
Axion / Axino Dark Matter BBN constraints and LHC phenomenology Frank D. Steffen Vistas in Axion Physics INT Seattle, April 25, 2012 Outline • Axion DM • Lee-Weinberg curve • decoupling temperature TD • Axino DM scenarios with long-lived staus • BBN constraints: new fPQ limits • LHC phenomenology: probing fPQ Frank D. Steffen (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich) Axion / Axino DM - BBN Constraints and LHC Phenomenology 2 Extremely Weakly Interacting Particles (EWIPs) Extensions of the Standard Model Peccei-Quinn Symmetry & Supersymmetry Axions Axinos Gravitinos 9 9 18 fa >10 GeV fa >10 GeV MPl =2.4 x10 GeV spin 0 1/2 3/2 mass <10 meV ? eV-TeV n n n int. ∝(p/fa) ∝(p/fa) ∝(p/MPl) Frank D. Steffen (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich) Axion / Axino DM - BBN Constraints and LHC Phenomenology 3 Extremely Weakly Interacting Particles (EWIPs) Extensions of the Standard Model Peccei-Quinn Symmetry & Supersymmetry Axions Axinos Gravitinos 9 9 18 fa >10 GeV fa >10 GeV MPl =2.4 x10 GeV spin 0 1/2 3/2 mass <10 meV ? eV-TeV n n n int. ∝(p/fa) ∝(p/fa) ∝(p/MPl) Frank D. Steffen (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich) Axion / Axino DM - BBN Constraints and LHC Phenomenology 3 [Talk by Georg Raffelt] D""EF"36G"$%Lee-W&H5$I"&einber)#$&:"5+$36#2&g Curve for(6J& Axions893#62 8-.901$2345 *+,-./ 01$2345#6$5,7/ 6$5,7/ &'( )'( !"#µ$% !"#$% 8$;<2,.-/ Thermal Relics ~1/fPQ =#>?(@/ )'( &'( Frank D. Steffen (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich) Axion / Axino DM - BBN Constraints and LHC Phenomenology 4 !"#$% !"#:$% !"#$%&'())"*+,&-./&.012342,&-56340 732+(2&36&893#6&.012342,&/:;,&<"(++*",&=>?=@&8A$3*&=BC= 3 1011 TP 2 +0.021 TABLE I: The axion multiplet Φ, the heavy KSVZ quark mul- Ω˜ h = 0.105 0 030 a − . tiplets Q1,2, and the associated quantum numbers considered in this work. 1010 chiral multiplet [TalkU( b1y) GeorgPQ Raff(Selt]U(3)c, SU(2)L)Y 9 f a Bounds on the Peccei-Quinn Scale 10 = Φ = φ + √2Aχstrθoph+ysicalFAxΦionθBθounds 15 +1 (1, 1)0 Fig. 3. 1 fa Summary of astrophysical 0 1 e and cosmological axion limits as dis- 4 GeV Bounds√ from Axion Searches Q1 = Q1 + 2cuqsse1dθin t+he teFxt. 1Thθe bθlack sensitiv--1/2 (3, 1)+eQ ] G 8 meV ity bars indicate the search ranges of ∗ e DM e f V the CAST solar axion search and the V 10 a Q2 = Q2 + √Cosmological2q2θ + F2θθ Axion-1 Bounds/2 (3 , 1)−eQ 12 Cold ADMX search for galactic dark matter e = 10 axions. Light-grey exclusion bars are 1 ADMX very model dependent G 0 1 Astrophysical Axion Bounds [ 3 R 7 G 10 e meV T f V a = 109 1 Peccei-Quinn Scale 0 1 taken to be real by field redefinitions. The phenomeno- 6 2 8 duration 10 G logeVicaCAST l constraint fa ! 