2016#121 58,144399 ,>NKE. I NO. 0668· P. 1/49 Sony Ufe Sony Ufe l=ran©eCo,Led 1-Hot= ChW*o T*%1/0/1/Ii,P nl,//boo/:181**2»4100 5 December 2016 The Manager Company AniiouncBme<,5 Office Australian Seatrlties E*hange _ Centra 20 Brldp Street Sydney NSW 2000 Dear 9r/Madam, *riction of Fam SOS - llath of Innial kihitir,thl Shar *toider Please And endosed a replacement Form 603 'Notlce of Initial substantlal shareholder relating tothe correction ofan error contained In the original lodgement of Form 603 made to the ASX on 27 October 2016. Yours sincerely, lir::15's:M** Representat Direaor ofthe Board and president ip i. 2016#121 09 99OZEVI 58 5 mil i 1 & 1 1 8* i 15 1 1 I l I I i 1 ]]_1'!i 1 11]i !Illifill 1 1 !1 1 1 I '! 0 B i :R 8 ill 1-54 9 1 1 i NO. 0668 g d g i m lai ! iii 1 2/49 fill 9 i 44'91 1 109 2016#121 58 144399 7>**IM NO. 0668 P. 3/49 803 //12 18&42/1 H.-I......m#...08*-Imist..I.N.*.0.-1 .-IjACN 01.** Ndin of",0,1'IIM 80 -don 8 - 8../.3-1 7. k.... mu#-I//=-/1/hellm/"'M= 1-02 MI! 0< 0***l# Tol*.1008179 Jipm ae= Qi./ Call"mi- 1-74100,aN, ae-*11, Tak 106·0078.*=1 54*m 1 OMOO S lAi 20/6 +Ig;.0,19* (1) .h.-/rur-4....1----'-W........0-*.» am.....Ut./..St,s...1 hwm'/M.....".4..n....mu...../.10.Im..*md .*4* .... aq..1.-W.qi--4,0....U...an.VIO.=.-......I 0.4..A , 0., =.dim..4..h. dll**adIn /Illi:01 7 dl» bm. Sse h delrion d 'Iiiail,IB' h =cli O dh Ckspailcri Ad 201 a.....h/9....t h-/1 008 ./571-4/. C sp:n = Act2001. 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I,320662561.2 2016#12jl 58 144409 NO. 0668 P. 4/49 i A..1-'A Thh h A=„=Ii A ofg) limi MIN lo In Ilm 803 09*I of,1 I me, - hold# 2016#121 58 NO. 0668 P. 5/49 i i i Co., Lki.) as of 30 Jim 2016 jilljitillillililillssililisistilillillililillillililial il 111 jillill Zitilliti M ilill 6/49 P. 0668 NO. ... 8 i fU 1 5 C 3 iV il 1/1Tasl .i.. ... 1118 ; billi] liN Ili § 1111111!11!Ili1 ilill]11111111!jilillitilll]Ilit!141 IliH,i 18 *11 ""111 41i 111§111 3,12 2016#121 58 ififil ' m i Mi; g IN itil I l k P CA CA C<' P. 1/49 55f5555iif5555Sff5555tf555ii5555553SS5555ff5555555ti55555f5 i E CI] .4 i,g my,Nliff*'filillizi'll:KNizi'*81:51E/Elliflli * 9 Hilirilt?kilpils 1,5,- lilitili-:ill!1'fil - E i .. pc ril oar 1 P CA . P. 8/49 20164128 58 144419 .. No. 0668 P. 9/49 . Sony Globel Tresslsy Services Plc 1 SONY INDIA PRIVATE UP TED Sorly Incia S,185.,B Centre PVT LW Sony Ir, ract}we EMErt[*Iment America LLC Sony InbracO,8 Emertahment Arnerlca Tradng Ld# America LLC Sony Ints,act ve Enterta nent America TradN LLC Solly Ink,factjve Eriterta nent Argent 8. de R.L Sony In ractlve Entartainnient CE,Iada Inc. Sony In ractive Entstablmerrt do Brasi Comerrio e Seivioos cia MEN,a*m Lida Sony Iriteractim Entartabin d Hong Kong Unined Sony Intm,Ballk Eiibhhme,4 Koraa Inc Sony Irl rack Er*tahment LLC Sony Interactive Emer ,ment Ne**ork America LLC 80!v Ir! recUve W Th Lk!,Red Sony Irlber-Amerl=1 Regional Se,vice, SA Sorly Iniu*nierlcm, SA Sony Inlerna60* (Hore Kong) Lkl. Sony Intsnaaortal (Silgapore) Lid. Sony KoN Ccrpo,MBon Sony LE*1 Amellca, Inc. Sony Media Cloud Se,vices LLC Sony MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA FZE Solty Mobte Comrmmications (Ch la) Co., Lbd. Sony Mable Con¥nunlcatlons (USA) Inc Sony Moble Connunications AB Sony Mobie Corrnlmic ons do BrEIZi Lid. Sony Mobne . ./:1.1.' Helas SA Sony Mable CommliilcatIons Iberla, S.L Sony Moble Commidcations Indonesia Ltd. Sony Mable Commlillcations Interrt lonal AB Sony Mobil Communlcatione Mallagernent Ltd Soriy Moble Con,munkilions M co SA de C.V. Sony Mable Communk=Uons SPA, Italy Sony Neamirk Emertal em Elsope Umbd Sony New Ze-id LW. Sony Nuevo Wedo, SA de C.V. Sony of Canada Lkt Sony Optkn America Inc Solly Oplia,0 Emope GmbH Sorly Optioal Arch e Inc: Sony Oversees Holdhg B.V. Sony C),se= SA Sony Peru HoldN 8.R.L Sony Peru S.RL Sony Plilipp es, Inc Sot¥ Plastkios da Arnaz*]nh 1.