סדור לב שלם Siddur Lev Shalem לשבת ויום טוב for shabbat & fEstIVaLs For restricted use only: March-April 2020 Do not copy, sell, or distribute the rabbinical assembly Copyright © 2016 by The Rabbinical Assembly, Inc. First edition. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form The Siddur Lev Shalem Committee or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, except Rabbi Edward Feld, Senior Editor and Chair for brief passages in connection with a critical review, without permission in writing from: Rabbi Jan Uhrbach, Associate Editor The Rabbinical Assembly Rabbi David M. Ackerman 3080 Broadway New York, NY 10027 Ḥazzan Joanna Dulkin www.rabbinicalassembly.org Rabbi Amy Wallk Katz Permissions and copyrights for quoted materials may be found on pages 463–465. Rabbi Cantor Lilly Kaufman isbn: 978-0-916219-64-2 Rabbi Alan Lettofsky Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available. Rabbi Robert Scheinberg Designed, composed, and produced by Scott-Martin Kosofsky at The Philidor Company, Rabbi Carol Levithan, ex officio Rhinebeck, New York. www.philidor.com The principal Hebrew type, Milon (here in its second and third Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, ex officio iterations), was designed and made by Scott-Martin Kosofsky; it was inspired by the work of Henri Friedlaender. The principal roman and italic is Rongel, by Mário Feliciano; the sans serif is Cronos, by Robert Slimbach. The Hebrew sans serif is Myriad Hebrew, by Robert Slimbach with Scott-Martin Kosofsky. Printed and bound by LSC Communications, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Fourth Printing 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 For restricted use only: March-April 2020 Do not copy, sell, or distribute מנחה לחול The Weekday Afternoon Service ashrei. Every afternoon ,service begins with Ashrei אַ שְׁ רֵ ייוֹשֵׁבֵי בי ֶֽתָך, עוֹדְ יַהלֽל ֶֽוָּך סָּלה. Ashrei the main body of which is ַאְשֵׁרָי הָעֶם שׁ ָֽכָּכה לּוַֹ, אְשֵׁרָי הָעֶםשׁיהֱוה אָֹלהיו. ;Joyous are they who dwell in Your house they shall praise You forever. Psalm 145, an alphabetical acrostic. It is preceded by תּהִלָּה לדָ וִ ד -two verses, each begin אֲ רוִֹמְמֱָך אַלוֹהַי ה ֶֽמֶּלְךַ, וֲאָברָכִהשְׁמָך לָעוֹלָם וֶעד. ;Joyous the people who are so favored joyous the people whose God is ADONAI. ning with the word ashrei ,(Psalms 84:5 and 144:15) בּ ׇכל־יֲוֹם אָבר ֶָֽכךּ ַ, וֲאַהלָלִהשְׁמָך לָעוֹלָם וֶעד. whence the prayer derives its name. The first verse גָּ דוֹל יהְוה וּמֻהָלּל ֹמאד, וִלְגֻדָלּתֵוֹ אי ֵֽן חֶקר. A song of prAise, of DAviD notes that we are sitting דּ וֹר לדוֹריַשַׁבַּח מֲע ֶֽשׂיָך, וּגְ ֹבוּר ֶֽתיַָך י ִֽגּידוּ. .I exalt You, my God, my sovereign; I praise Your name, always Every day I praise You, glorifying Your name, always. in God’s house, while the second acknowledges the הֲ ַדר כּבוֹד ֶֽ הוֹדָך, וִדְבֵרִי ֹנְפלא ֶֽתיָָך א ִֽשׂ ָיחה. Great is ADonAi, greatly to be praised, community with whom we pray. Similarly, a verse וֶ ֱעזוּז נוֹראוֹ ֶֽתיָך ֹי ֵֽאמרְוּ, וּגֻדָלּתֲָך אַספֶּֽרָנּה. .though Your greatness is unfathomable is added at the end (Psalm זֵ ֽ ֶכרַ רבטוּבַָך י ִֽבְּיעוּ, וִצְדָקתָך יַר ֵֽנּנוּ. .One generation