• 1en s Published by The Company of Fifers & Drummers, Inc. Dec. 2004 Issue 113 $5.00 Part II Cooperman Rope Tension ~perman Liberty T Model Drum is the culmination of over -rn years experi­ ence in designing and creating rope tension field drums. At our Vermont sawmill, trees are hand selected to be dimension cut and bent to form our solid, one ply shells and hoops. Our Connecticut workshop then hand­ crafts each drum to order, selecting and adjusting each design element with your input to produce your custom Cooperman drum - an instrument fully in command from the muster field to the modern percussion ensemble to the symphony hall. Liberty Drums are instruments designed with state of the art fittings for ultimate sensiti\~ty and sound. Please refer to our 2005 Catalog in the ,l/11,J~/i~·atu.111,., J;,r Pm,,,} ,1/11.,1~· section for our drums that are designed for authentic portrayal of _ _,_ historical music. G-) CCrxptnJlU/i "' CoOPERi., 1.AN' C Oi\-lPA.NY Essex Industrial Park, P.O. Box 276 Centerbrook, CT 06409-0276 USA Tel: 860-767-1779 Fax: 860-767-7017 Email: [email protected] On the \\'eb: www.cooperman.com 2 Ancienffimes New York Regimentals From the 1 ("UC I )3, December ~~ Pubu,hcJ b) 4 President Towpath Volunteers The Company of ll. this has been some year! 2005 5 here we come! I believe that 2005 Fifers & Dn,mmers The Connection-New York - Co1111ectic111 hnplkompanyoftifeanddrum.org will be a transitional year for The 6 falitor: CFO Atlmin1-.u:itn·e Commllli:.! St. Benedic1's F&DC ......._.,__ Company ofFifers and Drummers Art & De,tjgn Director: Oa,c J011t> W - one that reseis the course of our great organization Ad1ert~g \lanagfr: Leo Brennan 8 A!611Ciatr Editors: ML Kisro Ancients with new leadership. good energy and new faces. Donum,k Cuccia. \fatjc Editor The year and the few years prior have been Vin Cleplel. Web,itt and C) bcr\poce Editor 10 2004 Al!Wlda Goodhean. Junior :'ic\1i, Editor In Hopes ofClearing the Air- years of great advances as well as Limes of internal \far\ Log,ck,n. Midwe-.t &lllor 12 struggle. Moving forward, we the membership of BiU ~faling, C1uren1 Events C~m Old Guard Wedding Dm '.liocll Online Ol.ll lntel\icw, The Company must work together 10 heal the Ed 01..cn. Mo Sctoo<, Obi1uane. 13 ~.u,y Sampoon. West Coast EdJtor New Biography ofJohn J. McDonagh wounds and advance the true Ancient spirit of fifing C~lecnS1atlCompanyLl~<011 and drumming. ~eYeromian. Tanlcf .nd Olmnt El'enb COll'CSjX)ndenl 14 ~lembership/Sul&riptioos: Anciem Sryle & Modem Dnimming It seems that over the past few years differences For(QJ)'-. mdt~idU31. or ltfc mcm~p mf01111.1uoo or of ~inion have elevated to a level where respectful Ublllllliooal qit,..cnpuon, 16 - Attn: Mt,nbcr,hip n,e Cotnpan} ofFiftrs & Drummm umcraft Old Timers Night discussion, both verl>al and written has been lacking. Not a P.O. Box 277. hCK}loo,CTQ6.1.12-02TT 17 . '.~ good thing. Corne on folks, we love the music and the e-rn;ul membmlupltcompan)offifeanddrum.org ,\ St niggle ofthe ''American Spirit" r.1 ~: ttl: <~h 767-2337; fax: 1860> 7767-9765 ~,' camaraderie, so let us all put aside our personal agem Editorial: 19 '='..J·L-i• _....-..:.....LJ and do what is best for The Company. For arudc/pltolo ,ubmi,'>Klll>. or quc,.uons: Junior Camp 200./ A1111: 1\nciC1111imc's. P.O. Box m. P.O. Box 277. From my perspective, and considering the recent h Ol)IOO. CT Q6.1.12 -02TT 20 past. there are unresolved issues regarding: the donation of c-nuil: anctcnuune.,@cornpanyolfifcanddrum.org ft 's in the Book 1tl: (8601767-2337: fax· (860> 767-9765 property outside of southern Connecticut. the Stewardship 21 Ad, trtlslng: of the Anciem Times. competition, and the 2005 National For~:ind a,;ulab1lil} conta-t Use & Abuse o(Tax-fire!npt nk• lncirnl limn. P.O. Box 177. 62 Nonh Main SL. Orgamza11ons Muster. The different viewpoints have never been recon­ hOl)ton CT ~2-02n 22 ciled. and as a re:,ult. rifts ha\ e occurred, friendships have The Reg11lars are Coming The Company of falcered. people have fled and mbinfonnation abounds. Fifers fffDrummers 24 Not a good thing. Pmidenl: Joe \1ooney ( '.!