14 SEPTEMBER 2020 2020-21 ANNUAL BUSINESS PLAN - QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE REPORT REPORT OF CARDIFF CAPITAL REGION DIRECTOR AGENDA ITEM 4 Appendix 4 to this report is exempt from publication because it contains information of the kind described in paragraph 16 (information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings) of part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 Reason for this Report 1. To inform key stakeholders, principally, Regional Cabinet and also Wales and UK Governments of the Quarter 1 reporting position against the 2020/21 City Deal Business Plan, thus discharging the reporting requirements of the Assurance Framework and providing a comprehensive overview of progress. 2. To provide regional Cabinet with an update of actual expenditure as at Quarter 1 against the approved Wider Investment Fund budgets as set out in the Annual Business Plan for the financial year 2020/21 3. To recommend that Regional Cabinet approve the Quarter 1 report, in order for formal submission to government partners. 4. To note the format of the report corresponds with the four priority headings of the 20/21 Annual Business Plan – ‘Ready to Scale: Delivery Pipeline’; ‘Gateway Ready – telling the story’; ‘Influence and Engage’; and, ‘Beyond City Deal to Building a City Region’. The principle of a ‘balanced scorecard’ approach to performance reporting will be further reinforced through this period of reporting. Background 5. Regional Cabinet approved its 2020/21 Annual Business Plan at its meeting on the 19th December 2019, which included details of the Wider Investment Fund budgets for that year. The report also provided an overview of the key work streams that would need to be progressed during the year in accordance with key priorities, derived directly from the Cabinet Planning Away Day in October 2019. This consolidated Annual Business Plan sets out the activities, tasks and objectives to be delivered in 2020/21; alongside an assessment of the resources required to deliver. Page 1 of 6 6. The Annual Business Plan for 2020/21 and the priority action contained within it, now forms the basis of the Quarterly Performance Monitoring Reports which are issued to the UK and Welsh Governments. Ongoing changes have been made to the structure, format and shape of the report in order to situate priorities in the context of the targets City Deal must deliver against; reduce extraneous information volume; provide a high-level account of strategy and direction; alongside measures of Finance, Risk and Assurance; and, set out performance against the key priority areas referred to as CCR’s ‘Rooftop Objectives’: • 1. Ready to Scale: Delivery Pipeline (leveraging the capacity and resources in place to scale-up delivery against the Investment and Intervention Framework • 2. Gateway Ready: Telling the Story (ensuring all preparations are made ahead of the SQW Final Report and commencement of Gateway #1) • 3. Influence and Engage: Leveraging New Potential (relationships and engagements that add value to the City Deal) • 4. Beyond City Deal: Building the Future of the Region (shifting focus from CCR City Deal, to developing the Cardiff Capital Region) 7. It should be noted that the quarterly performance reports continue to adopt the ‘balanced scorecard’ principles and as such, headline information, data and outputs are captured for the purposes of these reports. However, it should be noted, that underpinning this, are a further set of arrangements that provide detailed ‘deep dives’ into the performance of projects, programmes and key activities. The information is captured as part individual Highlight Reports with an Executive Summary, Progress To-Date, RAG ratings, Issues Logs, Risks and Financial Performance all being reported. Project officers are available to discuss Highlight Reports with Regional Cabinet Portfolio Leads to assess overall progress, performance and accountability. Summary of Progress – Quarter 1 8. A summary of progress is outlined below, with detailed information included within key appendices attached to this report. The Balanced Scorecard attached at Appendix 1 details strong performance at Quarter 1 in relation to 2020/21 Annual Business Plan Objectives. A number of activities have been completed in the first quarter of the year, many ahead of their allocated target dates. 9. However, City Deal Office recognises that effective performance management cannot be fully achieved through the delivery of ‘static targets’ alone. City Deal operates in a ‘dynamic environment’, which provides both challenges and opportunities, which are picked-up and managed through the Investment & Intervention Framework process, as and when these present themselves. 