CAPITAL VIEW The Congress Troikas Romesh Thapar THESE days, the leaders of the it be possible to smash the 'Nehruist The halo of VIP foreign travel, Congress who are regularly cio- dogmas' which have made Lal Bahadur arranged by some to escape the harsh­ setted with Prime Minister Lal Baha­ and his colleagues the prisoners of ness of summer's heat and engineered by dur discussing matters pertaining to indecision'. The fact that Vijayalakshmi others as an essential part of their the future of factions and factotems Pandit is considered to be part of this search for national recognition and in the States always come away group is highlighted. It is assumed respect, is now about the most sought marvelling at the visible excitement that her influence, for whatever it is after distinction in this supposedly of the 'boss' over various incidents in worth, will eat into the wavering sup­ 'socialistic' Capital. At one stage, it is his foreign tours, excitement which porters of the two troikas which cem­ believed that over twenty ministers of temporarily has deflected his attention ent the present government, the troi­ the GOT were abroad for one reason from the intrigues of the party — kas headed by Lai Bahadur and Indira or the other, including Cabinet Minis­ intrigues which normally absorb Lis Gandhi. ter Satyanarain Sinha who on his own time and energy. That this should be If Morarji Desai manages to block Ka- " admission spent a great deal of his happening on the eve of the impend­ maraj's second term, and there is a likeli­ time examining how night clubs and ing battles at Bangalore is significant. hood of cither Jagjivan Ram or Atulya strip-tease shows encourage tourism! Lal Bahadur quite clearly continues in Ghosh contesting for the presidentship, Small wonder then that our bureau­ command of a situation which, accord­ then it looks very much as if Indira crats are not far behind. ing, to him, only looks unhealthy from Gandhi will have to reliquish her Kamaraj's second term as President the outside. ministership and face the challenge of the Congress Party could be histo­ For example, those who make a from the right wing. It is maintained ric, that is if the is prepared to mobi­ study of the permutations and combi­ that she is about, the only person who lise a team of purposeful activists nations of personality and policy within could ride the storm. But it is unlikely who will help him purge the party of the ruling party maintain that the that there will be this kind of upset. those elements which have reduced it behind-the-scenes Syndicate has now Each day sees support for Kamaraj to the most prosperous managing dissolved into four troikas which arc gather. He has certainly become the agency in the country. Individualistic contending for power and influence in symbol of stability and fair play in the interventions, based on a personal pre­ the coming year of election prepara­ eyes of the rank-and-file leadership. ference for this or that leader, will no tions. The troika which is in the lead The rise of Kamaraj to national pro­ longer repair the damage. The political is made up of Lal Bahadur, Gulzarilal minence has astonished even Kamaraj. deterioration in Punjab has under­ Nanda and Kamaraj. It is at the Every now and then he confides to his lined this fact. The Congress Presi­ moment receiving crucial support from close friends that he would like to dent has to crack the hold of the the troika of Indira Gandhi, Y B return to the chief ministership of cynical 'bosses' of the party. Not an Chavan and Subramaniam. Two troikas Madras State. This frequent refrain is easy task, but one which has to be are in opposition. One comprises S K probably designed to convince himself accomplished if the party is to release Patil, Sanjiva Reddy and Atulya Ghosh, that this is no longer possible—or, for the initiative of its younger, more The other, which seeks to make an that matter, necessary. He is also be­ talented and dedicated supporters. impact, consists of Morarji Desai, Jag- ginning to draw crowds all over the jivan Ram and Vijayalakshmi Pandit. country, a sure sign that he has Purge of Congress Vital broken through a major barrier for a regional politician. Indeed, even his This purge, so vital if the most able Kaitiaraj's Second Term silences are interpreted as meaningful. persons are to represent the party in Each troika claims bases in the Foreign governments, too, are taking the legislatures and Parliament, has States either through Chief Ministers note. always been thwarted by the fear that or through the party 'bosses'. At the The Soviet Union, for instance, is the purged will join with parties like Centre, too, alignments are said to be very much alive to the influence