LHREF 974.7 Ithaca 1954 Ithaca directory. Manning, US West Marketing For Reference Not to be taken from this room FINANCIAL-BANKS 1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORY-1954 3 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK"\'J of Ithaca, N. Y. AT STATE AND TIOGA STREETS OFFICERS Vice Pres.-Business-Corn VeIf'ity1 IAROLD L. REED ,..,. HENRY ~A • ChalrllUdt of the Board .". PresidentH.' • , 'AUL W. BRAINARD. President M. P. CA It·. 1\ALPH W. MUNGLE Vice President Dean, School of Industr.ial and La~r jEVILLE S. REULEIN Relat ns . l' - Vice President and Trust Officer LEWIS H. .J"..J'Rj 'ND l:;i,CHESTER SARSFIELD Cashier Treasurer, Cornell L .'c·sity J~ES M. GRAY Assistant Cashier DOUGLAS G. a.V."L.~:'r.E GEORGE W. MILLER C. J. Rurrr::::..1"&~' Assistant Cashier CHARL~SJ.KENE~ MENDON W. c;,.q....... Vice President, Morse Chain Co. '~-1t- Trl1~t" O~ "er HAROLD R Lapn""TE f _,,- ~o. ~.c . \,f'~ " t; llverslty L:on Lnv~K~~ KVDll"l~~.ll orarv Ithae..a, New VI,--k CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4 19M-MANNiNG'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954 - - HOME SEEKERS-A community noted for its refined and cultural atmos­ pher? INDUSTRIALISTS-Highly intelligent class of workmen, good labor market, excellent sites for small industry. TOURISTS-A land of lakes and hills, waterfalls and cataracts. STUDENTS-Home of Cornell University, Ithaca College, Cascadilla School and an unsurpassed public school system. SHOPPERS-Over 430 retail stores comparable with stores of cities much larger. FARMERS-Home of G. L. F., Farm Bureau Federation, N. Y. S. College of Agriculture. Serving the entire community through the­ MERCHANTS DIVISION BETTER BUSINESS DIVISION JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TOURIST PROMOTION AND CONVENTION DIVISION OUT-OF-TOWN DIRECTORY LIBRARY SERVICE ITHACA CHAMB[R OF COMM[RCE RICHARD c. GRAM, Exec. Sec. MRS. CHARLES STEWART, Asst. Sec. 210 N. AURORA ST. DIAL 2783 ITHACA, N. Y. DEPARTMENT STORES 19M-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954 5 established in 1882 ... " ./ WE'VE BEEN SERVING ITHACA FOLKS SINCE GRANDPA WAS JUST A LITTLE SHAVER ;:.-tl ·.· AND WE LOVE IT! (f~l' ~(", ~ ;, "-~r we've dressed Ithaca's: Moms - Pops - Babies - Children Career Women - Bach~lors ~ Col~ege.· Crowd - Young Marri~as" :,:' we've furnished Ithaca's: Mansions, Cottages, Apartments, Summer Hon1es, CapeCod Houses, Ranch-Type Houses, Ultra-modern Houses .... We'd Like to Help You, Too! . Dial State & . , . ~ .: Tioga Sts. .. ~ 271 I - LIGHT--POWER 6 1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954_ For Modern Living ... your Electric and Gas "servants" are on the job 24- hours a day, performing dozens of daily jobs for you ... providing you with many extra comforts the clock around. Measure the time they save ... the human energy they conserve ... the new leisure they create ... the added enjoyment they give in just plain living. These are things you can't evaluate in dollars and cents alone because they all add up to something more-something we call Modern Living! Ify,u have any problems £n connection w£th your serVIce, please feelfree to calIon us at any t£me. lEW YORK STATE ~ ELECTRIC & GAS EDUCATIONAL-SCHOOLS 1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORY-1954 7 Serving the Educational Interest of Greater Ithaca .... Ithaca Public Schools A staff of 250 classroom teachers, principal., supervisors, specialists, administrative, busi­ ness and custodial personnel A Comprehensive Educational Program Includi"g: Training in basic skills of reading, writing, and expression Development of traits for happy and useful citizenship Opportunities to explore interests in every area of learning Training for vocations, homemaking, and college entrance Maintenance of sound physical and mental health in all boys and girls Opportunities to pursue vocational and avocational interests in an evening school for all adults Year-round recreational programs for all Some Recent Developments: Driver Education for youth and adults with the cooperation of the American Automobile Association Improved equipment for graphic arts training Varied program in English to include journalism, speech, creative writing, American and world literature Broader program in industrial arts throughout the secondary schools Summer high school MUSIC-MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 8 1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954 LENT'S 210-212 N. TIOGA ST.