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O’Toole had 20 wins during the season and with two assists in the last 2006 and then went on to bring home their second Mann Cup in the past three years by defeating game, moved into a tie for most assists by a goaltender in the Mann Cup with 22, along with Buff the Victoria Shamrocks in five games in the championship series in Peterborough. McCready and Wayne Colley. It was sweet revenge for the Lakers, who lost to the Shamrocks in Victoria in the 2005 Mann Peterborough’s Ryan Cousins had the distinction of winning his third straight Mann Cup title, Cup series. as he was with the Lakers in both 2004 and 2006 and played for Victoria in 2005. Cheered on by packed crowds throughout the five game series, the Lakers stumbled only once The Lakers finished the OLA Major Series regular season with a 13-4-1 record for 27 points, in the five-game set, losing the third game 11-10 to give the western visitors some life. But com- one point behind Brampton for first place, but beat Brampton in a thrilling six-game league final fortable wins in the other games (10-6 in Game 1, 12-8 in Game 2 and an especially convincing series, taking Game 6 by an 15-12 score in overtime to win the Ontario title. 12-5 win in Game 4), set the stage for the finale, which the Lakers again won going away. The 2007 MSL season gets under way May 24 when the Lakers host Kitchener-Waterloo and Dan Carey earned tournament MVP honours and had two goals and an assist in the clinching Six Nations battles Brampton. game, turning in a solid all-round performance and providing great leadership. John Grant Jr. was the tournament’s leading scorer with 34 points in the five games, and he also had two goals and one assist in Game 5. 2007 MSL Schedule 2007/05/24 - 08:00 PM Brampton Six Nations 2007/06/12 - 08:00 PM St. Regis Peterborough 2007/07/05 - 08:00 PM Brooklin Six Nations 2007/05/24 - 08:00 PM K-W Peterborough 2007/06/13 - 08:00 PM Barrie Brooklin 2007/07/05 - 08:00 PM St. Regis Peterborough 2007/05/26 - 07:00 PM Barrie K-W 2007/06/14 - 08:00 PM Six Nations Peterborough 2007/07/05 - 08:00 PM Barrie K-W 2007/05/26 - 07:00 PM Brooklin St. Regis 2007/06/14 - 08:00 PM Brooklin Brampton 2007/07/07 - 07:00 PM St. Regis Brampton 2007/05/27 - 02:00 PM Brooklin St. Regis 2007/06/16 - 07:00 PM St. Regis Brooklin 2007/07/07 - 07:00 PM K-W Brooklin 2007/05/27 - 07:00 PM Brampton Six Nations 2007/06/16 - 07:00 PM Peterborough K-W 2007/07/08 - 02:00 PM St. Regis Barrie 2007/05/30 - 08:00 PM Six Nations Brooklin 2007/06/17 - 02:00 PM K-W Six Nations 2007/07/08 - 07:00 PM Brooklin K-W 2007/05/31 - 08:00 PM Brooklin Peterborough 2007/06/17 - 07:00 PM Peterborough Barrie 2007/07/11 - 08:00 PM Barrie Brooklin 2007/05/31 - 08:00 PM K-W Brampton 2007/06/20 - 08:00 PM Brampton Brooklin 2007/07/12 - 08:00 PM Six Nations K-W 2007/06/02 - 07:00 PM Brampton Six Nations 2007/06/21 - 08:00 PM Six Nations Barrie 2007/07/12 - 08:00 PM Brampton Peterborough 2007/06/02 - 07:00 PM Brooklin K-W 2007/06/21 - 08:00 PM K-W Peterborough 2007/07/14 - 07:00 PM Peterborough Brooklin 2007/06/02 - 07:00 PM St. Regis Barrie 2007/06/22 - 08:00 PM Peterborough Brooklin 2007/07/14 - 07:00 PM St. Regis K-W 2007/06/03 - 07:00 PM Brampton K-W 2007/06/23 - 07:00 PM Six Nations Barrie 2007/07/15 - 02:00 PM St. Regis Six Nations 2007/06/06 - 08:00 PM Six Nations Brooklin 2007/06/23 - 08:00 PM Brampton St.
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