• The NO Women's •• Saturday, Humor Artists Knocf( outt basketball team begins will present their first show • Brian "The Nutty Irishman" Gaffney Bh:! East its post-season play this of the year at Hesburgh defends his 175-lb. title tonight at the 68th weekend at Rutgers. Auditorium. annual Bengal Bouts. see Special Section Tournev p.28 p. 13 Friday, February 27, 1998 • Vol. XXXI No. 101 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Eldred denies Alliance club status By ALLISON KOENIG The five purposes outlined by The Saint Mary's News Editor 'THE GROUP'S COURAGE IN RAISING THE Alliance and Eldred's summary of the College's current efforts in those areas After six months of deliberation, ISSUE OF SEXUALITY ••• (HAS] SET A HIGH are quoted from the letter below. Saint Mary's College president STANDARD FOR CONTINUING EXPLORATION OF Marilou Eldred has decided to "deny Goal 1: "To provide a safe environment the request of The Alliance to be a THESE TOPICS.' for those dealing with issues around sex­ chartered club." MAR/LOU ELDRED uality, whether it be coming to terms In a four-page letter addressed to PRESIDENT OF SAINT MARY'S COLLEGE with one's own sexuality or that of a the entire Saint Mary's community friend or family member. This means today, Eldred thoroughly explained providing them with a physical space her reasoning to withhold recognition 'I'M APPREHENSIVE BECAUSE MY GOAL IS TO that is safe and also a welcoming and of the group, who was seeking a warm atmosphere in which to hold dis­ College-sanctioned student outlet to MEET THE NEEDS OF STUDENTS. I DO NOT cussions on sexuality." address all issues of sexuality. FEEL COMFORTABLE RIGHT NOW SAYING THAT Eldred: By its nature and mission, the In her announcement, Eldred THOSE NEEDS ARE BEING MET.' College is a place where all members of restated the five central goals of The the community are welcome and where Alliance, and addressed how various NIKKI MILOS dialogue about matters related to sexual­ campus departments are currently SAINT MARY'S STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ity can be discussed within the parame­ involved in achieving similar objec­ ters of a community of scholars and tives. believers. She ultimately concluded that "in Committee on Relationships to "fur­ the committee and also of The In particular, the staff of Campus associating [The Alliance's] goals ther consider its charge, committee Alliance, acknowledged the difficulty Ministry is a pastoral presence on cam­ with only one group, the unintended composition, and financial needs in of making the decision. pus open to all students who wish to result could be the identification of order to respond to the five purposes "I understand the constraints that engage in dialogue surrounding issues of these goals with only one segment of stated in The Alliance constitution." the president is working under, by sexuality. The Counseling and Career the College community." Eldred's third action involves a nature of her position," she said. Development staff is a resource for stu­ Eldred outlined four steps that she request for a report from the "However, I have reservations about dents to discuss and explore topics of will take to further explore the Committee on Relationships regard­ the lack of peer support in the presi­ sexuality. The staff of Health Services issues. each of which focus almost ing her second instruction: The com­ dent's alternative." continues to expand their library of edu­ entin'iy on the Committee on mittee's charge, composition and "I respect the president's decision, cational offerings and topics regarding Relationships. The committee was financial status. and I recognize that it was a difficult women's health and sexuality. originally formed by College presi­ The final step to be taken in the decision," said student body vice Goal 2: "To educate the larger campus dent William Hickey as an initial "College-wide common journey" will president Lori McKeough. "I have a community on issues surrounding sexu­ vehicle for discussion on contempo­ be to review the committee's work great deal of respect for all the ality. These are not limited to only issues rary issues for women. annually to confirm that all aspects of avenues she used to get to know peo­ surrounding homosexuality, but rather to The first step maintains that the campus life are addressed. ple's points of view." those issues and questions that arise Committee on Relationships will not Yesterday, Eldred released her McKeough voiced some concern from prevalent discussions or events, only remain active but also become a decision to the Committee on Eldred's future plans stated in the however they should manifest them­ standing committee of the College, Relationships and a few other select letter. "This is a step in the right selves." answering directly to the president. leaders within the College. Eldred: The Health Service regularly Secondly, Eldred has instructed the Junior Kelly Curtis, a member of distributes educational flyers to all mem­ see ALLIANCE I page 4 bers of the campus community on issues relevant to women's health and sexuali­ Board of Governance grants Pro-Alliance rally ty; i.e., sexually transmitted diseases. recognition to The Alliance n.