Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Index to Volume 115 (2007) Bold page numbers indicate illustrations (Issue number 1: 1–160; 2: 161–368; 3: 369–484; 4: 485–630) A by Donna M. Lucey, 593–94 academic libraries, 36 architectural history, 136–38 Act of Toleration (1689), 190 Arendts, Grace, 302–3 Adams, Herbert Baxter, 35 Ariel (horse), 394, 396 Adams, Sean Patrick, 40, 46 Arlington House (Va.), 488, 491, 494, 504, 510 African American bishops, 332 Armstrong, Samuel Chapman, 413–14, 422, 432 African American churches, 261–62, 284, 286, 308–9 Arnold, Benedict, 116 African American culture, 349–50 art, 503 African American ministers, 287, 299, 310 Asbury, Francis, 207 African Americans, 15, 22, 125–27, 140–42 Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, church's mission to, 187, 228, 261–64, 283–89, 20, 24 293–94, 302, 306–9, 337 Athanasian Creed, 209 education of, 348–49 Atkinson, Frank B., Virginia in the Vanguard: Political African American schools, 294, 308, 348–49 Leadership in the 400–Year–Old Cradle of American African American women, 349–50 Democracy, 1981–2006, 598–99 African Education Society of America, 522 Atwell, Joseph, 286 Akinola, Peter, 339 Autocrat (horse), 391 Alderman, Edwin, 64–65, 70, 74–76, 78–80, 91–93, Ayers, Mary Jo, 83 95 Alexandria Gazette, 109 B Allen, George, 598 Babcock, Samuel, 520, 525, 527 Allen, John, 376 The Backcountry Towns of Colonial Virginia, by Alston, William, 383 Christopher E. Hendricks, 445–46 Ambler, John, 214 Bacon, Nathaniel, 9, 16 American Association of University Women, 94 Bacon's Rebellion, 6–9 American Church Institute for Negroes, 287, 312–13, narrative of, 2, 6, 13 316 Bagby, George F., review by, 348–49 American Colonization Society, 227–28, 262, 451–52 Baker, Catherine Carter, 527 American Freedmen's Friend Society, 428 Baker, James, 527 American Revolution, 123–25, 130–33 Balch, Thomas Bloomer, 536, 538 American Sunday School Union, 227 Baliles, Gerald, 598 American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine, 385, Ballard, Robert, 380 389, 390, 397, 399 Balmaine, Alexander, 222 Anderson, Mary Stiles, 527 Baltimore Iron Works, 374 Andrews, Charles, 264 Bancroft, George, 9 Andrus, Joseph, 226, 228 Bannister, John, 184 A New World: England's First View of America, by Kim Baptists, 190–91, 208, 212–13, 251, 263 Sloan, 576–81 Barber, William, 379 Anglo–Catholicism. See High church Episcopalianism Barnard College, 63 Anthony, Mary, 331 Barr, Alice, 67 Appalachia, 595–98 Barr, Stringfellow, 89 archaeology, 443–44 Barrett, Kate Waller, 73 Archdeaconry of the Blue Ridge, 297, 304–6, 310 Barry, Thomas, 391 Archie and Amélie: Love and Madness in the Gilded Age, Basinger, William E., 528 2 The Battle of Hampton Roads: New Perspectives on the Brafferton School, 184, 202 USS Monitor and CSS Virginia, edited by Harold Branch, David, 396 Holzer and Tim Mulligan, 142–43 Branch, Joseph, 73 Bayliss, Mary Lynn, review by, 143–44 Branch, Thomas, 396 Baylor, John, 375–77, 382, 386, 395 Brander, John, 179 Bearss, Sara B., John G. Deal, Donald W. Gunter, Braxton, Carter, 205 Marianne E. Julienne, John T. Kneebone, Brent Breckinridge, James, 59 Tarter, and Sandra Gioia Treadway, eds., Dictionary Breen, Patrick H., review by, 451–52 of Virginia Biography, volume 3 (Caperton– Breitner, Alice Law, 66 Daniels), 352–54 Brewerton, Henry, 534, 539 Beauregard, P. G. T., 115 Bridgewater