Euler Class and Intersection Theory Seminar Bordism Theory Matthias Görg June 21st, 2018 1 Introduction In this talk we show further properties of the Euler Class e(E) 2 Hn(M) of an oriented rank n vector bundle E ! B. Recall that it is dened as the image of the Thom class n n n n u 2 H (E; E0) under the composition H (E; E0) ! H (E) ! H (B) i.e. −1∗ n e(E) := π (ujE) 2 H (B) n n where ·|E :H (E; E0) ! H (E) is the restriction map. Theorem 1.1. Let E ! M a smooth oriented rank n real vector bundle over a closed oriented manifold M. Let be a section which intersects the zero section transversely and let Z = (M) \ M where M is identied with the zero section of E. Then its Euler class is the Poincare Dual of the fundamental class of Z: ∗ n e(E) = [Z] 2 H (M; Z) Theorem 1.2. Let M be a compact oriented n-manifold. Then its Euler characteristic is χ(M) = he(M); [M]i To give proofs for these results we will make a quick digression into intersection theory. 2 Intersection Theory Let X a closed oriented smooth manifold of dimension n and A and B oriented smooth submanifolds of X of dimension n − i and n − j respectively. Assume that A and B intersect transversely so that for every p 2 X the map TpA ⊕ TpB ! TpX induced by the inclusions is surjective. Then A \ B is a submanifold of dimension n − (i + j). 1 We give an orientation of TpA \ B by the following convention: Choose an oriented basis u1; : : : ; un−i−j; v1; : : : ; vj; w1; : : : ; wi of TpX such that u1; : : : ; un−i−j; v1; : : : ; vj is an oriented basis of TpA and u1; : : : ; un−i−j; w1; : : : ; wi is an oriented basis of TpB. Then the orientation of TpA \ B is given by u1; : : : ; un−i−j. In particular, if i + j = n so that A \ B is a nite set of points, then p is positively oriented if the map TpA ⊕ TpB ! TpX preserves orientation. In these notes we denote this sign by I(A; B; p). i ∼ Recall that if M is compact and oriented then the Poincaré duality isomorphism H (M; Z) = ∗ Hn−i(M; Z) is given by α 7! [M] _ α with inverse β β. [ Theorem 2.1. The cup product is Poincaré dual to intersection: ∗ ∗ ∗ i+j [A] ^ [B] = [A \ B] 2 H (X; Z) Remark. Note that not all homology classes of a closed oriented manifold can be rep- resented as the fundamental class of an oriented submanifold. Denition 2.2. For a closed oriented manifold X of dimension n we dene the inter- section pairing ·:Hn−i(X) ⊗ Hn−j(X) ! Hn−i−j(X) α · β := [X] _ (α∗ ^ β∗) = α _ β∗: For cohomology classes of complementary dimension, i.e. i + j = n, we will often under- stand α · β 2 H0(X; Z) as an element of Z by replacing it with h1; α · βi. We require a lemma to prove the theorem. Let E ! B be a vector bundle with a bundle metric, let D be its unit disk bundle and @D its unit sphere bundle. Note H∗(D0; @D) = 0 ∼ so we have an isomorphism H∗(D; @D) = H∗(D; D0) and we can interpret the Thom class n ∼ n ∼ as an element u 2 H (D; @D) = H (D; D0) = H(E; E0) where the latter isomorphism is given by excision. Lemma 2.3. Let B be a closed oriented smooth k-manifold and let E be a rank n oriented real vector bundle over B with unit disk bundle D. Then D (iB )∗[B] = [D] _ u 2 Hk(D) where [B] 2 Hk(M) and [D] 2 Hn+k(D; @D) are the fundamental classes of the manifolds and D is the zero section of . iB D Here we give E any metric. The orientation of D is determined by the orientation of the ber and the base, in that order. Proof (Sketch). Let B connected, then we have isomorphisms ∗ 0 π (·)^u n [D]_· π∗ Z = H (B; Z) −−−−−! H (D; @D; Z) −−−−! Hk(D) −! Hk(B) = Z 2 0 The generator 1 2 H (B; Z) maps to [D] _ u 2 Hk(D) and to a generator of Hk(B) so we obtain D , however there might be a sign depending on or . [D] _ u = ±(iB )∗[B] n k We do not show explicitly how the