- -uA e....-; .... """. t w;u;_. t st "Afe t In December, Patricia Livingston, coun­ asanofficialcampusclub ;tk"'=*'~- proe sw. rmen selor and nationally-known speaker, pre­ sented two open forum sessions on tn .witt! tile Cotmlittee 00 JerRelatJonshjps. Relationships and intimacy: Understanding and Embracing our see LETTER I page 4 , Dowty publishes book Outlined against a blue-grey sky ... on Israeli development By SEAN SMITH take- a broad historical and Assistant News Editor social perspective," Dowty said. "The project took on a life of its The examination of the for­ own, in a way, and grew into a mation and development of book that takes on the whole Israel is the subject of the new history of Zionism and the book "The Jewish State: A cen­ whole range of problems facing tury Later," modern Israel." by Alan In the book, Dowty concludes Dowty, pro­ that the success of Jewish poli­ fessor of gov­ tics is represented in its capaci­ ernment and ty for power-sharing. international His demonstration of this studies at capacity reveals the strengths Notre Dame. and weaknesses of Israeli "I was democracy in responding to the asked some Dowty challenges of communal divi­ years ago to sions, religious contention, write an evaluation of the state non-Jewish minorities, and The Observer/Kevin Dalum of democracy in Israel, but The Notre Dame groundskeepers take advantage of the spring-like weather to trim trees outside Nieuwland. The warm weather, however, won't last past the weekend. See weather, page 2. found that in doing this I had to see DOWTY I page 8 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Friday, February 27, 1998 • INSIDE CoLUMN The Meaning utside the Dome Compiled from U-Wire reports of Friendship D.A. releases findings in student death investigation Throughout life many BATON ROUGE, LA. be a natural conclusion flowing from people enter in and out P. Colleen Nugent The East Baton Rouge Parish the information received." of our lives. A saying I Associ are Sainr Mary's District Attorney announced the Moreau appointed Prem Burns, learned in grade school News Ediror results of the ongoing investigation chief of the special investigative divi­ from my Girl Scout troop into the death of Benjamin Wynne at sion, to the head the investigation into said "we make new friends but keep the old; a press conference Wednesday. Wynne's death. one is silver while the other's gold." Wynne died August 25 after a frater­ Burns concluded the tragedy was I find this statement to be very true. nity initiation event. "an individual series of choices that Yesterday, I was reminded of the true mean­ District Attorney Doug Moreau is basically resulted in [Wynne's] ing of friendship when I went to observe a charging H.B.M. Corporation, the par­ death." third !,>Tade class in a South Bend elementary ent company of Murphy's Bar, with Moreau received the case from school. Within ten minutes of my arrival, I 86 counts of unlawful sales to persons LSUPD and conducted approximately noticed girls wearing matching outfits, or under 21. 12 interviews with witnesses who had sporting their "best-friends" fashion jewelry. Sigma Alpha Epsilon as a corpora­ results of the investigation, the DA's not previously been interviewed, he The symbolism in these children took me tion will be charged with 86 counts of office concluded that "[Wynne's said. back to the memories of my early childhood. unlawful purchase of alcoholic bever­ death] was his [own] responsibility." He then reinterviewed some wit­ My girlfriends and I used to plan identical out­ ages on behalf of persons under 21, The investigation will remain open nesses, totaling over 200 interviews, fits and go everywhere together. After all, we Moreau said. in the event other evidence surfaces, to determine two factors: whether a knew every secret the other possessed. If found guilty on these counts, the but it will not be in the same active crime was committed and, if so, who As a junior in college, the definition of the maximum fine for H.B.M. Corp. is status, Moreau said. was responsible, he said. word friendship has kept the same definition, $100 and/or six months in prison per "Our goal in this case is to gather as The two factors had to be thorough­ but has taken on some new twists. From an charge and $500 and/or 30 days in many facts as are possible and find ly investigated because the intoxica­ older perspective, friends have definitely prison per charge for the SAE chap­ the truth of what happened without tion levels of the witnesses were high earned their place in my heart, and true ter, according to Moreau.
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