10. AGS Action Plan – 3 of the 15 Actions are complete at Quarter 1, with good progress being made in respect of the remaining 12 Actions. At this time, the remaining Actions are anticipated to be completed in-line with their target dates. Key Appendices Appendix 1: Balanced Scorecard – Qtr 1 Rooftop Objectives against Annual Business Plan 2020/21 Page 2 of 6 Appendix 2: WIF Budget Position – Qtr 1 Appendix 3: Logic Models – Qtr 1 Progress for ‘live’ projects (1. CSC Foundry, 2. Graduate Programme, 3. Housing Viability Gap Fund, 4. Metro Central, 5. Metro Plus, 6. Plasma Technology Med-tech Project) Appendix 4: An updated version of the Investment ‘Current Status’ Tracker Document Appendix 5a: Communications Activity – Qtr 1 Update Appendix 5b: CCR Magazine & Engagement – Qtr 1 Update Appendix 6: Annual Governance Statement (AGS) Action Plan – Qtr 1 Update Appendix 7: Well-being of Future Generations Assessment 11. It should be further noted that whilst the quarterly performance reporting information will be focussed and pertain only to those tasks embodied in the Annual Business Plan – there is a wider programme of activity ongoing, in particular as a result of the disruption arising from the Covid-19 Pandemic. This is summarised as follows: • Since the beginning of lockdown CCR has maintained a strong business continuity focus, with: o 7 remote meetings of Investment Panel o 4 formal meetings of Regional Cabinet + AGM o 6 informal Regional Cabinet briefings o 2 RTA meetings o 3 REGP meetings o 1 Programme Board meeting o 1 CSC Foundry Board meeting o Bi-weekly calls with LA Economic Development Leads • In addition, CCR has undertaken a comprehensive Business Survey which has resulted in the co-production of the ‘Covid-19 & beyond – priority-set’ which is now an Addendum to the both the Industrial Growth Plan and IIF; • CCR has also responded to consultation, calls for evidence and inquiries on: o Regional Investment Wales – Welsh Government o Burns Commission – M4 around Newport o Shared Prosperity Fund – Welsh Affairs Select Committee o Wales Economy and Covid-19 – Welsh Affairs Select Committee • The REGP has developed a strategic partnership with Global Welsh focussed upon Global City Hubs, MyMentoring and the SME Performance and Research Programme; • Participated in and contributed to: Regional Investment Wales seminar, Can Do Toolkit seminar, Ministerial Advisory Groups, IWA Policy Forum, NESTA Challenges Roundtable and BEIS task groups; Page 3 of 6 • Secured £1.3M funding for ULEV projects via the RTA; • Secured £25.6M from UKRI with a further investment leverage of £18M = £44M via the Strength in Places Fund for CS Connected. Financial Implications 12. Regional Cabinet approved its 2020/21 Annual Business Plan and its associated budgets at its meeting of 19th December 2019. Appendix 2 provides an update as at Quarter 1 and shows that all currently projected expenditure is able to be met by available resources. 13. Special attention should be given to Paragraph 9 of Appendix 2 which highlights that the approved Wider Investment Fund ‘Top-Slice’ may be need to be re- profiled to reflect the current increase in pipeline and project expenditure. This will be further explored in future reports to Regional Cabinet throughout the financial year as projections crystallise into expenditure. 14. It is important to note that, depending upon the nature and timing of any in-year project expenditure approvals, the components of the ‘funding mix’ may vary and subsequently impact upon the funding requirements of the Partner Authorities. The established stakeholder networks will be used to provide updates on this as and when necessary. 15. Regional Cabinet will be provided with regular project performance reports, supplemented by the final budget monitoring statements, where matters such as progress against the Project Delivery Pipeline and associated budgets can be assessed and the proposed funding arrangements can be reviewed as appropriate. Legal Implications 16. The report sets out the Quarter 1 performance and is submitted to Regional Cabinet for consideration pursuant to the reporting requirements within the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Assurance Framework. There are no other legal implications for this report. Well-being of Future Generations 17. In developing the Plan and in considering its endorsement regard should be had, amongst other matters, to: (a) the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 and the Welsh Language Standards; (b) Public sector duties under the Equalities Act 2010 (including specific Welsh public sector duties). Pursuant to these legal duties Councils must in making decisions have due regard to the need to (1) eliminate unlawful discrimination, (2) advance equality of opportunity and (3) foster good relations
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