公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/88 公布日期 Publication Date:30-07-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 接納註冊 (摘要) Acceptance for Registration (Summary) 香港特別行政區政府知識產權署商標註冊處 Trade Marks Registry, Intellectual Property Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 接納註冊 (摘要) 商標註冊處處長已根據《商標條例》(第 559 章)第 42 條,接納下列商標的註冊申請。現根據《商標條例》第 43 條 及《商標規則》(第 559 章附屬法例)第 15 條,公布申請的詳情。 根據《商標條例》第 44 條及《商標規則》第 16 條,任何人擬就下列商標的註冊提出反對,須在本公告公布日期起計 的三個月內,採用表格第 T6 號提交反對通知。(例如,若果公布日期爲 2003 年 4 月 4 日,則該三個月的最後一日 爲 2003 年 7 月 3 日。)反對通知須載有反對理由的陳述及《商標規則》第 16(2)條所提述的事宜。反對人須在提交 反對通知的同時,將該通知的副本送交有關申請人。 有關商標註冊處處長根據商標條例(第 43 章)第 13 條/商標條例(第 559 章)附表 5 第 10 條所接納的註冊申請,請到 http://www.gld.gov.hk/cgi-bin/gld/egazette/index.cgi?lang=c&agree=0 檢視電子憲報。 ACCEPTANCE FOR REGISTRATION (SUMMARY) The Registrar of Trade Marks has accepted the following trade marks for registration under section 42 of the Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap. 559). Under section 43 of the Trade Marks Ordinance and rule 15 of the Trade Marks Rules (Cap. 559 sub. leg.), the particulars of the applications are published. Under section 44 of the Trade Marks Ordinance and rule 16 of the Trade Marks Rules, any person who wishes to oppose the registration of any of these marks shall, within the 3- month period beginning on the date of this publication, file a notice of opposition on Form T6. (For example, if the publication date is 4 April 2003, the last day of the 3- month period is 3 July 2003.) The notice of opposition shall include a statement of the grounds of opposition and the matters referred to in rule 16(2). The opponent shall, at the same time as he files the notice of opposition, send a copy of it to the applicant of the application in question. For applications for registration accepted by the Registrar of Trade Marks under section 13 of the Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap. 43)/section 10 of Schedule 5 to the Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap. 559), please view e-gazette at http://www.gld.gov.hk/cgi- bin/gld/egazette/index.cgi?lang=c&agree=0. 1/135 公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/88 公布日期 Publication Date:30-07-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 接納註冊 (摘要) Acceptance for Registration (Summary) [210] [540] [511] [730] [740 / 750] 商標申請編號 商標文字及圖像 類別編號 擁有人姓名/名稱: 送達地址: Application Trade Mark Text Class(es) Applicant's Name Address for Service No. and Image No(s). 303912110 Indofood 30 PT INDOFOOD SUKSES MAYER BROWN MAKMUR TBK 16th-19th Floors, Sudirman Plaza - Prince's Building Indofood Tower 10 Chater Road, 27th/Fl., Central Jl. Jend. Sudirman HONG KONG Kav.76-78 Jakarta Selatan, INDONESIA 304675672 MUSAISYOKU 無彩色 9,17 Kabushiki Kaisha EMILY YIP & CO LIMITED Polatechno 1st Floor, Kingsfield (Polatechno Co., Centre Ltd.) 18 Shell Street, 192-6, Aza Fortress Hill Shimogawara, Inamasu, HONG KONG Itakura-ku, Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture 944-0101, JAPAN 305039433 NEBBIA 25,35 NEBBIA SK s.r.o. C&H IP LAW LIMITED Grosslingova 17, 8/F., China Hong Kong Bratislava 811 09, Tower, SLOVAKIA 8-12 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 305079998 ONE/SIZE 3 Pogi Beauty LLC Peter Shen & Co. Ltd. 3800 NE 1st Avenue, Suite 801, 8th Floor, 6th floor, K. Wah Centre Miami, Florida 33137 191 Java Road, North UNITED STATES OF Point AMERICA HONG KONG 2/135 公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/88 公布日期 Publication Date:30-07-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 接納註冊 (摘要) Acceptance for Registration (Summary) 305103549 4,8,11, Glaze Fortune (HK) CHAN, TANG & KWOK 19,22, Limited