Interciencia ISSN: 0378-1844 [email protected] Asociación Interciencia Venezuela Docio, Loyana; Costa-Neto, Eraldo Medeiros; dos Santos Pinheiro, Ulisses; Schiavetti, Alexandre Folk classification of sea sponges (Animalia, Porifera) by artisanal fishermen of a traditional fishing community at Camamu Bay, Bahia, Brazil Interciencia, vol. 38, núm. 1, enero, 2013, pp. 60-66 Asociación Interciencia Caracas, Venezuela Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=33926506003 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative FOlk clASSificAtiON OF SEA SPONGES (AnimAliA, PORifERA) BY ARtiSANAL fiSHERMEN OF A TRADitiONAL fiSHinG COmmUnitY AT CAMAMU BAY, BAHIA, BRAZil Loyana Docio, Eraldo Medeiros Costa-Neto, Ulisses dos Santos Pinheiro and Alexandre Schiavetti SUMMARY The folk classification of sea sponges by artisanal fishermen The results show that sea sponges are perceived as kinds of is presented by discussing how they recognize, label and clas- plants, and grouped together with cnidarians, ascidians and sify these marine organisms. Research was carried out in the algae within a broader ethnocategory labeled as ‘slime’. The county of Pontal do Contrato, at Camamu Bay, Bahia State, majority of the interviewees recognized poriferans through Brazil. Fieldwork was accomplished from January to May physical attributes such as color patterns, body shape and 2008 by means of open-ended interviews, projective tests and consistency. However, sea sponges are preferably named tak- direct observation, which were performed with 66 artisanal ing into account their color patterns. Studying the way people fishermen, both men and women, whose ages ranged from 18 recognize and classify sponges may assist wildlife inventories to 75 years old. The data were analyzed following Berlin’s and appropriate conservation strategies for possibly endan- principles of folk biological classification, as well as through gered species. Venn diagrams, ethnosemantic analyses and similarity indexes. Introduction emblematic representations sidered to show some regu- al. (1973), the ethnobiologi- that are very important in larity in classification sys- cal taxonomy has a hierar- The vernacular names order to categorize them. tems (Greene, 2007). On chical character because the given to living organisms Such processes of categori- this assumption, Berlin et most exclusive categories are keys to access a great zation (cognitive categories) al. (1973) established three (ethnogenus or generic and amount of knowledge on are culturally influenced main areas of study in folk ethnospecies or specific) oc- those traditionally labeled and arranged in logical pat- biological systematics: clas- cur at the lower levels, beings (Daly, 1998). Hu- terns (taxonomic structures) sification, which refers to while more inclusive catego- mans interact with the liv- that can be different for ev- the set of principles by ries (for example, life forms) ing organisms present in ery human group (Hunn, which the classes of organ- occur at the higher levels. their surrounding environ- 1982; Hays, 1983; Atran, isms are naturally mind-or- Regarding animal catego- ments and inevitably group 1990; Berlin, 1992). ganized; nomenclature, rization by humans, ethno- or separate them according The human need to order which refers to the descrip- zoological classification sys- to their similarities and dif- and classify the universe is tion of the linguistic princi- tems are closely linked to ferences (Hartmann, 1967; a matter of survival, since ples of designation of the the way in which each cul- Berlin, 1973; Berlin et al., only through order someone organized classes of living ture, in its particular way, 1973; Brown and Chase, can comprehend, make ref- beings in a given language; thinks, feels and acts to- 1981). They consider not erence, insert and adapt and identity, which relates to wards the animals in their only the intrinsic and ex- himself to the world (Lévi- the physical characteristics environment (Santos-Fita and trinsic characters associated Strauss, 1989). Linguistic used to assign a particular Costa-Neto, 2009). Analytic to those plants and animals, expression patterns of a par- organism to a specific cate- tools provided by linguistics but, more significantly, the ticular ethnic group are con- gory. According to Berlin et permit to understand not KEYWORDS / Ethnospongiology / Ethnotaxonomy / Fishing Community / Sea Sponges / Traditional Knowledge / Received: 08/07/2012. Modified: 01/25/2013. Accepted: 01/28/2013. Loyana Docio. Biologist, Master Eraldo Medeiros Costa-Neto. (UEFS), Brazil. e-mail: eral- buco (UFPE), Brazil. e-mail: of Science in Applied Zoology, Biologist, Master of Science in [email protected]. [email protected]. Universidade Estadual de San- Development and Environ- Ulisses dos Santos Pinheiro. Alexandre Schiavetti. Ecologist, ta Cruz (UESC), Brazil. Pro- ment, Univesidade Federal de Biologist, Master of Zoology, Master of Science in Environ- fessor, Universidade do Estado Alagoas (UFAL), Brazil. Ph.D. Universidade de São Paulo ment Engineering Sciences, da Bahia (UNEB), Brazil. Ad- in Ecology and Natural Re- (USP), Brazil. Ph.D. in Zool- USP, Brazil. PhD in Ecology dress: BR 242, Km 04, s/n - sources, Universidade Federal ogy, Universidade Federal do and Natural Resources, UFS- Loteamento Flamengo, Bar- de São Carlos (UFSCar), Bra- Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ/ Car, Brazil. Professor, UESC, reiras, Bahia, Brasil. e-mail: zil. Professor, Universidade MNRJ), Brazil. Professor, Uni- Brazil. e-mail: aleschi@hot- [email protected] Estadual de Feira de SAntana versidade Federal de Pernam- mail.com 60 0378-1844/13/01/060-07 $ 3.00/0 JAN 2013, VOL. 38 Nº 1 CLASIFICACIÓN POPULAR DE ESPONJAS MARINAS (ANIMALIA, PORIFERA) POR PESCADORES ARTESANALES DE LA COMUNIDAD DE BAÍA DE CAMAMU, BAHIA, BRASIL Loyana Docio, Eraldo Medeiros Costa-Neto, Ulisses dos Santos Pinheiro y Alexandre Schiavetti RESUMEN Se estudió la clasificación popular de esponjas marinas por plantas y agrupadas junto con algas, cnidarios y ascidias en parte de pescadores artesanales. La investigación fue realizada una etnocategoría denominada limo. La mayoría de los entre- en la comunidad do Pontal do Contrato, Bahía de Camamú, vistados reconoce las esponjas con base en atributos físicos, Estado de Bahía, Brasil. El trabajo de campo se llevó a cabo tales como patrones de color, forma del cuerpo y consisten- entre enero y mayo de 2008, por medio de entrevistas abier- cia. No obstante, las esponjas son preferentemente nombradas tas, tests proyectivos y observación directa, que fueron reali- de acuerdo a su coloración. Estudios sobre cómo las perso- zadas a 66 pescadores artesanales con edades entre 18 y 75 nas reconocen y clasifican a las esponjas pueden ayudar en la años. Los datos fueron analizados considerando los principios elaboración de inventarios de la fauna y en la formulación de de clasificación propuestos por Berlin, además de diagramas estrategias adecuadas para la conservación de especies posi- de Venn, análise etnosemántico e índices de similaridad. Los blemente amenazadas. resultados muestran que las esponjas son percibidas como CLASSIFICACIÓN POPULAR DE ESPONJAS MARINAS (ANIMALIA, PORIFERA) POR PESCADORES ARTESANALES DE LA COMUNIDAD DE BAÍA DE CAMAMU, BAHIA, BRASIL Loyana Docio, Eraldo Medeiros Costa-Neto, Ulisses dos Santos Pinheiro e Alexandre Schiavetti ResumO O presente artigo trata da classificação popular de espon- e índices de similaridade. Os dados mostram que as esponjas jas marinhas feita por pescadores artesanais. A pesquisa foi são percebidas como plantas e agrupadas junto com algas, realizada na comunidade do Pontal do Contrato, na Baía de ascídias e cnidários em uma etnocategoria chamada limo. A Camamu, Estado da Bahia, Brasil. O trabalho de campo foi maioria dos entrevistados reconhece as esponjas com base realizado entre janeiro e maio de 2008, por meio de entrevis- em atributos físicos, como padrões de cor, forma do corpo e tas abertas, testes projetivos, e observações diretas, que foram consistência. No entanto, as esponjas são preferencialmente feitas com 66 pescadores artesanais, homens e mulheres com nomeadas devido à coloração. Estudos sobre como as pessoas idades entre 18 e 75 anos. Os dados foram analisados conside- reconhecem e classificam as esponjas podem auxiliar inventá- rando os princípios de classificação propostos por Berlin, bem rios faunísticos e estratégias de conservação adequadas para como através de diagramas de Venn, análises etnossemântica possíveis espécies ameaçadas. only how each ethnozoologi- tionship (Viertler, 2002) be- 2005; Menegola et al. 2009; tion, classification and tradi- cal classification is built and tween what is thought (cog- Fernandez, 2011; Menegola tional use of sponges are still structured, but also the nition), what is spoken (a et al., 2011). However, rare (Svanberg, 2007). causes and consequences of word), and what is done (an Mothes et al. (2006) esti- This work describes the the perception, identification, action). Ethnotaxonomy can mate that hundreds of spe- folk classification of sea categorization and naming of be an indicator of this cog- cies are still to be discov- sponges, showing how arti- animals, both real and/or nitive-linguistic-behavioral ered in Brazil. sanal fishermen from Ca- mythological,
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