Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Fall 11-26-1968 The Parthenon, November 26, 1968 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, November 26, 1968" (1968). The Parthenon. 1153. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/1153 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. ✓ 'University of action' theme at $220,000 drive kick-off. Hy MIKE MEADOR is no discernable division be­ endorses this campaign and I News Editor tween the university and the personally see nothing bUJt suc­ "If Marshan is to be a univer­ community." Dr. Dedmon said cess for ,it." sity of action, it can',t afford to .the university and the commun­ Speaking for the students, Jane be c.oconned from the rest of so­ ity can achieve things together Clay, Charleston senior and stu­ city." that 1hey cannot achieve separa­ dent body president, said ttlere Witlh these woa-ds, Dr. Donald tely. are many plans for ,the future N. Dedmon, dean of College of Repre1,enting the administra­ but "there is one stumbling block Arts and Sciences, emphasized tion at the luncheon, Dr. Ded­ -money." Mar.,hall's need for more funds mon said that President Nelson's She pointed out ith.e lack of ,to upgrade the university. ideas of a mebroversity are at­ financial aid as a big reason for Speaking Saturday at a ki~k­ tainable if t ih e commitment to dropouts. This year 2,000 stu­ off iuncheon for the largest Marshall is perpetuated. dents applied for financial .aid fund-raising campaign ever Also speaking for the admini­ and only 1,200 received il "Stu­ launched by the uniyersLty, Dr. stration was Dr. A. Mervin Ty­ dents have shown their interest Dedmon and oth'er.s explained son, vice president of academic• by se,titing up several •scho lar­ this need to a group of Alumni affairs, who said, "Appropriated ship funds. Now we w a n ,t t!he Association C O U n t Y Cihairmen funds limit the advancemenrt: of a alumni to join us in Ith.is area.I' from throughout the state. university and in orrder to fulfill The drive has been separated "Time is terribly important to plans for the future, we m u s t into five areas: matching funds Marshall," said Dr. Dedmon. "In go beyond the previous income." for student loans, $40,000; special order to build the university of Dr. ·Dedmon pointed out a lack faculty recruitment funds, $40,- our times, we must act now on of funds in tihe College . of Arts · 000; faculty professional dElvelop­ our 'commitment' to Marshall." I • and Sciences. "We have $4,100 ment fund, $50,000; matching A $220,000 go~ by June, 1969, for travel expenses each year in funds for founda:tion and fede<ful has been set for "Commitment to the College of Arts and Sciences. grants, $50,000; president's dis­ Marshall," ,the offiicial name of This amounts to about $21 per oretiionary fund, $40,000. the first community-university person or enough to spend one The funds for student loans ptogram under the administra­ night in a local suburb." will be applied to· a' federal' ·"one tion of MU's new president, Dr. John L. Brothers, president of to nine" matclling program mak­ Roland H. Nelson Jr. Ma·rshall Foundation, Lnc., said ing a. total of $400,000 available "Marshall L~ rare in that there the foundation "enthusiastically for student loans. he MARSHALL UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER arthen_on ALPHA CHI OMEGA'S J an e, 50-protest Dow rec-ruiting Mills, Kenova sophomore, Miss. Teke Water Follies 1968, is sec­ By MARGARET TYGRETT of Nashville, Tenn., a broµier United States government in the retly admired by Rick Hannon Staff Reporter society of SDS. war. Dow just happens to be Huntington junior, at Tau Kappa Approximallely 50 studen ts The pamphlet formalized tJhe here; every company !has a piece · Student body . Epsilon's ).lrst annual Water Fol­ gathered Monday morning to argument against , the 1.L5e of of •bhe action." lies held Thursday night at the protest Dow Chemical Co. re­ napalm in IJ}-,e Viet Nam war. The SDS planned to stay in Gullickson Hall Swimming Pool. cruiit.ing. ·The protest included a Mr. Zinn quoted "Medical Prob­ Smith Hall as long as the ahem­ See additional photos and story sit-in, a march, and a songfest. lems of South Viet Nam," a re­ ical company recruiter was there. on page three. (Photo by -Kent Students for a Democartac So­ port prepared by four American Danie Stewart, Barboursville Burgess) ciety (SDS) staged a "sit-in" physicians. senior and SDS leader, said he near the conference :room on the Mr. Z:nn poi:1ted out in the would try to engage the ,recruiter fourth floor of Smith Hall u;£d pamphlr.t :!Jhat the war and not into discussion on the use of na­ Some econ. professors by t.he company recruiter. 