Rooms 2503-04, 25/F., 23,37, 15/F., BOC Group Life Shanghai Industrial 40 Assurance Tower, Investment Building, No. 136 Des Voeux 48-62 Hennessy Road, Road Central, Wanchai, Central, HONG KONG HONG KONG 305134851 U BEAUTY 3 SKB, LLC ROBIN BRIDGE & JOHN 3737 Ortega Boulevard LIU Jacksonville, FLORIDA 6th Floor, Emperor 32210 Commercial Centre, UNITED STATES OF 39 Des Voeux Road AMERICA Central, HONG KONG 305218083 W SUPER WINNER 16 BESTIME INTERNATIONAL IPMS CONSULTANTS 1976 年創刊 大勝馬 TRADING LIMITED LIMITED 經 Unit 2004B, 20/F, UNIT 2004B, 20/F, Tower 5, China Hong TOWER 5, CHINA HONG Kong City, KONG CITY, 33 Canton Road,Tsim 33 CANTON ROAD, TSIM Sha Tsui, Kowloon, SHA TSUI, KOWLOON, HONG KONG HONG KONG 305223735 大勝 馬經 16 BESTIME INTERNATIONAL IPMS CONSULTANTS TRADING LIMITED LIMITED A Unit 2004B, 20/F, UNIT 2004B, 20/F, Tower 5, China Hong TOWER 5, CHINA HONG Kong City, KONG CITY, 33 Canton Road,Tsim 33 CANTON ROAD, TSIM Sha Tsui, Kowloon, SHA TSUI, KOWLOON, HONG KONG B HONG KONG 3/135 公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/88 公布日期 Publication Date:30-07-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 接納註冊 (摘要) Acceptance for Registration (Summary) C 305240547 K11 MUSEA 35,36, NEW WORLD DEVELOPMENT HOGAN LOVELLS 41,43 COMPANY LIMITED 11th Floor, One 30th Floor, New World Pacific Place Tower, 88 Queensway 18 Queen's Road HONG KONG Central, HONG KONG 305267746 8 SUPER WINNER 16 BESTIME INTERNATIONAL IPMS CONSULTANTS RACING BOOKLET TRADING LIMITED LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT Unit 2004B, 20/F, UNIT 2004B, 20/F, 1976 年創刊 大勝 賽 Tower 5, China Hong TOWER 5, CHINA HONG 馬年鑑 專業。準確。 Kong City, KONG CITY, 贏馬第一 最新從化試 33 Canton Road,Tsim 33 CANTON ROAD, TSIM Sha Tsui, Kowloon, 閘圖、賽事走位圖、即 SHA TSUI, KOWLOON, HONG KONG 次賽後評、終點直鏡圖 HONG KONG 305268114 liveturf 27,35 Greenbelt Landscape & TMCR INTELLECTUAL Engineering Company PROPERTY LIMITED A Limited(綠茵園園藝工程 Unit 2505, 25/F., 有限公司) Billion Plaza, B Workshop 1203, Kwong 8 Cheung Yue Street, Kin Trade Centre, Cheung Sha Wan, No. 5 Kin Fat Street, Kowloon, Tuen Mun, New HONG KONG Territories, HONG KONG 305319009 KRYPTON 28 青島克洛菲特工貿有限公司 港智國際知識產權代理有限公 (Qingdao Krypton 司 Industry & Trade 香港 Co.,ltd) 4/135 公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/88 公布日期 Publication Date:30-07-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 接納註冊 (摘要) Acceptance for Registration (Summary) 中國 上環德輔道中 272-284 號 山東省青島市城陽區夏莊街 興業商業中心 5 樓 505 室 道 鐵騎山路 400 號 305334499 AVENUES WORLD 41 AVENUES WORLD HOGAN LOVELLS ELEMENTS HOLDINGS, LLC 11th Floor, One 11 EAST 26TH STREET, Pacific Place 17TH FLOOR, 88 Queensway NEW YORK, NY 10010, HONG KONG UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 305363352 ANT 9,42 Advanced New SIMMONS & SIMMONS Technologies Co., 30th Floor, One Taikoo Ltd. Place Cayman Corporate 979 King’s Road, Centre, 27 Hospital HONG KONG Road, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-9008, CAYMAN ISLANDS 305370273 CERTUS 16 SICPA HOLDING SA OLDHAM LI & NIE Avenue de Florissant SOLICITORS 41 503, St. George's 1008 Prilly Building, SWITZERLAND 2 Ice House Street, Central, HONG KONG 305389453 + Pro-U 3,5 JACOBSON MEDICAL JACOBSON MEDICAL (HONG (HONG KONG) LTD. KONG) LTD. A 15/F CHINA TRADE 15/F CHINA TRADE CENTRE, CENTRE, 122-124 WAI YIP 122-124 WAI YIP B STREET, KWUN TONG, STREET, KWUN TONG, KOWLOON, KOWLOON, HONG KONG HONG KONG 5/135 公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/88 公布日期 Publication Date:30-07-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 接納註冊 (摘要) Acceptance for Registration (Summary) 305408280 Pebble 11,21 doTERRA Holdings, LLC VOXASIA CONSULTING 389 South 1300 