f Madison College Library Harrisonburg, Virginia APR &4 71 Genesis'Tn fhe becpnmncj,,, there was news" n Vol. I Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va., Friday, April 23, 1971 No. 9 "Hot Nuts/' Parties, Competition EDITORIAL Activity Key Word For Greek Week Enrollment at Madison College is now over 4000 stu- dents. Included in the academic community are some 300-400 staff and faculty. Numerically, we represent about one-third of the population of the city of Harrisonburg. Economically, no exact figures are available, but it would be within reason to assume that we, as a group, account for close to half of all dollars spent on items other than food, drugs and certain large appliances and furniture items. If a student were to do some comparative pricing be- tween this "city" and any densely-populated segment of the state's "urban corridor," he likely would discover very little difference in prices of a large number of items handled in both areas. Yet the^wage levels in Harrisonburg and sur- rounding counties are below those in the "urban corridor." Why then the close comparison between retail prices? It here is contended that the merchants, of this area, by and large, are guilty of economic rape of a captive market. Knowing full-well that the student purchasing power is ever increasing, prices have been hiked proportionately in an at- tempt to keep pace. In many instances, these price hikes have not been accompanied by a commensurate increase in services or products offered. Food and beverage costs have been the leaders in this inflationary spiral; a glass of Beer at one of the "night spots" frequented by college students now costs 50 cents! Meanwhile, back on the campus, students and faculty and staff, continue to trudge downtown dutifully to submit themselves as the virgins to be sacrificed. Why? As a uni- fied body, we hold a viable economic lever under each and DOUG CLARK & HOT NUTS every local business. If we were to boycott local businesses Final plans for Greek Week, Nuts, open to the public; Greek Week, presents Doug and do our shopping elsewhere, would it take long for the which will run from April 23- —Saturday, May 1: dedica- Clark and the Hot Nuts in a prices to come down to a reasonable level? And would not May 1, were announced re- tion of buildings, 11:30 show and dartce next Friday the services improve, along with a wider selection of merch- cently. Included in the activi- a.m.; Olympic Games on night. The Hot Nuts will be andise? ties are the parties tonight quad, 2:30 p.m.; chariot in the Warren Center ballroom Some businessmen have another "ace" up their sleeve. from 8-12, and admission is 'sponsored by the Inter-Fra- race; luau barbeque at As long as you do business with them, they will go out of ternity Council and Big Week- fairgrounds, 6 p.m. ' $3.00 in advance. Ticket sales their way to accommodate you. This accommodation on end's dance and dedication ac- The naming of the best fra- will be held in the Warren occasion has included bending existing laws or looking the tivities. ternity and sorority will be Center, and there will be no other way when a potential violation takes place. But the Due to certain complica- done at the end of Greek tickets sold at the door. minute you start looking around for better prices, they blow tions, parties originally an- Week. This will be deter- Hot Nuts, long a favorite the whistle on you. All the while, they stand there with a nounced by IFC for this week- mined on a point system based on college campuses, hail from big SEG on their faces. end had to be cancelled. In on participation, winning Chapel Hill, N. C. They also their place, there will be two events, and overall appearance. have played nightclubs, gain- This situation needs immediate correction. If you feel dances tonight, one at the The Student Activities Com- ing fame for their humor and you are not getting your money's worth of either product or TKE house and one at the mittee, in cooperation with music. service at the local merchants, do not continue to shop at SigEp lodge. Admission will local stores — take your business elsewhere. And encourage be limited to "Greeks" only ff your friends, or for that matter anyone you come into con- and will cost $1.00 per person. We've OnlyJustBegun"Theme tact with, to do the same. The admission cost will admit For Freshmen Weekend Plans UNITED WE STAND — DIVIDED WE FALLT H any "Greek" to both parties. The parties are BYO with ice Queries about weekend ECONOMIC POWER TO THE PEOPLE! "We've Only Just