Law's Trials Richard L. Abel Index More Information

Law's Trials Richard L. Abel Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42975-7 — Law's Trials Richard L. Abel Index More Information 821 INDEX Amanatullah, 380 al- Alwi, Moath, 418 Abdeen, Mike, 547 al- Arian, Sami, 83 Abdelrahman, Idriss, 71 Al- Assani, Fahmi Salem, 399 Abdo, Naser Jason, 86 al- Awlaki, Anwar, 456 Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk, 25 , 89 al- Awlaki, Abdurahman, 456 Abe, Shinzo, 613 , 625 al- Bahlul, Ali Hamza Ahmad Suliman, 236 Abebe, Hussein, 64 al- Darbi, Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed, 252 Aberdeen Proving Ground, 179 Aldawsari, Khalid, 76 Abidor, Pascal, 514 Alessa, Mohamed, 72 Aboubakr, Ali, 55 al- Hakim, A’del Abdu, 368 Abousamra, Ahmad, 54 al- Hawsawi, Mustafa Ahmed Adam, 259 Abraham, Patrick, 37 Ali, Abdul Aziz (Ammar al- Baluchi), 259 Abraham, Stephen, 358 Ali, Abdul Razak, 411 Abu Ali, Ahmed Omar, 77 , 374 Alito, Samuel, 337 , 361 abu Ghaith, Sulaiman, 77 , 80 , 83 al- Jamadi, Manadel, 177 abu Khattala, Ahmed, 80 al- Janko, Abdul Rahim Abdul Razak, 434 Adams, Ray, 74 al- Kahtani, Mohamed, 260 Adan, Dahir, 98 al Kandari, Faiz, 258 Adhami, Abdallah, 555 al- Kidd, Abdullah, 469 Ahmad, Muneer, 222 Allred, Keith J., 206 Ahmed, Farooque, 76 al- Maliki, Nouri, 108 Ahmed, Mohamed Ibrahim, 78 al- Marayati, Salam, 546 Ahmed, Shabbir, 27 al- Marri, Ali Saleh Kahlah, 342 Ahmed, Syed Haris, 25 Almerfedi, Hussain Salem Mohammad, 406 Ahmedzay, Zerein, 87 al- Moayad, Sheik Mohammed Ali Hassan, 78 Air Fore Academy, 180 Almontaser, Debbie, 507 Al Ahmed, Alia Ali bin, 384 al- Nahdi, Suleiman Awadh bin Agil, 398 al Alwi, Moath Hamza Ahmed, 368 al- Nashiri, Abd al- Rahim, 259 Al Bihani, Ghaleb Nassar, 381 al- ’Owhali, Mohamed, 77 Al Gayth Sulayman, Abd al Rahman Abdu al- Qahtani, Mohammed, 248 , 260 Abu, 408 al Qosi, Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud, 254 Al Ginco, Abdulrahim Abdul Razak al- Ruqai, Nazih Abdul Hamed, 78 , 80 (Janko), 385 Alsabri, Mashour Abdullah Muqbel, 412 Hadi al- Iraqi, Abd, 257 al- Saidi, Abbas, 35 al- Janko, Abdul Rahim Abdul Razak, 414 al- Salami, Salah Ali Abdullah Ahmed, 434 Al Latif, Adnan Farhan Abd, 409 al- Sharbi, Ghassan Abdullah, 246 al- Libi, Iban al- Shayk, 414 Alsup, William H., 517 Al Madhwani, Musa’ab, 398 Altenberg, John, 187 Al Mutairi, Khalid Abdullah Mishal, 391 al- Timimi, Ali, 83 al Odah, Fawzi, 341 Altmire, Jason, 533 Al Odah, Fawzi Khalid Abdullah Fahad, 393 Alvarez, Xavier, 505 al Qahtani, Mohammad, 414 Alwan, Waad Ramadan, 80 Al Rabiah, Fouad Mahmoud, 394 al- Zahrani, Yasser, 434 Al Warai , Mukhtar Yahia Naji, 400 al- Zawahiri, Ayman, 27 al- Adahi, Mohammed, 386 al- Zobaie, Ibrahim Awad, 131 821 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42975-7 — Law's Trials Richard L. Abel Index More Information 822 INDEX al- Zubaie, Salam, 109 Biddle, Francis, 17 Ambro, Thomas L., 546 bin al- Qahtani, Jabran Said, 247 American Jewish Committee, 204 bin ‘Attash, Walid Muhammad Salih Amidon, Charles Fremont, 4 Mubarek, 214 , 259 Amos, James F., 171 bin al- Shibh, Ramzi, 259 Anderson, George W., 5 Bismullah, Haji, 370 Anderson, Wayne R., 442 Black, Hugo, 3 Apuzzo, Matt, 538 Black, Scott, 196 , 200 Arango, Jacqueline