Catholic Teachings by the Deacons The Commandments of God - Part II Deacon Jose Trujillo Saint Albert the Great, Austin, Texas Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 7 PM CST, Live stream at Parish website page and You Tube 1 The Commandments of God – Part II 2 The Commandments of God Part II Sign of the Cross Opening Prayer Our Father Come Holy Spirit (3) 3 The Commandments of God – Part II OBJECTIVES: •What are the commandments? •How many commandments do we have? •Where are they found in the bible •In the old or new testament. •What Commandments related to God •What Commandments related to neighbor? •Questions 4 The Commandments of God Part II Sources: Catechism of the Catholic Church • CCC 2052- United State Catholic Catechism for Adults New American Bible Revised Catholic Edition 5 The Commandments of God Part II Mt 19:16-19 "Teacher, what good deed must I do, to have eternal life?" 6 The Commandments of God Part II The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue ( "ten words.“), “proclaims Gods’s Law”, CCC 2058 Exodus 20 2-17 Deuteronomy 5:6-21 A Traditional Catechetical Formula (St. Augustine, (AD 354–430)) and Council of Trent (4th December 1563), 7 The Commandments of God Part II CCC2066. The division and numbering of the Commandments have varied in the course of history. The present catechism follows the division of the Commandments established by St. Augustine, which has become traditional in the Catholic Church. 8 The Commandments of God Part II The first three concern Love of God, and the other seven Love of Neighbor. 9 The Commandments of God Part II Love of God 1. I am the Lord your God: You shall not have strange Gods before me. 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. 10 The Commandments of God Part II Love of Neighbor 4. Honor your father and mother. 5. You shall not kill. 6. You shall not commit adultery. 7. You shall not steal. 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods 11 The Commandments of God Part II Who? wrote the Ten Commandments 12 The Commandments of God Part II Love of Neighbor Commandments. "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF" "Love one another even as I have loved you." John 13:34. Mk 12:29-31; cf. Deut 6:4-5; Lev 19:18; Mt 22:34-40; Lk 10:25-28. 13 The Commandments of God Part II Exodus 20 2-17 Deuteronomy 5:6-21 A Traditional Catechetical Formula Honor your father and Honor your father and 4. Honor your father and your mother, that your your mother days may be long in the your mother. land which the LORD your God gives you. 14 The Commandments of God Part II Exodus 20 2-17 Deuteronomy 5:6-21 A Traditional Catechetical Formula You shall not kill. You shall not kill. 5. You shall not kill 15 The Commandments of God Part II V. You shall not kill. The Fifth Commandment commands us to: The Fifth Commandment commands us to take proper care of our own spiritual and bodily well being and that of our neighbor. The Fifth Commandment obliges us to show love for our neighbor by respecting his person and not injuring him in any way. The Fifth Commandment forbids: 1. Unjust taking of human life – murder, suicide, abortion, euthanasia. 2. Kidnapping, hostage taking, terrorism and torture.. 3. Violence in thought [violent TV shows, movies, Internet sites, video games, songs, etc.], word or act which may lead to unjust taking of human life. 16 The Commandments of God The Sixth & Ninth Commandments The Sixth and Ninth Commandments work together. What the Sixth Commandment (You shall not commit adultery) forbids in action, the Ninth Commandment (You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife) forbids in thought or desire. 17 The Commandments of God The Sixth & Ninth Commandments The Sixth and Ninth Commandments work together. What the Sixth Chief dangers to the virtue of chastity: Chief means of preserving the virtue of chastity: Impure thoughts: Purity: 18 The Commandments of God The Sixth & Ninth Commandments Prevalence of these sins: “More souls go to Hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason.” Our Lady to St. Jacinta Marto, Fatima, 1917. 19 The Commandments of God Exodus 20 2-17 Deuteronomy 5:6-21 A Traditional Catechetical Formula You shall not commit Neither shall you adultery. 6. You shall not commit commit adultery. adultery 20 The Commandments of God VI. You shall not commit adultery. The Sixth Commandment commands us to be pure and modest in our behavior. The Sixth Commandment forbids: 1. All impurity and immodesty in words, looks and actions, whether alone or with others. 2. Offenses against marriage: Adultery [sexual relations between married people who are not married to each other], divorce, 3. Offenses against chastity: Lust [sexual desire outside of marriage], pornography 21 The Commandments of God Exodus 20 2-17 Deuteronomy 5:6-21 A Traditional Catechetical Formula You shall not covet your Neither shall you 9. You shall not covet neighbor's house; covet your neighbor's you shall not covet your wife . your neighbor's wife. neighbor's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor's. 22 The Commandments of God IX. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. The Ninth Commandment commands: The Ninth Commandment commands us be pure in thought and desire. The Ninth Commandment forbids: All thoughts and desires contrary to chastity.. When we turn to God with a sincere intention, he transforms our hearts. He gives us the strength to correspond to his will and to reject impure thoughts, fantasies, and desires. 23 The Commandments of God Exodus 20 2-17 Deuteronomy 5:6-21 A Traditional Catechetical Formula You shall not bear false Neither shall you bear 8. You shall not bear false witness against your false witness neighbor. against your neighbor. witness against your neighbor. 24 The Commandments of God VIII. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Christ said “I am the way and the truth and the life.” He died on the Cross for the truth. The Eighth Commandment tells us to love truth and to show love for others by respecting their reputation. The Eighth Commandment commands: The Eighth Commandment commands us to speak the truth in all things, but especially in what concerns the good name and honor of others. The Eighth Commandment forbids: • Lies [speaking a falsehood with the intention of deceiving]. • Malicious falsehoods [falsehoods that are intended to harm another]. • Perjury [lying under oath] and false witness [lying in court]. 25 The Commandments of God The Seventh & Tenth Commandments The Seventh and Tenth Commandments work together. The Tenth Commandment makes it easy to keep the Seventh Commandment by telling us not even to desire the property of our neighbor. Danger of riches: Man’s dominion over creation: Human beings can never be considered property: Restitution: Reparation: 26 The Commandments of God Exodus 20 2-17 Deuteronomy 5:6-21 A Traditional Catechetical Formula You shall not steal. Neither shall you 7. You shall not steal. steal.. 27 The Commandments of God VII. You shall not steal. The Seventh Commandment commands: The Seventh Commandment commands us to respect what belongs to others, to live up to our business agreements, and to pay our just debts. The Seventh Commandment forbids: • Stealing. Shoplifting. • Unjust keeping of what belongs to others. • Keeping of goods known to be stolen. 28 The Commandments of God Exodus 20 2-17 Deuteronomy 5:6-21 A Traditional Catechetical Formula You shall not steal. Neither shall you steal.. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. 29 The Commandments of God X. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. The Tenth Commandment commands us to detach ourselves from earthly riches. The Tenth Commandment forbids: All desire to take or to keep unjustly what belongs to others, and also forbids envy at their success. • Greed [desire to amass earthly goods] and avarice [passion for riches and the accompanying power]. • Envy [sadness at the sight of another’s goods and the wrongful desire to have them for oneself]. 30 The Commandments of God – Part I OBJECTIVES: •What are the commandments? •How many commandments do we have? •Where are they found in the bible •In the old or new testament. •What Commandments related to God •What Commandments related to neighbor? •Questions 31 The Commandments of God Closing Prayer Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Pray for Us. Blessing 32 The Commandments of God END OF PART 1 33 The Commandments of God 34.
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