REPORT OF SURVEY by questionnaire carried out in September 2011 Prepared by the Sutton Parish Plan Steering Group May 2012 CONTENTS Page A: INTRODUCTION 2 B: METHODOLOGY 3 C: THE QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Section 1: General information 6 Section 2: Community 8 Section 3: Countryside 13 Section 4: Housing and Planning 17 Section 5: Roads and Transport 20 Section 6: Services and Facilities 23 D: YOUNG PEOPLE'S QUESTIONNAIRE 26 E: BUSINESS QUESTIONNAIRE 28 F: THE WAY FORWARD 32 1 A: INTRODUCTION The aim of this Report of Survey is to summarise the information gathered from the Questionnaire which was distributed to all households in the Parish in September 2011. The Report has been produced by the Parish Plan Steering Group, with input from numerous volunteers who have participated in analysing data and discussing the results. There was an excellent (58%) response to the survey and we are grateful to all those who took the time to fill in a questionnaire, as well as to those volunteers who personally delivered and collected them. It has taken a considerable amount of time to analyse the data from the Questionnaires, but the resulting information is useful for two purposes: to identify the concerns and wishes of local residents, and provide the evidence to justify projects which will be included in the eventual Parish Plan as reference material for local authorities and others to research the views of Sutton Parish on a wide range of subjects. To this end, the base data from the questionnaires is available in an Excel spreadsheet on our website The detailed findings at part C below is split into the same sections as the original Questionnaire – Community, Countryside, Housing and Planning, Roads and Transport and Services and Facilities. There is a separate summary of the Young People’s and Business responses. In each case, we have sought to highlight the key issues raised, and to give a flavour of the main comments. Our aim is to launch the Parish Plan in September 2012. In the meantime, please visit our website www.suttonparishplan.org for more information. The Sutton Parish Plan Steering Group 2 B: METHODOLOGY The Sutton Parish Plan Steering Group was established by public meeting in November 2010. Following established practice in other Parishes, it decided to conduct a survey by questionnaire to establish the views of the local community and provide evidence to support an eventual Parish Plan. Preparation of Questionnaires Five working groups were set up, chaired by Steering Group members and comprising volunteers resident in the Parish. They covered Community, Countryside, Housing and Planning, Roads and Transport and Services and Facilities, and developed questions to be included in the questionnaire. The questions were of two types: those suitable for completion by a tick-box, with either a yes/no answer or the possibility of showing degrees of satisfaction or concern (usually by four boxes, so as to discourage a middle-of-the road response) those asking for comments or suggestions in free format The main household questionnaire contained an introductory letter from the Chair of the Steering Group and was illustrated with cartoons and photographs. Through a process of thirteen iterations the Steering Group arrived at a final format for a 20-page questionnaire, which was sent to press in July 2011. The questionnaire was designed to be completed by a household, representing the views of all members. Recognising that a household questionnaire would not necessarily encompass all views, and to encourage thought and initiative more widely, two other questionnaires were developed: a cut-down two-page young people's questionnaire (YPQ), focusing on issues affecting residents aged up to 16, such as playing fields, buses and evening activities. Completion of this was designed to be optional: children could input their views to the main household questionnaire, compete a YPQ with siblings, or complete one on their own, as they wished a ten-page business questionnaire (BQ), containing questions on a wide range of issues affecting businesses in the Parish, from employment to infrastructure and communications. A BQ was designed to be completed by each business, additionally to the household questionnaire if the business was run from home Copies of all the questionnaires can be found on www.suttonparishplan.org The Parish contains two sets of accommodation for people with disabilities, and arrangements were made with the managers of these for facilitators to help residents complete surveys individually or collectively as appropriate. [MB to check with LR] To raise awareness and encourage completion of the questionnaires: Articles were written for church magazines Banners were hung at strategic points in the Parish The Steering Group manned Parish Plan stands at four shows and fetes in the villages during the summer 3 A prize draw was arranged for completed questionnaires. Three prizes of produce or services from local businesses were offered for household questionnaires, and a single prize for young people's questionnaires. To permit the draw, householders had to write a name and telephone number on their response. For data protection purposes, these were detached from questionnaires before analysis and destroyed after the draw. Distribution and collection of questionnaires Household Questionnaires were distributed by hand at the end of August and early September 2011, using teams of volunteers each of whom was allocated a 'delivery patch' of around 20 to 40 houses. Volunteers were asked to knock on doors and hand over the questionnaire in person, as this is believed to maximise response rates. They were fully briefed and given trigger notes to explain the background and the objective of a Parish Plan. Volunteers made several visits before finding a householder home, or in some cases eventually pushing the questionnaire through the door. Young People's Questionnaires were offered to households known to have children, and could be requested or printed from our website by others interested in submitting a separate 'youth' response. Business questionnaires were hand-delivered to all known business premises and collectors were given stocks and asked to make them available to households for any business run from home. There are 1207 dwellings in the Parish. Ignoring empty properties, 1185 copies of the household questionnaire were distributed. Volunteers visited 'their' houses again around the end of September to collect completed forms (again, multiple visits were sometimes necessary). Respondents also had the opportunity to leave completed forms in boxes held at six focal points in the Parish - shops, pubs, etc. Questionnaires continued to dribble in during October 2011. Responses and analysis of the survey information 684 Household questionnaires were eventually returned, giving a response rate of 58% (ignoring empty properties). However, at the time of the analysis, for the purposes of this report, 667 completed questionnaires were available. This compares very favourably with rates for other Parishes of a similar size within Cheshire East. It is also higher than both the concurrent Cheshire East Rural Housing Needs Survey in our Parish (37%) and the Sutton Ward turnout at the Cheshire East Council elections 2011 (52%). There were 82 responses to the Young People’s Survey, as well as 46 responses to the Business Survey. The recording and analysis of results was done (initially at a meeting of a large number of volunteers and subsequently by Steering Group members) between November 2011 and February 2012. Given the number and complexity of the survey forms, it was a long task: the information comprised “hard” or quantitative data (specific answers to tick-box questions, such as frequency of use of facilities) and “soft” or qualitative data in the form of free text comments. 4 The final page of the questionnaire gave respondents the opportunity to identify the two or three main issues they would like to see feature in a future Parish Plan. These were extracted and categorised early in the analysis. Together with initial data from other parts of the questionnaire, the 'back page’ analysis allowed the Steering Group to make an early presentation of emerging findings to a public meeting held on 17 November 2011. An early decision was made to tally the 'hard' data manually, rather than capture it electronically. Aggregated totals for the data tallied for each tick-box question were then entered into an Excel spreadsheet, which permitted a certain amount of arithmetical manipulation and graphic presentation of the results in part C below. The full spreadsheet of data is accessible on our website. Where results are recorded as a percentage of ‘total respondents’, this is calculated as a percentage of the total number of questionnaires returned including those left blank or illegible, or ticking the option of ‘No Opinion’. Where the percentage relates to a sub-set of respondents, for example only those respondents who have expressed an opinion in that instance, the approach will be defined. The 'soft' comments in the free format boxes were reviewed, categorised and summarised in a separate exercise, which provided concrete examples of the concerns felt by local residents, an indication of the scale of feeling, and some specific suggestions for action. A record has been kept of all of the comments, although only those made by a significant number of respondents can be included in this summary. Both the quantitative data and the free-form
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