Begun" is events may be' directed to and'cups provided. the appropriate theme chosen Greek week officially kicks 433-5217 or 433-4966. by the freshmen for their first Madison College's debate off Sunday night with a toga class weekend, April 22-24. parade on campus. The sched- team participated in the Skits kicked off the long Speech By Former Senator Gruening ule of events for the week Randolph Macon Novice de- weekend at 7:30 p.m. on includes: / Highlights Peace Emphasis Activities bate tournament at Ashland —Sunday, April 25: toga pa- Thursday night in Wilson Au- on April 17. rade, 10 p.m., in front of ditorium. Many students at- by Geri Burrows ' Bridgewater students involved The team of Donna Will tended. Other activities are in the peace movement. and Bob Makofsky com- Wilson, torches will be Former U. S. Senator Ernest also free but restricted to dues- In addition to Gruening, to- piled the third best affirma- provided; Gruening will speak in Wilson paying freshmen and their night's program will include tive record with a key vic- —Monday, April 26: football Hall tonight, highlighting a dates. Doug Hostetler, an EMC tory over a University of gam.es, 4-6 p.m.; house- program arranged by area stu- mother's card party, 2 Dining Hall 5 will be the graduate, who will talk about Richmond team that had place, 5 p.m. the time for the dent groups to mark Peace his travels to North Vietnam won first place at Old Do- p.m.; Emphasis Week/ —Tuesday, April 27: boat Friday night banquet. Class and explain the People's Peace minion earlier this year. race, Newman Lake, 4:30 advisors and President and Gruening, a Democrat from Treaty which he helped to The team of Gary Han- p.m.; football, 4-6 p.m.; Mrs. Carrier will also attend. Alaska, served in the senate draft while in Hanoi. Prior to cock and Jane Reiser had coffee hour, time TBA; Early rising frosh will deco- from 1958-1969. He was one the two speeches, a film "In- the fourth best negative rec- —Wednesday, A p r i 1 28: rate the Campus Center ball- of the two senators to vote side North Vietnam" will be ord. .football, 4-6 p.m.; Greek room at 9 a.m. Saturday morn- against the Gulf of Tonkin shown. This British-made doc- It was not Madison's Sing, 7 p.m.; coffee' hour ing for the dance that night. Resolution, and he made the umentary depicts the effects of most impressive outing this after sing; "The Eye" win play from 8-12 first public speech in Congress the war on the lives of the year, but it was a solid per- —Thursday, April 29: midnight for the final event of against the war. He is a North Vietnamese people. formance. The tournament T-Shirt day; tricycle race, the weekend. Dress can be former managing editor of The program will begin at was won by the University 4:30 p.m.; coffee hour, formal or semi-formal, and re- The Nation and has co-auth- 7:00 with the showing of "In- of Virginia, a team that time TBA; freshments will be served. ored a book entitled Vietnam side North Vietnam." Gruen- edged Hancock and Reiser —Friday, April 30: dance in Tickets must be obtained in Folly. His visit to Harrison- ing will speak at 8:30. The 46-45 in team speaker Warren Student Center^ advance for admission to the burg was arranged by a coali- cost is $1.00 for general ad- Jpoints with Doug Clark and riot last two events. tion of EMC, Madison, and mission and 75$ for students. Genesis II, Madison College, Friday, April 23, 1971 Page 2 Letters To The Editor If the editor wishes to take "socially acceptable" ones or the class routine; Notes Questioned glare with bias. I had always 4. several paperbacked thought that such notes were the opposite view, I feel that not) if offered here at Madi- texts since one may to inform the public of factual the appropriate place for such son next year. Dear Editor: tend to be biased; changes of the information an opinion is in the section After two hours of "unbias- I am concerned that your 5. a small, informal class; stated in the letter, not to headed "Editorial Comments." ing" one another, we agreed editorial notes following many that each of the following 6. the course should be letters to the editor often rebut the opinion of the wrjjer. Another concern I have is the deliberate printing of mis- would be of interest to us: purely an elective; 7. the course level should Guest Privilege \ information in the two articles 1. ways to recognize the entitled "Resolution 24 Voted drug; be 200; allowing any- one who is a student Dear Editor, Down In Richmond" and 2.
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