College, 64 Beleaguered Winchester: A Virginia Community at War, A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of 1861–1865, by Richard R. Duncan, 455–57 Virginia: The 1590 Theodor de Bry Latin Edition, in Bennehan, Richard, 380 Facsimile Form, Accompanied by the Modernized Bennett, Richard, 174–75 English Text, by Thomas Hariot, 576–81 Bercaw, Nancy, 415 Briscoe, Mary, 227 Berkeley, William, 6, 8, 174 Broad Rock races, 390, 392 Bethany Institute, 290 broadsides, 15, 370 Beveridge, William, 189 Broadwater, Jeff, George Mason: Forgotten Founder, Beverley, Robert, 7 447–49 Beverley, Robert, The History and Present State of Brock, Robert Alonzo, 34 Virginia, 6 Broeck, Richard Ten, 397 Billings, Warren M., James C. Kelly, Barbara Clark Brooks, Preston, 264 Smith, Gilles Proulx, and David F. Weber, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, 282 Jamestown, Québec, Santa Fe: Three North American Brotherhood of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 282 Beginnings, 584–85 Brown, Anne Virginia, 426–27 Bishop Payne Divinity School, 287–89, 293, 298, 308, Brown, Ann Marie, 426 312–13 Brown, James, 426 class of 1925, 299 Brown, Orlando, 427 faculty, 299 Brown, Robert E., 37 merger with Virginia Theological Seminary, 313 Brown, Thomas D., 310 Blackburn, Thomas R., 136–38 Brown, William Cabell, 291–92, 294–95, 300 Blair, James, 178, 183–87, 203 Brown v. Board of Education, 314 Bloomfield. See St. Anne's Preventorium Bruce, Kathleen, Virginia Iron Manufacture in the Slave Blue Ridge Industrial School, 304, 306 Era, 46 Blue Ridge Parkway, 458–60 Bruce, Philip Alexander, 18–19, 23, 25 Board of Colored Work, 310 Bruton Parish Church (Williamsburg), 206, 280 Bob (cat), 525 Brydon, George MacLaren, 308, 310 Boles, Mary, 87 Buchanan, James, 222 Bolling, William, 398 Buchanan, John, 208 Bond of Iron: Master and Slave at Buffalo Forge, by Buckley, Thomas E., 48 Charles B. Dew, 40 Buford, Pattie Hick, 285 Book of Common Prayer, 164, 165, 167, 175, 177, Building Houses Out of Chicken Legs: Black Women, 183, 188–89, 204, 206, 220, 278–79, 332, 339 Food, and Power, by Psyche A. Williams–Forson, Confederate, 267 349–50 1928 revision, 292 Bullock, Steven C., review by, 585–86 1979 revision, 332–33, 336 The Burden of Southern History, by C. Vann Book of Homilies, 175 Woodward, 4 Boucher, Jonathan, 190 Burin, Eric, Slavery and the Peculiar Solution: A History Bouquet, Henry, 376 of the American Colonization Society, 451–52 Bowie, Walter, 302 Burk, John Daly, 16 Boyle, Sarah Patton, 315 Burk, John Daly, History of Virginia, 7–8, 14 Bracken, John, 219–20, 222 Burke & Herbert Bank & Trust Company, 487 Bradford, James A. J., 543 Butler, Frances Parke, 519 3 Butler, Pierce, 397 Childe, Edward Vernon, 497–98, 537 Byrne, Frank J., review by, 142–43 Childers (horse), 375 Byron, Lord (George Gordon), 498, 503, 505 Chilton, Samuel B., 311, 318 Byron (horse), 392 Chi Omega Sorority, 93 Christ Church (Norfolk), 279 C Christchurch School (Urbanna), 293 Cabaniss, Sadie, 73 Christian, Edmund, 257 Cadwalader, John, 373, 375, 377 Church Mission Board, 291 Cain, Thomas, 287 Church of the Advocate (Philadelphia, Pa.), 330 Calhoun, John C., 11, 23, 109, 111 Church Pension Fund, 312 Callis, Robert, 379 The Citadel (S.C.), 539 Calvary Mission School (Hanover County), 294 Civil War, 138–40, 142–43, 266–67, 454–58 Calvinism, 166, 171 memoir, 592–93 Camilla (horse), 375 weather, 590–91 Camm, John, 192, 203–4 The Civil War Memoirs of a Virginia Cavalryman: Lt. Campbell, Antoine Lamont, 332 Robert T. Hubard, Jr., edited by Thomas P. Nanzig, Campbell, Charles, 9, 16 592–93 Cappon, Lester J., 36 Civil War Petersburg: Confederate City in the Crucible of Cardinal Puff (horse), 383 War, by A. Wilson Greene, 457–58 Carey, George, 338 Civil War Weather in Virginia, by Robert K. Krick, Carson, James Taylor, review by, 122–23 590–91 Carter, Ann Garland, 72 Claggett, Thomas J., 221 Carter, Bernard, 540, 548 Clark, Adèle, 73 Carter, Charles Henry, 495, 516, 523–24, 526–27, Clark, Kathleen Ann, Defining Moments: African 530, 532–33 American Commemoration and Political Culture in Carter, Fitzhugh, 531 the South, 1863–1913, 140–42 Carter, Hill, 514, 540 Clay, Charles, 191 Carter, Mary Braxton, 514, 540 Clayton, John, 183–85 Carter, Robert Wormeley, 381, 391–92, 398–400 Clement, Jill, 90 Carter, Rosalie Eugenia, 524, 526–27, 532–33 Clinton, Bill, 598 Carter, William Fitzhugh, 515 Coalfield Jews: An Appalachian History, by Deborah R. Caruthers, William A., Cavaliers of Virginia, 11 Weiner, 595–96 Caruthers, William A., Knights of the Horse–Shoe, 11 Cocke, James P., 392 Casper, Scott E., review by, 129–30 Cocke, Louisa Maxwell Holmes, 227 Cassy (slave), 547 Cocke, Stephen, 380–81, 384 Castle Calhoun, 540 Cockspur Island (Ga.), 487, 490, 500 Castle Pinckney (S.C.), 539 assistant engineer's quarters, 501 Cavalier Daily, 97 map of, 500 Cavaliers of Virginia, by William A. Caruthers, 11 Cody, Buffalo Bill, 22 Central Presbyterian, 265 Cogliano, Francis D., Thomas Jefferson: Reputation and Chamberlayne School for Boys (Richmond). See St. Legacy, 346–47 Christopher's School (Richmond) review by, 345–46 Chambers, Douglas B., review by, 123–25 Cohen, Kenneth, "Well Calculated for the Farmer: Chanler, John Armstrong "Archie," 593–94 Thoroughbreds in the Early National Chesapeake, chapels of ease, 185 1790–1850," 370–411 Chapman, Gladys J., 67 Coke, Thomas, 207 Charles II, 181 Colden, Cadwalader R., 397 Chase, Philander, 263 Cold War, 23 Chase, Salmon P., 263 Coleman, Marshall, 599 Chatham (Stafford County), 491 College of William and Mary, 34, 36, 79, 179, 183, Cheek, Alison, 328, 330, 334 192, 202–3, 211, 219, 229, 292 Chevers, Mark, 261 publications of, 19, 29 Childe, Catherine Mildred Lee. See Catherine Mildred Colonial Chesapeake: New Perspectives, edited by Debra Lee Meyers and Melanie Perreault, 446–47 4 colonial churches, 180 506, 511, 518, 521, 525, 534 colonial towns, 445–46 Custis, Jackie, 373 Colonial Williamsburg, 44 Custis, Mary Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 36 engagement letters of, 486–575 colonization, 166–67, 584–85 portrait of, 493, 516 Colored Convocation, 310 religious faith of, 510–11 Colored Missionary Jurisdiction, 307, 309 wedding of, 551 Columbia University, 63 Custis, Mary Lee Fitzhugh, 488, 499, 506, 511, 516, Common Prayer–Book and Tract Society of Virginia, 518, 521–23, 525, 535, 548 226 A Companion to the Font and Pulpit, 252 D Compton, Henry, 176, 178, 181–82, 184 Dabney, Richard, 79 Continental Army, 132–33 Dabney, Richard Heath, 21, 35 Continental Congress, 378 Dale, Thomas, 170 Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Dana, Charles, 264 Virginia (later Council of), (1785) 209, (1789) 211, Daniel, Angela L.
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