that the Swatantra to make it difficult go­ along these four broad divisions. Kamaraj is beginning to wield. This ing for the Congress in the elections. Prime Minister Lal Bahadur's skill lies probably explains the extraordinary Kamaraj has to accept this challenge. in controlling one of the two troikas official invitation extended to him to He has to urge acceptance of reduced opposed to him. And it is this troika visit the USSR. From all accounts, a majorities in the legislatures and in of Patil Reddy and Ghosh which is rather lavish reception is planned for Parliament, even the loss of a tew being uncertainly wooed by Morarji him. If this becomes a fashion, Kama­ States, should opportunist alliances Desai and his supporters. A break up raj may soon find himself, like fellow make this inevitable. He has to oro. of this troika, or its neutralisation on troika-ist Lal Bahadur, a much tra­ ject political perspectives into the a crucial issue like the projected velled man. All this is to the good. party, perspectives rooted in the con­ second term for Kamaraj, is sought as We need to give a new status to the viction that democratic action will the first step to consolidate the ascen­ organisational leadership of the ruling ultimately restore the prestige of the dency of the right wing in the hierarchy party. It is, presumably one ways of party of Gandhi and Nehru against of the Congress Party. puncturing those monopolists of all the rabble of self-seekers who threaten Those who plan to challenge the publid glory—the ministerialists—and dire consequences whenever they are present balance of forces within the of making the organisational wing look interfered with or purged. party claim that what is required is as attractive. Strange yardsticks, hut Some such thinking is beginning to an unfettered, critical group within of such stuff is democratic politics percolate into quarters close to Kama­ the party. Only then, they claim, will made in India. raj. Perhaps, in the coming months it 1126 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY July 17, 1965 will, like floodwater, help cleanse the numerous party conferences must pio- moving at. a leisurely pace in its Initial Congress organisation. What with all vide the foundation for Kamaraj's pre­ investigation of AIR, now desires to the crises that are developing, the sidentship. Without this foundation, tour the Soviet Union, Europe and the ruling party has to be re-tempered. the rot, the dry rot, will spread. It United Kingdom to study broadcasting Clear thinking, political ability and a will spread despite the manipulations set-ups. Two to three weeks of study is militant dedication to the economic of the troikas. planned. Chairman A. K, Chanda has and social objectives enunciated at Tailpiece: The Chanda Committee, also requested for ambassadorial rank! FROM THE LONDON END Common Market on Ice A FTER France's dramatic walk-out need for access to the Community that Parliamentary control would not following the impasse over agri­ market, France stood to benefit sub­ be necessary. cultural financing arrangements, the stantially from any common policy on cracks on the Common Market sur­ agricultural prices. The original pro­ One of the interesting features in face are beginning to yawn in a rather posals were ""that a common grain this disagreement was the revelation alarming manner. Whatever the final policy .should come in on July 1, 1967, that at long last, instead of kotowing outcome may be, there is no doubt and that Community financing should to the French, some of the Common that, for the moment at any rate, the begin on the same date. This financ­ Market pari tiers, particularly Germany, Common Market must remain in a ing involved an elaborate system of Italy and Holland, were prepared to state of suspended animation. import levies, balanced by home out­ stand up to them. The other mem­ bers of the Six were willing to renew The French are now sulking like lays on research and export promotion the finance regulations until 1967, but Achilles in his tent, and have returned which should be borne by the Commu­ not until 1970. to Paris with the comment: "It is un­ nity rather than by the Governments. thinkable that in present circumstances The Commission had also been asked If the French proposal had been further meetings of the Common Mar­ to produce a scheme whereby Com- accepted, it. would have perpetuated the ket Council of Ministers can be held". munity financing could be organised, present state of affairs by which the The French Ambassador to the Com­ and at the same time it was intended other members of the Community, mon Market has also been withdrawn.
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