Daylight-Saving USF Completes S UBSCRIBE ONLINE AT Review Of IDA Time Begins THEHERALDADVOCATE.COM Set Clocks Ahead 1 Hour . Story 3A Sunday At 2 a.m. The Herald-Advocate Hardee County’s Hometown Coverage 114th Year, No. 14 3 Sections, 28 Pages 70¢ Plus 5¢ Sales Tax Thursday, March 6, 2014 Continuum Seeks Another $2 Million By MICHAEL KELLY lion in private money. called meeting. He wants the IDA to con- rently has “about 11” employ- Bond felt his company could Of The Herald-Advocate If approved, it would bring Bond said he feels the com- tribute $1 million by October ees, and that he would guarantee begin paying its own expenses Continuum Labs has in- the local board’s investment in pany is making significant mo- 2014 and an additional $1 mil- a total of 36 jobs by September by October 2014 and begin pay- formed the Industrial Develop- the startup technology company mentum, and stated he is close lion in May 2015, provided he 2014 and an additional four by ing rent to the IDA for using the ment Authority it will seek an to $9.25 million since 2011. to securing $5 million in funding has the required private capital May 2015 if the board approved Tech River facility by July additional $2 million in county Continuum CEO Travis Bond from a venture capital firm. He in hand and additional jobs in his request. 2015. economic development funds if told the IDA board of his inten- said he expects that deal to be fi- place. He said 80 percent of the jobs Bond expects significant the company can secure $5 mil- tions Wednesday at a specially nalized in days. Bond said the company cur- would be full-time. growth in 2014. Board member Dottie Coner- He said talks with firms ly said she felt Bond’s monthly about providing a second round update to the board was the most of capital, in the $10 million Need A encouraging report he has deliv- range, later in the year are pro- ered so far. gressing well. Bond said the addition of pri- He said currently CareSync vate capital should give the IDA has 5,000 customers but proj- Utility board additional confidence in ects having 50,000 to 100,000 the project. “A venture capital by the end of the year. He ex- firm does more due diligence pects to sign deals with both a than you can even get your head specialty hospital and specialty Reconnect? around,” Bond said. “We created insurance plans this year. Bond a business model that is highly said the company has added Open Your Wallet! dependent on this town.” 1,700 users since January See $2 MILLION 2A By JOAN SEAMAN Of The Herald-Advocate Over 200, about two percent of those who use Wauchula util- ities, could be paying $135 to $175 more on their monthly bills. 15 Corralled If the second, and final, read- ing of an ordinance at Monday night’s meeting is approved, those people who consistently fail to pay their bills, get cutoff and reconnected will find that it In Roundup is nearly four times as expensive to do so. 40 Drug Or Related Charges Levied The Wauchula City Commis- sion struggled with late-paying customers, deposits and security By CYNTHIA KRAHL Users and traders may come light charges during its work- Of The Herald-Advocate to feel they have not been de- shop on Monday evening. Fifteen people were taken to tected, but still an arrest may fol- The results will be included in jail on Friday as the Hardee low at any time. the proposed ordinance first read County Drug Task Force con- “We’re out there,” Dey in November and finalized for ducted a roundup of suspected warned. “If you are using drugs, this Monday’s meeting, which drug users and traders. we are going to come after you. will be at 6 p.m. in Commission In all, 40 criminal counts were “There are people who think Chambers in Historic City Hall, levied, ranging from failing to this is a victimless crime,” the 225 E. Main St., Wauchula. provide support to a child to major went on to say. “This is COURTESY PHOTO possessing marijuana to selling not a victimless crime. Drug The commission also dis- Some of the contestants in the Tri-County Area Magnolia Manor Co-ed Pageant are cussed impact fees, which will meth near a church. users and sellers ignore their (front, from left) Josiah Clarke and Jermiayah Cunniham; (second row) Iona Madison, Sheriff’s Maj. Randy Dey said families, neglect their children come up for finalization at a fu- Sidney Madison, Tiamoy Thomas and JonKariah Pough; (third row) Chance Clarke, De- ture meeting. the day-long roundup was the and steal to fund their habit.” andra Jones and Thalyaah Brown; (back) Andrea Pace and Ashley Faulk. culmination of months of detec- Friday’s roundup put 15 extra