praises Your works to another, telling of Your mighty deeds 115:18), emphasizing that the moment of prayer is חַ נּוּן וַרחוּם יה ֶֽוה, אֶרְַך א ַֽפִּיְם וּגׇד ָֽל־חֶסד. .I would speak of Your majestic glory and of Your wondrous acts .now טוֹב יהוה לַ ֹכּל, וַרֲחָמיַו עׇל כּל־ַמֲעָשׂיו. .Generations speak of Your awe-inspiring deeds; I, too, shall recount Your greatness They recount Your great goodness, and sing of Your righteousness. Psalm 145 itself contains many themes common to י ֽוֹדוָּך יהׇוה כּל־ַמֲע ֶֽשׂ יָךַ,וֲחִס ֶֽידיָך יָברֽכָוּכה. .ADONAI is merciful and compassionate, patient, and abounding in love Jewish prayer. Like many כּ בוֹדַ מְלכוּתָך ֹי ֵֽאמרְוּ, וּגבוָּרתְָך יַד ֵֽבּרוּ. ADonAi is good to all, and God’s mercy embraces all of creation. psalms, it describes God’s caring relationship to ל ִֽהוֹדַיעִלְבֵנָי הָאָדם ֹגּבוּר ָתיוְ, וּכבוֹדֲ הַדרַמְלכוּתוֹ. .All of creation acknowledges You, and the faithful bless You human beings; “Adonai מַ ְלכוּתַָך מְלכׇוּת ֹכּל־ע ָלִמיֶם, וּמְמַשְׁלתָּך בׇּכל־דּוֹרָודֹר. ,They speak of the glory of Your sovereignty and tell of Your might proclaiming to humanity Your mighty deeds, supports all who falter, and lifts up all who are סוֵֹמְך יהוה ֹלׇכַל־הנּ פִלים, וזֵוֹקף לׇכַל־הכּפִוּפים. and the glory of Your majestic sovereignty. bent down.” The ancient rabbis were especially taken עֵ ינֵ י ֹכ א ֵל ֶֽליָך יַשׂ ֵֽבּרוּ, וַאָתּה נוֵֹתָן לֶהֶם את־ׇאְכָלם בִּעתּוֹ. .Your sovereignty is eternal; Your dominion endures in every generation with the line “Opening Your hand, You satisfy וֹ פֵּֽתַחֶ אתָ־יֶֽדָךַ, וּמְשׂ ִֽבַּיעלׇכַל־חָי רצוֹן. .ADONAI supports all who falter, and lifts up all who are bent down with contentment all that צַ ִדּיק יהוה בׇּכל־דָּרָכיו, וָחִסידבׇּכל־ַמֲעָשׂיו. ,The eyes of all look hopefully to You lives,” understanding it as קָ רוֹב יהוה ֹלׇכל־קרָאיו, ֹלכ ֲל אֶשׁרִיְקָר ֻֽאהֶוּ בֱאֶמת. .and You provide them nourishment in its proper time Opening Your hand, You satisfy with contentment all that lives. expressing thankfulness to -God for spiritual and physi צוֹן יֵרָאיַו יֲעֶשׂה, וֶאתַ־שְׁוָעָתִם יְשַׁמע ויוֹ ִ שֵׁיעם. cal sustenance. Because of ר .ADonAi is righteous in all that is done, faithful to all creation its themes and because, as שׁוֵֹמר יהֶוה ֹאת־ׇכּל־א ֲהָביו, וֵאׇת כָּל־הרָשִׁעיַם יְשִׁמיד. .ADONAI is near to all who call, to all who call sincerely an acrostic, it was easy to memorize, it became the ◀ תּ ִהַלּת יהוה יַדֶבִּר־פּי, ,God fulfills the desire of those who are faithful most oft-recited psalm. It ִויָבֵרְׇך כּל־ָבָּשׂרֵשׇׁם קְדשׁוֹ לָעוֹלָם וֶעד. .listening to their cries, rescuing them is recited liturgically three תהלים קמה ,ADONAI watches over all who love the Holy One times daily. ַוֲא ַֽנְחנוּנָבֵרְָך יֵהּ, מַעָתּה וַעדָעוֹלםַ. הללוָּיהּ. .but will destroy all the wicked The Hebrew . אַ שׁ ְ �רֵ י My mouth shall utter praise of ADonAi. Joyous ▶ word has many shades of May all that is mortal praise God’s name forever and ever. meaning and therefore translations differ: happy or joyous, con- Psalm 145 For restricted use only: March-Apriltented, blessed. 