April 4—The have about decided of fur- water and light* in I felt l*ldh*»S tin a muted manner. The m a ll is the I* the formation of the New Bfvpt ||*at. Light, Power and Water Company, Which hat offered to take over all or any of the «lock of the old water com­ pany «hare for there Trenton, April 1—At th* gathering uf Former Senator Oeorgt L. Shinn is Local Option tenders her* teday ihn president of the new company and Post work for the sommer and and fall was William Chamber* ii vice proel- mapped. The pito will be to earing aB dam; Dr William C Junta it treasurer, the strength the Local Option move- and Lawyer John Meirs is secretary. he nominee he The other director* chôma are: W lliaia Ooveraer who win sadoren the priwh Burila, superintendent of the Union pi* of Local Option, beh* Domocept or Traasportation Company; William C. Van Hora, townahtpcolleetor; Dr Lewi* In the countie* the o f B. Foulks. Dr. Arthur T. Baton. Prof. will be concentrated in those Frederick L. Ernest A. Stevens. W. 8 Chafer, and best opening show* Them I from $10,000 Itine J Davie, president of the First they said were Ocean, Morris and n r i i a u M , to re- National bank geo counties aod tba fight will be tne moooy to com « Another co-operative industry that fat upon Senatore Mathis. Milk and I mad repair fund. which MR W K JOHNSON Ukely to be organised here is n cream lee, all up lor ro-oltctioo. tad __ auto mobile license try. A large amount of the etodf ha* whom voted with the liquor a* I'.jitUtk) work °( m uriwllt eon *M served. The bride's parents. been subscribed by farmer* who an yeor |gj frmUhtvood to Point Pleas- Pennsy and Cutral Both MRS W K JOHNSON M r and Mr*. Wilbur, were at the wed- dieeatiiflcdby returns from shipping — j, bm xpli hf the Su m . Tbia it lucraaa# Pay of R. R. Man Ing Since the return of the bridal milk to Philadephie. New Egypt bn* County Democrats to Rally at it the bit b t on tha main road couple to thie place they were greeted been remarkable for its success io co­ Un A¿rll 1, both the Central Railroad Mias Sadi* WUbur of Sm Sido an county to bt mada a by a number of friende tise plane like its railway ven­ Jeffersonian Dinner, Lakewood ot New Jeney and the Pennsylvania Icaaatyiaad There ia now only leit Become* Mn. W. K. Johnson Mr. Johnson it the ton of Mr ture, end that inapirss confidence in Railroad granted an increase of pay to inctioooa Vain atraat and Ocean Mr*. D.'Johnton of Chester, Md He other enterprise* • Lakewood, April 4—It------ - am M B their employee* in order to avoid the Sea Side Park, March 31— On Easter , Lakewood, end tha Rivar and * s i formerly a station agent InMnry- quietly circulated bore that there will strike that has been threatening all Sunday Miss Sadi* Wibur. daughter of iir a u « etretcb in Point Plaaa- land, but since 190!. haa been engaged be e rally ot tht Oceu county Demo­ railroads sine* the spring opened up. * Mr and Mr* Reuben Wilbur, was Beach Road Contract Signad idiitaoce of perhapa twe Of thtat with Q. C. Tilton, a MercbsntvUU. N cracy et • Jeffersonian dinner soke The P. R. R. Igives a general relee married In Atlantic City to Mr. Walter Thursday of Last Wenk (all told. All the reat of the main J., builder, and in that employ «pent given nl s prominent Lakewood hotel of six per cent, for all employees get- K irb y Johuicn of Chester, Md The in the near tutor*. At thie dinner i tha Manaequan rivar bridge, much of the past year at Sea Side Park, Stet* Roed Commiwioner Gilkyeoa Ung less than tSOO per month. This ceremony was i t 10 a. m., at the homa •ome of the State loaders of Mw Demo­ gh Point Pleaiant and Lakewood where he met Mitt WUbur. They trill elgned hi* epprovnl of tbe new county includes all train hands, traok hands, of Mrt. Austin Matthews io Atlantic cratic petty will bo present, and an ef­ i Rivar and down tha abora to make their home here and Mr. Johnson road on tha beach front Sen Sid» station and ferrymen. Almoit 200,000 City. Mies Vera Littla was the maid fort will bo made to patch up the Demo­ s county line, ia now a part will carry on a contracting and build­ Park to Chadwicks and bayood on men are effected, and the extra pay of honor and Mr. Spencer Jobneos the cratic organisation in ^^onna $or the aty road ayatem ing bqriaets here. He is n member of Thursday ot latt week The succeaaful will b* $7,500.C00 a year beet man The bride we* handsomely coming fall campaign Thai itowaabipe of Dover and Lake- thatOdd Fellow» lodge at MerobaatvUI* bidder, Charles W. Mathia, in eaid to he On tha C R. R. all station agents gowned in pink entin. A dainty loach- maehiaa la petitioned tba county to taka backed fioanciaUy by tot mar Mayor getting leee than $70 raceivad a $10 par .......... ............................................ lookad upon fo c a l r tMt lent «retch o f tan milea, aavan Frank R. Aottia of Tuckartou, and month raise; all getting over $70; were Anti-Moating Ordor On- nenio the fohki it ia Dover township Dover Ocean County Tractors'Hold work begna (hin week on ihn rund. rained $S per month. It is understood with a« ' >nill now for the Brat time find changad—Oyitarman Indignant Thomas Meehnn and Sana. Um that from two to five per cent, raises Spring Swaion at County Bant tidiavadof a portion of ita road re- town, Pa., given all train men and track Heretofore it haa help- About 100 teachers from round about Ocean county oystermen will fight to hand*. the bluer m d aadand through tht U S tht wofkort cao I kbsitt meaty roada for every town- the county attended the spring session '* m who were "thrown out." at firet inti­ courts the ruling ot tha pure food com* least they moan to try tip in the enatty, without h avin g. ita of the Ocean County Teacher* Aisoeth- mated that they would bring suit to es­ Fraaholdan Think R ut miielon that oysters to bn used in inter­ ■ harden l£laned a cent’a worth, tion held at Tom* River high school cort the contract. but people who were state commerce must not be floated or i taking of thie aeven milea of main Governor W ill Bo a Democrat last Friday, April 2. It we* tba best interested on the beach, and who eaw flunOsy-School Worker« Hold drunk in freeh water before «hipping. valid toad will eave about one-third attendance vet had in the history of that it mean» holding up the road, per­ From tome of the goulpattheseeeion In thia they will be joined by oystermen Conference» andffonrantioti f the townahip road money the association, and all agrae the moat suaded them to withdraw their oppoei- of the Board of Freeholders on Tuesday in other parts of tbe State. They insist The rebuilding of thia road w ill alao successful meeting tion. Lawyers say they could have On Monday, Tuoodoy end Wad non- it is evident that some of those shrewd the rule if enforced spells ruin for them l aped road all tha way through During the day an interesting pro­ tied up'the contract had they brought day of thie wook conferences ofl Sun­ politicians who an members of that Latt Friday adispatetrwas printed in ■eeeaty on the New Y ork to A t- gram was carried out. Prof E J Nel day-school work were hold in thie coun­ Board, are looking for the Democrats Philadelphia papers from Washington suit atkCitv route. The Lakewood road ■on. who assumed the principalship of ty. under arrangement* mad* by the to carry New Jersey this fall. At the laetomobilists to aay hard thinga of the Lakewood schools last fall, gave as follows: State and County Sunday-school Asso­ session lest Tuesday something was Several Candidate* forJRoad i they journeyed over it the peat year a practical and interesting talk upon ciations. Friday of next week n con­ said about the next Governor and a Washington. March 31— Oysters can *>. It was the last link needed to Language Work in the Grades. He was Superviior Are Disappointed vention of Sunday-ichool worker* from prominent Republican member stated no longer be fed— or at the trade terms oect up the system followed by a series of discussions on around the county will be held in Tom* in his belief the Democrats would elect goes "floated in bracxish water” —be­ Because it was generally understood Engineer I. H Cramer was instructed various phases of school work. Charles River a Governor this fall. The othets seem­ fore thoy are offered for sale. The de­ that the term of John W. Holman of tnieke » surevy and prepare plane E Downey, supervising principal of the The meeting« the present week were ed to acquiesce and no one disputed partment of agriculture has ordered West Creek, as Cpunty Supervisor of iipecifications for the road in two Brick Township schools, led the discus addressed by M A. F. W. M iller,« field the assertion that the practice must stop at once.
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