Volume 11, Number 10 AHSAA Executive Director Update Newsletter December-January 2018-19 Merry Christmas from the AHSAA Inside this Month’s Update Savarese Commentary — Page 2 Super 7 Teams Set — Pages 4-5 SEC-Bound QBs Highlight All-Stars — Page 7-8 AHSHOF Class of 2019 — Page 9 Savarese Selected for ASHOF Induction — Page 10 Paf- we So Much to Be Thankful For this Holiday Season valuable component of athletic in- We celebrated Thanksgiving volvement. Nov. 22 and, in a few weeks, will be Why do we do what we do? We celebrating Christmas. Both holi- do it for the students, so for them I days are very important in our na- am especially thankful. Their enthu- tion’s history and provide opportu- siasm and eagerness to succeed keep nities for families and guests to us aware of our purpose as teachers. spend time together and share the They keep us young at heart, and true blessings in life — faith, family, through their success we are re- and love. minded that what we do daily for Both holidays serve to remind us these children does make a differ- just how much we have to be thank- ence. As I watch student-athletes ful for. We have our faith to believe, compete with zeal and enthusiasm, our families and friends to love and regardless of talent or ability, I remi- to share life with, and we have the niscence on memories when I was blessings we receive by living in Steve Savarese their age and recall some of the best such a great nation. days of my life. My hope is as these As I wish each of you a blessed Executive Director students get older, they will also re- holiday season, I also feel the need written by our member schools. flect on their athletic experiences to mention some values I am espe- We live in a world where it seems and positively use them in their daily cially thankful for what we learned so many are turning away from the lives. I am thankful for everything as youngsters that we now try to values we were taught as youngsters. you do for our students. teach our children. Hosting friends However, interscholastic athletics Recently, a national study showed and family has always been an excel- and other extracurricular activities students who participate in high lent time to put our “best foot for- provide opportunities — opportuni- school athletics and other challeng- ward”– treating each guest with re- ties for students to learn many of ing extracurricular activities are spect and appreciation. As a guest, those life-long lessons that have much more likely to do volunteer it has always been an excellent time been the bedrock of our nation. work and participate in charitable to show appreciation to our hosts While I fully recognize the im- endeavors when they reach adult- and to display the character and mense passion that accents our ath- hood. This is not accidental or just a manners that our parents strived so letic events, it is imperative to put coincident. These students want to diligently to teach us. You get to our games in perspective. We have serve others because somewhere teach these attributes every time you some wonderful rivalries among our down the road, a teacher or coach host an event at your school. schools, but it is more important led by example and taught them the I am thankful for our member that these rivalries recognize the value of service, humility, and kind- school leadership – of the adminis- worthiness of and respect the oth- ness. I am thankful for you being a trators, teachers and coaches – who er’s opponent than to be victor of role model, teaching by example embrace those ideals and teach les- the game. Every day we witness and being someone who students sons daily by their own examples. In some great examples of how our can look up to. doing so, they are preparing the schools are playing the game by the As we approach the conclusion of youth of today to be even better rules, playing with passion and de- the first semester of this school leaders tomorrow. termination, and when the contest year, I would like to take this oppor- I am thankful for the AHSAA is over, congratulating the oppo- tunity to wish our students, coaches, Central Board of Control, the Legis- nent for their efforts as well. I am and administrators, your families lative Council and the AHSAA fam- thankful for educators who exempli- and friends a very Merry Christmas ily who all diligently stress these val- fy the life-long lesson that whether and an AWESOME New Year. ues daily and take pride in uphold- their school wins or loses, what they Thank you for making a differ- ing the Constitution and Bylaws as learn from participation is the most ence within your profession. IMPORTANT DATES