This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas. ~-3b3- http://dolearchives.ku.edu J ... \.. .( \: . ' ·,,, ., ' . •· j . THE TOpEKA CAPITAL-JOURNAL luniiiiJ, Odatler I; 1111/ N ,. GO~ race:. Still. Dole'. ~ s to lose, . ~.A · · ' a~ update o~ - ¢eir efforts: languish in single di!;ts in'national and ~ng anti-abortion _views. B(lchanan's . ConU~ecl '"":' page · BQB DOLE: Aides believe the New Hampshire polls. Gramm begins a strength with .that constituency_has '' :-', · . · · Idebu~ Perot rushed· into the' s}>otlitiht, . Senate majoritY leader has benefited critical effort to revive his New stymied two cash-strapped longshots: · ' · .' !promising to create a new pol\tical · from _getting a welfare refot:m bill Hampshire effort by launching TV ads California Rep. Bob Dornan and radio · ~ · party imd field a presidential candi- passed; and.are -thrilled with Dole's this week, knowing his support' in the host Alan Keyes. Trying to expand his - Jd!lte ·in 1996. Perot insisted otherwise, cl.ose_ work'ing· r!'!latio~ship with South could wilt if he fails first in the reach to reform-minded Perot voters, but most Republicans· took th·at to Gmgi'lch on budget and other matters. North ...,Absent a Powell or Gingrich Buchanan this week will propose strict ; meim. another Perot candidacy, ·some- Not to ll)entlon 'his big fUQd-~:aising entry, the Dole camp views Gramm as lobbYing and campaign finance refonns. :.Mi~r 1.0. ·days ofparty turmoil; /thing that could seriously diminish leadovertheGOPp~ck. · .. its biggest threat. STEVE FORBES: Since entering the ! GOP odds of winning the White House. · But there are jitters. Afteli.an embar- LAMAR ALEXANDER: Aides call race Sept. 22, Forbes has been on TV in And for all the machinations about rassing tie with Texa5. Se~. Pliil Gramm him the tortoise, and predict the former early primary states promoting the flat Kansas senator still .the fa.vorite. what Powell or P!O! rot migh~ mean to the in an August Iowa Straw'J)oll, Dole jug­ Tennessee governor will make a late tax. But uncommitted activists in key race, there were several unconditional gled his Iowa staff. Aides also worry cha.rge ·in Iowa and New Hampshire, states are skeptical of his chances. shifts in the GOP field: Millionaire pub- about unfocused speeches, and are especially with Wilson gone. "My cam­ DICK LUGAR: 'Ibe earnest Indiana . Florida straw poll on -lap in Ute coming By.JOHN KING . lisher Steve Forbes launched a deep- working on ci'isper stump message. paign is the only serious campaign' about senator barely registers in polls, but weeks, "the is ·over," said 1 a i:he Ass0ciated Press · p~eseason pocketed but improliable bid, and And Dole has slipped in GOP prim8ry dramatically changing the culture of plugs away in Iowa and New I • ' ,, . '1 ~ "' ' i• .' Greg Mueller, an adviser to commenta- California· Gov . Pete Wilson, once · polls,-nationally _and in Iowa and New Washington;'' says Alexander. Aller a Hampshire, pitching his plan to scrap ASHINGTON- After a dizzy- tor Pat Buchanan's c~lnpaign . viewed as a major threat to Dole, Hampshire, apd now trails Clinton in summer of TV ads that competitors income taxes in favor of a national . • Jng.JO days that saw one can- If so, it ended with a flourish. Ilimp ed out of the race, broke. · head-to-head Jl:Olling. ridiculed as a waste of money, Alexander sales tax. He just began an intensive ; W, dictate jump in, one jump out · P6well, the general-turned-author,· I If anything, Wilson's departure could "He has gone·.from being a strong has ticked up a bit in New Hampshire. phone-bank .operation to identify and the likes of Colin Powell and Ross tested his appeal this past week in I be a lesson to Ute ever-cautious Powell, ih>rit-runner to being a weak front-run- He pledged to raise $W million this year. potential New Hampshire supporters. Pero~ h.overing ominously on the side­ California; reiterating that-should he • about the organizational and (iriancial ner," suggeSts 9Ta.mm advis.ef Charles but hasn't hit $10 million yet. ARLEN SPECI'ER: Barely a blip in li~eS; .r~rnained d~ id e to make a White House run, he ' , -there one constant in pitfalls of starting late, and the difficul- Black. ~bile acknowledging a few PAT BUCHANAN: After an impres­ national polls, Buchanan jokes there is ··1996 Republican presidential politics: considered the-Republican route the ty social moderates have in· GOP pri- slips, the. Dole camp takes solace that sive start, many Republicans believe a statistical probability that the t It is Bob Dole's race to lose. sensible course. There was no shortage maries these days. no other candidate has moved up. Buchanan may have peaked in·thc mid­ Pennsylvania senator