any value was taken. You can ing jobs for local workers in small On January 8, when she was having see the wiring hanging out of the light. towns and communities across the re- Congress On Your Corner at a super- Just about everything else that could be gion for small businesses. He will be re- market in northwest Tucson, an ordi- moved was sold for cash. membered as a champion of the Ways nary morning, and many people were Without American support, the Afghan and Means Committee for his expertise there, she was met by a madman who army refused to resupply the base. The sol- diers were living in filth. on the Tax Code, for his wisdom and not only changed her life, but ended For the U.S. military, it was an embar- leadership, with the respect he earned the life of 9-year-old Christina Taylor rassing example of what might happen when even when his colleagues disagreed Green; Dorothy Morris; John Roll, security is handed over to Afghan forces with him. And he will be remembered chief Federal judge for Arizona; Phyllis across the country, and so four months after for his legendary tough questioning Schneck; Dorwan Stoddard; and Ga- leaving, a small group of U.S. troops was during the Iran-Contra hearings, a briel Zimmerman. Twelve others, in- sent back in. scene that reflected and embodies his cluding Giffords’ staff members Ron Today, American contractors are back on Barber and Pat Simon, were wounded. the base repairing the damage, with U.S. strong will, deep character, and core taxpayers footing the bill, again. principles—his pursuit of the truth, his She was treated initially nearby and A new Afghan army unit has been brought commitment to transparency and ac- then flown to the TIRR Memorial Her- in, with a new commander, Colonel Turab.
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