Th ee Bi-MBi-Monthlyonthly MagMagazineazine ofof thethe PrPrayerayer BBookook SSocietyociety Volume 28, Number 2 ANDATMarch / April 2005 MIN THIS ISSUE E Where Can I Find a Church Th at Uses the 928 BCP? Page 2 n Refl ections from the Editor’s Desk Page 3 n Th e Church of Ireland Page 4 n Th e Primates’ Communiqué Pages 5-6 n Th e Impotency of the Primates’ Meeting Page 7 n Primates and Communion with God Page 8 n Primates and the Quadrilateral Page 9 n Primates and Homosexuality Page 0 n Sermon at Armagh by the Archbishop of Canterbury Pages -2 n Primates and the Anglican Church of Canada Page 3 n Ghost and Spirit Page 4 n Prayer Book with new look Page 5 n Louis R. Tarsitano Page 6 all of their services, if from the 928, or the ishes that use the 928 BCP. An excellent Where can I fi nd a ones that use the 928 BCP. Th e Reformed reference is the Directory of Traditional Episcopal Church uses a Prayer Book Anglican and Episcopal Parishes, pub- church that which includes both the 662 (Church of lished by the Fellowship of Concerned uses the England) and much from the 928. Churchmen. Th is directory does not tell In the past I could assume that all of what prayer book is used. Please contact 928 Prayer the Continuing Churches would use the editor, Mrs. Jane Nones, 4800 Dupont Book? the 928 BCP fully, but it has come to Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55409 if my attention that parishes of one of the you would like to order a copy. For infor- larger ones have begun the use of the 3 mation call (62) 824 3933. year cycle Eucharistic Lectionary, which A number of readers have written to is a departure from the 928 BCP. Th e tell us of other parishes that use the 928 928 BCP includes the Collect, Epistle, Prayer Book. It makes us glad to know of and Gospel. Sadly, we will no longer list such places, and also that folks are read- parishes from that jurisdiction, unless we ing Mandate. Some have written to tell e List parishes that use the know for a fact that the parish in question us of parishes that use 928 that we have 928 BCP according to state or uses the Eucharistic Lectionary from the already listed. It might be a good idea to area, mentioning their ecclesi- 928 BCP. keep the issues of Mandate that have this Wastical jurisdiction (Episcopal Church or Our knowledge of these matters is lim- column to use for future reference. We one of the “Continuing Churches”), and ited, so we would be happy to hear of par- can only list a parish once. Mississippi Biloxi-Gulfport Area Jackson Area Starkville St. Luke’s Church (Anglican Province of St. Stephen’s Church (Reformed All Saints Chapel (Anglican Catholic America) Episcopal Church) Church) 555 Cowan Road 5049 Lakeland Drive 600 University Drive Gulfport, MS Flowood, MS 39232 Starkville, MS Mailing Address: P.O. Box 642 60 992 437 Mailing Address: 200 Apache Drive Gulfport, MS 39507 Sunday Holy Communion 8:00 am Starkville, MS 39759 228 896 7430 Holy Communion 0:30 am 662 65 5380 Sunday Holy Communion :00 am Th e Rev. Frederick Basil Sunday Holy Communion 0:30 am Evensong 5:00 pm Th e Rev. Mr. Michael Dunston, Deacon- Th e Rev. Richard M. Bruton, Vicar in-Charge Please write the Rev. Fr. David C. Kennedy, SSC, at 723 Hearth Stone Ave., Boynton Beach, FL 33437-2920 if you know of parishes that use the 928 BCP. Needless to say it will take a long time to list them all! Praise God for that!!! THE MANDATE March / April 2005 • Volume 28 , Number 2 Editor: Th e Rev’d Dr.. Peter Toon • Design/Layout: Boldface Graphics Th e Offi cers for the Year 2005 are: President: Th e Rev. David Kennedy, SSC, of Florida • Vice-President: Th e Rev. Dr. Peter Toon of Washington Treasurer: Dr. T. Herbert Guerry III of Georgia • Secretary: Mrs. Miriam K. Stauff of Wisconsin MANDATE is published six times a year by the Prayer Book Society, a non-profi t organization serving the Church of God. All gifts to the P.B.S. are tax deductible. Recipients of Mandate are encouraged to send at least $28 each year to maintain the ministry. Editorial and all other correspondence: P.O. Box 35220, Philadelphia, PA 928. Phone -800-PBS-928. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the above address. ANDATANDAT Visit the websites of the Society: www.episcopalian.org/pbs928 & www.anglicanmarketplace.com. M PagePage 2 E Refl ections from the Editor’s Desk How to read a Communiqué from a Primates Meeting Th e Rev’d Dr. Peter Toon M.A., M.Th ., D.Phil (Oxon) agree to a softened expression of their point of write this on my return from Northern Ireland view in the offi cial Communiqué, and that they do where, along with others from the Media and so for the sake of peace and future cooperation. interested societies & organizations, I was an In fact, were it the case that African Primates Iobserver of the Primates’ Meeting, February 2-25. wrote a Communiqué, it is highly probable that Th is Meeting was probably the most important it would be in language saturated with biblical ever held by the Primates, as they faced the crisis phrases, citations and allusions and that the style caused by the sexual innovations of the North would be more like an apostolic letter than a dip- American Churches. lomatic statement. Over the last decade, I have been present as an Th e Communiqué produced at the end of the observer at four Primates’ Meetings to cover what recent meeting in Northern Ireland is indeed a they said and did, in terms of reporting and inter- diplomatic statement which, though quite long, preting not only their words but also their actions. mentions Jesus only twice and cites Scripture only For example, in terms of actions; for me the in its very last paragraph. One Primate described it most signifi cant sign I witnessed at the Meeting as “typical Anglo-Saxon understatement”.Th ough in Porto in Portugal several years ago was Presid- the vast majority of the Primates regard active ing Bishop Griswold arm in arm with Mrs. Carey, homosexuality as sinful and they believe that a and Archbishop Carey arm in arm with Mrs. Gris- church, which ordains active homosexual persons wold, on the main street, walking along, for all to and blesses the partnerships of such is a in error see - including the African Archbishops who were and apostasy, these deep convictions are not stated amazed! Th is event suggested to me a rather close anywhere in the Communiqué! Certainly the fact friendship between the two couples, even though it of diff erences over sexuality is recognized, and we was reported that the two Bishops diff ered greatly are told that the North Americans are asked both on theological and moral matters! I think that this to cease for the time being their innovatory prac- close association was important in understanding tices, and also to stay away from offi cial gatherings and interpreting Carey’s apparent reluctance to of the Anglican Communion for the time being. act more decisively against the growing apostasy However, at the same time the most positive things of the Episcopal Church, led by Griswold. are said about ministry to active homosexual per- And at the Northern Ireland Meeting the most sons. signifi cant sign for me was the fact that there was Yet, even with the reality of a diplomatic sum- no Common Eucharist – due to the fact of broken mary of the Meeting, what is certain is that pres- communion between African Primates and those sure has been placed upon the Episcopal Church of North America. of the U.S.A. and the Anglican Church of Canada, At the end of each Meeting, there is issued a to look again at their recent innovations in the Communiqué, which, though drafted by the few, doctrine and expressions of sexuality. If they want is supposed to be accepted by all. Invariably the to be assured of a future place in the Anglican drafting committee is headed by a western Pri- family of Churches, then they need to amend their mate whose fi rst language is English and who is ways and rescind their approval for the blessing skilled in writing diplomatic documents, which of people engaged in homosexual partnerships. can be read in various ways and which usually aim Whether they also need to recognize such unions to soften diff erences and emphasize agreements. as sinful and condemned by God the Holy One, is In this the Primates imitate the method and style not wholly clear. used in Communiqués issued after the meeting of For the Episcopal Church, the next General political leaders. Convention in 2006 will be the occasion for fi nal Alongside what is stated in the offi cial Commu- decisions as to whether this Church intends to go niqué, is the information gleaned from what indi- it alone or to be accepted as a full member of the vidual Primates are willing to share with reporters Anglican Communion of Churches. and friends who charm, pester, wine and dine them. In other places in this issue of Mandate, there Often, it is diffi cult to harmonize the two forms of are essays that attempt to interpret the contents information.
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