Utility Bills tive work and part of Sheriff officers out on the street, finding City Manager Terry Atchley Arnold Lanier’s semi-annual and serving the collection of ar- explained the situation. Accord- Tri-Count Pageant Saturda corralling of suspects in drug rest warrants. While armed with ing to the meter reader routes, cases. the drug-related warrants, offi- each utility user receives a bill at Those cases, he explained, are cers also found a couple sus- about the same time each month. Event Features Boy & Girls Of All Ages developed throughout the year pects wanted in other cases. If it’s the 12th this month, it will using tips, word heard on the In all, 15 were arrested here or be the 12th next month and so By MARIA TRUJILLO street and surveillance informa- elsewhere. Booked into the Of The Herald-Advocate Martin praise dancer from Or- gifts. tion. Many are finalized with the Hardee County Jail were: on. ange County, and Pretty Young The pageant will also feature When a bill is mailed, it is due Although the fair pageants use of confidential informants, Amy Disharoon, 46, of 403 have come and gone, that didn’t Talent from Polk County. children from different age he noted. Bell St., Wauchula; possession upon receipt, even as phone, At this pageant, everyone who groups, competing for the top cable, credit card and other bills. mark the end of pageants in And, because of that, arrest of methamphetamine, posses- Hardee County. participates gets some sort of prize in each category. warrants are held until roundup sion of narcotics equipment, ob- Each has a due date on it and be- prize since the committee be- The pageant will take place comes late and subject to late This Saturday evening in time, as Drug Task Force mem- struction of police executing a Wauchula, more crowns and lieves “each contestant is a win- this Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the bers are careful not to “burn” warrant; $2,000 bond; bonded. fees, interest charges and what- ner.” Prizes include crowns, Wauchula City Hall Auditorium, ever if not paid on time. sashes will be given out at the their informants. Marcy Lina Rivera, 33, of 337 annual Tri-County Area Mag- trophies, sashes, plaques, certifi- 225 E. Main St. Admission for “Sheriff Lanier wants a Torrey Road, Bowling Green; In Wauchula, the due date for cates of participation and other adults is $6 and $5 for kids. a utility bill is about three weeks nolia Manor Co-ed Pageant. roundup done at least a couple six counts forgery to obtain a after it is sent. If it is not The pageant features both times a year to let everyone controlled substance; boys and girls and spans all age know we will not tolerate drug See UTILITY 2A See ROUNDUP 2A groups. The theme of this year’s activity,” Dey said. event is “Exceeding Expecta- DAZZLING DANCERS tions: Dreamers, Believers and Achievers; a Vision of Excel- WEATHER lence.” DATE HIGH LOW RAIN Pageant Committee members 02/26 77 68 0.32 describe the pageant as being 02/27 71 52 0.07 fun-filled. It will focus on hav- 02/28 72 48 0.00 ing a family-oriented environ- 03/01 79 42 0.00 03/02 83 51 0.00 ment, being culturally diverse 03/03 81 51 0.00 and displaying heritage. 03/04 83 56 0.00 By participating in the pag- TOTAL Rainfall to 03/04/2014 - 5.14 eant, it is hoped contestants will Same period last year - 1.21 build their self-esteem and re- Ten Year Average - 47.79 spect while giving them an op- Source: Univ. of Fla. Ona Research Center portunity to thrive and become future leaders. INDEX The committee’s goal for the Classifieds.....................6B Tri-County Pageant contestants Community Calendar....4A is that they meet new people and make new friends, gain confi- Courthouse Report.......8C dence, embrace each other’s per- Crime Blotter.................3C sonality and “gain key Entertainment............... 5C interpersonal skills.” Hardee Living................2B Kenuated Baggett-Clarke, the Information Roundup...4A pageant’s coordinator, said the Obituaries......................4A pageant program also will in- Puzzles..........................5C clude entertainment. Show- School Lunch Menus..11B cased performers include Solunar Forecast.......... 3C Brother United for Polk County, Areah Wilkins praise dancer from Hardee County, G.A. COURTESY PHOTO Mime Ministry from Polk Wauchula Elementary School students were recently treated to a show featuring the Living Hope International Dance County, Haines City Untouch- Tour. The performers are orphans from Beijing, China, who study dance at the Angel Training Center.
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