Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences (Turkish J. Earth Sci.),J. DENAYER Vol. 21, 2012, & M. pp. ARETZ 375–389. Copyright ©TÜBİTAK doi:10.3906/yer-1008-3 First published online 08 July 2011 Discovery of a Mississippian Reef in Turkey: Th e Upper Viséan Microbial-Sponge-Bryozoan-Coral Bioherm From Kongul Yayla (Taurides, S Turkey) JULIEN DENAYER1 & MARKUS ARETZ2 1 University of Liège, Geology Department, Animal and Human Palaeontology, BAT. B18, Allée du Six-Août, B-4000 Liège, Belgium (E-mail: [email protected]) 2 University of Toulouse (UPS), GET (OMP), CNRS, IRD, Avenue Edouard Belin, 14, 31400 Toulouse, France Received 06 August 2010; revised typescript received 19 January 2011; accepted 08 July 2011 Abstract: For the fi rst time, a Mississippian reef is described from Turkey. Th is microbial-sponge-bryozoan-coral bioherm has been discovered in the Central Taurides (South Turkey), at Kongul Yayla located between Hadim and Taşkent. Th e bioherm contains a rich and diversifi ed fauna: sponges and rugose corals are of particular interest. Th e bioherm shows four main facies refl ecting distinct growth stages from the base to the top: (1) the basal bioclastic beds, (2) the core facies formed of framestone comprising rugose corals, lithistid sponges, fi stuliporid bryozoans and microbial boundstone, (3) the crest facies with large colonies of cerioid rugose corals and chaetetid sponges, and (4) the bioclastic facies containing reworked material from the bioherm in lateral and overlying positions to it. Th e entire bioherm is topped by siltstones with thin bioclastic horizons, oft en slumped. Siphonodendron pauciradiale and Lithostrotion maccoyanum are the guide taxa for the RC7β biozone and indicate an upper Asbian age for the bioherm. Th e Kongul Yayla bioherm resembles most the Cracoean reefs from northern England. It confi rms the position of this buildup type along the platform margins and edges in the Palaeotethyan realm as seen in the British Isles, Belgium, southern France, southern Spain and North Africa. Facies and the coral fauna argue for a European affi nity of the Anatolian terrane. Key Words: Mississippian, Viséan, Asbian, sponges, rugose corals, bioherm, microbialite, Kongul Yayla, Anatolide, Tauride, Bolkar Dağı, Hocalar Nappes, Kongul Formation, Zindancık Formation Bir Mississipiyen Resifi ’in Türkiye’de İlk Kez Bulunuşu: Kongul Yaylası’ndan (Toroslar, G Türkiye) Üst Viziyen Mikrobiyal-Bryozoa-Mercan Biyohermi Özet: Bir Mississipiyen resifi Türkiye’de ilk kez tanımlanmıştır. Bu mikrobiyal-sünger-bryozoa-mercan biyohermi Orta Toroslar’da (Güney Türkiye) Hadim ve Taşkent arasında yer alan Kongul Yaylası’nda bulunmuştur. Biyoherm zengin ve çeşitlenmiş bir fauna içerir: bu çalışmada süngerler ve rugosa mercanlara yoğunlaşılmıştır. Biyoherm alttan üste belirgin büyüme evrelerini yansıtan dört ana fasiyes içerir: (1) biyoklastik taban katmanları, (2) rugosa mercan, lithistid sünger ve fi stuliporid bryozoa içeren çatıtaşı ve mikrobiyal bağlamtaşından oluşan çekirdek fasiyesi, (3) büyük cerioid rugosa mercan ve chaetetid sünger kolonileri içeren tepe fasiyesi, (4) altta ve stratigrafi k olarak aynı düzeylerde bulunan biyohermlerden türeme işlenmiş malzeme içeren biyoklastik fasiyes. Tüm biyoherm, ince biyoklastik düzeyler ve çoğunlukla slump yapıları içeren silttaşları tarafından üzerlenir. Siphonodendron pauciradiale ve Lithostrotion maccoyanum RC7β biyozonunu işaret eden kılavuz taksonlardır ve biyohermin geç Asbiyen yaşlı olduğunu gösterirler. Kongul Yayla biyohermi kuzey İngiltere’deki Crocoean resifl erine büyük benzerlik sunar. Biyoherm, Britanya Adaları, Belçika, güney Fransa, güney İspanya ve Kuzey Afrika’da gözlendiği gibi bu tip yığışımların Paleotetis alanının platform kenarlarında geliştiği görüşünü doğrular. Fasiyes ve mercan faunası Anadolu tektonik birliklerinin Avrupa’ya benzer olduğunu gösterir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Mississipiyen, Viziyen, Asbiyen, sünger, rugosa mercan, biyoherm, mikrobiyalite, Kongul Yayla, Anatolid, Torid, Bolkar Dağı, Hocalar Napı, Kongul Formasyonu, Zindancık Formasyonu Introduction NW Europe (e.g., Lees & Miller 1995). However, Th e Waulsortian mounds are the traditional examples they are only a fraction of the well diversifi ed of Dinantian (Mississippian) bioconstructions in and widely distributed spectrum of Mississippian 375 MISSISSIPPIAN REEF IN TAURIDES, S TURKEY bioconstructions (e.g., Aretz & Herbig 2003a). of controversies persists about the time and Viséan and Serpukhovian bioconstructions ranging intensity of the deformation, and the boundaries from microbial buildups to coral reefs with very of the continental and oceanic entities (see Görür diversifi ed fauna and fl ora have been documented & Tüysüz 2001). Moreover, there is no consensus in Western