DOCUMENT RESUME ED 277 401 IR 051 744 TITLE School Library Resources. INSTITUTION Hawaii State Dept. of Education, Honolulu. Office of Instructional Services. REPORT NO RS-85-7465 PUB DATE Mar 85 NOTE 192p.; A few pages on colored paper may not reproduce well. PUB TYPE Guides - Non-Classroom Use (055) Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Audiovisual Aids; Computer Software; Costs; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Criteria; *Library Materials; *Library Material Selection; *Nonprint Media; Resource Materials; Videotape Cassettes IDENTIFIERS *Hawaii; Vendors ABSTRACT As part of an on-going effort to provide high-quality resources to support instruction, this resource guide provides a list of nonbook materials eValuated according to theircurrency, relevance, and value to Hawaii's educational programs. The following information is included: (1) Subject Heading List; (2) Listingof Titles bv Subject Heading, which includes the recommended grade level(s); (3) Annotated Title Listing,an alphabetical listing provided in card catalog format for the user's convenience in cataloging materials; (4) Listing of Videocassettes, which includes title, producer, recommended grade level, and copyrightdate, and is arranged by general subject areas; (5) forms for suggesting preview titles; and (6) Producers' List. The.Annotated Title Listing includes a rating for each item (1 = Excellent to 5 = Not Recommended) and the purchase price. The materials listed include audiocassettes, cassette/filmstrip sets, computer software, filmstrips, kits,maps, machine readable data files, phonodiscs, slide/tapesets, slides, sound recordings, and videotape cassettes. (KM) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office or Educatronal Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) V,Trus document nes been reproduced as received from the person or Organization originating IL Ci Minor changes nave been made to rnorove MINNIMENIMMIL recroduction quality Points of view or opinions stated in this docu- ment do not necessarily represent official OERI ipOsition or policy Sell I iteg-uprieer4 MARCH 1985 School Library Services Section 641 18th Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816 Office of Instructional ServicesMultimedia Services BranchDepartment of Education State of Hawaii RS 85-7465March 1985 "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY P.Izumo BEST COPY AVAILABLE 2 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." The Honorab.e George R. Arlyoshi Governor, State of Hawaii BOARD OF EDUCATION Rev. Darrow L K. Aiona, Chairperson Mako Araki, First Vice-Chairperson Randal Yoshida, Second Vice-Chairperson Margaret K. Apo Charles Norwood Sherwood M. Hara John R. Penebacker Dr. Hatsuko F Kawahara Akira Sakima Michael Matsuda Meyer M. Ueoka Ronald Nakano William A.K. Waters Francis M Hatanaka, Superintendent of Education Dr. Margaret Y. Oda, Deputy Superintendent Bartholomew A. Kane, State Librarian Ciaudia Chun, Assistant Superintendent Office of Instructional Services Vernon H. Honda, Assistant Superintendent Office of Business Services Albert Yostui, Assistant Superintendent Office of Personnel Services William Araki, District Superintendent Leeward District Office Gordon Kuwada, District Superintendent Central District Office Lokelani Lindsey, District Superintendent Maui District Office Dr. Kiyoto Mizuba, District Superintendent Hawaii District Office Dr. Mitsugi Nakashima, District Superintendent Kauai District Office Claudio Suyat, District Superintendent Honolulu District Office Kengo Takata, District Superintendent Windward District Office 3 1/85 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents i Acknowledgment ii Foreword Introduction iv Subject Heading List 1 Listing of Titles by Subject Heading 3 Annotated Title Listing 15 Listing of Videocassettes 157 Forms to Suggest Preview Titles 159 Producers' List 163 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * 70 USERS: THIS EDITION OF SCHOOL LIBRARY RESOURCES * REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS. PLEASE REPLACE *q ALL PREVIOUS CUMULATIONS ANDSUPiLEMENTSWITH THIS *, * PUBLICATION. * *,.