6 10 GeV [8–11] thus implies f e Burst V DM × a 106 (electrons) Hot a largelescope e mass hierarchy between the KSVZ (s)quarks and = T 1 cooling 0 1 (photons) 5 1 the weak and the soft SUSY mass scales for y = (1), dwarf events stars 10 G keV O many White e cluster & oo V 3 radiation 10 T 4 stars M e , M mZ, mSUSY . (5) Q1,2 Q Globular GC Laboratory Excess Axion Mass% 4 1987A 1 m 10 10 a SN ma 0.6 meV (10 GeV/fPQ) shows that this axion −4 −3 # 11 10 10 0.01 0.1 1 10 Frank1 D0. Steff0en (Max-Planck-InstituteBefo forr ePhysics,p rMunich)oceedAxioninp g/o Axinop,ul laDMett io- BBNun sConstraintsis rsetillc aandrle lLHClaat Phenomenologivxisioticn taoy dnady5 faorxfinPQo!in1t0erG- eV. The requirement that the neutrino signal of SN 1987IAnwaFs nigot.ex4cestshivelysolid, dashed, and dash-dotted lines show shortenedabycatxiionolonssess putshoes thce limaitrs idofwyn totmha !e10 mdeVe. fiHonweivetr,ion of f = √2 φ in the ma˜[GeV] -2 this limit involves many uncertainties that are difficuTltPto/eqquant2ify so that 6 a7 8 10 Ωa h for TR = 10 , 10 , and 10 !GeV" , respectively. it is somecwhoatnscsheimdatiec. rTehedCASmT seoarcdh eforlssol.ar aBxionys [46i]ncotveers gnerw ating out the heavy KSVZ territory in the parameter plane of ma and gaγγ, buIt na sitghnael wfoPuldQrerpreegseiont n to the right (left) of the respective kink, a conflict with the SN 1987A limit. While this limit certainly suggests that TP (eq) axions mo(resp)laqusuiblyahravke sm,assaes xrelievoannt f-orgclolud doarnk maattner,da saingxle ion-photon interactions 2are FIG. 1: Upper limits on the reheating temperature TR as a in which TR < TD (TR > TD) holds, Ωa h applies -4 argument, measurement or observation is never conclusive. −3 −1 10 In theoDbFStZamiodnel,etdhe liamists frdomewshciter-diwbwarfehcdicoolhinbgbbyaeshedtahovneetshe easffectfive(fLag) rfoarnmgiaansTa,0 and as function of the axino mass mae in scenarios with axino cold PQ PQ axion-electron interaction and those from SN 1987A from−th2e axio0n-nucleon ∝ ' 11 12 13 14 interaction are quite similar. Therefore, axion emissiofn could(fstill pl)ayfoanr ma Ta,0. The gray dotted curve shows dark matter for fa = 10 , 10 , 10 , and 10 GeV (as la- PQ PQ important role as an energy-loss channel of both S∝Neeaqnd 2white dw2arfs and ( for other evolved stars, e.g. asymptotic giant stars. Ωa h fogr higher TR with TR > TD and also indicates beled). For (mae, TR) combinations within th-6 e gray bands, the s a aµν 10 In summary, axions provide a show-case exampleafn=or tuhepfapsceinratliming initter-oanGthe tGhermally produced axion(d6en)sity. TP 2 play between astrophysics, cosmology and paartgicgle physics to solve2some of µν thermally produced axino density Ωe h is within the nomi- L 32eπq 2f a the deepest mysteries at the interface between innerEspvaecenanΩd aouther spsacatea. ys well below the cold dark matter density 2 nal 3σ range (1). For given fa, the region above the associated ΩCDMh2 0.1 (gray horizontal bar) and also below the TP 2 e C#aγγ 2 µν −5 -8 photon density Ω h !2.5 10 (gray thin line) [5] in band is disfavored by Ωae h > 0.126. 10 aγγ = 2 a γFµν#F ×, (7) L the a3llo2wπedffaPQ range (2). There, also the current hot dark matter limits are safely respected [12]. a -10 where G and FµνInacroesmtohloegicgallusoetntin!agsndwitehleTcRtr>omTDa,ganlseotaicxions III. THE CHARGED SLEPTON10 L8OSP CA9 SE 10 11 µν 12 10 10 10 10 10 produced non-thermally before axion decoupling (e.g., in field strength tensoinrflsa,tornesdpeceacytsi)vweillly,bewthheorsmealizduedalrsesaultreinggiinveΩneqh2. a aρσ ρσ 2 a by Gµν = &µνρσGThe