-tda Sony PIgn Ina Sony Precision Devices (Hutzhou) Co., Ud. 80ny Pr,cltion En*eerhg Malaysia St]N.BHD. Sony Profeellonal Soartions HEA FZ LLC Sony Puerto Rico, InC. Sony Servicios Mcnies, SA de C.V Sorly SCAASB SAS Sony South Anloa (P!uo ,y} Um.d Sony Supply Chl Sok:lions (Americes) Inc. Sony Supply Ch'M Sok ons (Ch[na) Lkl. Sony Supply Cham Solutions (Europe) B.V. Sony Supply Chaki SokiUorts (Misysia) Sdn Bhd Sony Tacna S.R.L Wi'lizilfifilgil*wilifililizililifilillill,55*1881 g, r iii MI l ! l i I 1 P CA CA C<' 0/49 2016#121 58 144429 NO. 0668 P. 11/49 Day 1 Ent»rta Inlent Brasl L*la [)Ely 1 Ent=taklmerrt S,1 Deco EntBrprises LLC Decon,UucOon Ltd De..ed Ud . Deyh LE. [)40•1 RighN Ner,4, Inc Double T Put,ashhg BVBA OVB Records, LLC Editions Les Alouettio 1 Edaons Muglcales Uncle Dan BVBA Edtorial SM PubighIm Chle Umlinda eMugicl»e, Inc W Services, LLC Epic Recoftle [na Ement Music & M,ketifig Li,711*Bd Emential IA!* Pubaahkig, LLC Emential Tour Vendhg LLC Fam UP LLC FANIMATE B.V. Fedgood Scene Fhog TV AS Fleld= DIscos LTDA Flnco Devllopment LLC Flrio En//34*/LLC Firi,<co HoldliB LLC . F¥st Ge= ProducOons, LLC Four Music ProducCIon GmbH Four Tlines MUSIC PubishN Ltmbd Global Television Liniled Hmea Music Entsrta:Iment GmbH Hmea Production Lkl Independe t Ona,e [»blxrlon A[lmoe, Incl Independent Record# Indusby Servioes, Inc Indlrd dolent Records L.ki 10[)A Brain DIsh*L®80 de Conbudo [) Ital LIDA JFBS Inc Ksnosabe Records, LLC 101¥,n lin LaFace Records LLC Les VergerB SAS LLC Sony Music En ertalvi)=A(Ruel) Loge Records (l.119 Lid Menruid Records ApS al<crornebt, 1-ki. MW.* Mu one Records Ud Mulle fbr Nanons Ud NAUC GP LLC Natmle Propert LLC MITaler AG Nia Acm,IBRion LLC Odyssey Music Publsh LLC 000 Sony Music - ', r Orchid En erprls®8 1 - 1- - - C nbH Orchard En rprises NY, Inc Orch=tl Ma,iageme,it, Inc Orchard Media, Inc OTRT, Inc 2016#128 filillillitititilititlil! Ill'wrie *Illig,ilil®*® 58 LIgi 5< 28 wit[Hmiligilii,1 18 3 1 ERlili I l mmwmmiln„4drli R 90 ilrvi 1 #:iffwmv P C -0 12/49 2016#121 /iMWfiiIi555ifif55SSf53ifSf53if55f5fi555fi3f5fiiii55555i555 58 illill: lillimimmifilitifillillii,ililii,r iii * i ifillit.ilillifiliwililizili/idill:iwilifilifilillifit I E - .P CA CA C<' 13/49 2016#128 58 144439 · 7-12W NO. 0668. P. 14/49 The C*chard En rprlses, Inc The C*chard Eritmrprises, Lin!bd The Orchard, EU 1-*ntd The Rush Productions, LLC Top Enter ment Se,vices, S. de R.L de CV. Transnlission Proillictions, LLC Treinta y Trl Spot St_ UFA Video and lecia (UK) Lki Uploader Lknyad USCO Sub UC Vogelcout Lid Voicmo Emertahment 11 LLC Volcmo ellerta nent 111 LLC Weeh*,od Entertahment SA de CV allo LLC 1 Zoinba CorporaSon AG Zomba Gospel UC Zomba Ir*national BV Zornba Pe,ent Hol*igs B.V. (formerly BPSAMedht BV Zornbe Record Holdhgs B.V. Zornba Reco!*Ig LLC Zomba Recor 88Mces Lkl Zomba Recoldli Verth,ree LLC Zomba Records C=,ada Inc Zomba Recoa Lki SOZO.PTE.LTD WAKANM SARI- Zepp SNapofe Ph Lkl. Zepp T/*51 Irn Acu#-Rose Mutikve,190 GrnbH 81 Recordirtga GrnbH Bad Boys Produ¤tion MLESIC B.V. Crystal Emirtahmerit 1*11kd Dtrectots Cut Production Music Ltrited E eme Austrath Pty Un,IM adreme Group HoldNe LLC E)[frame Mlit GEH ECtre,ne »_S|GLinltRCI Famly Tree Mit AB Finous Mmic LLC FiloUS ML=U: Plt,lehblg Germarly GrnbH & Co., KG FAR Musaverlag GrnbH & Co.
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