Schedule: What is important during the time around birth? Information for (expectant) Parents in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Schedule: What is important during the time around birth? Information for (expectant) parents in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Are you pregnant or a father-to-be? You have recently had a baby? The (imminent) birth of your child involves many exciting changes in your daily life. As there are also a lot of things which need to be prepared during the time around birth, we want to assist you with this brochure in keeping track. The schedule “What is important during the time around birth?” gives an overview of the things you have to take into consideration during pregnancy and after giving birth to your baby and the things you have to take care of. You will also learn when and where you may apply for which kind of financial and material assistance and what documents you will require. Checklist before birth To do: When? Where? Look for a gynaecologist as from the beginning of pregnancy Internet Free gynaecological prenatal care (including the issuance of as from the beginning of pregnancy Zentrum für sexuelle Gesundheit und the Mutterpass (maternity card) and social counselling for Familienplanung (Centre for Sexual women WITHOUT health insurance cover. Health and Family Planning) Look for a midwife as from the beginning of pregnancy Internet / Berliner Hebammenliste Health (list of midwives in Berlin) Look for a birth centre / register for birth during pregnancy birth centre Look for a paediatrician’s surgery for the child examina- during pregnancy Internet tions/check-ups Inform your employer about your pregnancy no deadline employer Job Apply for parental leave 7 weeks before the beginning of the parental employer leave at the latest Notarise acknowledgement of paternity before or after birth Jugendamt (Youth Welfare Office) or Standesamt (Civil Registry Office) Submit custody statement before or after birth Jugendamt Authorities Apply for maternity allowance Submit certificates of paternity 7 weeks before health insurer and employer giving birth at the latest Apply for benefits from the JobCenter or Sozialamt Additional needs allowance and maternity JobCenter or Sozialamt (Social Welfare Office), Apply for additional needs clothes as from the 13th week of pregnancy allowance for pregnant women / maternity clothes / Baby equipment: 2 – 3 months before the Finance allowance for baby equipment expected date of birth Apply for funding by the Foundation ”Hilfe für die Familie – If possible during the first months of pregnancy counselling centre for pregnant Schwangere in Not“ (“Family Assistance – Pregnant Women women in need of assistance” 1 Checklist after giving birth To do: When? Where? Take child to regular check-ups as from birth paediatrician’s surgery Take out health insurance for your child as from birth health insurance Use service offers provided by the Kinder- und Jugend- after birth Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitsdienst gesundheitsdienst (Children‘s and Young People’s Health Healthcare Service) Use service offers of Frühe Hilfen (Early Prevention) after birth family centres Attend postnatal exercise course after birth midwife’s practice or family centres Register with the Standesamt (Civil Registry Office) within one week after birth Standesamt (Civil Registry Office) Register your child at the Einwohnermeldeamt automatically done by the Standesamt (Residents’ Registration Office) (Civil Registry Office) Counselling on maintenance and custody if needed Jugendamt (Youth Welfare Office) Authorities Look for a Kita (nursery) place as early as possible Internet / Jugendamt (Youth Welfare Office) Apply for a Kitagutschein ( Kita voucher) 9 – 2 months before the beginning of child care Jugendamt (Youth Welfare Office) Apply for Kindergeld (child benefit) after birth Familienkasse (Family Benefits Office) Apply for Kinderzuschlag (child allowance) if needed as from birth Familienkasse (Family Benefits Office) Apply for Elterngeld (parental allowance) within the first 3 months after birth Jugendamt (Youth Welfare Office) Apply for Betreuungsgeld (childcare subsidy) normally as from the 15th month Jugendamt (Youth Welfare Office) Apply for Wohngeld (housing benefit) if needed Bürgeramt (Citizens’ Office) Finance Apply for Arbeitslosengeld II (unemployment benefit II) if needed JobCenter Apply for Unterhaltsvorschuss (maintenance if needed Jugendamt (Youth Welfare Office) allowance advance) Apply for Haushaltshilfe (household help) if needed (including during pregnancy) health insurance 2 Before birth You can organise many things even before your baby is born. Try to organise as many things as possible at an early stage to have more time for yourself and your family after your baby is born. Counselling for pregnant women If you have any questions regarding pregnancy, family planning or partnership, you can get information and advice at a counselling centre for pregnant women. You can find contact partners at the following institutions: • Counselling for pregnant women at the Zentrum für sexuelle Gesundheit und Familienplanung (Centre for Sexual Health and Family Planning): Urbanstr. 