a/x2ionacnonddeFnsµatνe fr=om&tµheνρmσisFalignm/2en;t me ech=anism While the TR limits discussed aFbIoGv. e4. Tahreeaxiniodn edepnesintydpeanratmeter from thermal processes however is not affected—independent of the hierarchy be- 6 7 4πα. After 8chiral symmetry breaking, of the LOSP, we turn now to thfeor pThR e=no10mGeenVol(osogliidc),a1ll0yGeV (dashed) and 10 GeV tween T and T —since thermal axion production in the (dash-dotted) and the one from the misalignment mechanism R D ! QGP is negligible!at T " 1 GeV. Thus, the associated attractive case in which the LOSPforisθi a= c1h, 0a.1r,gaendd 0s.0le1p(dtootnted). The density parameters density ΩMIS2h2 02.154θ+2(fz /1012 GeV)7/6 [1, 2, 13] can ˜ for thermal relic axions, photons, and cold dark matter are Caγγ = a6e i PQ (8) l1. To be specific, we focus on the τ1 LOSP case under eq 2 QT∼P/eq 2 indicated respectively by the gray dotted line (Ωa h ), the coexist with Ωa− 3h1 a+ndzis governed by the misalign- the simplifying assumption that the lighter stau 2is purely 2 gray thin line (Ωγ h ), and the gray horizontal bar (ΩCDMh ). ment angle θi as illustrated by the dotted lines in Fig. 4. ‘right-handed,’ τ1 = τR, which is a !good approximation for the models desTchreirbeebyd, tbhye c(o3m)binaantdionToaf bthlee aIx,iown hcoeldredzark=mat- 0 ter condensate with the axions from thermal processes, at least for small tan β. The χ1–τ1 coupling is then dom- m /m 0.56 denotes the ratio of the up and down this critical TR value allows us to extruact andestimate of 2 MIS 2 TP/eq 2 inated by the bino coupling. For further simplicity, we ' Ωah = Ωa h + Ωa h , give the analog of a Lee– ! ! the axion decoupling temperature TqDu. aWrekfimndatshsaet so.urTheWecinobrerregscpuorvned. inTagkiningtinertoacatcicoounnst othfearxelaintioons be- also assume that the lightest neutnruamlienricoalisresaultps uarreewbellindoes:cribed by ! ! with gluons and gltuwienenofsPgQ aanrdemoab, thaisiniseedxaactslydtehsectrypibe eodf cubryve that 0 can be inferred from Fig. 4. Here our calculation of ther- χ1 = B. f 2.246 T 9.6 106 GeV PQ . (15) mal ax2ion production in the QGP allows us to cover for We consider SUSY hadronic axion moDdels in which 10 gs µ ν a a ≈ × !10 GeV" ee the first t!ime¯also cosmological settings with TR < TD. agg = i 2 a γ5 [γ , γ ] g Gµν (9) the int!eraction of the axion multiplet Φ with the heavy L 6W4eπarfe agrateful to Thomas Hahn, Josef Pradler, Georg ! In a previous study [3], the decoupling of axions that KSVZ quark multiplets Q1 and Q2 is described by the Raffelt, and Javier Redondo for valuable discussions. were in thermal equilibrium in the QGP was calculated. This research was partially supported by the Cluster of superpotential When following [3] but including (1a4n),dweasfinudstehdat itnhethe derivatio!n of (2). ! Excellence ‘Origin and Structure of the Universe.’ temperature at which the axion yield fIrnomRth-epramrailtpyroc-onserving settings in which the τR LOSP WPQ = yΦQ1Q2 (3) eq cesses started to differ by more thanis5%thfroemNYaLSaPgr,eesits lifetime ττe is governed by the decay basically with (15).
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