()3).188-9735 Patriot's Day Battle email: prcsidcmr«compan)offifcanddrum.org 25 I am saddened by these evenis, and wish that they Fi~ \'icf l'ffiident: Dan ~10)lan (617)232-2360 not. occurred. organiz.ation email: 1irepre,idco1@compan}offifeanddrum.org Fifes and Dnimd and Bugles had But they have, and now the Second \'ice Presidmt: R:indy S!Jd (203) 265-05-13 26 must move forward. to become stronger, more tolerant. Stcrtlal): Semi.II}'. Colleen Stxl(203) 265-05-13 F&D Con11ec1io11s to Reenacting c:m.u.1: colhLlclt aol.oorn more geographically diVCTSe, and more respectful. Treasurer: fad, Do}k (415133-l-5707 28 The building is fine- it~ need some worl:­ email: trea.ureri!'compan)offifeanddrum.org Along the Frontier .\ncient,; Fund: Dan Moywn (617) 232.2360 there will always be a need for the museum - even in a email: jdmimo)l.ln.info 29 international organization and in tomorrow's virtual world. Arthh~luseum Curator: Ed 01\ell (8601 3C)9.65 J9 Random Tho11ghts Facilities Co-~tanagers: "ed O'Bncn <860) 267-82.-0, What the building~ need is more \Oluntecrs to come email: [email protected] 30 Ke, 111 Brov.n 16(,()J 399· 757 Awobiography ofan Old Fifer forward to assist in the at.tivities associated with iL email: ~111>[email protected] Competition is not a threat. It was the life blood of Membership Chair: Bob Cll>lillo (860>455-9417 32 email [email protected] Muffled Dnim prior generations and it continues 10 foster the art of fifing ~tusk Chair: Dominick Cuccia (845)228-2416 email· m11.<1C1.'0!ll0111ttt!dcompanyoffifeanddrum.org 34 and drumming. The Company does not ~ponsor it, but it The Company StOl'I!: Sandy Bidv.eU Re-enactmellls, another lives in the same space by the very nature of its panici­ Tht Comprur)· ofFi/m & Dnonmm. Inc.. side offifing and dnimming CompanrSuw pants. The fact that it may have led to animosities in yes­ P.O. Box m, horyton CT. ~2-02TT 36 email: cornp.1Dy,1crc@compan)offifea11ddrum.org Teaching Adults 10 Drum teryear does not necessarily apply today. Let's gel over it Anri<nt Tllrk'.s is 1Nhli5hci quantrl) b) 711, Ct,mpany of Film & Dnunmm. lnr., ~1U!itW11, Mu,ic Llblv), 37 ... and mend the animositi~ in our own organization. Ho'adquWI\, P.O. Bo~ m. hOl)lon CT. ~2-0m Cil'il War M11Sic School This issue of the Ancient Times continues the (8601767-2237. Th<pubi,c.,tlCII flSS"0091-7176) -«blOlttpiDdl,WJL uNltil· 38 saga of New Yolk fifing and drumming. a rich history­ bOIUI. anJ drum coip, manbel\ throogbllul lhe •1111d inf'ooned Volunteer for Something You lol'e pnrmnl) oa lhe 3'11\~ ol 111duional Amen.:a! ide and drum and with many currently active corps continuing the oorp1 knov,11 as Aoi.'ltfll>- The Coonp111) nwn1.ans • museum and 39 rradition. The bear goes on. enjoy. btalquwn oa IY>o-plu, acn,. h !CCU 10 papdll>IC th< bbloncal Field M11Sic in Floridaj-1 "gruficantt 111d foll. ir>dtt,on\ of Amtn<Jn fJtld lllll>IC aid to f.,.. ttr lhe1p111ot r,nm-wpwongall fifcn lllddrummen. Founded 40 in 1965. 7ltt Cfflll'll') cf Fiftrt d: Dnuoa,r,, lot. 1> a tu• by Joe Mooney, t\fflllll tl~-dtducublt. non-profd rorponllOII Recap ofthe DRAM Preside/II, CFD On The Cover: 11iulrundw of ~ Mt Kisro f&IX. 2 Ancient Tunes e /1\' Frank J. Keenan I have heard live pcr­ fonnance, and recordings n) talc of John ~kDonagh in Hfc & Drum of ··canmal." using other mus1 include much about Thc instruments of course. Rcgimentah. becau-.c McDonagh WAS ~lany \\ere good. Some ·1nc Regimental\". He wa, lhe \\ere great. However. I Founder. Director and dri\ine force don't believe anyone ha, behind the Band\ greatne,,~ e,er ,urpa.,-.ed John's rendi­ My fir;1 recollection of The tions. Reguncntab ,, a,. a., a) oung,1cr. Sc, era! }t:.il'\ after hearing them play during a :-;cw York Sr.ale cham­ that Regimental Re\iew I pmn,hip field day at Jamaica Racetmck. Their hecamc eligible for mem­ competition piece \\a, ··CJem." From that point on ber.hip in The Regimentals I \\a., both a fan and ,m ~piring member Se,erJ.I and began a long. rewarding }curs later. a, a teenager attending a Regimental a,.;.ociation. and clo-.e Re, ie\\. I \\-a., introduced to lhe capabiliti~ of the friendship \\ith John fife a, an in,trumcnt. I was not prepared for ,,hat I McDonagh. heard that e, cnmg. The Regimentals" ere excel­ The Begmning,. lent. In addition to the Band's pcrfonnance num­ Amund 19.54. the organi1.a­ ber\, the Veter.in Fife Club (VFC) played \election, tion be!,:.in .,, The St. from Sigmund Romberg. a Rondo b) Playel, and Benedict , Seruor Fife & V.1riation, on a Theme of Paganini. The VFC. an Drum Corps. The Corps informal duh original!) compri~ of St. An-.clm ·, con,1,tc, i of former mem­ fifcr. John ~kDonagh. Jim McEleney. and Jim bers of St. Benec.J1ct \ and Dnugla,. hy this time included lifer, Bob O'Brien 51. .\n\Clm'sjuniorcorp,.
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