M., 38 Blackwater, 158 Arar, Maher, 445 Block, Frederic, 511 Arbabsiar, Mansoor, 73 Bloomberg, Michael, 46 , 80 , 272 , 550 Aref, Yassin, 71 Boehner, John, 193 , 273 , 508 , 533 , 551 Arlington National Cemetery, 180 Bogucki, Kevin, 293 Artan, Abdul Razak Ali, 585 Boim, David, 479 Ary, Vaughn, 299 Bolton, John, 552 Ashcroft, John, 184 , 330 , 444 , 445 , 463 , 467 Bond, Christopher “Kit”, 79 , 277 , 401 , 405 Assad, Elie, 35 Borah, William, 13 Augustin, Burson, 37 Borch, Fred, 188 , 218 Augustine, Rotschild, 36 Bormann, Cheryl, 287 Awad, Adham Mohammed Ali, 392 Boumediene, Lakhdar, 355 Awadallah, Osama, 96 Bourquin, George, 4 Ayala, Don M., 100 Boyd, Daniel, 87 Ayotte, Kelly, 80 , 81 , 300 Boyd, Dylan, 87 Boyd, Zakariya, 87 Baca, Leroy D., 547 , 574 Bradbury, Steven, 195 Bachmann, Michelle, 572 Bradbury, Steven G., 198 Bacos, Melson, 131 Bradley, Yvonne, 251 Baker, John, 255 , 304 Brahms, David M., 105 , 131 Baldwin, Roger, 16 , 19 Brandeis, Louis, 6 , 608 Bales, Robert, 164 , 490 Brandt, Willy, 612 Ball, Donald W., 161 Brashares, June, 503 Bannon, Stephen, 584 Bratton, William, 546 Barak, Aharon, 11 Breyer, Stephen, 192 , 328 , 333 , 358 , 360 , Bargewell, Eldon, 105 374 , 468 Barhoumi, Sufyian, 249 , 396 Bricetti, Vincent L., 48 Barker, James B., 141 Brinkema, Leonie, 92 , 440 , 587 Barry M., 202 Brown, Anna J., 517 Bartlett, Dan, 195 Brown, Janice R., 240 , 369 , 381 , 382 , 403 , 409 , Basardah, Yasin Muhammed, 386 , 414 433 , 457 , 469 Bass, Bobby D., 180 Brown, Scott, 533 Bassil, Janice, 55 Brownback, Peter, III, 187 , 228 , 236 Batari , Ayman Saeed, 387 Brownback, Sam, 572 Bates, John D., 230 , 374 , 377 , 379 , 381 , 385 , Browne, John Henry, 165 409 , 411 , 459 , 485 Broyles, Bryan, 235 , 247 Batiste, Narseal, 35 Bruni, Frank, 580 Bavis, Mark, 487 Bryan, Robert J., 285 Bea, Carlos, 471 Buchwald, Naomi R., 477 Beck, Glenn, 79 Bujol, Barry Walter Jr., 85 Belbacha, Ahmed, 403 Bureau of Diplomatic Security (Department of Bellinger, John, III, 277 State), 160 Bemba, Jean- Pierre, 613 Burleson, Albert S., 14 Belkacem, Bensayah, 367 Burrell, Garland E. Jr., 30 Bergdahl, Bowe, 182 Bush, George W., 30 , 108 , 199 Bergrin, Paul, 148 Bush, Jeb, 578 Berman, Richard M., 85 , 515 Bybee, Jay, 588 Berrigan, Michael J., 214 , 243 Byrd, Robert, 204 Berzon, Marsha S., 34 , 323 , 461 Byrne, William Matthew, 4 822 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42975-7 — Law's Trials Richard L. Abel Index More Information 823 INDEX Cabranes, Jose A., 70 , 447 Cowhig, Dan, 238 CACI International, Inc., 435 , 436 Cravaack,Chip, 576 Cain, Herman, 571 Crawford, Susan J., 206 , 248 , 261 Calabresi, Guido, 452 Cromitie, James, 43 Caldwell, William, 109 Crump, Samuel, 74 Calley, William, Jr, 21 , 172 Cruz, Ted, 80 , 578 Campoamor- Sanchez, Fernando, 296 Cumbie, W. Thomas, 255 Cannon, Justin, 100 Cuomo, Andrew, 553 Carney, J.W., Jr., 55 Carr, John, 218 Damache, Ali Charaf, 72 , 82 Carson, Ben, 577 Daniel, Wiley Y., 460 Carter, Ashton, 300 Daniels, George B., 479 Casey, George W., 108 Daoud, Adel, 88 Casey, Richard C., 478 Dassin, Lev L., 46 Casssell, Paul G., 484 David, Steve, 227 Catel, P. Kevin, 78 Davis, David, 4 Chaffetz, Jason, 521 Davis, Michael, 100 Chakravarty, Aloke, 54 Davis, Morris, 