287 Bioscience Journal Original Article A WILLING EXISTENCE: THE CARE OF THE MOTHER TO THE CHILD/ADOLESCENT WITH CEREBRAL PALSY UMA EXISTÊNCIA SOLÍCITA: O CUIDADO DA MÃE À CRIANÇA/ADOLESCENTE COM PARALISIA CEREBRAL Vera Lucia FREITAG¹; Viviane Marten MILBRATH²; Danieli Samara FEDERIZZI³; Indiara Sartori DALMOLIN4; Zaira Letícia TISOTT5 1. Teacher of Nursing at the University of Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ). Doctoral Student in Nursing, Graduate Program in Nursing. (PPGEnf), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Master in Health Sciences. Nurse. Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. Email: [email protected]. 2. Teacher Nursing Course and PPGEnf at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel). PhD in Nursing from UFRGS. Nurse. RS, Brazil. 3. Specialist in Pediatrics and Obstetrics. Nurse. Paraná, Brazil. 4. Doctoral Student in Nursing at PPGEnf, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Master in Nursing at UFSC. Paraná, Brazil. Doctoral Student in Nursing at PPGEnf / UFRGS. Master in Nursing. RS, Brazil. ABSTRACT: To understand the care of the mother to the child/adolescent with cerebral palsy. A qualitative study with a hermeneutical phenomenological approach based on Heidegger and Ricoeur. It was developed with ten mothers of child/adolescent with cerebral palsy who attend an Association of Parents and Friends of Special of a city located in the north of the State of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. The information was collected through the phenomenological interview, from April to June 2015 and was interpreted with the hermeneutics of Ricoeur. The results showed that the mother of the child/adolescent with cerebral palsy reorganized her life in order to dedicate herself exclusively to the care of the child, offering her the maximum of existential possibilities. The being-in-the-world of these mothers is to be-with the child in a bond so intense that the mother in many moments is understood as part of the corporality of the son. Due to the range of complex care that the mother dedicates to the child/adolescent with cerebral palsy, it is necessary that the health professionals, especially the nurse, put themselves in the presence of the mother, and taking care of it as a way of being in care. KEYWORDS: Cerebral Palsy. Child Care. Adolescent Health. Mothers. Hermeneutics. INTRODUCTION such care, because they consider their essential advocate (PEREIRA et al., 2014). The family, especially the mother of the The care offered to children is a complex child/adolescent with cerebral palsy, is exposed act, which result from factors such as culture, beliefs there are various manifestations in the day-to-day, and experiences of the mother (AHMADIZADEH et which cause anguish, as the eyes of the people on al., 2015). The presence is a loved that, being, is the street and the questions related to the child who already at stake his own being, in this case the child lives under this condition. There is a rupture of the with cerebral palsy. In the ontological constitution social contacts, since the majority of mothers is no of understanding, it is evident the area in the game, longer working, studying and even perform leisure as the being who is projected for the able-to-be- activities, depending on the care of the child, fact more-oneself, i.e., the mother caregiver must make that significantly changes the dynamics of the lives adjustments in her daily care to be able to be with of these women. With the abandonment of these the being cared of (HEIDEGGER, 2013). activities, they forget their desires and dreams, The implications of the demands of the channeling their energies and efforts toward the mothers caregivers of children/adolescents with provision of care to the child (ALMEIDA; special needs, as well as the way in which women RABINOVICH, 2014). face the situation is directly related to their social The being-in-the-world of these mothers is and cultural context. These pass through various permeated by the childcare. However, simple daily approaches, such as the escape, of active, care to the child/adolescent can generate difficulties confrontation, anxiety and seek different ways of and ambiguous feelings, both by the limitations of dealing with the situation, trying to make it less the child, and the emotional confusion experienced stressful and less harmful to their well-being. by the mother, who assumes full responsibility for In this sense, the mothers are daily challenged to balance various demands as frequent Received: 150/5/18 Biosci. J., Uberlândia, v. 36, n. 1, p. 287-294, Jan./Feb. 2020 Accepted: 10/02/19 http://dx.doi.org/10.14393/BJ-v36n1a2020-41883 288 A willing existence… FREITAG, V. L. et al. medical visits, hospitalizations, surgeries, therapy think of care strategies able to assist this woman sessions and intensive domiciliary rehabilitation both in care for the child as in her self-care. It is to