* * * ** * * 4 * ** * 6 & 4 ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 BEST COPYAVAILABLE ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Department of Education gratefully acknowledges the invaluable contributions to this publication by the Multimedia Services Branch Preview Evaluation Committee; specialists who assisted the evaluation committee; librarians who served on the State Materials Evaluation Committee; and teachers, librarians, and administrators in the schools who previewed nonbook materials for this docu- ment. Their cooperation and assistance were essential in evaluating new material to determine school library purchase recommendations to be listed in this publication. ii 6 FOREWORD As educators work to provide the best possible educational environment for the students of Hawaii, they have a rich variety of resources to Lise in presenting new concepts and skills. Not only book materials, but an ever-widening range of nonbook formats--computer software, filmstrips, records, models, study prints, and other types of media--are available within Hawaii's schools. This wide selection presents both an opportunity and a challenge to select the best mode of introducing or reinforcing learning for today's student. In recognition of the need to select the best nonbook materials available for the media-oriented student and to make optimum use of schools' financial resour- ces, School Library Resources has been provided. It supplies a list of nonbook materTiTTIFat have been evaluated according to their currency, relevance, and value to Hawaii's educational programs. Educators are encouraged trl draw upon the resources annotated in this list as they continue to develop and maintain effective instructional delivery. IL is hoped that the materials represented in this supplement will be a valuable selection tool in an on-going effort to provide high quality resources to sup- port instruction. (, drg.ei-sce-e-c.1 rancis M. Hatanaka, Superintendent 7 INTRODUCTION SELECTION The entriee in thie liating are items that have been requeeted by teachere, librariane, and educa- tional epecialiete. Thie publication hee been developed ae a eelection tool for purcheeing with any moniee from the regular school allotment or special funds.To maintain the currency of the liet, moet of the titlee included have copyright datee of 1981 or later. RATING Just ae the library books appearing nn Centralized Proceeeing Center order liste have ratinge, tne entriee in thie eupplement have been given the eame ratinge to assiet the ueer in the eelection pro- ceee. The ratings are ae follows: 1 Excellent 2 Good 3 Satiefactory 4With reservation (Title should be previewed if poeeible before purchsee. Thie raring ie ueed for material coneidered to be of margi- Nal quality.) 5 Not recommended ENTRY FORMAT In response to suggestiune from the field, each entry has been given a card catalog format for the user's convenience in cataloging materials. Becauee the annotatione in thie edition have bPon pre- pared through an automated procees that doee not provide for logical divieion of entriee or accurate indentation, usere will need to refer to Cataloging Manual for Nonbook Materiale for more preciee format examplee. call number 001.64 title Underetending the computer. (Filmetrip) Sunburet, 1982. physical 2 filmetripe. col. + 2 caseettes (27 description min.), guide. 5-9. grade level Looks et the development and application deecriptive of computer technology, and the principlee phraee of programming. Part I, unlike moet materiale on the topic, looks at a few evaluative applicatione in great enough depth to be annotation effective and intereeting. Part II gives a eimple and amueing explanation of algorithms, BASIC language, and a compariaon of computing and thinking (computer ve. human brain.) The vieuals are appropriate and appealing; the narration, pleaeeant. Bookliet 1/15/83; review(e) School Library Journal 1/83 Contente: The all-purpoee machine.- Speaking ite language. Library of Congresq 1. Computere eubject heading(e) Rating: 1 Rating 99.00 Price iv 8 SUBJECT HEADINGS ANi; 'JGGESTED CALL NUMBERS Library of Congress subject headings and Dewey classification numbers have been assigned to many entries.Theae subjects headings and numbers are suggested only and are nat Intended to be authorita- tive. Reduction of staffing involved in the preparation of School Library Resources has precluded inclusion of cataloging Information for all entries. LISTINGS The major listings included in this publication are: 1. "Listing of Titles by Subject Headings," a listing of titles and grade levels by general subject areas. Because computer software is a relatively new item for School Library_ Repaurs22, those materials are identified with an asterisk. Favorably reviewed been into the main body of information; these entries do not Include an annotation or rating since they were not reviewed locally, but provide bibliographic information and the source of the review. 2. "Annotated Title Listing" 3. "Listing of Videocassettes," a listing of those titles that were favorably reviewed for inclu- sion in the Audiovisual Services film library, but not purchased because of budgetary constraints.Since
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