68 , 81 , 206 , 219 , 237 , 239 , 242 , Chamblin, Joseph, 171 260 , 282 , 300 , 506 Chambliss, Saxby, 80 Davis, Stephen W., 113 Chayes, Sarah, 566 de Blasio, Bill, 544 Chemerinsky, Erwin, 533 Defreitas, Russell, 74 Cheney, Dick, 221 , 458 , 581 , 590 Dela Cruz, Sanick, 112 Chesney, Robert, 400 Deleon, Ralph, 73 Chessani, Jeffrey R., 105 Dell’Orto, Daniel J, 196 , 266 Chesser, Zachary A., 91 DeMint, Jim, 79 Chester, Robert S., 223 , 252 Denning, Lord, 11 Chiarelli, Peter, 107 Dent, Charlie, 533 Christie, Chris, 541 , 572 Detainee Treatment Act, 189 Chuang, Theodore, 587 Detroit Free Press , 501 Ciania, Paul Anthony, 97 DeWitt, John L., 19 Cizik, Richard, 560 Dilawar, 177 Clagett, Corey R., 147 Dionne, E.J., Jr., 581 Clark, Ramsey, 8 Dodd, Christopher, 205 Clarke, John H., 2 Dodd, Thomas, 20 Clinton, Bill, 621 Dolan, Timothy M., 552 Clinton, Hillary, 564 , 580 Douglas, William O., 3 Coburn, Barry, 231 Doumar, Robert G., 324 Coburn, Tom, 488 Douthat, Ross, 551 Cohen, David, 543 Dover Air Force Base, 180 Cohen, Richard, 575 Downing, Michael P., 546 Cohen, Stanley, 91 , 573 Dratel, Joshua, 220 Cole, David, 400 , 533 Drotleff, Christopher, 100 Collyer, Rosemary M., 396 , 403 , 418 , 456 Duncan, Allyson K., 347 Colwell, Jeffrey, 276 Duncan, Rex, 570 Comey, James, 333 , 590 Dunford, Joseph, 300 Connell, James, 286 Durbin, Richard, 80 , 576 Convertino, Richard, 78 Durkin, Tom, 262 Conway, James T., 126 Conyers, John, 208 , 358 Easterbrook, Frank H., 343 Cooper, Christopher R., 81 Edmonds, Sibel, 458 Corker, Bob, 585 Edmunds, Nancy G., 89 , 501 Cornyn, John, 194 , 200 , 273 Edney, Dennis, 227 Cortez, Paul E., 141 Edwards, Harry T., 367 , 375 , 378 , 412 , 415 , 433 Couch, Stuart, 208 , 245 Eisentrager, Johnson v., 188 , 323 Coughenour, John C., 94 , 264 El Gharani, Mohammed, 380 Cover, Robert, 1 el Khalii , Amine, 76 823 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42975-7 — Law's Trials Richard L. Abel Index More Information 824 INDEX Eldawoody, Osama, 71 Galati, Thomas, 542 el- Gamal, Sharif, 549 Gallatin, Albert, 12 el- Ganayni, Abdel- Moniem Ali, 506 Garaui s, Nicholas, 485 Ellis, T.S., III, 455 Garland, Merrick, 342 , 369 , 370 , 401 , Ellis, Aharon, 482 411 , 436 Ellison, Keith, 574 Gates, Robert, 232 , 444 Ellmann, Stephen, 420 Gbagbo, Laurent, 613 Elmaghraby, Ehab, 463 Geller, Pamela, 552 al- Masri, Abu Hamza, 83 Geressy, Eric J., 148 el- Masri, Khalid, 455 Gergel, Richard, 444 Elmasry, Amro, 511 Gershon, Nina, 485 Elshafay, James, 70 Ghailani, Ahmed Khalfan, 25 , 62 Emanuel, Rahm, 276 Gherebi, Falen, 323 Engelmayer, Paul A., 503 Gibbons, John J., 400 England, Gordon, 194 Gibbs, Calvin, 153 Epstein, Richard, 364 Gibbs, Robert, 275 Ernst, Morris, 19 Gingrich, Newt, 416 , 508 , 549 , 551 , 570 , 581 Ertel, Nathan, 441 Ginsburg, Douglas H., 367 , 369 , 396 , 401 , 406 , Esfahani, Shawn, 478 411 , 432 Esmail, Yasein Khasem Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 329 , 333 , 340 , 358 , 360 , Mohammed, 402 374 , 461 , 462 , 474 Girouard, Raymond L., 147 Fadel, Mohammed, 59 Giuliani, Rudy, 273 , 585 Fall, Albert, 13 Gleason, Sean, 257 Farag, Tarik, 511 Gleeson, John, 87 , 463 Farook, Rizwan, 97 Gold, Steven M.,

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