schemes, with the demands of care of their other look for that child/adolescent and his mother as children, marriage and professional life. These human beings entered into the world, that demands often generate a workload in the lives of experience in a unique way the vulnerability to exist these women; however, are seeking to meet all these as a human being. demands, especially those who believe that will In this context, we elaborated the following benefit the child with special needs (BURKHARD, guiding question: How does the mother take care of 2013). children/adolescents with cerebral palsy? The Cultural expectations as to gender, family objective of this study was to understand the care of relationships, domestic work and child rearing that mother to child/teenager with cerebral palsy. permeate the society make that mothers give themselves to the care of children, even though this MATERIAL AND METHODS denial materializes in the form of voluntary sacrifice. The mother, many times, transcends the This is a qualitative research in the light of a limits, in favor of the welfare of the phenomenological-hermeneutic approach, based on child/adolescent, as well as the whole family. Heidegger and Ricouer (RICOEUR, 1978; However, when workloaded, stressed or worn out, HEIDEGGER, 2013). It was developed in the can present health problems, such as tiredness, Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional irritability and impotence (DEHGHAN et al., 2016) Children (APAE) of a municipality located in the that leads to social isolation, in the development of northern region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, deep stress, depression and a reduction in quality of with the participation of ten mothers and caregivers life (AHMADIZADEH, MOKHLESIN, 2014; of children in pre-school age last year, children from AHMADIZADEH et al., 2015). 5-12 years old and adolescents aged 13-18 years old The psychological and physical health of the according to the Statute of the Child and Adolescent caregivers can be strongly influenced by the severity (ECA) with special needs resulting from cerebral of impairment of cerebral palsy and the demand for palsy. care. Thus, the process of taking care of the child The collection of information was carried together with the growth of the responsibilities that out by the main researcher, in the period from April this function promotes, you can reduce your free to June 2015, using the phenomenological interview time, change your professional situation and raise guided by the question: You can tell me how to care the financial load, as well as lead to tiredness, for a child (child/adolescent) with cerebral palsy, isolation, frustration, workload and stress of being at six in the domicile of participants and four caregivers. In this way, the mother of the in the APAE, with an average duration of 50 child/adolescent with cerebral palsy alters her life minutes. For the interpretation of the information according to the comfort of the child, starting not to used to Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutic (RICOUER, develop her social roles (CZUPRYNA, 1978). NOWOTNY-CZUPRYNA, 2014). The inclusion criteria were: to be the mother Another important factor is the dialog and caregiver of the child/adolescent with special between health professionals and mothers. This care needs resulting from cerebral palsy; the is so fragile, with the use of technical terms that child/adolescent age between 5 and 19 years old; make it impossible in many moments an attend the study site; not be traveling or away from understanding. In addition, mothers face difficulties the institution during the period of collection of on a day to day basis, how to feed the information; and the mother have age greater than or child/adolescent, helping to move, care with equal to 18 years old. Moreover, as exclusion hygiene, follow the treatments, among other criteria: present difficulty in verbal communication. activities (MILBRATH, 2013; PEREIRA et al., There were respected the ethical precepts 2014). The mother of the child/adolescent with established by Resolution N 466/12 of the National special needs live a daily workload, with the Health Council of the Ministry of Health (BRASIL, responsibility of taking care of other children and 2012) The project was approved by the Medical also take account of domestic demands. School of the Federal University of Pelotas/RS - Now, it emphasizes the importance of the Brazil, by detailed opinion N 1,001.573 on 26th nursing staff to understand the complexity that March 2015. In order to keep the anonymity of the concerns the be-mother and caregiver of a participants were represented by the letter “M” is child/teenager with cerebral palsy, so that you can Biosci. J., Uberlândia, v. 36, n. 1, p. 287-294, Jan./Feb. 2020 http://dx.doi.org/10.14393/BJ-v36n1a2020-41883 289 A willing existence… FREITAG, V. L. et al.
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