-DIAL 3496 Establiahed 18" -WE SELL- TELEVISION Television RADIOS RECORDS Victor, Columbia, Decca Capital Radio­ All Labels Ranges Phonographs Water Heaters Dish Washers Disposals Magnavox Home Laundry Equipment Zenith MAGIC CHEF Gas Ranges, General Electric Natural and Bottled Gas RECORDS PIANOS Knabe, Mason One of the most complete stocks of all makes of Hardman, Fischer, phonograph records in the entire country (Minipiano) Peck Winter BENDIX WASHERS & DRYERS IRONRITE IRONERS WE SERVICE Automatic Washers, Ironers, Dryers Refrigerators Radios Radio-Phonographs Television Sets Pianos and All Home Appliances All Our Service General Electric Refrigerators Men are Specialists and Have Worked and other GE Household Appliances for Us for Years BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHERS MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS Phone 3496 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1954-MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORy-1954 A Complete Stock Office Equipment FURNITURE • SUPPLIES Authorized Dealers SMITH CORONA TYPEWRITERS Sold-Rented-Repaired FILING EQUIPMENT - DESKS CHAIRS MOSLER SAFES VISIBLE RECO RD SYSTEMS FILING & STATIONERS' SUPPLIES NATIONAL (Allen-Wales) ADDING MACHINES DICTATING MACHINES DUPLICATING MACHINES Mimeographing 24-hour service SALES-SERVICE-SUPPLIES Ask to see an Installation Everything for the Office Van Natta Office EquiplDent Co., Inc. 128 E. SENECA ST. DIAL 2915 ITHACA, N. Y. RADIO BROADCASTING 10 1954-MANNING'S ITHAcA DIRECTORY-1954 Where liste"crs sather .~. for pleasure as much as purchases fn Ute Iated ~andla~ ;nu4k and aprnU ~anet9~ For ideas that lead to a Fuller, happier community liFe FM AM 870 WHCU 97.3 Owned and Operated by Cornell University Studios: Ithaca Savings Bank Building ITHACA Including Cayuga Heights Village (NEW YORK) DIRECTORY FOR YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY, 1954 CONTAINING General Directory of the Citizens, Classified Business Direc­ tory, Street and House Directory, Map, Record of City Government, Societies, Churches, Etc., County, State and U. S. Governments, Courts Numerical Telephone Locater Including Citizens ia Servic~ in Armed Forces of the United States with Branch of Service VOLUME LII Price $23.50 COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY H. A. MANNING COMPANY 277 STATE STREET SCHENESTADY 5, N. Y. Member It'~"c~ Cham')er of Commerce Menber New England Directory Publishers Association Mem')er Asso:latlo 1 N()rtn A nerica ~ Directory Publhhers Associate Member A1vertlsing FeJeration of America COPYRIGdf 1954 6\'" H. A. ,VI: \.NNL'IG CO. INDE·X TO CONTENTS Abbreviations. ..... 153 Libraries. .. 28 Advantages. .. 16 Location. ........................... 16 Advertisers . 13 Map. ..... .. inside back cover Alphabetical Directorv.... 153 Mercantile Statistics. ........... 18 Altitude of City : .. 17 1\1 ilitary Organizations. ........ 32 Area of City . 17 ,,[ iscellaneous Directory. ... .. 22 Assessed Valuation...... .. 19 IVIiscellaneous Statistics. .............. 21 Benevolent Protective Order Elks . 59 Nationality Statistics. .... .. 18 Blocks, Buildings, Etc . ,'):1-+ New York State Government.. .. .. 126 Branded Goods Numerical Street Directory.......... 399 (See Classified Business Directory) Numerical Telephone Locater. .... -+65 Churches.... .. .. .. .., :W Parks, Playgrounds and Points of City Directory Library . 191 Interest. ..... .. ..... 20 City Government. ....... .. .. 22 Polire Department. ..... .. .. 23 Classified Business Directory . -+95 Population Statistics . 18 Clubs..... 28 Post Offices . 26 County Government . 12ti Religious Institutions. ... .. .. 26 Courts . 127 Schools . 23 Directory Library . 125 Societies, Clubs, Associations Dormitories . 511 (See Miscellaneous Directory) Educational . 19 State Government Financial . 19 (See New York State Government) Fire Department...... 23 Statistics. ............... .. .. 16 Fraternal Organizations . 28 Tompkins County Government . 126 Fraternity Houses. ... 515 Topography. ......... 17 Halls........ ..... 519 Transportation. ... .. .. 20 Historical. ......... .. 17 United States Representatives . 494 Hospitals . 2R United States Senators . 494 Incorporated Companies 126 (See Alphabetical Section) United States Government . Industrial Statistics . 19 Valuation of Taxable Property . 19 Labor Organizations. .. ;30 Viard Boundaries. ... .. 455 RECAPITULATIOI\' New Names Added in Preparing 1954 Directory. 5,825 Old Names Taken Out.... 3,145 Changes of Address, etc. 6,757 Total Number of Changes 15,727 Section 28, Copyright Law In force .July 7, 1909 That any person who wilfully and for profit shall infringe any copyright secured by this act, or who shall knowingly or wilfully aid or abet such infringement. shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not exceeding one year or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars. nor more than one thousand dollar•. or both. in the discretion of the court. 1954--MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORY-1954 ADVERTISERS ABC Exterminating Co top lines Cornell Library Association 133 Ackerman Henry W 106 Cornell Public Library 133 Adams Armand L 129 Corner Book Store 149 Adams Arthur G 118 and 129 Corners C0mmunity Center Inc 64 and 65 Aero l\iayflower Transit Co top lines Cortland Paving Co 79 Albanese Frank 129 Cortright Electric 92 Albanese Plumbing & Heating Co 90 Cosemini's Shoe Store 67 Alby& Sons 78 Courts 127 Ames Welding
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