2020 The verses preceding and following . מַ ְ ל כ וּ� תְ ָך We shall praise ADONAI now and always. Halleluyah! Your sovereignty Do not copy, sell, or distributethis one define the meaning of God’s sovereignty: God’s love for all of God’s creations and God’s care for the most vulnerable in society. 289 מנחה לחול · אשרי weekday · afternoon service · ashrei 289 חֲ צִ י קַ דִּ י שׁ Entering Prayer Ḥatzi Kaddish Yes, prayer is a problem, but it is also the answer. It Leader: Leader: יִתְ גַּדַּ ל ויִתְקַדַּשׁ שׁמֵהּ רַ בָּא, בּעָ למָא דִּ י ברָ א, כִּרְ עוּתֵ הּ, helps me to overcome a ba- May God’s great name be exalted and hallowed throughout sic hurdle—to believe that the created world, as is God’s wish. May God’s sovereignty ויַמְ לִ יְך מַ לְ כוּתֵ הּ בּחַ יֵּ יכוֹן וּבְ יוֹמֵ יכוֹן וּבְחַ יֵּי ד כׇ ל־בֵּ ית .I am not alone in the world soon be established, in your lifetime and in your days, and יִשְׂרָאֵ ל, בַּעֲ גָלָ א וּבִזְמַן קָרִ יב, ואִמְ רוּ אָ מֵ ן. It impels me to find a way to integrate the rational in the days of all the house of Israel. knowledge upon which my And we say: Amen. life is based with the deep- Congregation and Leader: יהֵא שׁמֵהּ רַ בָּא מ בָרַ ְך לעָ לַם וּלְעָ למֵי עָ למַ ָיּא. :er “knowledge”—in the Congregation and Leader biblical sense of intimate experience—that there May God’s great name be acknowledged forever and ever! Leader: is a dimension beyond all Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varakh l’alam u-l’almei almaya. יִ תְ בָּ רַ ְך ו יִ שְׁ תַּ בַּ ח ו יִ תְ פָּ אַ ר ו יִ תְ ר וֹמַ ם ו יִ תְ נַ שֵּׂ א this and that I have been ויִתְהַדַּ ר ויִתְעַ לֶּה ויִתְהַ לַּל שׁמֵהּ דּקֻדְשָׁ א, בּרִ יְך הוּא, :granted the ability and the Leader privilege of addressing my- May the name of the Holy One be acknowledged and לעֵ ֽלָּא מִ ן כׇּ ל־ self to God.... Prayer is also an answer because it helps cele brated, lauded and worshipped, exalted and honored, [between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we substitute: [ ל עֵ ֽ לָּ א ל עֵ ֽ לָּ א מִ כׇּ ל ־ ,me to become more fully extolled and acclaimed—though God, who is blessed בִּרְ כָתָ א ושִׁ ירָתָ א תֻּשְׁ בּחָתָ א ונֶחָמָתָא דַּאֲמִ ירָ ן בּעָ למָ א, [human, to find the correct b’rikh hu, is truly [between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we add: far paths in life, to make my ו אִ מְ ר וּ אָ מֵ ן. deeds meaningful, and to beyond all acknowledgment and praise, or any expressions of connect myself with the gratitude or consolation ever spoken in the world. living force of God that And we say: Amen. infuses the universe. There is a difference between the physical functioning of one who, through exercise and correct diet, keeps one’s body in good condition and one who neglects it. There is a difference between one who nourishes and exercises the soul and one who neglects it. Prayer is the exercise and nourishment of the spirit. We neglect it at the peril of neglecting that aspect of life that is most uniquely human. Prayer is a problem when we have certain simplistic expectations of it, but when we can formulate a belief in God that is neither naïve nor contradictory to the evidence of our minds and the faith of our souls, it becomes the answer.
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