West, LIMITED Pleasant Grove, Utah 20TH FLOOR, CENTRAL 84062 TOWER UNITED STATES OF 28 QUEEN'S ROAD, AMERICA CENTRAL HONG KONG 305419495AA HSRSystem 3 BJ HOLDINGS CO.,LTD. CHINA SINDA (BJ HOLDINGS 株式會社) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Linx Build, 390 LIMITED Banchi, Marushin-cho, Suite 3301, One Kita-ku, Nagoya 462- Exchange Square, 0063, Central, JAPAN HONG KONG 305420097 Tree and Branch 18,25 慕迪有限公司 慕迪有限公司 香港 香港 新界葵涌葵喜街 38 號 新界葵涌葵喜街 38 號 都會坊 10 樓 1007 室 都會坊 10 樓 1007 室 305425948 U21 UNIVERSITAS 35 Universitas 21 LBG DEACONS 21 Universitas 21 5th Floor, Secretariat Alexandra House Strathcona 109 Uni of Central Birmingham HONG KONG Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT UNITED KINGDOM 305439349 TalentStyles 35 Adecco Group AG SPRUSON & FERGUSON Bellerivestrasse 30 (HONG KONG) LIMITED 8008 Zürich 5001 Hopewell Centre SWITZERLAND 183 Queen's Road East, 6/135 公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/88 公布日期 Publication Date:30-07-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 接納註冊 (摘要) Acceptance for Registration (Summary) Wan Chai HONG KONG 305443632 MARIPOSA 32 Monster Energy Gallant Company 5/F Jardine House, 1 Monster Way, 1 Connaught Place, Corona, California Central, 92879, HONG KONG UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 305443821AB hello 36 Hang Lung Properties ROBIN BRIDGE & JOHN (Trade Marks) Limited LIU 21/F., 6th Floor, Emperor 4 Des Voeux Road Commercial Centre, Central, 39 Des Voeux Road HONG KONG Central, HONG KONG 305451651 H HOMEFUND by 6,9,11, The Hongkong Land The Hongkong Land Hongkong Land 14,16, Company, Limited Company, Limited 18,19, 8th Floor, One 8th Floor, One A 25,28,3 Exchange Square, Exchange Square, 5, 8 Connaught Place, 8 Connaught Place, 36,37, HONG KONG HONG KONG 39,41, 42,43,4 B 5 C D 7/135 公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/88 公布日期 Publication Date:30-07-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 接納註冊 (摘要) Acceptance for Registration (Summary) 305454883 H H 置地公司 家基金 6,9,11, The Hongkong Land The Hongkong Land 14,16, Company, Limited Company, Limited A 18,19, 8th Floor, One 8th Floor, One 25,28,3 Exchange Square, Exchange Square, 5, 8 Connaught Place, 8 Connaught Place, 36,37, HONG KONG HONG KONG B 39,41, 42,43,4 5 C D 305460813 9,14, LUOXO LTD. WILKINSON & GRIST 16,35,3 3601 W50, 6th Floor, Prince's A 7, 50 Wong Chuk Hang Building, 41,42, Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Chater Road, Central, 43 HONG KONG HONG KONG B 305460822 LUOXO 9,14, LUOXO LTD. WILKINSON & GRIST 16,35,3 3601 W50, 6th Floor, Prince's A 7, 50 Wong Chuk Hang Building, 41,42, Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Chater Road, Central, B 43 HONG KONG HONG KONG C 8/135 公報編號 Journal No.: 2021/88 公布日期 Publication Date:30-07-2021 分項名稱 Section Name: 接納註冊 (摘要) Acceptance for Registration (Summary) 305462046 La Manna 29 健康之路有限公司 (THE CHINA KIMFONE BUSINESS PATH OF HEALTH LIMITED LIMITED) 香港 香港 九龍旺角花園街 2-16 號 九龍官塘成業街 號 27 好景商業中心 1605 室 日昇中心 M 樓 M5 室 305462776 PANGAIA 3,5,18, Pangaia Materials ROBIN BRIDGE & JOHN 25,35, Science Ltd LIU 40 Sheraton House, Lower 6th Floor, Emperor Road, Commercial Centre, Chorleywood, 39 Des Voeux Road Hertfordshire, WD3 Central, 5LH, HONG KONG UNITED KINGDOM 305466259 BOND 9,14, IMPOSSIBLE LABS KANGXIN IP LIMITED 42 LIMITED 812 Silvercord, Tower FLAT 3, 17-18 CLERE 1, STREET, 30 Canton Road, LONDON, EC2A 4LJ Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, UNITED KINGDOM HONG KONG 305473486 匠心营造 32 華潤雪花啤酒(中國)有限 BENNY KONG & TSAI 公司 Unit 19B, Overseas 中國 Trust Bank Building 北京市東城區 No.
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