24, 10967 Berlin, phone number 90 298 8363 • Schwangerschafts- und Familienberatungsstelle der Caritas (Caritas Counselling Centre for Pregnant Women and Families): Prinzessinnenstr. 20, 10969 Berlin, phone number 666 333 25 • Albatros-Lebensnetz gGmbH Counselling Centre for Pregnant Women and Families: Petersburger Platz 3, 10249 Berlin, phone number 449 63 83 To do: Details: When? Where? Required Documents Health Look for a Preventive check-ups are provided for at as from the beginning www.kvberlin.de • health insurance card gynaecologist regular intervals during pregnancy. of pregnancy (> Arztsuche > Frauenheil- They are part of the health insurers’ range kunde und Geburtshilfe) of services and do not have to be paid (in German) extra. Preventive check-ups are offered by gy- naecologists or midwives. The Mutterpass (maternity card) is also issued during these appointments. 3 Before birth To do: Details: When? Where? Required Documents Health Look for a midwife All women are entitled to support by a as from the begin- www.berliner-hebammenliste.de • health insurance • counselling during midwife during pregnancy and during the ning of pregnancy www.hebammensuche.de card pregnancy / pre- first weeks after giving birth. www.hebammenruf-berlin.de ventive check-up The midwife can perform all preventive www.kidsgo.de • prenatal classes check-ups during pregnancy except for Zentraler Hebammenruf • postnatal care ultrasonic screens. She also issues the (Central Midwives’ Hotline): • postnatal exercise Mutterpass (maternity card). phone number 214 27 71 courses The costs are borne by the health insu- rance. If needed: The family midwife gives advice and looks as from the begin- Contact: family midwife after women and families during ning of pregnancy Ms. Dallmann pregnancy, birth and the baby’s first year phone number 90 298 2805 if there are any health problems as well [email protected] as in stressful life situations. Ms. Maskow phone number 0157 774 198 69 [email protected] If needed: The visiting parental assistants look after as from midterm of Contact: Visiting parental expectant mothers and parents when they the pregnancy Ms. Al-Suadi assistants are starting a family. phone number 288 37 499 The visiting parental assistants provide [email protected] social counselling and support in direct dealings with the authorities so as to crea- te a good start for the baby. 4 Before birth To do: Details: When? Where? Required Documents Health Look for a birth The birth clinics offer regular information during pregnancy Birth Centres • Mutterpass centre / register for evenings for expectant parents. Vivantes Klinikum Am Urban (maternity card) birth If you want to give birth at home, you will Dieffenbachstraße 1 • health insurance card have to look for a midwife in due time who 10967 Berlin will attend the birth. phone number 130 22 5601 www.berliner-hebammenliste.de Vivantes Klinikum im Friedrichshain Landsberger Allee 49 10249 Berlin phone number 130 23 1442 Geburtshaus Kreuzberg Graefestraße 88 10967 Berlin phone number 694 093 77 Look for a The U1 (1st child check-up) and mostly also Child check-ups are very www.kvberlin.de paediatrician’s the U2 (2nd child check-up) are mostly important. This is why (> Arztsuche > Kinder- und surgery for the child done by the birth centre. you should look for a Jugendmedizin) (in German) check-ups Some paediatrician’s surgerys also offer paediatrician’s surgery Familienwegweiser (Family home visits. already during your Directory) Friedrichshain- pregnancy and ask for The subsequent child check-ups (U3 – U9) Kreuzberg available appointments. are carried out at the paediatrician’s surgery’s surgery. 5 Before birth To do: Details: When? Where? Required Documents Job Inform your no deadline, but employer • certificate by the gynae cologist employer about as early as possible or the midwife your pregnancy to ensure that the maternity provisions are complied with Apply for www.bmfsfj.de (> Familie > Elterngeld/ 7 weeks before the employer • informal application in writing parental leave Elternzeit > Alles Wissenswerte zur Eltern- beginning of parental zeit im Überblick) (in German) leave at the latest Authorities Notarise The acknowledgement of paternity is advisable before Jugendamt Familienservice- • identity cards / passports of acknowledge- necessary for parents who are not married
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