Dec. 5-6-7: Super 7 State Football Championships, Auburn University, Jordan-Hare Stadium Dec. 15: AHSAA State Cheerleading Competition, Hanceville Dec. 17: 32nd Alabama-Mississippi All-Star Football Game, Cramton Bowl, 6:30 p.m. Dec. 21: AHSAA Office closes for Christmas Holidays Dec. 25: Merry Christmas Jan. 1: Happy New Year Jan. 3: AHSAA Office opens for business SUPER 7 COACHES MEET AT AHSAA Front row, from left: Flomaton Coach Doug Vickery; Fyffe Coach Paul Benefield; Mars Hill Bible Coach Darrell Higgins; Baldwin County Unified Coach Mike Conner; AHSAA Executive Director Steve Savarese; Associate Executive Director Alvin Briggs; Linden Coach Demetrius Jackson; Luverne Coach Scott Rials; Piedmont Coach Steve Smith. Back row, from left: Deshler Coach Bo Culver; Central-Clay County Coach Danny Horn; Pinson Valley Coach Patrick Nix; Thompson Coach Mark Freeman; Central-Phenix City Coach Jamey DuBose; Saraland Coach Jeff Kelly; Vigor Coach Deric Scott; and UMS-Wright Coach Terry Curtis. Not pictured in Vestavia Hills Teams Set for 2018 Super 7 State Football Championships Dec. 5-7 All pairings are set for the AHSAA’s seven mont (12-2) vs. Flomaton (11-3) at 11 a.m., classification championship games and Uni- followed by the Class 1A championship fied Game as the 23rd annual Super 7 State game featuring Linden (13-0) versus Mars Football Championships get underway Dec. Hill Bible (13-1) at 3 p.m. Vigor (13-1) and 5 at Auburn University’s Jordan-Hare Stadi- Central-Clay-County (11-3) play in the 5A um. finals at 7 p.m. The Alabama Unified Game, which kicks Friday’s schedule includes the Class 4A off at 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, is partnership finals at 11 a.m., with defending state cham- between the AHSAA and Special Olympics pion UMS-Wright (13-0) meeting Deshler Alabama. Vestavia Hills and Baldwin (9-5) at 11 a.m., followed by the 2A finals County will be playing in the game or the pitting Fyffe (14-0) versus Luverne (13- second straight year. 1) at 3 p.m., and concluding with defend- The Class 7A state championship game ing Class 6A state champion Pinson will kick off the Super 7 finals at 7 p.m., Valley (12-1) facing Saraland (13-1) at 7 Wednesday night with Thompson (11-1) p.m. facing Central-Phenix City (13-0). CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 Thursday’s finals include Class 3A Pied- Teams Set for 2018 Super 7 State Football Championships Dec. 5-7 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 championship games with station infor- mation available at Mars Hill Bible, coached by Darrell Hig- www.pathtotheplayoffs.com. gins, is making its first appearance in the The NFHS Network will also live-stream Super 7 Championships, which began at Le- the Raycom production over its subscriber- gion Field in 1996 as the Super 6. The games based NFHS Network platform. The Uni- moved from Birmingham to a rotation be- fied Game is being produced by the Opelika tween the Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tusca- High School NFHS Network School Broad- loosa and Jordan-Hare Stadium at Auburn in cast Program. 2009. The 23rd Super 7 Championships The AHSAA Radio Network will marks the 10th year of that memorable rota- also broadcast all championship games tion. The AHSAA state football playoffs, over its statewide network of radio and now in its 53rd year, began in 1966. internet affiliates. Producers Randy Higgins’ Panthers began varsity play in Lee and Brett Pritchard will use a va- 2016 finishing 0-10. Now in their third sea- riety of some of the state high school son, the only loss was a one-point setback to radio announcers from around the state Class 4A Brooks in the regular season. Other in the radio booth all week. schools making first appearances in the Su- Instant Replay will be used in all per 7 are Class 3A Flomaton, Class 5A Cen- seven state finals for the first time in tral-Clay County and both Class 7A finalists AHSAA Super 7 state history. – Thompson and Central-Phenix City. The Super 7 pairings: While Central of Clay County is making its first appearance, the two schools that merged in 2012 to form Clay County’s only AHSAA Super 7 Championships current high school, Lineville and Clay At Jordan-Hare Stadium, Auburn County (Ashland), squared off in the first (Home team listed second) Super 6 Class 2A championship game at Le- WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5 UNIFIED GAME gion Field in 1996 with Clay County winning Vestavia Hills vs. Baldwin County, 3:30 p.m. 42-0. Clay County’s win was part of a state- CLASS 7A record 55-game winning streak.
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