Europe, in Belgium (Muchez et al. 1990; about the denomination and classifi cation of these Aretz & Chevalier 2007), Southern France (Aretz & units (see Robertson 2000; Moix et al. 2008). Th e Herbig 2003a), North Wales (Bancroft et al. 1988), southern part of Turkey corresponds mainly to the South Wales (Aretz & Herbig 2003b), Northern Anatolide-Tauride Block (Özgül 1984) – also named England (Mundy 1994), Ireland (Somerville et al. the Anatolide-Tauride Platform (Şengör & Yılmaz 1996), South-western Spain (Rodríguez-Martinez et 1981), the Anatolide-Tauride Composite Terrane al. 2003), and also in Northern Africa (Bourque et al. (Göncüoğlu et al. 2000) or the Menderes-Taurus 1995; Bourque 2007; Aretz & Herbig 2008), United Platform (Görür & Tüysüz 2001) – which corresponds States (Lord & Walker 2009), Eastern Australia to an assemblage of tectono-stratigraphic units, (Webb 1999) and Japan (Sugiyama & Nagai 1994; elongated E–W and bounded by major faults (Figure Sugiyama & Nagai 1994). 1a). Traditionally, the whole Anatolide-Tauride Block Th e Mississippian of Southern Turkey is is said to have originated at the northern margin relatively poorly known. Apart from large-scale of Gondwana (Okay et al. 2006), but recent works tectonostratigraphic studies (Şengör & Yılmaz 1981; separated the Anatolian terranes of Eurasian affi nity, Kozur & Göncüoğlu 1998; Stampfl i 2000; Göncüoğlu from the Taurus Terrane (the ‘Cimmerian blocks’ of et al. 2007; Moix et al. 2008) only a few studies of Şengör 1984) with a Gondwanan origin (see Moix et the regional geology and tectonics described sections al. 2008). in the Mississippian of the Taurides (Özgül 1997; In the Western Taurides, Özgül (1984, 1997) Altıner & Özgül 2001). Only very limited data on recognized six tectono-stratigraphic units. Th e Geyik Mississippian macrofossils are available from the Dağı unit, in a central position, is considered to be Taurus (Unsalaner-Kiragli 1958; Minato & Kato autochthonous. All other units, namely the Bozkır, 1977). Bolkar Dağı and Aladağ units in the north, and the Th e present paper gives a fi rst description of a Antalya and Alanya units in the south (Figure 1b) microbial-sponge-bryozoan-coral reef discovered are allochthonous. In the Hadim region between in the Hadim region in the Taurides. It aims (1) to the city of Konya and the town of Alanya, the give a preliminary description of the reef facies, (2) to Mississippian crops out in the Aladağ and Bolkar characterize the biotic association, (3) to date the reef Dağı units (Figure 1b). In the latter, the Mississippian by rugose coral biostratigraphy, and (4) to compare succession consists of shallow-water limestones the Turkish reef with other well known Mississippian intercalated with siltstone deposits integrated in buildups. the Zindancık Member of the Kongul Formation (Figure 2a). Özgül (1997) and Altıner & Özgül (2001) attributed a Viséan–Serpukhovian age to the Settings limestones and concluded that they are intercalated Th e Turkish landmass is made of several continental with contemporaneous siltstone. Ekmekçi & Kozur fragments (terranes) juxtaposed during the Alpine (1999) concluded a Moscovian age for the entire orogeny (Middle Triassic–Late Eocene, Şengör formation based on conodonts from a single sampled 1984) and separated by complex suture zones. locality. Th ese are, from North to South, Rhodope-Strandja Turan (2000, 2001) distinguished, in the same area, Zone, İstanbul Zone, Sakarya Zone, Kırşehir an autochthonous group (Jurassic to Eocene) and an Block, Menderes Massif, Anatolide-Tauride Block allochthonous group made of six units or tectonic and the Arabian Platform (Okay & Tüysüz 1999). nappes. Th ese are the Korualan, Dedemli, Taşkent, Despite many years of researches on tectonics, Hocalar, Sinatdağı and Gevne nappes (Figure 1c). stratigraphy and palaeogeography, a huge number Th e last one corresponds to the Aladağ Unit of Özgül 376 J. DENAYER & M. ARETZ RODOHOPE- a STRANDJA ZONE İSTANBUL ZONE Suture Intra SAKAR Pontide YA ZONE SAKARYA ZONE Suture Ankara Erzincan Ankara Suture ir 1 11 EAST ANATOLIAN İzm ACCRETIONARY KIRŞİ EH R 3 Suture COMPLEX BLOCK 2 6 10 MENDERES 4 15 MASSIF Suture Intra 17 Tauride 22 5 Bitlis 12 14 7 8 19 ARABIAN PLATEFORM 18 13 Antalya 21 Suture 16 9 0 200 km 20 to Bozkir b onya to K 5 0 7 D legend for b: autochthonous units Hadim thrust fault Geyiğı k Da Unit D340 village allochthonous units D340 Bozkı r Unit main road Kongul river Bolkar Dağı Unit N to A Aladağ Unit lanya Taş kent to A la 0 142 nya km After Turan (2000) KY c 40 After Özgül (1997) D3 Hadim to Bozkir legend for c: autochthonous nappes allochthonous nappes Taş kent nappe D Korualan nappe 3 Kongul 40 Dedemli nappe Sinatdağı nappe Gevne nappe Hocalar nappe Kayrakl ıtepe Formation
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