HE'S HERE HE'S THERE HE'S FAMILY PICTURE NEWSPAPER EVERY. WHERE! SNITCH SHOPKEEPER let Us dog- Iris store after dosing Volume 2 Number 42 Friday, September 23, 1960 Price 10 Cents To insure the animal's rorth as a watch dag. he seldom Grogan Speaks et it make friends with anyone nit a small boy who lived next For Kennedy loor liked the dog so much, he Mayor John J. Grogan over last made aa exception to that rule weekend took to the campaign n the youngsters ease. He aW .stamp on behalf of the national lowed the boy and the dog to democratic candidates. become fast friends. After all, the Grogan spoke to 500 persons kid -was not a threat to the safety at James McGrath Democratic H fee (tore. Bat, there was a Club in Irvington Saturday a/W- juy trim 'Was. He watched with noon and again that evening at Interest the growing friendship Connors Hotel. Atlantic High- etween boy and dog and one day lands. Doped the kid and «aid, "Dw't In both lalks. Grogan, who is think U a shame to lock that a potential candidate for governor dog in the store every in 1961, stressed need for tighter gM?" "I suppose so." agreed control of both domestic and for- eign issues, charging the current gat track, the gay went on, unemployment ranks to Republi- Wow M I hoy a collar and leash can leadership for the dog yon could tax* Mar On request of both local and for a walk. We could jimmy the state democratic leaders, Mayor hack window and mo' one would Grogait will travel to other parts see yon take htm nut." So that of the Mate attending rallies for night a guy bent on burglary and Kenned} and Sen. Lyndon B. a kid met in taW rear of the store. Johnson. As soon as the window was opened., the dog leapt out to greet his young friend who quick-' Report Chambers \y put the collar on his neck. The two took a nice long walk. On For Judge Miller nVir return the dog was pot back Private chambers will soon be through the window. Next morn- provided for Hoboken Magistrate ing the register was empty and William J Mhler. who soon will the shopkeeper was out a day's finish his seventh year on the bench. receipts. MAYOR JOHN J. GROGAN shown thanking member s of Missionary Servant Guilds of the Holy Trinity * # # and St. Joseph for Jiaviig chosen him to receive tbe gold Holy Trinity medal. One other. Councilman Miller, who like most magis- James T. Callaghan of Newark, received the medal a t the 28th annual convention held at St Joseph's trates conducts several informal hearings each week has been a BRAGGING in an eatery, a guy Shrine, Stirling, N. J. Others on the speaker's dais a re, I. to r.. Bishop James A. McNulty. Father Matthew Fogarty. and Father Allen O'Bryan. familiar figure either standing or said no one could fool him when sealed m the city hali corridor it came to meat. "I can always tdl by the taste." he said. But in bridge circles his wife tefls another story. Her version is that he'll eat anything drenched in gravy. "Why only last week, the giggled. I bad no meat in the house. That is ooly chopped horse meat which I buy for our dog. I seasoned H well and served it in tomato sauce. He ate it with a gourmet air and said our butch- er sold the finest chop meat in town. HIS BALL AND CHAIN belongs to a ben dub which bad been fcnsistenily meeting on Thursday nights. So sure was he that his spouse would be out. this guy or- ganized a Thursday night poker session at his home. All went well for a few weeks. Then while he watched the clock one Thurs- day P.M. anxiously awaiting wifles leavetakng, she settled down to view TV. Wont you be 'ale for your club meeting? he •sk«l. Oh. didn't I teii you? We changed the night to Tuesday, she teplied. He got up and said, "Thfck I'll take a walk." Once outside be took up sentry doty [BLOW OIT THE CANDLES LARRV and may year w isa come true. The sevri year old son of Mr. and at (be end of his driveway to in- Mrs. Graziano entertained his small fry friends at his Clifton. N. J. home. The familv formerly lived in tercept Us guests. For alas, all Hafcokeft. In the picture are Mary Cariuccio. Terry Verciglia. Annette Lambiase. Lorraine Lambiasi-. were not men! I Ely*e Lambiase,. Andrew Graziano, Claire Vercigli a. Mrs Sal Venturi. Mrs. Lawrence Graziano. Mrs. I Arm and Graziano, Marilyn Lambiase, Mrs. Frank Vrrciglia, Mary Verciglia. Mrs. Al Lambiasr. (Continued m Page 2) 8 PAGE S1CTION OF N1W KSWAN1S CLUB 12 PAGES OF HUDSON BERGEN REAL ESTATE SECTIO(SEE PACEN NINE errf Food* C*f*r«ti«. At prat- the Amman Manage- while lake trout wiB concentrate Campaign is November 14 and ed fce » in lw«me» for himself meat Asswaatiea and the Rutgers in the coldest water, they can find. we nave set lie sum of SHQMB at Management