1\1,e napalm is the basic issue. palm in ·the war. demonstrators d-istn-ibuted litera­ One studernt, unaffiliated with "We also plan to make some ture and read aloud "Dow Shall either SDS or Students for Dem­ sort of formal request to the tell views on Coyne Not Kill" by Howard Zinn, a ocratic Ideals, commented, "Dow placement office not .to have pamphlet from -the Southern is simply t.1-ie focal point for in­ Dow or the CIA or any organi- (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is a presentation of Student Organizing Committee human practices used by t h e (Continued on Page 4) the views ·of some economics professors concerning the recent dis­ m~I of Dr. Thoma<; Coyne as department chairman.) By SUZANNE WOOD . Managing Editor Inadequate communications on the part of Dr. Thomas Coyne prompted a request for an· examination of departmental conditions, according ,bo some members of the Economics Departmen t. A letter was s u b m i t t e d in October to Dr. Donald Dedmon, There are eight members of dean of Arts and Sciences Col­ the department including Dr. lege, by members of the depart­ Coyne, who is an assistant pro­ ment who indicated there was fessor holding a Ph.D. degree. dissension and dissatisfaction in One other professor holds a Eur­ the department. opean university termimal de~ Those members of the depart­ gree, equivalent to the Ph.D. ment who signed the letter were Another professor has a B.A. interviewed by The Parthenon with 62 hours toward his doc­ 1~; week. toral d e g re e. All others hold According to the pro!essors, M.A.'s. their letter to Dean Dedmon was The professors interviewed in­ not a petition for removal of Dr. dicated two possible openings in C o y n e from his chairmanship the department which could he but rather a request for an in­ filled by Ph.D. holder~. vestiation of the situation. Mem­ 1. The 1969-70 budget provides bers of the department subse­ finances for hiring a Ph.D. in quently were interviewed by the Economics Department. The Dean Dedmon. budget is subjeot to legislative The October letter apparently approval. was not the first communication 2. A member of the depart­ to the dean about dissatisfaction ment obtained permission last among economics professors. Ac­ spring to leave either at the end cording to one member, com­ of this semester or at the end of the academic year. Thus another plaints had been expressed by SDI GROUP STAGES PROTEST MARCH four members in June. (Continued on Page 4) Dow recruiter target (O ther Doug Dill photo, page 4) PAGE TWO THE PARTHENON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1968 To the editor: regard to that upper echelon of seem to be of the same general gical Science Department whose To the editor: As I r e g i s t e r e d for new student power as to make a sug­ belief, that is, in 'favor of the name we will leave unmention­ It is 7:42 Thursday, Nov. 13 classes for the coming semes­ gestion, I feel that the estab­ use of the pill. For several rea­ ed. For the curious we will and students at Marshall Uni­ ter, I was forced to give some lis:hment of a student used book sons we would like to publicly state that he teaches section versity are missing one of tlhe ~hought to fue expenses whiidh store certainly would prove the denounce the use of the pill by 0083. He is truly a terrific in­ mo~t 'enlightening' classes that would ensue. I looked at the eight worth of any organization on university coeds or for that mat­ structor and his students admire one could attend. It's the Negro additional dollars that I would campus. This book store would ter any single girl. First of all, and r e s p e c t his intellect and history course offered for the pay to build a student union not need to deal with any new the physical well-being of the concern. Marsh a 11 Urnversity first time this year. building I would never enjoy. merchandise, and since it would girl must be considered. The hu­ · will be weakened if the above­ The course has been very, But I easily overlooked this ex­ be a non-profit organization ( at man body was not created as a mentioned rumor is true.
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