Cover Note for COVID-19 Accelerated Funding Request OVERVIEW Country: Sudan Grant agent(s): World Bank Coordinating agency(ies): UNICEF Sudan COVID-19 Response Project Program name: (P174220) COVID-19 Accelerated Funding amount requested: US$ 15,000,000 Agency fees amount (additional to COVID-19 Accelerated US$ 262,500 Funding amount requested):1 Agency fees as % of total COVID-19 Accelerated Funding 1.75% requested: COVID-19 Accelerated Funding application date: 5/7/2020 Estimated COVID-19 Accelerated Funding program start date: 6/20/2020 Estimated COVID-19 Accelerated Funding program closing 12/31/2021 date (must be last day of the month, e.g. June 30, 2021): Expected submission date of completion report 6/30/2022 (At the latest 6 months after program closing date): Sector Pooled Grant modality - (please enter ‘X’) Project Pooled/ Co-financed X Project/ Stand-alone 1 General agency fees are additional to the Accelerated Funding amount requested, and determined by the grant agent’s own internal regulations. They are paid to the agency’s headquarters and relate to overhead costs and are typically used to assist in the defrayment of administrative and other costs incurred in connection with the management and administration of grant funds. These fees are pre-determined in the Financial Procedure Agreement (FPA) between the grant agent and the GPE Trustee. Note to the user Informing the Secretariat: ➔ Prior to submitting a COVID-19 Accelerated Funding application, the Government or the Coordinating Agency informs the Secretariat of the country’s intention to apply and provides a timeline for the submission of their application to the GPE Secretariat. COVID-19 Accelerated Funding Guidelines: ➔ Applicants should read the GPE Guidelines for COVID-19 Accelerated Funding Window, which explain the application development process, including timeline, and necessary steps. In case additional information is needed, the applicant can contact the Country Lead at the Secretariat. Official Use FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No: PAD3971 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION PROJECT APPRAISAL DOCUMENT ON A PROPOSED GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF US$10.65 MILLION FROM THE GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR EDUCATION TO THE REPUBLIC OF THE SUDAN FOR THE SUDAN EDUCATION COVID-19 RESPONSE PROJECT July 21, 2020 Education Global Practice Africa Eastern and Southern Region This document is being made publicly available prior to Board consideration. This does not imply a presumed outcome. This document may be updated following Board consideration and the updated document will be made publicly available in accordance with the Bank’s policy an Access to information. Official Use CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective June 30, 2020) Currency Unit = SDG 55 = US$1 SDG 63 = EUR1 FISCAL YEAR January 1 - December 31 Official Use ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AFS Annual Financial Statement BERP Basic Education Recovery Project BESP Basic Education Support Project COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019 DPs Development Partners ESCP Environmental and Social Commitment Plan ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework FMoE Federal Ministry of Education FMoFEP Federal Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning ESA Education Sector Analysis ESSP Education Sector Strategic Plan ESPIG Education Sector Program Implementation Grant GBV Gender-based Violence GDP Gross Domestic Product GER Gross Enrollment Rate GOS Government of Sudan GPE Global Partnership for Education IDA International Development Association IDP Internally Displaced Person IMF International Monetary Fund ISN Interim Strategy Note ISP Intermediary Support Providers NAC National Audit Chamber NER Net Enrollment Rate NLA National Learning Assessment OOSC Out-of-School-Children PCU Project Coordination Unit PDO Project Development Objective PFS Project Financial Statement PTA Parents and Teachers Association PTR Pupil-teacher Ratio SDG Sudanese Pounds SSA Sub-Saharan Africa UN United Nations UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund USD United States Dollar WDI World Development Indicators WDR World Development Report Official Use The World Bank Sudan Education COVID19 Response (P174220) TABLE OF CONTENTS DATASHEET ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. I. STRATEGIC CONTEXT ...................................................................................................... 6 A. Country Context................................................................................................................................ 6 B. Sectoral and Institutional Context .................................................................................................... 7 C. Relevance to Higher Level Objectives ............................................................................................. 10 II. ROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 11 A. Project Development Objective ..................................................................................................... 11 B. Project Components ....................................................................................................................... 11 C. Project Beneficiaries ....................................................................................................................... 15 D. Results Chain .................................................................................................................................. 15 E. Rationale for World Bank Involvement and Role of Partners......................................................... 16 F. Lessons Learned and Reflected in the Project Design .................................................................... 16 III. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ............................................................................ 18 A. Institutional and Implementation Arrangements .......................................................................... 18 B. Results Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements......................................................................... 19 C. Sustainability ................................................................................................................................... 19 IV. PROJECT APPRAISAL SUMMARY ................................................................................... 20 A. Technical, Economic and Financial Analysis ................................................................................... 20 B. Fiduciary .......................................................................................................................................... 21 C. Legal Operational Policies ............................................................................................................... 24 D. Environmental and Social ............................................................................................................... 25 V. GRIEVANCE REDRESS SERVICES ..................................................................................... 26 VI. KEY RISKS ..................................................................................................................... 27 VII. RESULTS FRAMEWORK AND MONITORING ................................................................... 30 ANNEX 1: Costing for Sudan Education COVID-19 Response Project ............................... 34 ANNEX 2: Implementation Arrangements and Support Plan .......................................... 36 ANNEX 3: Financial and Economic Analysis .................................................................... 39 The World Bank Sudan Education COVID19 Response (P174220) DATASHEET BASIC INFORMATION BASIC_INFO_TABLE Country(ies) Project Name Sudan Sudan Education COVID-19 Response Environmental and Social Risk Project ID Financing Instrument Process Classification Urgent Need or Investment Project P174220 Moderate Capacity Constraints Financing (FCC) Financing & Implementation Modalities [ ] Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA) [ ] Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) [ ] Series of Projects (SOP) [✓] Fragile State(s) [ ] Performance-Based Conditions (PBCs) [ ] Small State(s) [ ] Financial Intermediaries (FI) [ ] Fragile within a non-fragile Country [ ] Project-Based Guarantee [ ] Conflict [ ] Deferred Drawdown [✓] Responding to Natural or Man-made Disaster [ ] Alternate Procurement Arrangements (APA) [ ] Hands-on Enhanced Implementation Support (HEIS) Expected Approval Date Expected Closing Date 03-Aug-2020 31-Dec-2021 Bank/IFC Collaboration No Proposed Development Objective(s) To support learning continuity at the basic education level during the COVID-19 pandemic and school system shutdown and safe transition back to school during recovery. Page 1 of 42 The World Bank Sudan Education COVID-19 Response (P174220) Components Component Name Cost (US$, millions) Supporting learning continuity at the basic education level during the COVID-19 6.93 pandemic and school system shutdown Supporting safe transition back to school during recovery 4.33 Program coordination and management 0.45 Organizations Borrower: The Republic of the Sudan Implementing Agency: Ministry of Education PROJECT FINANCING DATA (US$, Millions) SUMMARY-NewFin1 Total Project Cost 10.65 Total Financing 10.65 of which IBRD/IDA 0.00 Financing Gap 0.00 DETAILS-NewFinEnh1 Non-World Bank Group Financing Trust Funds 10.65 Education for All - Fast Track Initiative 10.65 Expected Disbursements (in US$, Millions)
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