doesn't even of polls showing he would immediately · ' · ' . If nothing else, the rush of events Powell promises a decision in PHIL GRAMM: He is seeond to Dole teens in New Hampshire. As he tries to exist Specter is short cash, but strate­ brought excitement- and attention - become Lhe prime challenger to·Dole . November, as does House Speaker in fund-raising. And aides say Gramm's prove them wro.ng, aides worry about gist Roger Stone predicts mailings to ' · t 'a race that for months has been Perhaps envious .of Powell's political Newt Gingrich, who also enjoys dan- impressive list of straw poll wins prove Gramm's improved standing in Iowa. In 6.5 million Jews and 2.5 million . more plodding tl)an provocative. Now, gling U1e prospect of a presidential run. his appeal among grass-roots activists. both states, Buchanari counts on Republicans who support abortion Continued on page 9-A, cOl. with the first debate and a major 1 As for those who are running, here is But he has spent $14 million only to Christian conservatives who share his rights are about to pay off. ;Great Bend Tribune Monday, October 2, 1995 THE WICHITA EAGLE 3A , Hutchinson News Monday, October 2, 1995 l S~d~y, Octobe~ 1, 1995 3 ( ; . -- .. .....--. - -, ' ........ · D~Ie on tlie· sp~t ' .' WAsHINGTON CAP) - After a -Dole:· SIDaller tax cut·--:OK i·BoJe backs away from ·tax cut dizzying 10 days that saw one can­ ' ' i . didate jump in, one jump .out and . the likes of Colin Powell and Ross however, talked about a cut of about Even conseiVatives. ntat argument got some .support Perot hovering ominously ·on the · $170 bUllon, and then only after It was last week when three Republican sidelines, there remained one con­ ":llllnnn he members on the Senate Finance certain that the federal government b Committee, ·Orrin Hatch of '()tab, stant in 1996 Republican presiden­ Q.UW£~, says . was on its way to a balanced budget. tial· politics: It is Bob Dole's race to ~ted Press Alan SIJilpson· ·of Wyoming· and House Republican freshman Rep. lose. · . Alfonse ~ D' Amato of New ork; all David Mcintosh of Indiana, respond­ If · nothing else, the rush of , WASHINGTQN- Senate Majority exp~ skepticism. about the wJs. Ing to Dole's . statemen~ said he would events brought ·excitement - and Leader Bob ~1~ exp~ surprise dom of cutting taxes while Congress· urge other fresbmaD. to oppose any attention - to a race ·that for at the opposition of some Republican was struggling to balance the budget. effort to shrink the tax cut ~ Canilot moritlui •. has been more plodding ~rvative:'- said Sunday he might Hatch predicted that the· tax cut participate in and Will strongly than provocative. Now, with the bave to give ground o~ the GOP plan would never bappen, and D'Amato oppose a betrayal of our solemn first debate and a msjor Florida to cut taxes by $245 bUllon. said he ·. would prefer dealing With pledge to provide tax relief for all straw poll .on tap in the· coming "There's been some Indications Medicare and Medicaid refonn With­ Americans.· weeks, Mthe preseasoi} is over," said even from conservative Republicans out "this busln~ of tax cuts.• Greg Mueller, an adviser to com­ - ·that maybe we sbouldn't. try to go DOie:sald he was "hearing from a · - - mentator Pat Buchanan's cam­ au the way to $245 bUHon, Dole, R; lot of sources on ·the Republican side, paign. Kan., said on CBS' "Face ~e Nation. and not just those who've said from ~Ill It be ~ .bUHon? I m not cer- the start that they thought It was too ~rH~~er Newt Gingrich, much, but others ~ho frankly I'm a R.:Ga., speaking on ABC's 1b1s Week little surprised by. · With _DaYJd Brinkley; noted that "For the time being,"· he said; the Dole and other Senate leaders had $245 bUllon cut Will rem~ bls goal. voted for the $245 bUllon cut and said, "We1l see wbat happens. "' think the Senate frankly is honor The Republican Pl!Pl would offer. a bound to-deliver on It" $500-a-child tax credit for families ·-ll.Ub &..e:b\1 ··­ Gln8rtch said It would be "vvriually and reduCtions In the capital gains ' Impossible· to win House approval of rate. President Olnton bas proposed .. ' 8 snuiller cut. a $.- billion 4lx cut, With much of 1be 'tax reduction plan, a comer- thatj!: ~ to encourage secondary <llOle,·___ ---::-------------- ' 'stone of House Republicans' Contract edu~ . i'~ .. ' l r ..._ ... ·- . With America, bas been hammered The Senate from the beginning has 1 by Democrats who say Republicans been less enthusiastic than the House Con~u~ trom Page The Republican plan ~ould 'has been less enthusiastic than was struggling tO balance the bud­ offer a $500-a-cbild tax credit for the House about tax cuts.
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