and Labor Rela- Labor Management Institute. SPORTSMAN'S Since schooled-up fish may be as our goal." he concluded. tions Consultant. Be has taught scattered over a wide area, you Bora in Connecticut, Mr. Zaa- Mr. Zantow is active in the •ad lectured to thousands of have to cover a lot of water to tow is a graduate of Brown Jersey City YJfcCA. the Hobo foremen, supervisors *ni man- score. For this, trolling's the University and has an M.S. ken Chsjaber of Commerce and agement personnel during the ticket. When you get a strike, degree from Stevens Institute of has been president of the Hoboken past is years for such organiza- switch to a casting rig and '.echnology. He also studied at Kmanis* work over this spot thoroughly. various other colleges including Once discovered, a hole will Columbia and Harvard. As a prov je you with a good place to teacher, he taught in private and fish as long as dog days persist. secondary schools in New Eng- And you might even decide the land and New Jersey, as well as uncomfortable weather is a bless- Colgate University and Stevens i By BIUL RUHN ing in disguise. Institute. Mr. Zantow has been Training Director and Industrial CUT THE SPEED" Relations Manager for more than When a fcig bass deddes to CHUM ROXY'S PIER Zantow Heods » years with Otis Elevator HIGHLANDS, N. J. clobber a lure, he's reached a Company, Todd Shipyards, Gen- momentous decision. He's, con- THE WET GHOST Hotel • Restaaraot Yule Seal Sole eral Foods Corporation and Bar • Ga» • lee cluded that this plug is something Mr. Harold Zantow, a consult- io Mt or Franklin Baker Division of Gea- SPORT SHOP DEEP SEA FISHING •nighty fo°d "rouses ant in manpower-management his ire to the point where he just sad labor relations, has been Bait • Tackle SEA HORSE can't resist knocking it to named as Hudson County Christ- HARNELL Guns • Ammnmtfon Sails DaOy 8 in. smithereens. And somehow tl mas Seai Campaign Chairman for ULTIMATE Archery and Variety Sports KING FLASH II looks different than all those the 1930 Annual Christmas Seal TAPER RODS Fresh Bait * Caam Daily hook-laden bits of plastic or wood Safli Twice Da8y 8 a.m. • 2p.m. Campaign, it was announced to- FOR CHARTER that have been skittering over- day by Mr. John J. Daly, Presi- For salt water SBfaabg and Rente 55, Sooth Ambay head all day. dent of the Hudson County Tuber- sari easting add 25* to eastfeg l»Arkway 1-*7W J«*« Ffamara LANCER Why does one offering suddenly culosis and Health League, Inc. dfataaee, aad east a wide weight Phone HI 3-1141 Ed Custer mgr. produce a strike when the same „ "I am happy to accept the and range of hires—all «n one BAIT lure presented by another angler chairmanship for this 54th Annual wd. , " Good Crabbing get.s the bum's rush? There are Christmas Seal Campaign," said Of All Kinds many reasons, but one stands out Mr. Zantow, "because I feel die LIVE KILLJES in importance—speed of retrieve. citizens of Hudson County are Wholesale & Retail STAIDIK A speedy lure is not always the aware of and concerned about Hie fastest way to a heavy stringer. tuberculosis problem in this area CIWNCION, Inc. BOATS In fact, it's the reason why a and will support the League in Sheehan's CAHPET5 Route 35 high percentage of today's anglers its campaign for funds. The back- Boat Yard Foot of Cooper's Bridge are- regular patrons at fish bone of our fund raising," he RUGS Red Bank, N. J. markets. continued, "is the individual citi- 41*414 ; Rt 440, Bayonne, N. J. M CLEAN DRY BOATS This applies to any type of zen who voluntarily and in the UNON CITY, H J. ; FE 9-9742 REFRESHMENT STAND technique used, whether it be privacy of his own home con- WINDOW SHADES, TEL. SH. 1-7489 spinning, casting or fly fishing. tributes for Christinas Seals. MFTAL EDGING, ETC And it applies to bugs; top-water These loyal contributors," said Sandy Hook Basin lures, shallow runners or live Mr. Zantow, "must be supported X Bayside Aw., Higalaad* SaltWoter Proof! bait. ' to a greater degree by contribu- Highlands 3-1MS ••••»•»•••«•••»•••»»• Let's consider the proven jig tions from tiie larger industries FINEST U-DRIVES AFLOAT Zebco's new model 89 and eel method which works so in the county in order for the 26-Foot Shelter Sea Skiff* Enclosed Marine Toil* • Compaa* Spinning reel is made well on deep impoundments League to raise the necessary Chrysler Marine Engines funds to carry on a full program BMiU-ln Fish Well of DuPont Delrin and There's just one rule to follow; g-Person Maximum fish slow.;And slow means letting of tuberculosis control.' No Li«ei>H Required Stainless Steel CLUB CHARTERS the lure sink to the bottom, rest Mr.
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