sign can be nailed down. Using the dening property of the fundamental class [B] one can reduce to the case where B is trivial. Then the equation can be veried explicitly singular chains and cochains associated to oriented bases. Alternatively one can use real coecients and use de Rham cohomology, so the sign is easily understood in terms of the orientations. Now in the setting of the main theorem let X be a tubular neighborhood of , so NA = N A that the normal bundle of is isomorphic to X by a dieomorphism which maps the A NA i zero section to A. We can interpret the Thom class as an element uA 2 H (N; N n A; Z) and by the lemma, N . Consider the maps (iA )∗[A] = [N] _ uA i i i H (N; N n A; Z) ! H (X; X n A; Z) ! H (X; Z) where the rst map is given by excision and the second is given by restriction. Denote the image of by X i . uA uA 2 H (X; Z) Lemma 2.4. Ä X ä∗ X (iA )∗[A] = uA or equivalently X X (iA )∗[A] = [X] _ uA 2 Hn−1(X) Now we can prove the theorem Proof of 2.1. We are given an orientation of X, A, B and A \ B. Thus we can dene orientations of the normal bundles X X X and A according to the ber rst NA ;NB ;NA\B NA\B convention so that we can use Lemma 2.4 without any sign. Note there is a canonical isomorphism of vector bundles A X NA\B = (NB )jA\B which preserves orientations. Thus A X ∗ X uA\B = (iA ) uB By the lemma it suces to show that X X X or equivalently uA ^ uB = uA\B X Ä X X ä [X] _ uA\B = [X] _ uA ^ uB We compute Ä ä [X] _ uX = iX [A \ B] A\B A\B ∗ Ä ä Ä ä = iX iA [A \ B] A ∗ A\B ∗ 3 Ä ä Ä ä = iX [A] _ uA A ∗ A\B Ä ä Ä ä = iX [A] _ (iX )∗uX A ∗ A B ÄÄ ä ä = iX [A] _ uX A ∗ B Ä X ä X = [X] _ uA _ uB Ä X X ä = [X] _ uA ^ uB 3 The Euler Class Recall that the Euler Class e(E) of an oriented rank n vector bundle E is dened as Ä −1ä∗ n e(E) := π (ujE) 2 H (B) n n where ·|E :H (E; E0) ! H (E) is the restriction map. Proposition 3.1 (Properties of the Euler Class). Let E ! B; E1 ! B1;E2 ! B2 be oriented vector bundles. 1. If E admits a nonvanishing section, then e(E) = 0. 2. If f : B1 ! B2 is covered by a bundle map f~: E1 ! E2 which is berwise an orientation preserving isomorphism, then ∗ e(E1) = f e(E2) 3. For the product bundle E1 × E2 ! B1 × B2, e(E1 × E2) = e(E1) × e(E2) Let E1, E2 be two oriented vector bundles over B. Then e(E1 ⊕ E2) = e(E1) ^ e(E2) where the orientation of (E1)p ⊕(E2)p is given by an oriented basis of (E1)p followed by an oriented basis of (E2)p. 4. e(E−) = −e(E) where E− is E with reversed orientation. 5. If n is odd, then e(E) + e(E) = 0. Theorem 3.2. Let E ! M a smooth oriented rank n real vector bundle over a closed oriented manifold M. Let a section which intersects the zero section transversely and let Z = (M)\M where M is identied with the zero section of E. Then the Euler class of E is the Poincare dual of the fundamental class of Z: ∗ ∗ n e(E) = [Z] = [ (B) \ B] 2 H (B; Z) 4 Given a section which intersects the zero section transversely, the zero set Z = −1(0) is a submanifold of B and the derivative of along the zero section denes an isomorphism of vector bundles B ∼ (3.1) NZ = EjZ This gives us an orientation of B and thus an orientation of . NZ Z Proof. Let n the Thom class of . Identify the normal bundle B u 2 H (E; E n B; Z) E NZ n with an open tubular neighborhood N of Z in B. Let uZ 2 H (N; N n Z; Z) be the Thom class of B. The map is homotopic through maps NZ jN :(N; N n Z) ! (E; E n B) of pairs to the map (N; N n Z) ! (EjZ ;EjZ n Z) given by the isomorphism 3.1. Thus by naturality of the Thom class, ∗ n ( jN ) u = uZ 2 H (N; N n Z; Z) n n n We apply the composition H (N; N n Z; Z) ! H (B; B n Z; Z) ! H (B; Z) where the rst is an excision isomorphism.
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